This is my new rules for Power Armor. Good for your Sci-Fi setting of choice, or with a bit of refluffing, could easily be reworked into rules for Mecha or fantasy power armor.
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artist unknown, from here |
Power Armor:
There are cultures out there who value honor and fairness when they wage war, preferring to keep their conflicts civil and polite as possible. Some even make war a ritual, engaging in almost ceremonial battles where only the warrior class battles, or where leaders are taken hostage and ransomed back for great sums.
This weapon system did not originate from such a culture. Powered Armor is the ultimate unequalizer. It is constructed of the hardest possible materials to grant the wearer the maximum protection while it's internal servos grant that wearer enhanced speed and strength, allowing them to move just as fast in their armor, if not faster, while also allowing them to carry even more war-gear than normal. It is designed by the same sort of mind that would use close-air support, napalm and miniguns to slaughter a peasant militia armed with antiquated guns and knives. It is the supreme statement that you believe war is a game and one you intend to win, no matter the cost.
Base Abilities:
All Power Armor begins with these base traits-
Hermetically Sealed: Unless severely damaged, Power Armor is equipped with sufficient countermeasures to protect the wearer against all but the most virulent poisons, toxins and other dangers present in the environment.
Life Support: All Power Armor, unless modified otherwise, contains it's own air supply and life support systems. It can protect the wearer from environmental troubles such as extreme temperatures or even the vacuum of space.
Rules for Use:
All types of Power Armor have a number of Daily Uses. Depending on quality, these can vary in number. When a suit of Power Armor is activated and utilized, this counts as 1 Use. It can then be used for 1 hour or until the wearer chooses to deactivate it. After a suit's Daily Uses have been expended, it can be used for 12 hours as it must recharge. Hooking a suit of Power Armor up to a sufficiently potent power source such as a fusion reactor or a battery meant to store the city's reserve power may be able to grant extra uses, but could also damage the suit.
All Power Armor comes with a number of Attachment Slots. These are places where Attachments can be strapped. Each Attachment, unless marked with a specific number; (2), (3); takes up 1 Attachment slots. A set of Power Armor cannot have it's Attachments exceed it's Attachment Slots or otherwise it will be unable to function.
All Power Armor comes with in-built Attribute Bonuses. If you are wearing a suit of Power Armor and the Armor's Attribute is higher than yours, use that for the purposes of rolling an ability check or save. Ex: If you have a STR of 13(+1) and your Armor has a STR of 16(+2), use the Armor's STR score instead of yours.
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Put on the Suit:
To customize a suit of Power Armor, consult the tables below.
Quality Level:
- Low. Base FS +6, DR 1. Usable 1/Day. 4 Attachment Slots. STR 16, DEX 13, CON 17.
- Moderate. Base FS +7, DR 1. Usable 1/Day. 5 Attachment Slots. STR 17, DEX 15, CON 18.
- High. Base FS +8, DR 2. Usable 2/Day. 6 Attachment Slots. STR 18, DEX 16, CON 19.
- Legendary. Base FS +10, DR 2. Usable 3/Day. 7 Attachment Slots. STR 19, DEX 18, CON 19.
- Shield Generators (2). Boost your Armor's DR by +1.
- Grapple. Allow you to fire a hook that sticks to solid surfaces and allows you to climb more easily. Also can be used to grap objects or creatures and pull them closer.
- Jump-Jets (2). Thrusters that allow you to jump up to [10*STR Score] into the air and move up to the same distance horizontally. In zero gravity, can be used as a clumsy jetpack.
- Magnetic Grip. Modifications that increase the suit's maglocks, allowing it to cling to metallic surfaces and stick metal objects to itself. You get advantage on any roll made to cling to a metallic surface or object, or to grapple a creature clad in metal (armor, cybernetics, etc).
- Scanner. All Armors have built-in sensors, but this is a sensory device that would ordinarily be mounted on a capital ship. You can learn 1d6 facts about anything you can see if you take an action to scan it. You also have a 50% of detecting ambushes and surprise attacks before they happen.
- Radar. A powerful radar that allows the sensing of objects and movement from a far distance. You cannot be surprised by creatures not using anti-radar countermeasures.
- Satellite Uplink (2). Want to talk to someone anywhere on this hemisphere or in orbit? Now you can. This attachment allows communication with anyone with a radio or similar communication device on this side of the planet you're on or in orbit.
- Active Camo (2). An attachment that allows you to change the coloration of your Armor so that it blends into the background. Grants advantage on any stealth rolls, provided you aren't doing something that would immediately break stealth, like firing a dozen guns or lighting yourself on fire.
- Auto-Repair System (3). Devices that when installed in a set of Armor allows it to repair itself. When activated, this attachment allows you to regain 1 FS per round, but each time it is activated, it lowers the amount of time the Armor can function by 10 minutes, such is it's demand for power.
- Guardian Angel. A "dumb" AI, installed in the Armor. Can assist in targeting, monitor sensor suites, calculate probabilities and make predictive models, as well as do anything a digital assistant could do.
- Water Reclaimer. A device that allows you to recycle your own water and reclaim some from the atmosphere. It can produce enough water to provide for one person or if there is any water available in the atmosphere, anywhere from 2 to 10 people, depending on the available moisture.
- Food Synthizer (2). A device that allows you to synthesize food from avaible organic matter. Requires existing organic material. Can produce rations that feed 1 person for 1 day. It takes 10 minutes to make one of these rations. They also aren't very good and though they provide enough nutrition to live on, their taste leaves much to be desired.
- Greatshield. A slab of metal torn from a battle-cruiser with it's own built-in shield generators. Boost DR by +1, FS by +2 and can 1/Round be used to reduce the damage one attack does by 1d12. Can also be shattered to reduce the damage by 12.
- Wrist Blades. Do 1d6+Atk+STR damage. Concealable, hidden inside your gauntlets until you let them out. When you have no other weapons, these ones will not fail.
- Flamethrower. Does 3d6 damage, save for half. On a failed save, creatures are set on fire and take 1d6 damage a round until they take an action to extinguish the flames.
- Rocket Launcher (2). Varies depending on ammunition type. See below.
- Grenade Launcher. Varies depending on ammunition type. See below.
- Machine Gun (2). Does 1d12+1 damage, enemies get a save vs firearm. Reloads on a 13+. Can fire on full auto and does 1d12+8 damage, but must be reloaded after.
- Assault Rifle. Does 1d10+1 damage, enemies get a save vs firearm. Reloads on an 11+.
- Striker Gauntlet. A thick gauntlet that allows you to more efficiently crush anything you grab. Do 1d8+Atk+STR damage and gives you advantage on any STR check made against something weaker than yourself, or to destroy something with a fist clad in a Striker.
- Arc Blade (2). A sizzling blade of pure destructive power. Cuts through anything short of an energy field or a personal shield. Does 1d12+Atk damage.
- Rail Rifle. An incredibly powerful gun that fires magnetically accelerated projectiles. It ignores armor when dealing with armored targets. On a hit it does 3d6 damage, but must be reloaded after each shot.
- Thunder Hammer. Want to wield the Hammer of Thor? This is your best option. It does 1d10+STR+Atk damage on a hit.
- Painkiller. A rotating series of metal blades that spin like a propeller and reduce living creatures to a fine red paste. Does 1d10 damage on a hit and an additional 1d6 damage per round a creature remains in contact with the blades.
- SRAMP Gun or S-Ramp. A futuristic blunderbuss, this gun is equipped with an autoforge and can manufacture it's own ammo on the fly, as long as it is fed solid material. Metal is preferred, but it can also turn concrete, stone, dirt or even bone into a blizzard of projectiles. Does 1d12 damage if fed with metal, 1d10 if fed with stone, brick or concrete, 1d8 if fed with wood or 1d6 if fed with dirt or organic material. Enemies get a save to halve the damage.
Ammunition Types:
Unless stated otherwise, Grenades affect a circular area with a diameter of 30'. Rockets affect a circular area of 50'.
1- Fragmentation. Explode, spraying chunks of razor sharp metal everywhere. Effective against infantry. Grenades do 3d6, Rockets 4d6, save for half. If a creature has a shield or decent armor, he has advantage on his save.
2- Incendiary. This type sprays flammable liquid everywhere. Welcome to 'Nam. Grenades do 2d6, Rockets 3d6, save for half. On a failed save, creatures are also caught on fire and take 1d6 fire damage a round until they take an action to extinguish the fire.
3- Freeze. Using a network of rapidly firing lasers, this grenade slows the movement of local particles, causing the affected area's temperature to plunge. Does 2d6 ice damage, save for half. On a failed save, creatures are also covered by a thin layer of ice that they need to break out of before they can move. Machines hit by a Freeze Grenade also have a chance of malfunctioning, if a creature is operating a machine vulnerable to the cold, that creature must make a CHA save. On a failed save, the machine malfunctions until it is warmed up. Machines automatically malfunction if they are directly hit and covered with ice.
4- Neutron. These bombs unleash waves of deadly radiation that leaves non-organic material undamaged but kills living creatures, leaving undamaged ghost towns littered with unmarked corpses. Grenades do 5d6, Rockets do 6d6, save for half. The affected area for Grenades is a circle with a diameter of 100', and for a Rocket it is a circle of 300'. Wearing anti-radiation gear will protect you, but not being there is much better.
5- Overload/EMP. Bombs designed in case the AI decide they don't need to listen to us. Miniaturized EMP devices designed to melt computers, fry robots and blast the enemy back to the iron age. Does no damage to organic material, but non-hardened electronics must save or die (use the user's save). Hardened electronics have advantage on their save. Additionally, some types of electronics might be immune by design or have active countermeasures that must be disabled first. Grenades affect a circular area of 100', while Rockets affect a circular area of 300-500'.
6- Anti-Armor. Grenades designed to rip through thick armor and turn tanks and armored vehicles into blazing coffins. Do double damage if detonated close to armored targets. Grenades do 2d6, Rockets do 3d6, save for half. Against un- or lightly armored targets, no bonus damage.
7- Chemical. Loaded with horrible toxins, these bombs flood the affected area with toxic gas. This one is loaded with 1d4 [1= Nerve Agent, all non-shielded creatures must immediately save or die; 2= Mustard gas, non-shielded organics take 2d6 damage, save for half, then 1d6 acid damage a round until they leave the cloud; 3= Chlorine gas, all creatures within the cloud take 1d4 CON damage a round. If reduced to 0 CON, they fall unconscious and X turns later, where X is their CON modifier, choke to death and die; 4= Hallucinogenic gas, all organic creatures within the gas cloud start hallucinating and will continue to do so for 1d4 hours.]
8- Virus. These are biological agent deliver systems. All creatures in the affected area must save or be infected. Those infected will be affected by the disease. These warheads are loaded with 1d6 [1= Cap'n Cough, a horribly infectious influenza strain that infects quickly and kills rapidly; 2= Seoul Ebola, a terrifying and lethal disease that spreads only through infected fluids, but is fairly non-infectious; 3= Flayer, a modified leprosy strain that infects quickly and works fast, causing the flesh to peel from flesh in real time- an absolutely ghastly way to die, but easily treated if given decent medical care; 4= Rabies, it makes you afraid of water, drives you crazy and makes you violent, followed shortly by death. Even the best medicine can only slighly raise your chances above certain death; 5= Tuberculosis, makes you cough, strips of your strength, you cough up blood, then you die. Spread through close contact and infected fluids, sprayed by those coughs; 6= Giggling, a disease of the mind, induces violent psychosis within 3d6 hours of those infected. Makes the infected relentlessly violent and horny. Spread by infected bloods, including blood and semen. And yes, it's exactly as horrible as you're imaging.
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by Wolfdawgartcorner |
Special Variants:
Predator Model: A model designed for stealth missions. FS +6, DR 1, STR 13, DEX 17, CON 15, Usable 3/Day. Comes equipped with active camoflague, an advanced hacking suite, noise dampeners and special gripper gloves that can adhere to any mostly-flat surface. Grants advantage on all checks made to sneak, hide and hack into systems. The gripper gloves also grant the ability to effortlessly climb any surface that is not deliberately made slippery, such as with grease, water or an energy shield.
Terminator Pattern: A model designed for the most dangerous of combat situations. FS +10, DR 4, STR 18, DEX 16, CON 18, Usable 2/Day. Comes equipped with a Flamethrower, Striker Gauntlet, Machine Gun, and a Rocket Launcher with 4 warheads. Also equipped with a Teleporter that allows it to teleport as a free action, but this cuts the amount of time it can be used by 10 minutes.
Starshell: A model designed for void-battles, boarding actions and built to survive atmospheric re-entry. FS +8, DR 3, STR 15, DEX 18, CON 16, Usable 2/Day. Comes equipped with a Rocket Launcher and six warheads, a Grenade Launcher and 12 grenades, Jump Jets, SRAMP Gun, an Assault Rifle and a Wrist Blade. In Zero-G, the Starshell can fly as fast as a Starfighter and usually carries Anti-Armor warheads to shoot down enemy fighters and Starshells, or to punch holes in capital ship armor in Void Actions. Also, grants immunity to fire damage at full health and Resistance at all other times. Note that your immunity to fire damage still won't protect you from a capital ship's laser weapons or the nuclear fire of a star though.
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"Fuck it, we ball."