The lion's share of the work and credit for this post should belong to Wokuma, who made this table in the first place.
I decided to update this table because my players have a habit of destroying powerful magical artifacts that I give them, the ungrateful little buggers. The table is designed with this in mind, but it can also be used for other situations, such as if the players stick a bag of holding inside a portable hole, mess around with the Fountainhead of all Knowledge, go into the Department of Natural Law and start re-arranging the filing cabinets, or etc. Basically, if you need Reality itself to snap back and slap the players around because they are meddling with forces they cannot hope to control or even understand, roll on the table below.
1) A rip in the fabric of the universe, you go to a random plane.
2) A rip in the fabric of the universe, you go to the astral plane.
3) The location you are in is attacked by a kill-team of Celestial Arbiters, with Angelic back-up. They demand you submit or die. "We have the place surrounded, come out with your hands up!"
4) Time stops for everyone but the person(s) responsible. A Law God appears and berates the person for creating such a mess. The God then smacks the person upside the head and teleports the person(s) responsible to a suitably unpleasant location.
5) Time distorts around the source of the disruption for 1d6*10'. This area is then trapped in a time bubble that lasts for 1d6 minutes. Outside the bubble, time passes at an accelerated rate. When you leave the bubble, you find that 1d4 [1= Minutes have become hours; 2= Minutes have become days; 3= Minutes have become weeks; 4= Minutes have become years.]
6) A portal opens under your feet and you fall through it. The portal remains open for 1 minute, then closes forever. Anyone who goes through the portal ends up in a random high level dungeon on that plane of existence.
7) You all jump to another one of your Referee's campaign universes. For example, in one of my games, you end up in 1d4 [1= Sea of Stars; 2= Eldritch Americana; 3= Nukaria; 4= Those who Know.]
8) You jump universes. The universe you end up in is almost exactly like your own, except 1d6 [1= All stereotypes about males and females are reversed (the culture also changes to fit these stereotypes); 2= All Gods are horrible, Lovecraftian things. No one else finds this weird; 3= You are 1d100+10 years in the future/past (50% chance of either); 4= Magic is the opposite of what it was in your universe. Eg, if it drove people insane and corrupted everything, it now does the opposite and vice versa; 5= This world was devastated by some sort of horrible disaster, the equivalent of global thermonuclear war or something on that scale; 6= This universe is almost exactly the same as yours, except you are a wanted felon.]
9) You get de-magictized. Everything you own now isn't magic. All Wizards or people with spell-casting or magical abilities that are not given to them by a Deity (ie not Paladins or Prophets) must save or lose their spellcasting abilities.
10) A clown jumps out and smacks you with a fish. Clown HD 1 AC 12 Fish 1d6 mor 12
11) 1d20 Horrible extradimensional beasts show up.
12) A bolt of searing plasma shoots into the sky and explodes, shedding light equivalent to the Moon that is visible for 1d8 hours and being visible in space. 1d6 weeks from now, your world will make contact with a technologically superior alien race. Hopefully they're friendly.
13) The Earth shakes and the sky cracks. For the next 1d6 days, roll on the Weird Weather Table.
14) All the dead within 100' of the breach whose souls have not departed for the Netherworld are dragged back into their bodies, restored to full HP and gain 1d4 mutations.
15) A doorway to Sheol opens. The souls of the dead begin pouring out and animating any nearby corpses or possessing the bodies of those too weak to resist. These Undead then immediately begin going on a rampage, the ones possessing the living engaging in all the vices of life, the ones in corpses trying to destroy everything in their path.
16) Everyone within 100' must save. Those that fail their save switch bodies with another person who failed his save.
17) Reality crashes and has to be rebooted. Everyone within 100' of the breach must save. Those who fail their saving throw fall unconscious and lose their memories of the last 1d10 minutes. Those who pass their save remain conscious, but if they look at what is occurring before them, they go permanently insane, having glimpsed the impossible intricacies of the cosmos.
18) The person(s) most responsible for the breach should reroll all Attributes immediately and save vs mutation.
19) Subtract two from all your attributes and randomly give them to your fellow companions.
20) You get a "I meddled in the business of Gods" tattoed in glowing letters on your body. Roll 1d6 to see where it ends up. -6 charisma as well.
1- Left Arm
2- Right Arm
3- Left Leg
4- Right Leg
5- Body
6- Head
source unknown
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Monday, January 27, 2020
OSR: Paladin 2: The Streets
So I've come to the conclusion that I would prefer my magic to be mystical and weird rather than Vancian. This is a change I am okay with. One thing I was not okay with was the current state of my Paladin class. So I decided to rewrite it. You can read the original here, all the fluff slash background lore will be remaining the same, but I have decided to alter the mechanics of the class itself to simply it, as well as to differentiate the various types of Paladins and remove the Vancian-esque elements of the class.
source unknown
My Cause is...
1- To protect my Tribe/People and advance their interests.
2- To protect, enforce, and uphold an institution (a government, body of laws, etc).
3- To defend the interests of my God.
4- To destroy an Evil Force.
5- To advance Good in the world.
6- To bring about reform or change in an institution, nation or people.
My Vow is...
1- To never allow [member of specific group] to come to harm if I can prevent it.
2- To destroy [Target] wherever I find it.
3- To uphold [Ideal] wherever I go.
4- To always take/do [specific action] whenever the opportunity arises.
5- To never do [specific action].
6- To never act against [member of specific group].
My Master is...
1- An older Paladin
2- A Prophet
3- A Priest
4- A King or Governor of my Polity
5- An Angel (Good* Outsider)
6- A God
Starting HP: 1/3 HP
Fighting Spirit: You get +3 FS per Paladin level
Starting Equipment: Breastplate, Helmet, Shield, Shield or Spear, Prayer Beads or Holy Symbol, Sacred Vow
Vow: You have sworn a Holy Vow. If you break this Vow, you can expect, at the minimum, to have to repent and seek forgiveness, and possibly go on a quest. More serious violations will result in you losing your Paladin powers until you have demonstrated true repentance. Finally, if you repeatedly and consistently violate the terms of the Vow you made, you can expect to lose your powers permanently and/or to be killed in a hideous fashion.
Dreams and Omens: God will tell you where to go and what to say in signs and visions. He may also grant you visions of the future and hints about where you should go and what you should do in dreams.
Blessed Touch: As an action, if you touch someone, they receive an effect as dependent upon your Paladin Archetype.
Smite: As a free action, you may burn 1 FS to Smite an enemy. If you use Smite to enhance an attack, that attack counts as magical and does +[Paladin level] holy damage on a hit. You do not add the additional damage until after the attack hits, if it does. If you do not have any FS, you cannot use this ability.
Blessed Tongue: As an action, your speech, gains special properties as dependent on your Paladin Archetype.
Divinely Anointed: Your God has poured power and authority over you, granting you dominion. As an action, 1/Day, you may display this authority of yours. The exact effect this has depends on your God, see below for more information:
- If you are a Paladin (White Knight), you release an aura of sunlight that is visible for 100'. All virtuous creatures may reroll morale checks while in this light and all evil creatures must check morale upon seeing this light or flee. This light damages Undead and other creatures harmed by sunlight as per normal sunlight.
- If you are a Folk Hero (Blue Knight), you release a strong wind that carries with it the scents of home to all your allies. All members of your group may reroll morale checks while they are within 100' of you. All enemies of your group must check morale upon catching this, as to them the wind carries the sounds and smell of defeat. Additionally, all members of your group regain 1d4 FS (if they are player characters) or 1d4 HP, if they are NPCs and not seriously wounded.
- If you are a Holy Marshal (Grey Knight) you release an aura of pure Law that ripples out for 100'. All creatures operating in accordance with the Laws of Nature are healed back to half HP, unless they are already above half, in which case they are returned to full HP (Referee's Discretion). Additionally, all creatures that defy the natural order of things, such as Undead, Outsiders, Abberations (Referee's Discretion) must save or suffer serious consequences: such as Undead being destroyed, Outsiders being forced to leave their Host bodies, Abberations being sent back to their home plane, etc.
- If you are a Red Sword (Red Knight) you release an aura of pure chaos that ripples out for 100'. A;; creatures within that aura must save. All creatures that fail their save must immediately roll on the Referee's favorite Magical Chaos table. Additionally, all Mages within that area regain 1d6 of their spellcasting dice on a success. On a failure, a Mage immediately roll on their Chaos table.
- If you are a Druidic Warrior (Green Knight) you release an aura of energy that is toxic to the city. Anyone within 100' of you who is using a piece of technology must save. On a failure, that piece of technology breaks. Additionally, art is destroyed, buildings are damaged and any wild animals in the area become aggressive towards humans.
- If you are a Blackguard (Black Knight) you release an aura of anonymity that covers a circle 100' in diameter, with you at the center. You and anyone you designate within the circle become less noticeable than normal. Unless you go out of your way to make an impression on people, people will overlook you, and must succeed on a save to pay attention to or remember you. They will receive bonuses to this save if you are doing something obvious, interesting or dangerous and penalties if you are trying not to stand out. Note that certain things are so noticeable they will immediately shatter this aura and end its effects, such as attacking someone, commiting a crime where people can see you, public nudity, being loud and obnoxious, etc.
Blessed Form: As an action, your body gains special properties as specified by your Paladin Archetype.
Self-Denial: You learn a magical ritual/process that allows you to heal creatures back to full HP and possibly remove diseases, regrow lost limbs and otherwise mend broken forms, depending on your Paladin Archetype. To figure out which process you must use and what it can do, consult your Paladin Archetype for more details.
Divine Transformation: You can, 1/Day, transform into the living embodiment of your cause. This grants immense power for a brief amount of time, lasting only until the end of the current combat or after 10 minutes if not in combat. You may also transform back at will. Consult your Paladin Archetype for more details.
Born Again: Once in your career as a Paladin, if you would be killed in battle, you may continue fighting as if you weren't struck down and didn't just suffer a death blow. Once the battle is finished, you have two options: survive with a suitable Horrible Wound but temporarily lose access to all your Paladin powers until you make an acceptable sacrifice to your God or die and ascend into the Heavens to be joined with your divine master.
by AlvinHew
Paladin (White Knight):
Cause: To serve God, to do Good, to promote and demonstrate the Heroic Ideal
Vow: "I will fight evil, wherever I find it."
Blessed Touch: As an action, you may touch another creature. Your touch heals 1d6+[Paladin level] FS.
Blessed Tongue: As an action, you may yell a battle cry. All enemies who can hear your scream must save. Those who fail their save must immediately check morale or flee. Those who succeed are still rattled and take +1 damage from you and your allies for the rest of the battle.
Blessed Form: Once per battle, as a free action, you can declare that one attack that should damage you instead does no damage at all.
Self-Denial: Pray over a person and if your God deems it appropriate, lay your hands on the wound. If that person is righteous, they are restored to full HP and if the area you touched was infected, mangled, mutilated or near a severed body part, the person is restored fully. Infections are cured, poisons removed, diseases banished and lost or mutilated limbs returned to as they were before.
Divine Transformation: You become beautiful, shining like the sun. Your mere touch hurts evil beings for 1 damage a round and your blood burns them like acid for 1d6 radiant damage. While transformed like this, you can parry any attack against you, reducing the damage by your weapon damage. You may do this an unlimited of number of times per round. You can also parry ranged projectiles.
by Artigas
Folk Hero (Blue Knight):
Cause: To protect the interests of your tribe, to defend your people, to stand against injustice
Vow: "I will not stand idly by and allow my people or my kinsmen to be harmed."
Blessed Touch: As an action, touch someone and spend 1 to 4 FS. That creature gains a bonus to AC equal to +X for the next X hours, where X is the amount of FS spent.
Blessed Tongue: As an action, you can speak a message up to X words long, where X is your Paladin level. This message is then only audible to those people you wish to hear it. You can target only one person or many, your choice. The only other limit is that you must be able to see or sense the presence of your target.
Blessed Form: As a free action, you may take 1d6 FS damage. If you do this, you can ignite a holy fire that covers your weapons. This causes you to do +1d6 radiant damage, or +2d6 to the sworn enemies of your tribe/group. This fire can burn as long as you wish, but each additional round past the first costs an additional 1 FS.
Self-Denial: Take the soil of your homeland, mix it with your blood, wine and fresh water from a stream or spring. Make it into mud and pack it over the wound. Then keep it on until the mud hardens. When it hardens, scrape it off and you will find the wound healed.
Divine Transformation: Holy fire surrounds you like a corona, transfiguring you. You instantly recover from any physical condition (unless it is caused by a curse) such as being poisoned, blinded, deafened, stunned or etc. You also recover 2d10 FS. While in this form, your weapon attacks do damage as per Blessed Form and any enemy who strikes you in melee combat with a non-reach weapon (spear, halberd, etc) takes 1d6 radiant damage as the holy fire sears them. You may also end the transformation at any point, unleashing a blast of holy fire that does 3d6 damage to all enemies within 50' and heals allies for 3d6 HP/FS.
by DiegoGisbertLlorens
Holy Marshal (Grey Knight):
Cause: To defend the world, to destroy the unnatural, to maintain the balance
Vow: "I will not permit any taint within my power to exist."
Blessed Touch: By touching something, you can tell if it is magical and what its various properties are. You can also tell if it has been in the presence of a caster, Undead or Outsider, and how long ago that was. You can only pick up these traces if one of the aforementioned were recently using it, they were exceptionally powerful, or no one has used the item since they did. If they used it recently, you may be able to track them through their connection with the item.
Blessed Tongue: You may take an action to challenge someone to single combat. That creature must save. On a failed save, the creature will immediately move to face you in single combat. Depending on the context, this can mean ordering its minions to step back as "He's mine" or a formal duel, with a physician present. Referee's Discretion applies.
Blessed Form: As a free action, 1/Day, you can teleport up to 100', but only to a position adjacent to an enemy.
Self-Denial: You know the proper alchemical formulaes and the ingredients to gather. Draw the proper circles and write out the appropriate thaumaturgic equations, then place the wounded person into the center and infuse your own life-force into the ritual. When the ritual is done, the ingredients will be transmuted into flesh and fused to the previously wounded person's body.
Divine Transformation: Your body becomes hard as iron. You become immune to damage from non-magical weapons. All other non-magical sources, with the exception of fire, do half damage. You also gain the ability to, as an action, transform non-magical metal objects within 30' into shackles, chains or restraints. If the metal objects you are targeting are being worn or used, the creature wearing or using them may save to resist your ability. The keys to any restraint you make appear in your pockets.
by Frank Frazetta
Red Sword (Red Knight):
Cause: To advance Freedom, to sow Chaos, to set the captives free, to smash civil government, to destroy society
Vow: "I will do as I will."
Blessed Touch: 1/Day, any locked, sealed or closed object you touch unlocks, unseals or opens.
Blessed Tongue: Whenever a spell or magical effect occurs in your presence, you may attempt a WIL contest with the primary caster. If you lose the contest, the effect occurs as normal. If you succeed, however, the magical effect is sucked into your mouth and stuck on your tongue. It will remain on your tongue until you decided to release it or speak, at which point it will be released and affect a random target before you, as it had just been cast.
Blessed Form: 1/Day, you can transform your body into a column of fire, a miniature storm cloud, a lightning bolt or a cloud of red sand. All your equipment transforms with you. You gain all the immunities and weaknesses of that form, for example, a column of fire is immune to sharp, blunt and fire damage, but it is vulnerable to being splashed with water, suffocationg, etc. You can remain in this form for as long as you like, but each round you spend in it costs you 1 FS.
Self-Denial: There are two ways for you to heal HP. For starters, you can engage in sexual intercourse with the wounded person. This will allow you to transfer your vitality to them in an 'intimate' way. The other way is for you to anoint the wounded person and another person with a cocktail of your blood, sweat and some other bodily fluids. Then the wounded person and their chosen partner must have sexual intercourse.
Divine Transformation: You transform into an avatar of chaos. Wings sprout from your back (destroying any armor or clothing you wore over your chest), granting you a fly speed. You also gain the ability to breathe fire every 1d4 rounds. This fire does 3d6 damage in a 30' cone, save for half. The fire is otherwise normal and spreads as fire would.
by Frank Frazetta
Druidic Warrior (Green Knight):
Cause: To destroy Symbolic Thought, to revert all to a pre-civilizational paradigm, to crush The City
Vow: "I will wear no metal armor, own only what I can take and hold, never sleep under a roof* and never use money for any purpose."
Blessed Touch: As an action, you may touch one piece of technology. It breaks or malfunctions and will need to be repaired before it can be used.
Blessed Tongue: As an action, you may make the sound of a great beast. All who hear it must check morale or become frightened. Those who succeed their check will want to investigate the source of the noise, while those who failed their check will take reasonable precautions or leave the area, if such a thing is possible.
Blessed Form: As an action, you may spend 1 to 4 FS. Your skin then changes into natural armor, resembling that of one of the great beasts. 1 FS might get you a bear's thick pelt, while 4 might lend you a Buffalo's slab-like muscles. For the next X rounds, where X is the amount of FS you spent, your AC equals 10+X.
Self-Denial: You know a ritual where someone catches an animal, cuts out its heart, then bathes in its blood while others sing songs over them. This allows them to heal wounds and even regenerate whole limbs. You also know how to reincarnate, though that is a bit more "permanent".
Divine Transformation: You may spend 1 to 6 FS as an action. Then the next round, on your turn, you transform into a huge beast with an AC equal to 10+X, a natural weapons attack (claws, teeth, antlers, etc- your choice), and a damage bonus of +X. Additionally, anyone who sees you transform must immediately check morale or flee.
by Frank Frazetta
Blackguard (Black Knight):
Cause: To exact revenge on this world, to serve the Dark Powers, to bring those who harmed you down, death, destruction
Vow: "I vow to aid the Dark Powers in their quest to Murder the Gods and Topple their Thrones."
Blessed Touch: You can spend an action to secrete poisonous fluid or acidic slime from your hands. If you scrape this into a container, it can fill a small flask. If you keep it on your hands, it lasts for 1 round, before disappating back into the ether. Your poison does 1d6 poison damage if ingested or if it comes into contact with someone's eye or open wounds. Your acid does 1d6 acid damage and dissolves anything but glass, plastic, ceramics and enchanted or super-hardened objects.
Blessed Tongue: As an action, you may command a corpse to "Rise and serve your new Master!" Then spend 1-4 FS. You lose that much FS and the corpse rises as a X HD Undead under your control, where X is the amount of FS you spent. The Undead will serve you for X days, then will no longer be under your control and will be free to do as it wishes.
Blessed Form: As an action, spend 1-6 FS. You then expel a cloud of white fog that fills the air for 10*[Paladin level]' around you. This cloud of fog is cold and clammy, and has all the properties of a normal cloud of fog. However, it also has an additional effect. Any damage taken by anyone within this cloud of fog is multipled by X, which is the amount of FS you initially sacrificed. This fog lasts for X minutes, or until you dismiss it.
Self-Denial: You can secrete a type of slime that sizzles and burns away infected or damaged flesh, but allows the limb to keep functioning normally, even with missing skin, flesh or bone. This is why some Minions of the Dark Powers are alive but possess skeletal limbs, usually concealed under robes and the like.
Divine Transformation: You sprout horns, claws and a spiny tail. Your tail is prehensile and can be used to grab things. You also get a +4 bonus to all checks or saving throws made to climb things and you can make attacks with your claws (1d6/1d6) plus your usual attack bonus. If you don't want to make two claw attacks though, you also get a bite attack, made at a -4 unless against a helpless or immobile target. Your bite is toxic and anyone who is bitten by this has the wound rapidly become infected (Referee's Discretion- certain creatures may be immune or otherwise unaffected).
by chrisnfy85
source unknown
My Cause is...
1- To protect my Tribe/People and advance their interests.
2- To protect, enforce, and uphold an institution (a government, body of laws, etc).
3- To defend the interests of my God.
4- To destroy an Evil Force.
5- To advance Good in the world.
6- To bring about reform or change in an institution, nation or people.
My Vow is...
1- To never allow [member of specific group] to come to harm if I can prevent it.
2- To destroy [Target] wherever I find it.
3- To uphold [Ideal] wherever I go.
4- To always take/do [specific action] whenever the opportunity arises.
5- To never do [specific action].
6- To never act against [member of specific group].
My Master is...
1- An older Paladin
2- A Prophet
3- A Priest
4- A King or Governor of my Polity
5- An Angel (Good* Outsider)
6- A God
Starting HP: 1/3 HP
Fighting Spirit: You get +3 FS per Paladin level
Starting Equipment: Breastplate, Helmet, Shield, Shield or Spear, Prayer Beads or Holy Symbol, Sacred Vow
Vow: You have sworn a Holy Vow. If you break this Vow, you can expect, at the minimum, to have to repent and seek forgiveness, and possibly go on a quest. More serious violations will result in you losing your Paladin powers until you have demonstrated true repentance. Finally, if you repeatedly and consistently violate the terms of the Vow you made, you can expect to lose your powers permanently and/or to be killed in a hideous fashion.
Dreams and Omens: God will tell you where to go and what to say in signs and visions. He may also grant you visions of the future and hints about where you should go and what you should do in dreams.
Blessed Touch: As an action, if you touch someone, they receive an effect as dependent upon your Paladin Archetype.
Smite: As a free action, you may burn 1 FS to Smite an enemy. If you use Smite to enhance an attack, that attack counts as magical and does +[Paladin level] holy damage on a hit. You do not add the additional damage until after the attack hits, if it does. If you do not have any FS, you cannot use this ability.
Blessed Tongue: As an action, your speech, gains special properties as dependent on your Paladin Archetype.
Divinely Anointed: Your God has poured power and authority over you, granting you dominion. As an action, 1/Day, you may display this authority of yours. The exact effect this has depends on your God, see below for more information:
- If you are a Paladin (White Knight), you release an aura of sunlight that is visible for 100'. All virtuous creatures may reroll morale checks while in this light and all evil creatures must check morale upon seeing this light or flee. This light damages Undead and other creatures harmed by sunlight as per normal sunlight.
- If you are a Folk Hero (Blue Knight), you release a strong wind that carries with it the scents of home to all your allies. All members of your group may reroll morale checks while they are within 100' of you. All enemies of your group must check morale upon catching this, as to them the wind carries the sounds and smell of defeat. Additionally, all members of your group regain 1d4 FS (if they are player characters) or 1d4 HP, if they are NPCs and not seriously wounded.
- If you are a Holy Marshal (Grey Knight) you release an aura of pure Law that ripples out for 100'. All creatures operating in accordance with the Laws of Nature are healed back to half HP, unless they are already above half, in which case they are returned to full HP (Referee's Discretion). Additionally, all creatures that defy the natural order of things, such as Undead, Outsiders, Abberations (Referee's Discretion) must save or suffer serious consequences: such as Undead being destroyed, Outsiders being forced to leave their Host bodies, Abberations being sent back to their home plane, etc.
- If you are a Red Sword (Red Knight) you release an aura of pure chaos that ripples out for 100'. A;; creatures within that aura must save. All creatures that fail their save must immediately roll on the Referee's favorite Magical Chaos table. Additionally, all Mages within that area regain 1d6 of their spellcasting dice on a success. On a failure, a Mage immediately roll on their Chaos table.
- If you are a Druidic Warrior (Green Knight) you release an aura of energy that is toxic to the city. Anyone within 100' of you who is using a piece of technology must save. On a failure, that piece of technology breaks. Additionally, art is destroyed, buildings are damaged and any wild animals in the area become aggressive towards humans.
- If you are a Blackguard (Black Knight) you release an aura of anonymity that covers a circle 100' in diameter, with you at the center. You and anyone you designate within the circle become less noticeable than normal. Unless you go out of your way to make an impression on people, people will overlook you, and must succeed on a save to pay attention to or remember you. They will receive bonuses to this save if you are doing something obvious, interesting or dangerous and penalties if you are trying not to stand out. Note that certain things are so noticeable they will immediately shatter this aura and end its effects, such as attacking someone, commiting a crime where people can see you, public nudity, being loud and obnoxious, etc.
Blessed Form: As an action, your body gains special properties as specified by your Paladin Archetype.
Self-Denial: You learn a magical ritual/process that allows you to heal creatures back to full HP and possibly remove diseases, regrow lost limbs and otherwise mend broken forms, depending on your Paladin Archetype. To figure out which process you must use and what it can do, consult your Paladin Archetype for more details.
Divine Transformation: You can, 1/Day, transform into the living embodiment of your cause. This grants immense power for a brief amount of time, lasting only until the end of the current combat or after 10 minutes if not in combat. You may also transform back at will. Consult your Paladin Archetype for more details.
Born Again: Once in your career as a Paladin, if you would be killed in battle, you may continue fighting as if you weren't struck down and didn't just suffer a death blow. Once the battle is finished, you have two options: survive with a suitable Horrible Wound but temporarily lose access to all your Paladin powers until you make an acceptable sacrifice to your God or die and ascend into the Heavens to be joined with your divine master.
by AlvinHew
Paladin (White Knight):
Cause: To serve God, to do Good, to promote and demonstrate the Heroic Ideal
Vow: "I will fight evil, wherever I find it."
Blessed Touch: As an action, you may touch another creature. Your touch heals 1d6+[Paladin level] FS.
Blessed Tongue: As an action, you may yell a battle cry. All enemies who can hear your scream must save. Those who fail their save must immediately check morale or flee. Those who succeed are still rattled and take +1 damage from you and your allies for the rest of the battle.
Blessed Form: Once per battle, as a free action, you can declare that one attack that should damage you instead does no damage at all.
Self-Denial: Pray over a person and if your God deems it appropriate, lay your hands on the wound. If that person is righteous, they are restored to full HP and if the area you touched was infected, mangled, mutilated or near a severed body part, the person is restored fully. Infections are cured, poisons removed, diseases banished and lost or mutilated limbs returned to as they were before.
Divine Transformation: You become beautiful, shining like the sun. Your mere touch hurts evil beings for 1 damage a round and your blood burns them like acid for 1d6 radiant damage. While transformed like this, you can parry any attack against you, reducing the damage by your weapon damage. You may do this an unlimited of number of times per round. You can also parry ranged projectiles.
by Artigas
Folk Hero (Blue Knight):
Cause: To protect the interests of your tribe, to defend your people, to stand against injustice
Vow: "I will not stand idly by and allow my people or my kinsmen to be harmed."
Blessed Touch: As an action, touch someone and spend 1 to 4 FS. That creature gains a bonus to AC equal to +X for the next X hours, where X is the amount of FS spent.
Blessed Tongue: As an action, you can speak a message up to X words long, where X is your Paladin level. This message is then only audible to those people you wish to hear it. You can target only one person or many, your choice. The only other limit is that you must be able to see or sense the presence of your target.
Blessed Form: As a free action, you may take 1d6 FS damage. If you do this, you can ignite a holy fire that covers your weapons. This causes you to do +1d6 radiant damage, or +2d6 to the sworn enemies of your tribe/group. This fire can burn as long as you wish, but each additional round past the first costs an additional 1 FS.
Self-Denial: Take the soil of your homeland, mix it with your blood, wine and fresh water from a stream or spring. Make it into mud and pack it over the wound. Then keep it on until the mud hardens. When it hardens, scrape it off and you will find the wound healed.
Divine Transformation: Holy fire surrounds you like a corona, transfiguring you. You instantly recover from any physical condition (unless it is caused by a curse) such as being poisoned, blinded, deafened, stunned or etc. You also recover 2d10 FS. While in this form, your weapon attacks do damage as per Blessed Form and any enemy who strikes you in melee combat with a non-reach weapon (spear, halberd, etc) takes 1d6 radiant damage as the holy fire sears them. You may also end the transformation at any point, unleashing a blast of holy fire that does 3d6 damage to all enemies within 50' and heals allies for 3d6 HP/FS.
by DiegoGisbertLlorens
Holy Marshal (Grey Knight):
Cause: To defend the world, to destroy the unnatural, to maintain the balance
Vow: "I will not permit any taint within my power to exist."
Blessed Touch: By touching something, you can tell if it is magical and what its various properties are. You can also tell if it has been in the presence of a caster, Undead or Outsider, and how long ago that was. You can only pick up these traces if one of the aforementioned were recently using it, they were exceptionally powerful, or no one has used the item since they did. If they used it recently, you may be able to track them through their connection with the item.
Blessed Tongue: You may take an action to challenge someone to single combat. That creature must save. On a failed save, the creature will immediately move to face you in single combat. Depending on the context, this can mean ordering its minions to step back as "He's mine" or a formal duel, with a physician present. Referee's Discretion applies.
Blessed Form: As a free action, 1/Day, you can teleport up to 100', but only to a position adjacent to an enemy.
Self-Denial: You know the proper alchemical formulaes and the ingredients to gather. Draw the proper circles and write out the appropriate thaumaturgic equations, then place the wounded person into the center and infuse your own life-force into the ritual. When the ritual is done, the ingredients will be transmuted into flesh and fused to the previously wounded person's body.
Divine Transformation: Your body becomes hard as iron. You become immune to damage from non-magical weapons. All other non-magical sources, with the exception of fire, do half damage. You also gain the ability to, as an action, transform non-magical metal objects within 30' into shackles, chains or restraints. If the metal objects you are targeting are being worn or used, the creature wearing or using them may save to resist your ability. The keys to any restraint you make appear in your pockets.
by Frank Frazetta
Red Sword (Red Knight):
Cause: To advance Freedom, to sow Chaos, to set the captives free, to smash civil government, to destroy society
Vow: "I will do as I will."
Blessed Touch: 1/Day, any locked, sealed or closed object you touch unlocks, unseals or opens.
Blessed Tongue: Whenever a spell or magical effect occurs in your presence, you may attempt a WIL contest with the primary caster. If you lose the contest, the effect occurs as normal. If you succeed, however, the magical effect is sucked into your mouth and stuck on your tongue. It will remain on your tongue until you decided to release it or speak, at which point it will be released and affect a random target before you, as it had just been cast.
Blessed Form: 1/Day, you can transform your body into a column of fire, a miniature storm cloud, a lightning bolt or a cloud of red sand. All your equipment transforms with you. You gain all the immunities and weaknesses of that form, for example, a column of fire is immune to sharp, blunt and fire damage, but it is vulnerable to being splashed with water, suffocationg, etc. You can remain in this form for as long as you like, but each round you spend in it costs you 1 FS.
Self-Denial: There are two ways for you to heal HP. For starters, you can engage in sexual intercourse with the wounded person. This will allow you to transfer your vitality to them in an 'intimate' way. The other way is for you to anoint the wounded person and another person with a cocktail of your blood, sweat and some other bodily fluids. Then the wounded person and their chosen partner must have sexual intercourse.
Divine Transformation: You transform into an avatar of chaos. Wings sprout from your back (destroying any armor or clothing you wore over your chest), granting you a fly speed. You also gain the ability to breathe fire every 1d4 rounds. This fire does 3d6 damage in a 30' cone, save for half. The fire is otherwise normal and spreads as fire would.
by Frank Frazetta
Druidic Warrior (Green Knight):
Cause: To destroy Symbolic Thought, to revert all to a pre-civilizational paradigm, to crush The City
Vow: "I will wear no metal armor, own only what I can take and hold, never sleep under a roof* and never use money for any purpose."
Blessed Touch: As an action, you may touch one piece of technology. It breaks or malfunctions and will need to be repaired before it can be used.
Blessed Tongue: As an action, you may make the sound of a great beast. All who hear it must check morale or become frightened. Those who succeed their check will want to investigate the source of the noise, while those who failed their check will take reasonable precautions or leave the area, if such a thing is possible.
Blessed Form: As an action, you may spend 1 to 4 FS. Your skin then changes into natural armor, resembling that of one of the great beasts. 1 FS might get you a bear's thick pelt, while 4 might lend you a Buffalo's slab-like muscles. For the next X rounds, where X is the amount of FS you spent, your AC equals 10+X.
Self-Denial: You know a ritual where someone catches an animal, cuts out its heart, then bathes in its blood while others sing songs over them. This allows them to heal wounds and even regenerate whole limbs. You also know how to reincarnate, though that is a bit more "permanent".
Divine Transformation: You may spend 1 to 6 FS as an action. Then the next round, on your turn, you transform into a huge beast with an AC equal to 10+X, a natural weapons attack (claws, teeth, antlers, etc- your choice), and a damage bonus of +X. Additionally, anyone who sees you transform must immediately check morale or flee.
by Frank Frazetta
Blackguard (Black Knight):
Cause: To exact revenge on this world, to serve the Dark Powers, to bring those who harmed you down, death, destruction
Vow: "I vow to aid the Dark Powers in their quest to Murder the Gods and Topple their Thrones."
Blessed Touch: You can spend an action to secrete poisonous fluid or acidic slime from your hands. If you scrape this into a container, it can fill a small flask. If you keep it on your hands, it lasts for 1 round, before disappating back into the ether. Your poison does 1d6 poison damage if ingested or if it comes into contact with someone's eye or open wounds. Your acid does 1d6 acid damage and dissolves anything but glass, plastic, ceramics and enchanted or super-hardened objects.
Blessed Tongue: As an action, you may command a corpse to "Rise and serve your new Master!" Then spend 1-4 FS. You lose that much FS and the corpse rises as a X HD Undead under your control, where X is the amount of FS you spent. The Undead will serve you for X days, then will no longer be under your control and will be free to do as it wishes.
Blessed Form: As an action, spend 1-6 FS. You then expel a cloud of white fog that fills the air for 10*[Paladin level]' around you. This cloud of fog is cold and clammy, and has all the properties of a normal cloud of fog. However, it also has an additional effect. Any damage taken by anyone within this cloud of fog is multipled by X, which is the amount of FS you initially sacrificed. This fog lasts for X minutes, or until you dismiss it.
Self-Denial: You can secrete a type of slime that sizzles and burns away infected or damaged flesh, but allows the limb to keep functioning normally, even with missing skin, flesh or bone. This is why some Minions of the Dark Powers are alive but possess skeletal limbs, usually concealed under robes and the like.
Divine Transformation: You sprout horns, claws and a spiny tail. Your tail is prehensile and can be used to grab things. You also get a +4 bonus to all checks or saving throws made to climb things and you can make attacks with your claws (1d6/1d6) plus your usual attack bonus. If you don't want to make two claw attacks though, you also get a bite attack, made at a -4 unless against a helpless or immobile target. Your bite is toxic and anyone who is bitten by this has the wound rapidly become infected (Referee's Discretion- certain creatures may be immune or otherwise unaffected).
by chrisnfy85
Sunday, January 19, 2020
OSR: Outer Planes
Not included:
- Sheol. Sheol is the land of the Dead. It is a grey, endless waste beneath the Earth, full of shades and darker things. All things that are lost end up here, eventually. You can reach Sheol by going down. You'll hit it eventually.
- (low) Heaven. This is where the Gods of Law live. It is a floating island of incredible size, floating at the edge of the planet's exosphere. It is the headquarters for law on this planet, the place where the Rock of Eternity and the Genesis Frog are kept, as well as the Nukarian God's servants, Angels and other wise. You get to low Heaven by going up really high.
- Deep Heaven. Also called The Spirit World, the Floating Realm, the Emptiness, the Void or Space, this is the place where thought is action and dreams are reality. This place is filled with the thoughts, dreams, ideas and passing fancies of every living creature. It is also the place where prophecies, dreams, magic and Outsiders pass through to get to the world of matter. There are many ways to get to Deep Heaven, but all of them are strange.
by unknown
The Accursed Planes:
These are my versions of the Lower Planes. None of them are places where souls are sent for Judgement or their Afterlife, that all takes place beneath Nukaria or in Deep Heaven. These are just other Planes, inhabited by creatures that are reasonable, ie capable of reason, with its own gods, laws and civilizations. That being said, a being from the "base" Plane that contains Nukaria would probably be immensely displeased to find itself here.
1- Riot. A world of manic energy and endless movement. The people of Riot are all disfigured, mutated or modified, having altered their bodies to fit current fashion or utility. Their world resembles them in this way, full of cities and monuments frantically being erected, modified mid-stream and occasionally being abandoned, to be blown to bits, before some new project is begun in its place. No one seems to sleep, or even rest. They will look upon you with pity and try to fix you. Don't let them, or you will never leave this place. You can get to Riot by doing specific types of specific psychedelics in specific amounts, then traveling for at least a minute at 40 miles per hour.
2- Bane. A world inhabited by a race of Devils linked to every single intelligent, living creature on the party's home plane. Whenever you feel pain, your Devil feels pleasure and whenever you feel joy, it suffers terribly. Your Devil's life is also tied to yours- it dies when you do. For these reasons, your Devil despises you totally. Your Devil also knows a secret- if you die at its hands, it will not die, but instead gain power and agelessness, as well as being freed from bondage. This is what all the Devils desire- for you to die and for it to bathe in immortality. Unfortunately, your Devil cannot usually reach you. But these are unusual times, are they not? You can get to Bane by going into a bathroom, writing your name backwards on a mirror, then turning out all the lights and reading the nonsense name you have written aloud. If you have done it correctly, the bathroom will have changed and when you exit, you will be in a different universe.
3- Battery City. An endless city, composed of skyscrapers, brownstones and small warehouses. The buildings vary in architectural styles, materials and age, but they all fit seamlessly together here. Additionally, there is no other type of terrain visible- no harbors, parks or anything of the sort. Unlike the city's strange harmony, however, the inhabitants of this plane are all ruthless and traumatized. They are all paranoid and untrustworthy, fighting each other constantly over the smallest of things. The only order comes from living in an area ruled by one of the Gangster Kings, but their reigns are short and bloody, as they don't trust their lieutenants and the feeling is mutual. Stay too long and you will find yourself seeing conspiracies in the sideways glances of your former friends. What are they not telling you? You can get to Riots by lying to someone you love, putting on a mask, then hiding in an isolated place. Once you are hidden, say to yourself, "Liar, Liar, what aren't you telling me?" Do it right and you will find yourself in Battery City.
4- Selene. A world of madness and inversion. Here the nights are bright, lit by a mammoth moon that drowns the world in silver, while the days are dark, the sun small and pale, delicate as a yellow poppy. On this plane, the harder you try to hide a secret, the more easily it is revealed; mirrors show new images, rather than reflect ones that already exist; to wear clothes is to be naked; to go about without a mask is sinfully erotic and utterly scandalous; fire freezes and ice burns. The first Wizards come from this place, as only a topsy-turvy people could come up with the idea of feeding their thoughts to tiny monsters instead of trying to understand them. You reach Selene by waiting for the night of the full moon, going up onto a high roof and reading a love poem to her. Then, jump off the roof. If you have done it properly, you will be unhurt and have ended up in Selene.
5- Archeon*. A world consumed by sport, battle and blood. Archeon is an endless tournament, a competition between all comers for the championship. This plane draws warriors, willing or otherwise, from all worlds to continually refresh the pool of challengers for the belt. All in Archeon are expected to conduct themselves with honor and to follow certain nigh-immutable laws. Fair play is the whole of the law- you may slaughter your opponents in combat, but if you attempt to cheat in a match, you will be hounded by all the warriors nearby until you repent or die. You get to Archeon by arranging a formal duel or fight between yourself and an opponent. Your opponent must cheat, while you do not. If this happens, after the fight, you will receive an invitation to participate in The Tournament. If you accept, follow the instructions on the invitation. Do so and you will be taken to Archeon.
6- Carceri. A dying world of salt flats and dessicated trees. There is minimal plant and animal life left here, only the hardiest and most vicious of creatures could survive a terrible place like this. They rule the harsh, blistering days, scraping out meagre existences here. But these are only the last of the old inhabitants, on their way out. The much more numerous residents of this world are the Undead. Many of them are feral, wandering endlessly in search of something that will relieve their suffering or bring them some satisfaction, while others are slaves to the Corpse Knights, who serve the Rotting Kings. The latter are the rulers of this world and fight amongst each other in grinding, perpetual wars that have been raging for millennia, at the very earliest. You can get to Carcerei by going into the desert, climbing into a coffin, sarcophagus or some other container for holding the dead, then burying that container in the sand. When you dig yourself out, you will be in Carcerei.
*Not mine. I have included a link to the original post that suggested the idea.
source unknown
The Parallel Worlds:
The Accursed Planes are what happens when you go "down", but what happens if you go sideways? You end up in one of the Parallel Worlds, which are much like our own. Some of these worlds are so indistinguishable from each other that you could spend a lifetime looking for differences and you might never find any. In this world, you will find other many of the same people, institutions, nations and etc in your Home Plane. This is the best part of any Multiverse story, I find, to see all the alternate versions of characters and the world, and that's what the Parallel Worlds are about.
These aren't all the Parallel Worlds, but I figured it was a good start.
7- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except here, the alternate selves of the party are a band of criminals on the run from the authorities. The specific nature of their crimes are up to you, as well as how they ended up doing these bad things, but make no mistake, the alternate selves in this universe are evil. You can get to this world by sneaking into a courthouse or other public building at night, committing some evil act, leaving behind a personal possession, then leaving before the sun rises.
8- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except the alternate selves of the party are working for a previous antagonist, preferrably one that the players killed. Their alternate selves are not evil, but they might be a bit more opportunistic than the players. You can get to this world by finding the bones/body of one of your fallen enemies, dismembering it, then dancing around it until dawn.
9- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except the alternate selves of the party are cursed in this universe. They're slowly turning into animals, being chased by Ghosts or some equally terrible fate. If asked about this, they will tell the party that they went after a treasure that the players haven't heard of or sought out and were cursed for their trouble. The alternate selves switch between musing about all the wealth they gained and cursing their own hubris. You can get to this world by getting a Magic-User or a Prophet to curse you to "Be cast out of this world."
10- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except the alternate selves of the party choose the opposite choice and experienced a different outcome that the players did. Did the players give up in pursuit a powerful artifact or a treasure? The alternate selves from this world didn't and now they're rich. Or maybe they're rich, but the Wizard died and the Paladin is missing a hand. Use your creativity. You can get to this world by writing a list of regrets, burning it, then sprinkling yourself in the ashes. Then go to bed. When you wake up, you will be in another world.
11- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except the alternate selves of the party are pursuing a different goal or quest. Maybe if the players are on a treasure hunt, the alternate selves from this plane are preparing for a heist mission. You can get to this world by writing a task you never intend to complete on a piece of paper, carving it into a piece of wood, engraving it on a stone, etc. Then smash the object to pieces, dissolve it in water and drink it. Do it correctly and you will find yourself looking for something to wash the taste out of your mouth in another world.
12- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except the players are being mentored by a noble NPC who is a bit stronger then them. If I was running this world, I'd make that NPC by a Dwarven Paladin named Dane, but that's because of an old joke between me and my players. All it really matters is that the NPC is righteous. You can get to this world by writing the names of every living, noble souls you can think of in a circle, then stepping inside the circle, blind-folding yourself (everyone inside the circle must be blind-folded) then spinning around and pointing at one of the names randomly. If when you remove the blind-fold you find the circle of names missing, you are in another world.
13- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except one of the players' alternate selves has a cool magic item, treasure or other possession that the players don't. If asked, the alternate selves will tell the players where they can find it, though odds are that this magic item is held by some antagonist or stuck at the bottom of some terribly dangerous dungeon. You can get to this world by telling stories about the item they desire, then making a model of it out of base materials, such as wood, mud, etc. Then burn the model and allow the smoke to engulf you. When it clears, you will be in another world.
14- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except the player's alternate selves in this universe are at their most noble. They are almost all good, or at least better than they could be. This is a "best possible version" sort of deal. The alternate selves aren't necessarily stronger than the players, but they will definitely have better teamwork. You can get to this better world by having a conversation and confessing your flaws to each other. Then write your own name in the dirt enough times to form a circle. Then sit in this circle and meditate on these flaws. Keep going and do not open your eyes until you hear your own voice speaking to you. When you open your eyes, you will be in another world.
by IvanLaliashvili
Blessed Planes:
The Blessed Planes are the "upper worlds". They aren't utopias, still blighted by death and suffering and woe. But they do possess significant, inherent advantages for those who dwell there. Compared to the world the party is native from, these ones might be more appealing as destinations or places to live. That being said, while these worlds do not share the problems of our world, they have many of their own unique ones.
15- Arcadia. This a world of unspoiled wilderness, of life free of the complications of civilization. This world causes technology to fail and progress to unspool, slowly lowering everyone present here into a more primitive state. At first, this causes suffering. But the longer you spend here, the more it seems to invigorate the person. The air is more bracing, the water more delicious, the food more nourishing; everything about this world fosters strength. Those who have the strength grow on this world, becoming as the fearless men of old. However, there is a gray lining to this silver cloud. Arcadia is ruthless towards weakness. Anyone who cannot adapt to this newer, harsher environment, or someone who was kept alive by technology or a complex social system will be devoured by this world. You can get to Arcadia by burning a house to the ground, stripping down and smearing yourself with the ashes, then diving into a fast-flowing river. When you surface, you will be in Arcadia.
16- Philia. This is a world of sacred fraternity, of union between brothers. Here all creatures are connected into a plane-wide hyper consciousness called Raina, who constantly speaks to all the living creatures on this plane. Additionally, because they are connected to each other through Raina, all living creatures can hear each other's surface thoughts. This means that there is little violence on this planet, as many small conflicts are easily resolved. That being said, while small conflicts can easily be resolved, larger ideological ones cannot. To prevent these groups from fighting, Raina segregates the people by race, religion and language and does not tell the groups about the other's existence. This keeps everything mostly peaceful, but also makes the groups hyper sensitive. If someone from this plane encounter anyone that is not like him, he will tend to react with confusion, shock or horror. If these differences run down moral lines, it will usually also lead to fierce anger on his part. You can get to Philia by weaving crowns of flowers for your companions, then once everyone is adorned, shackling yourself together and dancing around in a circle. Dance and dance until your heart overflows with love and when the music of your hearts beat as one, you will be in Philia.
17- Symbiosa. This is a world of love, where everyone who is born on this plane has another person they are destined to meet and fall in love with. This system is known by everyone, but it leads to as many problems as it solves. Try not to stay on this plane for too long, or you might end up being incorporated into the system and discover you have a Symbiosa too now. You can get to Symbiosa by wrapping yourself in red ribbons, blind-folding yourself and having a dozen poets simultaneously read love poems over you. Their voices will swell and meld and drown your mind. When silence finally returns, you will be in Symbiosa.
18- Shoyashi. This is a world of fantasy made real, cut whole-cloth from the dreams of young, love-struck teenagers. Anyone who enters this world gradually finds themselves being transformed into themselves; or rather, a younger, cuter version of themselves. Shoyashi is a world with no rough edges, no harsh realities. There is still suffering and sadness, but it is usually of the petty, melodramatic kind. This world is prosperous and peaceful, so the only real conflicts here are of elevated, soap-opera style personal struggles and interpersonal drama and the struggle to find love. Basically, this world is like being inside a silly, overdramatic romantic comedy that takes itself 100% seriously. You can get to Shoyashi by wearing your finest outfit and gathering any other travelers around a table set for a sumptuous feast. Anoint everyone present with oil blessed by a God then have a massive food fight. When you have run out of food, you will be in Shoyashi.
19- Nyzori. A world devoted to pleasure, to experiencing the good things in life. The world is a series of endless gardens, where all manner of good things can be found, done or experienced. Everything from painting to rigorous debate to eating and sensuality. All those here are attended to by masked attendants who do anything that is asked of them. Additionally, no one here ages, though people can still die. But the longer one stays here, they come to realize that the pleasures that once excited now bore. So people switch from garden to garden, seeking out newer, more novel pleasure. And as you go deeper in, the gardens become stranger, more forbidding, the people less friendly, the attendants more sinister, the pleasures, more depraved. The further down you go, the less sense things start to make, as people descend down into madness and corruption. And once that fact has been discovered, it makes it a bit harder to enjoy yourself. That is, if you're still staying. I really think you should. I mean, what are the odds? That might happen to others, but you, you're different. I'm sure of it. You can get to Nyzori by preparing a garden, tending to it and making it beautiful. Then, throw a massive party in the garden with anything you think will be fun. Make sure to party hard enough that you black out. If you manage to do so, when you wake up, you will be in Nyzori.
20- Mount Celestia. A world of radiant good, of splendid joy. The world is almost exactly like the one you left, with the same buildings, same geography and the same people. But things are better here: the weather is more pleasant, the food tastier, the people friendlier. The last part is important, as this world is one of endless peace. There is no war or crime on this planet, except that brought by outsiders. And even that is small, as few outsiders can even find the strength to grab their swords and lift it in anger. The power of this world is that it slowly, but surely, molds the minds of those who come to inhabit it to never use violence. The people in this world are also all vegetarians. But the control goes further then that; over time, Mount Celestia's influence becomes so great that it binds the soul of the person to it, removing all knowledge of evil and how to inflict it on others. It is a world without darkness, of happy, peaceful, serene, blind fools. The only question is, do you pity, or envy them? You can get to Mount Celestia by doing penance for your crimes and/or sins, then filling a bathtub with lavender water, flower petals and gold coins. Sit in the bathtubs, blind fold yourself and have a musician play music over you. When the musician stops, you will be in Mount Celestia.
by LouieLorry
- Sheol. Sheol is the land of the Dead. It is a grey, endless waste beneath the Earth, full of shades and darker things. All things that are lost end up here, eventually. You can reach Sheol by going down. You'll hit it eventually.
- (low) Heaven. This is where the Gods of Law live. It is a floating island of incredible size, floating at the edge of the planet's exosphere. It is the headquarters for law on this planet, the place where the Rock of Eternity and the Genesis Frog are kept, as well as the Nukarian God's servants, Angels and other wise. You get to low Heaven by going up really high.
- Deep Heaven. Also called The Spirit World, the Floating Realm, the Emptiness, the Void or Space, this is the place where thought is action and dreams are reality. This place is filled with the thoughts, dreams, ideas and passing fancies of every living creature. It is also the place where prophecies, dreams, magic and Outsiders pass through to get to the world of matter. There are many ways to get to Deep Heaven, but all of them are strange.
by unknown
The Accursed Planes:
These are my versions of the Lower Planes. None of them are places where souls are sent for Judgement or their Afterlife, that all takes place beneath Nukaria or in Deep Heaven. These are just other Planes, inhabited by creatures that are reasonable, ie capable of reason, with its own gods, laws and civilizations. That being said, a being from the "base" Plane that contains Nukaria would probably be immensely displeased to find itself here.
1- Riot. A world of manic energy and endless movement. The people of Riot are all disfigured, mutated or modified, having altered their bodies to fit current fashion or utility. Their world resembles them in this way, full of cities and monuments frantically being erected, modified mid-stream and occasionally being abandoned, to be blown to bits, before some new project is begun in its place. No one seems to sleep, or even rest. They will look upon you with pity and try to fix you. Don't let them, or you will never leave this place. You can get to Riot by doing specific types of specific psychedelics in specific amounts, then traveling for at least a minute at 40 miles per hour.
2- Bane. A world inhabited by a race of Devils linked to every single intelligent, living creature on the party's home plane. Whenever you feel pain, your Devil feels pleasure and whenever you feel joy, it suffers terribly. Your Devil's life is also tied to yours- it dies when you do. For these reasons, your Devil despises you totally. Your Devil also knows a secret- if you die at its hands, it will not die, but instead gain power and agelessness, as well as being freed from bondage. This is what all the Devils desire- for you to die and for it to bathe in immortality. Unfortunately, your Devil cannot usually reach you. But these are unusual times, are they not? You can get to Bane by going into a bathroom, writing your name backwards on a mirror, then turning out all the lights and reading the nonsense name you have written aloud. If you have done it correctly, the bathroom will have changed and when you exit, you will be in a different universe.
3- Battery City. An endless city, composed of skyscrapers, brownstones and small warehouses. The buildings vary in architectural styles, materials and age, but they all fit seamlessly together here. Additionally, there is no other type of terrain visible- no harbors, parks or anything of the sort. Unlike the city's strange harmony, however, the inhabitants of this plane are all ruthless and traumatized. They are all paranoid and untrustworthy, fighting each other constantly over the smallest of things. The only order comes from living in an area ruled by one of the Gangster Kings, but their reigns are short and bloody, as they don't trust their lieutenants and the feeling is mutual. Stay too long and you will find yourself seeing conspiracies in the sideways glances of your former friends. What are they not telling you? You can get to Riots by lying to someone you love, putting on a mask, then hiding in an isolated place. Once you are hidden, say to yourself, "Liar, Liar, what aren't you telling me?" Do it right and you will find yourself in Battery City.
4- Selene. A world of madness and inversion. Here the nights are bright, lit by a mammoth moon that drowns the world in silver, while the days are dark, the sun small and pale, delicate as a yellow poppy. On this plane, the harder you try to hide a secret, the more easily it is revealed; mirrors show new images, rather than reflect ones that already exist; to wear clothes is to be naked; to go about without a mask is sinfully erotic and utterly scandalous; fire freezes and ice burns. The first Wizards come from this place, as only a topsy-turvy people could come up with the idea of feeding their thoughts to tiny monsters instead of trying to understand them. You reach Selene by waiting for the night of the full moon, going up onto a high roof and reading a love poem to her. Then, jump off the roof. If you have done it properly, you will be unhurt and have ended up in Selene.
5- Archeon*. A world consumed by sport, battle and blood. Archeon is an endless tournament, a competition between all comers for the championship. This plane draws warriors, willing or otherwise, from all worlds to continually refresh the pool of challengers for the belt. All in Archeon are expected to conduct themselves with honor and to follow certain nigh-immutable laws. Fair play is the whole of the law- you may slaughter your opponents in combat, but if you attempt to cheat in a match, you will be hounded by all the warriors nearby until you repent or die. You get to Archeon by arranging a formal duel or fight between yourself and an opponent. Your opponent must cheat, while you do not. If this happens, after the fight, you will receive an invitation to participate in The Tournament. If you accept, follow the instructions on the invitation. Do so and you will be taken to Archeon.
6- Carceri. A dying world of salt flats and dessicated trees. There is minimal plant and animal life left here, only the hardiest and most vicious of creatures could survive a terrible place like this. They rule the harsh, blistering days, scraping out meagre existences here. But these are only the last of the old inhabitants, on their way out. The much more numerous residents of this world are the Undead. Many of them are feral, wandering endlessly in search of something that will relieve their suffering or bring them some satisfaction, while others are slaves to the Corpse Knights, who serve the Rotting Kings. The latter are the rulers of this world and fight amongst each other in grinding, perpetual wars that have been raging for millennia, at the very earliest. You can get to Carcerei by going into the desert, climbing into a coffin, sarcophagus or some other container for holding the dead, then burying that container in the sand. When you dig yourself out, you will be in Carcerei.
*Not mine. I have included a link to the original post that suggested the idea.
source unknown
The Parallel Worlds:
The Accursed Planes are what happens when you go "down", but what happens if you go sideways? You end up in one of the Parallel Worlds, which are much like our own. Some of these worlds are so indistinguishable from each other that you could spend a lifetime looking for differences and you might never find any. In this world, you will find other many of the same people, institutions, nations and etc in your Home Plane. This is the best part of any Multiverse story, I find, to see all the alternate versions of characters and the world, and that's what the Parallel Worlds are about.
These aren't all the Parallel Worlds, but I figured it was a good start.
7- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except here, the alternate selves of the party are a band of criminals on the run from the authorities. The specific nature of their crimes are up to you, as well as how they ended up doing these bad things, but make no mistake, the alternate selves in this universe are evil. You can get to this world by sneaking into a courthouse or other public building at night, committing some evil act, leaving behind a personal possession, then leaving before the sun rises.
8- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except the alternate selves of the party are working for a previous antagonist, preferrably one that the players killed. Their alternate selves are not evil, but they might be a bit more opportunistic than the players. You can get to this world by finding the bones/body of one of your fallen enemies, dismembering it, then dancing around it until dawn.
9- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except the alternate selves of the party are cursed in this universe. They're slowly turning into animals, being chased by Ghosts or some equally terrible fate. If asked about this, they will tell the party that they went after a treasure that the players haven't heard of or sought out and were cursed for their trouble. The alternate selves switch between musing about all the wealth they gained and cursing their own hubris. You can get to this world by getting a Magic-User or a Prophet to curse you to "Be cast out of this world."
10- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except the alternate selves of the party choose the opposite choice and experienced a different outcome that the players did. Did the players give up in pursuit a powerful artifact or a treasure? The alternate selves from this world didn't and now they're rich. Or maybe they're rich, but the Wizard died and the Paladin is missing a hand. Use your creativity. You can get to this world by writing a list of regrets, burning it, then sprinkling yourself in the ashes. Then go to bed. When you wake up, you will be in another world.
11- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except the alternate selves of the party are pursuing a different goal or quest. Maybe if the players are on a treasure hunt, the alternate selves from this plane are preparing for a heist mission. You can get to this world by writing a task you never intend to complete on a piece of paper, carving it into a piece of wood, engraving it on a stone, etc. Then smash the object to pieces, dissolve it in water and drink it. Do it correctly and you will find yourself looking for something to wash the taste out of your mouth in another world.
12- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except the players are being mentored by a noble NPC who is a bit stronger then them. If I was running this world, I'd make that NPC by a Dwarven Paladin named Dane, but that's because of an old joke between me and my players. All it really matters is that the NPC is righteous. You can get to this world by writing the names of every living, noble souls you can think of in a circle, then stepping inside the circle, blind-folding yourself (everyone inside the circle must be blind-folded) then spinning around and pointing at one of the names randomly. If when you remove the blind-fold you find the circle of names missing, you are in another world.
13- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except one of the players' alternate selves has a cool magic item, treasure or other possession that the players don't. If asked, the alternate selves will tell the players where they can find it, though odds are that this magic item is held by some antagonist or stuck at the bottom of some terribly dangerous dungeon. You can get to this world by telling stories about the item they desire, then making a model of it out of base materials, such as wood, mud, etc. Then burn the model and allow the smoke to engulf you. When it clears, you will be in another world.
14- This world is almost exactly like your Home Plane, except the player's alternate selves in this universe are at their most noble. They are almost all good, or at least better than they could be. This is a "best possible version" sort of deal. The alternate selves aren't necessarily stronger than the players, but they will definitely have better teamwork. You can get to this better world by having a conversation and confessing your flaws to each other. Then write your own name in the dirt enough times to form a circle. Then sit in this circle and meditate on these flaws. Keep going and do not open your eyes until you hear your own voice speaking to you. When you open your eyes, you will be in another world.
by IvanLaliashvili
Blessed Planes:
The Blessed Planes are the "upper worlds". They aren't utopias, still blighted by death and suffering and woe. But they do possess significant, inherent advantages for those who dwell there. Compared to the world the party is native from, these ones might be more appealing as destinations or places to live. That being said, while these worlds do not share the problems of our world, they have many of their own unique ones.
15- Arcadia. This a world of unspoiled wilderness, of life free of the complications of civilization. This world causes technology to fail and progress to unspool, slowly lowering everyone present here into a more primitive state. At first, this causes suffering. But the longer you spend here, the more it seems to invigorate the person. The air is more bracing, the water more delicious, the food more nourishing; everything about this world fosters strength. Those who have the strength grow on this world, becoming as the fearless men of old. However, there is a gray lining to this silver cloud. Arcadia is ruthless towards weakness. Anyone who cannot adapt to this newer, harsher environment, or someone who was kept alive by technology or a complex social system will be devoured by this world. You can get to Arcadia by burning a house to the ground, stripping down and smearing yourself with the ashes, then diving into a fast-flowing river. When you surface, you will be in Arcadia.
16- Philia. This is a world of sacred fraternity, of union between brothers. Here all creatures are connected into a plane-wide hyper consciousness called Raina, who constantly speaks to all the living creatures on this plane. Additionally, because they are connected to each other through Raina, all living creatures can hear each other's surface thoughts. This means that there is little violence on this planet, as many small conflicts are easily resolved. That being said, while small conflicts can easily be resolved, larger ideological ones cannot. To prevent these groups from fighting, Raina segregates the people by race, religion and language and does not tell the groups about the other's existence. This keeps everything mostly peaceful, but also makes the groups hyper sensitive. If someone from this plane encounter anyone that is not like him, he will tend to react with confusion, shock or horror. If these differences run down moral lines, it will usually also lead to fierce anger on his part. You can get to Philia by weaving crowns of flowers for your companions, then once everyone is adorned, shackling yourself together and dancing around in a circle. Dance and dance until your heart overflows with love and when the music of your hearts beat as one, you will be in Philia.
17- Symbiosa. This is a world of love, where everyone who is born on this plane has another person they are destined to meet and fall in love with. This system is known by everyone, but it leads to as many problems as it solves. Try not to stay on this plane for too long, or you might end up being incorporated into the system and discover you have a Symbiosa too now. You can get to Symbiosa by wrapping yourself in red ribbons, blind-folding yourself and having a dozen poets simultaneously read love poems over you. Their voices will swell and meld and drown your mind. When silence finally returns, you will be in Symbiosa.
18- Shoyashi. This is a world of fantasy made real, cut whole-cloth from the dreams of young, love-struck teenagers. Anyone who enters this world gradually finds themselves being transformed into themselves; or rather, a younger, cuter version of themselves. Shoyashi is a world with no rough edges, no harsh realities. There is still suffering and sadness, but it is usually of the petty, melodramatic kind. This world is prosperous and peaceful, so the only real conflicts here are of elevated, soap-opera style personal struggles and interpersonal drama and the struggle to find love. Basically, this world is like being inside a silly, overdramatic romantic comedy that takes itself 100% seriously. You can get to Shoyashi by wearing your finest outfit and gathering any other travelers around a table set for a sumptuous feast. Anoint everyone present with oil blessed by a God then have a massive food fight. When you have run out of food, you will be in Shoyashi.
19- Nyzori. A world devoted to pleasure, to experiencing the good things in life. The world is a series of endless gardens, where all manner of good things can be found, done or experienced. Everything from painting to rigorous debate to eating and sensuality. All those here are attended to by masked attendants who do anything that is asked of them. Additionally, no one here ages, though people can still die. But the longer one stays here, they come to realize that the pleasures that once excited now bore. So people switch from garden to garden, seeking out newer, more novel pleasure. And as you go deeper in, the gardens become stranger, more forbidding, the people less friendly, the attendants more sinister, the pleasures, more depraved. The further down you go, the less sense things start to make, as people descend down into madness and corruption. And once that fact has been discovered, it makes it a bit harder to enjoy yourself. That is, if you're still staying. I really think you should. I mean, what are the odds? That might happen to others, but you, you're different. I'm sure of it. You can get to Nyzori by preparing a garden, tending to it and making it beautiful. Then, throw a massive party in the garden with anything you think will be fun. Make sure to party hard enough that you black out. If you manage to do so, when you wake up, you will be in Nyzori.
20- Mount Celestia. A world of radiant good, of splendid joy. The world is almost exactly like the one you left, with the same buildings, same geography and the same people. But things are better here: the weather is more pleasant, the food tastier, the people friendlier. The last part is important, as this world is one of endless peace. There is no war or crime on this planet, except that brought by outsiders. And even that is small, as few outsiders can even find the strength to grab their swords and lift it in anger. The power of this world is that it slowly, but surely, molds the minds of those who come to inhabit it to never use violence. The people in this world are also all vegetarians. But the control goes further then that; over time, Mount Celestia's influence becomes so great that it binds the soul of the person to it, removing all knowledge of evil and how to inflict it on others. It is a world without darkness, of happy, peaceful, serene, blind fools. The only question is, do you pity, or envy them? You can get to Mount Celestia by doing penance for your crimes and/or sins, then filling a bathtub with lavender water, flower petals and gold coins. Sit in the bathtubs, blind fold yourself and have a musician play music over you. When the musician stops, you will be in Mount Celestia.
by LouieLorry
Thursday, January 16, 2020
SOS: Tommy Tripps and the Triple Ts
from Star Wars: Darth Vader #7
(The character's name is 0-0-0. He was my inspiration for this post.)
The Birovan underworld is full of bounty hunters, assassins and all sorts of other unsavory types who will do anything, for the right price. Wet workers are a dime a dozen, if you know where to look. But even among the scum of the Birova Sector, there are some standards. There are some things even cold-blooded killers won't do. Some jobs are just too dangerous, inconvenient or ugly for the run-of-the-mill cleaner. For some jobs, you need a specialist.
And among the underworld's blackest, there is a certain duo, sometimes a trio, that specializes in really messy jobs. They take the kind of work that no one else will. They'll do anything, as long as the price is right and the job interests them. They are effective, if unsubtle assassins. Most of the time, however, is spent on retrieval jobs. They are excellent at kidnapping and trafficking unwilling victims anywhere they need to be taken. The other most common type of job they work is information retrieval or enhanced interrogation, depending on what euphemism you prefer.
They are known as Triple T, or 3T for short, and they are available for hire.
by behance
Captain Thomas "Tommy" Tripps aka "Captain Tripps"
No one is sure what he is Captain of, at first. He doesn't seem to own his own ship or be a military man in anyway. But cross Tripps and you'll soon realize he is captain of the boat taking you straight to Hell.
On the outside, he resembles a butler robot, albeit one that looks very human-like. He very closely resembles the type that magnates and oligarchs often have at their elbow, ready to translate whatever needs to be said. He will top off glasses, serve meals, massage his master's shoulders, read contracts and of course, translate. If you don't look closely, or don't know what you are looking for, you will probably overlook him entirely. This is what he desires, as he thinks it is absolutely hilarious when the truth is revealed. To complete the illusion, he pairs it with an abnegating, servile demeanor and acts as if he is always eager to please. To an extent, this isn't that far from his actual personality. His mask mostly consists of him being very docile and seemingly obedient.
But as history shows, this is nothing more than a mask. Thomas Tripps is a psychopath and a serial killer. He views all other living creatures as nothing more than tools, to be ignored, used, abused or discarded at will. He is also rather arrogant, though he conceals this well behind his self-effacing demeanor. Those who truly know Tripps will realize that his eager-to-please nature is actually a cruel jape, a way of mocking the other person he is talking to, a form of elaborate burlesque that only makes him laugh.
That's fine with Tripps though. He doesn't want you to laugh. He wants you to scream.
Tripps works for money, but its' never been about money. He only does it so he can evade prosecution for crimes. Tripps loves to hurt people and derives an almost erotic enjoyment from the acts of torture and murder. He is the least well-armed of his cohorts for this reason, as Tripps prefers to work with his victim tied to a chair or strapped to an examination table. Despite this fact, Tripps is still a terrifying foe, his cybernetic body enhancing his speed, strength, toughness and senses. Along with that, he is equipped with many gruesome instruments that he will be eager to show you.
Weakness: Tripps is a narcissist, among other things. He thinks of other people as tools, and thus, he doesn't understand them. Tripps is easily blind-sided by those who can skillfully manipulate others, as he doesn't expect a tool to try and affect him. He will never see a betrayal, double-cross, or verbal trap coming. The dialogue between groups and ideas would be incomprehensible to him, if he actually cared to investigate it at all. In short, he thinks you are much dumber than you actually are. He will underestimate you the first time he faces you.
Thomas Tripps
HD 5
AC 13
Atk Blink Pistol (1d8, save vs firearm) + Gauntlet Blade (1d6+2) or Instruments of Torture (special)
Mor 14
Saves 10 or less is a success
Cybernetic: Tripps is a cyborg. His body can be hacked, though he has some very impressive firewalls. He does require air, sleep, food, water and rest, but the amount of these things he needs are limited. When he is at full health, he can survive in space without the need for any additional equipment, though only for about 10 minutes. He is only vulnerable to poisons or diseases if they somehow get past his metallic shell.
Hunter's Eyes: Tripps' cybernetic eyes let him see in low-light environment. He also has thermal and binocular vision.
Instruments of Torture: Tripps' cybernetic body conceals many small tools that are only useful for torture. Tripps is more often recruited for his skills in breaking prisoners then his assassination skills, for this reason. His Instruments of Torture are not incredibly dangerous, but are not useful against someone who isn't helpless. As such, if the creature the Instruments of Torture are being used on is restrained or helpless, they take up to 2d10 damage from being touched by them, though Tripps is careful enough that he can toggle the amount of damage done, as long as he does at least 1. Against someone who is not helpless, the Instruments of Torture only do 1d4.
- Let others take the risks
- Never endanger yourself
- Target the weakest
- Separate them and drag them away
source unknown
Bryan Trant aka "Broken Bryan" aka "BB"
Bryan Trant was born to a relatively wealthy family of wealth managers, or "Goldeners". They were the sort that made nothing themselves, but instead were responsible for stewarding the assets of their much greater clientele. A comfortable, if dull existence awaited Trant, were it not for the actions of his Father. For reasons that are largely unknown, Trant Sr. decided that he was tired of his modest lifestyle. He wanted to live like a Prince, so that's what he endeavored to do, through a combination of smoozing, borrowing, embezzling and making risky investments. For a while, he achieved his dreams, sending his sons to prestigious academies, buying his wife beautiful fabrics and glittering jewels, but most of all, finally being respected by those who had looked down on him his whole life.
But then the market suddenly declined. Not long after, creditors came knocking. Then authorities took a closer look at his books. Before the Trants knew it, they were on the run from some very wealthy, very angry people who weren't getting their money back. Not that those wealthy people knew this at the time. They thought Trant Sr. had hidden the money somewhere, so they hired Captain Tommy Tripps and a pack of cold-hearted, well armed men to find it.
After torturing Trant Sr. to the brink of madness, Tripps realized that the man was telling the truth and there really was no money left. It had all been lost or spent already. When Tripps reported this fact, his client ordered Trant Sr. terminated. Tripps was more than happy to oblige. He then proceeded to systematically murder every single member of Trant Sr.'s immediate family, with one exception, before finally killing the man himself.
Yet despite Tripps complete ruthlessness, he did not kill Bryan Trant. He saw something in Bryan, a seed of hate. For him, and for the world at large. For some reason, Tripps thought he could use that, so he spared the boy and carefully tended that seed. And after years of abuse, elective surgery and cybernetic modification, he feels he has succeeded.
From the outside, Trant is a pathetic figure. He resembles a rich man in a Grav-Chair, clad in faded robes, his lower body shielded by a blanket. If this blanket is shifted or you feel underneath, you will see that Trant's body ends at the waist, everything below having been amputated. Trant was then permanently attached to the Grav-Chair, which has been heavily modified to keep him alive. Trant is plainly and obviously miserable in this state, resenting the loss of his body. He will never walk again, never experience the touch of a real woman he doesn't have to pay again and never not be looked upon with pity. As such, he goes out of his way to make himself look as bad as possible, rarely changing his robes, letting his hair grow long and unkempt, never cleaning it so greasy locks hang down into his face. His fingernails are long and jagged, as he chews on them when nervous or angry. Trant hides behind his veil of greasy hair and rarely speaks at any volume above a whisper.
Tripps likes to use this appearance to their advantage. The two of them often use the pathos aroused by Trant's condition to evade suspicion. When people look at them, all they see is a crippled rich man and his robot butler.
This would be their first, but certainly not their last mistake. Trant's Grav-Chair has also been heavily modified to accomodate dozens of concealed weapons, including a missile launcher, two incinerators, a Grenade Thrower and a pair of Heavy Stubbers. Trant is sitting on top of enough firepower to reduce an entire company of soldiers to a bloody ruin. And he likes to use it. Trant doesn't care for pain or torture, but he does love to watch people die. And he doesn't mind if he has to kill them himself.
Weakness: Trant despises most people, especially those who have what he does not. Namely, these things include, but are not limited to: whole, able bodies; families, friends, loved ones; healthy, loving relationships, romantic or otherwise; clear consciences or solid moral principles. If he believes that it is not an incredibly terrible idea, he will try to kill anyone like this. He also despises Tripps, but is too scared of him to do anything. But if Tripps were going to die, Trant would not help him.
Bryan Trant
HD 3
AC 10
Atk Collapsible SP Rifle (2d6, save vs firearm) or Concealed Arsenal
Mor 16
Saves 9 or less is a success
Cybernetic: Bryan Trant is a cyborg. He does require air, sleep, food, water and rest, but the amount of these things he needs are limited. His cybernetic body parts could be hacked, but the security around them is impressive. More importantly, his body is only kept alive by his cybernetic components. If these were destroyed or deactivated, he would die. Tripps has the ability to switch off Trant's life-support at will, because of the secret backdoor he installed in the Grav-Chair's software. If this were discovered, Trant could be easily neutralized.
Concealed Arsenal: Trant has many weapons concealed in his modified Grav-Chair. As a free action, he may activate any of them and use them in place of his rifle. His arsenal includes:
- Missile Launcher: Does 4d6 explosive damage in a 30' sphere, all within must save for half. He has 1d4+1 missiles at any given time.
- Incincerator: Fires jets of burning slime that sticks to everything and cannot be extinguished by water. Does 2d6 damage in a 30' cone, with an additional 1d6 damage a round until the fire is extinguished or the slime is scraped off.
- Heavy Stubber: An anti-infantry weapon that easily makes mincemeat of all but heavy infantry. Does 1d12 damage, save vs firearm. Trant may make an attack on an additional target with this weapon, if there is an additional target adjacent to his first.
Hover: Trant's Grav-Chair hovers off the ground.
Large Size: Trant's Grav-Chair is cumbersome, making him count as a large creature. Additionally, his chair is noisy and prevents all attempts at stealth, as it is easily heard.
Shields: Trant, as an action, may activate a force shield around his Grav-Chair. This shield has 3d6 HP and is immune to acid, cold and sharp damage. It also takes only half damage from blunt sources, not counting projectiles from SP weapons, unless the projectile is from a sufficiently powerful weapon, or bigger than a man's fist. The shield is vulnerable to heat. But if subjected to too much heat energy or fire damage, it will fail and overload, requiring 1d3 rounds to cool before it can be reactivated. Trant can restore his shield to full HP on his turn as an action, but while his shield his up, he cannot make an attack on anyone outside the shield. He can drop the shield as a free action.
- Pretend to be helpless
- Use your rifle from long range
- If confronted with a larger force, use 'Concealed Arsenal'
- Use your 'Shields' to make a getaway
from wall paper up
Truncheon IV
Truncheon isn't actually a member of Tripps' crew technically. Tripps and Trant are partners. That's because "Truncheon" is a robot. Specifically he's a combat robot, a Mark 6 Montana-Vickers Armored Combat Model, originally designated as ACM 176547-A. Tripps and Trant found him when on a job to capture and interrogate a corrupt military officer who has part of a smuggling ring. He was part of a platoon of robots that were being decommissioned. But unlike all the others, ACM 176547-A had suffered only minor external damage. The only real problem was to his crystal computer, which had been slagged in combat. Since his computer was toast, the only way to fix him would be to install a new one, but those cores cost much more than the actual robot. So they decided just to scrap it, along with what was left of the other robots in the platoon.
But one man's trash is another man's treasure, and Tripps wasn't going to miss his chance to get his hands on an almost undamaged combat robot. So he and Trant killed half the people in the scrapyard and blew up a couple of the main buildings, all to steal this robot. In truth, they mostly killed those people and destroyed that building for their own amusement, but it did achieve the primary purpose of covering up the theft.
From there, they gave the robot an immature paint job and decorated its' chassis with human bones, strips of skin and other gruesome charms. Then they programmed the robot speak and gave it the orders for it to be relentlessly cheerful when responding to them and to appear dim-witted. Then they dubbed this new robot "Truncheon".
Tripps uses Truncheon as a blunt instrument and a sacrificial lamb. If he needs someone to buy time, do something excessively risky or do something simple, he sends Truncheon to do it. And each time Truncheon is destroyed, he and Trant gather up what remains and fix him. After a couple of times, Trant pointed out with the amounts of replacement parts, Truncheon was barely even the same robot. After debating the Ship of Theseus for a couple of minutes, Tripps got bored and declared that they were actually constructing a new robot, named Truncheon 2. They have done this several times by now.
Truncheon, of course, doesn't have an opinion on this. He is a robot, after all.
Truncheon IV
HD 3
AC 14
Atk Wrist Lasers (2d6 fire, save for half) or Steel Fists (1d8/1d8)
Mor 20 (will only retreat if ordered to)
Saves 8 or less is a success
Robots: Robots do not need to eat, drink, sleep or breathe. They do not possess minds to read or influence with magic, so they ignore all charm, fear or other spells or abilities that affect the mind. They do not get scared or tired. They can be hacked.
Programmed: This robot is programmed to obey orders from Tommy Tripps and Bryan, overriding orders from the latter in favor of the former. This robot know how to fight, sneak and use somewhat clever tactics. It is no genius, but it can stage an ambush and use stealth, though that's kind of hard for it.
- Charge in
- Be jolly
- Never be afraid of anything
from tweak town . com
(The character's name is 0-0-0. He was my inspiration for this post.)
The Birovan underworld is full of bounty hunters, assassins and all sorts of other unsavory types who will do anything, for the right price. Wet workers are a dime a dozen, if you know where to look. But even among the scum of the Birova Sector, there are some standards. There are some things even cold-blooded killers won't do. Some jobs are just too dangerous, inconvenient or ugly for the run-of-the-mill cleaner. For some jobs, you need a specialist.
And among the underworld's blackest, there is a certain duo, sometimes a trio, that specializes in really messy jobs. They take the kind of work that no one else will. They'll do anything, as long as the price is right and the job interests them. They are effective, if unsubtle assassins. Most of the time, however, is spent on retrieval jobs. They are excellent at kidnapping and trafficking unwilling victims anywhere they need to be taken. The other most common type of job they work is information retrieval or enhanced interrogation, depending on what euphemism you prefer.
They are known as Triple T, or 3T for short, and they are available for hire.
by behance
Captain Thomas "Tommy" Tripps aka "Captain Tripps"
No one is sure what he is Captain of, at first. He doesn't seem to own his own ship or be a military man in anyway. But cross Tripps and you'll soon realize he is captain of the boat taking you straight to Hell.
On the outside, he resembles a butler robot, albeit one that looks very human-like. He very closely resembles the type that magnates and oligarchs often have at their elbow, ready to translate whatever needs to be said. He will top off glasses, serve meals, massage his master's shoulders, read contracts and of course, translate. If you don't look closely, or don't know what you are looking for, you will probably overlook him entirely. This is what he desires, as he thinks it is absolutely hilarious when the truth is revealed. To complete the illusion, he pairs it with an abnegating, servile demeanor and acts as if he is always eager to please. To an extent, this isn't that far from his actual personality. His mask mostly consists of him being very docile and seemingly obedient.
But as history shows, this is nothing more than a mask. Thomas Tripps is a psychopath and a serial killer. He views all other living creatures as nothing more than tools, to be ignored, used, abused or discarded at will. He is also rather arrogant, though he conceals this well behind his self-effacing demeanor. Those who truly know Tripps will realize that his eager-to-please nature is actually a cruel jape, a way of mocking the other person he is talking to, a form of elaborate burlesque that only makes him laugh.
That's fine with Tripps though. He doesn't want you to laugh. He wants you to scream.
Tripps works for money, but its' never been about money. He only does it so he can evade prosecution for crimes. Tripps loves to hurt people and derives an almost erotic enjoyment from the acts of torture and murder. He is the least well-armed of his cohorts for this reason, as Tripps prefers to work with his victim tied to a chair or strapped to an examination table. Despite this fact, Tripps is still a terrifying foe, his cybernetic body enhancing his speed, strength, toughness and senses. Along with that, he is equipped with many gruesome instruments that he will be eager to show you.
Weakness: Tripps is a narcissist, among other things. He thinks of other people as tools, and thus, he doesn't understand them. Tripps is easily blind-sided by those who can skillfully manipulate others, as he doesn't expect a tool to try and affect him. He will never see a betrayal, double-cross, or verbal trap coming. The dialogue between groups and ideas would be incomprehensible to him, if he actually cared to investigate it at all. In short, he thinks you are much dumber than you actually are. He will underestimate you the first time he faces you.
Thomas Tripps
HD 5
AC 13
Atk Blink Pistol (1d8, save vs firearm) + Gauntlet Blade (1d6+2) or Instruments of Torture (special)
Mor 14
Saves 10 or less is a success
Cybernetic: Tripps is a cyborg. His body can be hacked, though he has some very impressive firewalls. He does require air, sleep, food, water and rest, but the amount of these things he needs are limited. When he is at full health, he can survive in space without the need for any additional equipment, though only for about 10 minutes. He is only vulnerable to poisons or diseases if they somehow get past his metallic shell.
Hunter's Eyes: Tripps' cybernetic eyes let him see in low-light environment. He also has thermal and binocular vision.
Instruments of Torture: Tripps' cybernetic body conceals many small tools that are only useful for torture. Tripps is more often recruited for his skills in breaking prisoners then his assassination skills, for this reason. His Instruments of Torture are not incredibly dangerous, but are not useful against someone who isn't helpless. As such, if the creature the Instruments of Torture are being used on is restrained or helpless, they take up to 2d10 damage from being touched by them, though Tripps is careful enough that he can toggle the amount of damage done, as long as he does at least 1. Against someone who is not helpless, the Instruments of Torture only do 1d4.
- Let others take the risks
- Never endanger yourself
- Target the weakest
- Separate them and drag them away
source unknown
Bryan Trant aka "Broken Bryan" aka "BB"
Bryan Trant was born to a relatively wealthy family of wealth managers, or "Goldeners". They were the sort that made nothing themselves, but instead were responsible for stewarding the assets of their much greater clientele. A comfortable, if dull existence awaited Trant, were it not for the actions of his Father. For reasons that are largely unknown, Trant Sr. decided that he was tired of his modest lifestyle. He wanted to live like a Prince, so that's what he endeavored to do, through a combination of smoozing, borrowing, embezzling and making risky investments. For a while, he achieved his dreams, sending his sons to prestigious academies, buying his wife beautiful fabrics and glittering jewels, but most of all, finally being respected by those who had looked down on him his whole life.
But then the market suddenly declined. Not long after, creditors came knocking. Then authorities took a closer look at his books. Before the Trants knew it, they were on the run from some very wealthy, very angry people who weren't getting their money back. Not that those wealthy people knew this at the time. They thought Trant Sr. had hidden the money somewhere, so they hired Captain Tommy Tripps and a pack of cold-hearted, well armed men to find it.
After torturing Trant Sr. to the brink of madness, Tripps realized that the man was telling the truth and there really was no money left. It had all been lost or spent already. When Tripps reported this fact, his client ordered Trant Sr. terminated. Tripps was more than happy to oblige. He then proceeded to systematically murder every single member of Trant Sr.'s immediate family, with one exception, before finally killing the man himself.
Yet despite Tripps complete ruthlessness, he did not kill Bryan Trant. He saw something in Bryan, a seed of hate. For him, and for the world at large. For some reason, Tripps thought he could use that, so he spared the boy and carefully tended that seed. And after years of abuse, elective surgery and cybernetic modification, he feels he has succeeded.
From the outside, Trant is a pathetic figure. He resembles a rich man in a Grav-Chair, clad in faded robes, his lower body shielded by a blanket. If this blanket is shifted or you feel underneath, you will see that Trant's body ends at the waist, everything below having been amputated. Trant was then permanently attached to the Grav-Chair, which has been heavily modified to keep him alive. Trant is plainly and obviously miserable in this state, resenting the loss of his body. He will never walk again, never experience the touch of a real woman he doesn't have to pay again and never not be looked upon with pity. As such, he goes out of his way to make himself look as bad as possible, rarely changing his robes, letting his hair grow long and unkempt, never cleaning it so greasy locks hang down into his face. His fingernails are long and jagged, as he chews on them when nervous or angry. Trant hides behind his veil of greasy hair and rarely speaks at any volume above a whisper.
Tripps likes to use this appearance to their advantage. The two of them often use the pathos aroused by Trant's condition to evade suspicion. When people look at them, all they see is a crippled rich man and his robot butler.
This would be their first, but certainly not their last mistake. Trant's Grav-Chair has also been heavily modified to accomodate dozens of concealed weapons, including a missile launcher, two incinerators, a Grenade Thrower and a pair of Heavy Stubbers. Trant is sitting on top of enough firepower to reduce an entire company of soldiers to a bloody ruin. And he likes to use it. Trant doesn't care for pain or torture, but he does love to watch people die. And he doesn't mind if he has to kill them himself.
Weakness: Trant despises most people, especially those who have what he does not. Namely, these things include, but are not limited to: whole, able bodies; families, friends, loved ones; healthy, loving relationships, romantic or otherwise; clear consciences or solid moral principles. If he believes that it is not an incredibly terrible idea, he will try to kill anyone like this. He also despises Tripps, but is too scared of him to do anything. But if Tripps were going to die, Trant would not help him.
Bryan Trant
HD 3
AC 10
Atk Collapsible SP Rifle (2d6, save vs firearm) or Concealed Arsenal
Mor 16
Saves 9 or less is a success
Cybernetic: Bryan Trant is a cyborg. He does require air, sleep, food, water and rest, but the amount of these things he needs are limited. His cybernetic body parts could be hacked, but the security around them is impressive. More importantly, his body is only kept alive by his cybernetic components. If these were destroyed or deactivated, he would die. Tripps has the ability to switch off Trant's life-support at will, because of the secret backdoor he installed in the Grav-Chair's software. If this were discovered, Trant could be easily neutralized.
Concealed Arsenal: Trant has many weapons concealed in his modified Grav-Chair. As a free action, he may activate any of them and use them in place of his rifle. His arsenal includes:
- Missile Launcher: Does 4d6 explosive damage in a 30' sphere, all within must save for half. He has 1d4+1 missiles at any given time.
- Incincerator: Fires jets of burning slime that sticks to everything and cannot be extinguished by water. Does 2d6 damage in a 30' cone, with an additional 1d6 damage a round until the fire is extinguished or the slime is scraped off.
- Heavy Stubber: An anti-infantry weapon that easily makes mincemeat of all but heavy infantry. Does 1d12 damage, save vs firearm. Trant may make an attack on an additional target with this weapon, if there is an additional target adjacent to his first.
Hover: Trant's Grav-Chair hovers off the ground.
Large Size: Trant's Grav-Chair is cumbersome, making him count as a large creature. Additionally, his chair is noisy and prevents all attempts at stealth, as it is easily heard.
Shields: Trant, as an action, may activate a force shield around his Grav-Chair. This shield has 3d6 HP and is immune to acid, cold and sharp damage. It also takes only half damage from blunt sources, not counting projectiles from SP weapons, unless the projectile is from a sufficiently powerful weapon, or bigger than a man's fist. The shield is vulnerable to heat. But if subjected to too much heat energy or fire damage, it will fail and overload, requiring 1d3 rounds to cool before it can be reactivated. Trant can restore his shield to full HP on his turn as an action, but while his shield his up, he cannot make an attack on anyone outside the shield. He can drop the shield as a free action.
- Pretend to be helpless
- Use your rifle from long range
- If confronted with a larger force, use 'Concealed Arsenal'
- Use your 'Shields' to make a getaway
from wall paper up
Truncheon IV
Truncheon isn't actually a member of Tripps' crew technically. Tripps and Trant are partners. That's because "Truncheon" is a robot. Specifically he's a combat robot, a Mark 6 Montana-Vickers Armored Combat Model, originally designated as ACM 176547-A. Tripps and Trant found him when on a job to capture and interrogate a corrupt military officer who has part of a smuggling ring. He was part of a platoon of robots that were being decommissioned. But unlike all the others, ACM 176547-A had suffered only minor external damage. The only real problem was to his crystal computer, which had been slagged in combat. Since his computer was toast, the only way to fix him would be to install a new one, but those cores cost much more than the actual robot. So they decided just to scrap it, along with what was left of the other robots in the platoon.
But one man's trash is another man's treasure, and Tripps wasn't going to miss his chance to get his hands on an almost undamaged combat robot. So he and Trant killed half the people in the scrapyard and blew up a couple of the main buildings, all to steal this robot. In truth, they mostly killed those people and destroyed that building for their own amusement, but it did achieve the primary purpose of covering up the theft.
From there, they gave the robot an immature paint job and decorated its' chassis with human bones, strips of skin and other gruesome charms. Then they programmed the robot speak and gave it the orders for it to be relentlessly cheerful when responding to them and to appear dim-witted. Then they dubbed this new robot "Truncheon".
Tripps uses Truncheon as a blunt instrument and a sacrificial lamb. If he needs someone to buy time, do something excessively risky or do something simple, he sends Truncheon to do it. And each time Truncheon is destroyed, he and Trant gather up what remains and fix him. After a couple of times, Trant pointed out with the amounts of replacement parts, Truncheon was barely even the same robot. After debating the Ship of Theseus for a couple of minutes, Tripps got bored and declared that they were actually constructing a new robot, named Truncheon 2. They have done this several times by now.
Truncheon, of course, doesn't have an opinion on this. He is a robot, after all.
Truncheon IV
HD 3
AC 14
Atk Wrist Lasers (2d6 fire, save for half) or Steel Fists (1d8/1d8)
Mor 20 (will only retreat if ordered to)
Saves 8 or less is a success
Robots: Robots do not need to eat, drink, sleep or breathe. They do not possess minds to read or influence with magic, so they ignore all charm, fear or other spells or abilities that affect the mind. They do not get scared or tired. They can be hacked.
Programmed: This robot is programmed to obey orders from Tommy Tripps and Bryan, overriding orders from the latter in favor of the former. This robot know how to fight, sneak and use somewhat clever tactics. It is no genius, but it can stage an ambush and use stealth, though that's kind of hard for it.
- Charge in
- Be jolly
- Never be afraid of anything
from tweak town . com
Saturday, January 11, 2020
OSR: Wizard Weapons
This post is an unofficial part 2 to my post on Sages.
Wizard Weapons are an addition meant for my spell-less Wizard, the Sage. It is to grant the Sage some kind of base magical attack, to make them feel a bit more special, since they don't start with any spells. This post will also ensure to combine the best ideas I have with that of others, as well as to clear away any previous rules and to start fresh.
They are called Wizard Weapons, but with proper training, any living creature with a soul can use one. Constructs cannot, but anything else can, even Undead. Though it would take a truly deranged soul to give an Undead one of these tools. Wizard Weapons are mostly products of earlier, more developed ages. They are the only true "magic item" that can be crafted by Sages. In truth though, they possess no inherent power on their own. Instead, they are enhancers, amplifiers, directing the natural power flowing through a mortal's body and focusing it into a blistering attack.
Wizard Weapons come in three types: Wands, Staves and Guns.
source unknown
Wands do not require ammunition, they draw their power directly from the life-force of the wielder. Firing a Wand takes an action and at the lower levels, costs no FS to use. Attacks from a wand, unless it says otherwise, require an attack roll and do 1d6 damage. However, Wands can also be overcharged. By spending a point of FS or more, the user can direct more life energy through the wand, causing the attack to deal more damage. See the Wand Damage Table below for reference.
A proper spellcaster can also use a Wand by spending their spellcasting die, which burn out as usual on a 5 or 6.
What does this Wand do?
1- It is made from the wood of a hanging tree and stained with the blood of a murderer. The Wand does necrotic damage and requires an attack roll. Those who are struck by it and survive hear whispers in the darkness and the presence of others around them, even when they are alone. To the wielder, the Wand is always cold and seems to radiate a subtle "wrongness".
2- It is made of brass, wrapped in bronze and copper wire and tipped with gold. It smells of ash and charred meat. The Wand does fire damage and requires an attack roll. These fires set flammable things on fire and spread like a normal blaze. They are non-magical. To the wielder, the Wand always feels warm to the touch.
3- It is made of iron, the handle wrapped in Serpicant skin. This wand does sharp damage, opening wounds on the target, as if they were injured by phantom swords. It does not require an attack roll, but instead a saving throw. Those who pass their save take no damage from these attacks, while those who fail take damage as normal. This Wand was actually the property of an Imperial Interrogator who served at the Ministry of Justice. If returned to the Ministry, a reward might be offered.
4- It is made of silver with a wooden handle. The Wand does electric damage and requires an attack roll. When used, bolts of lightning leap from the Wand, causing small thunderclaps that are audible for hundreds of feet. Using this Wand will give away your position immediately. Additionally, during a Thunderstorm, this Wand does not require the wielder to spend their own FS and can make 1d6 attacks without payment, as it is drawing energy directly from the storm.
5- It is made of an icicle, the handle wrapped in leaves and flowery stems. The bottom of the wand is tipped with an ever-blooming flower that closes when the Wand isn't being used and opens when it is. A Handsome Man design. This Wand does ice damage and requires an attack roll.
6- It is made of glass and engraved with swirling, fractal patterns. Light refracts through it, casting looping rainbows across the walls and floor. This Wand requires an attack roll and does damage as if it was a level 1 casting of Prismatic Ray during the day, if it is exposed to sunlight. At night, it does psychic damage. If it is in a dark place where the only light is from torches or a campfire, it does fire damage.
by Daniel Zrom
Staves do not require ammunition, they draw power directly from life-force, as Wands do. Staves are often ranged weapons, able to project power over a long range, but they are more flexible and varied in their powers. They can also be imbued with the wielder's mana, making them a magical weapon that is much stronger and more dangerous than a mere quarterstaff should. To activate a Stave or to imbue it with magical energy does 1 FS damage and grants one ranged attack or one round of treating the Stave like a magical weapon.
What does this Stave do?
1- This Staff is made of solid iron and is topped with a bronze orb adorned with red gold. It is warm to the touch and shines brightly in the sun. With this Staff you can either fire a blast of fire, requiring a ranged attack, light the orb of the staff on fire, causing the staff to do +1d6 fire damage on a hit, or you can create a wall of fire. Each cost 1 FS, except the wall of fire, which grants a wall 10' long, 10' high and 1' thick for each point of FS spent.
2- This Staff is made of ornately carved wood detailing plants, vines and fruit. When used, the Staff's wielder can force someone to save. On a failure, they take 1d6 damage as plants take root inside them. If they have open wounds, the plants will widen them, spilling out of the wounds.
3- This Staff is curved and oddly shaped, carved of a single bone from a massive and powerful creature. The Staff can be used to heal or to cause tumorous growths within someone. Both effects require the target to be touched by the staff. For purposes of damage, the Staff functions as an ordinary quarterstaff.
4- This staff is made of dark wood, carved from a section of mast from an infamous slaver's ship. The Staff requires an attack roll and does necrotic damage either from range or as bonus damage to a melee attack.
5- This Staff acts as an amplifier of the wielder's will, allowing him to move one object or creature at a time, as long as that object or creature is the same size category as the wielder. The Staff's wielder must spend 1 FS a round to manipulate an object or creature like this. Creatures get a save to resist. Moving creatures doesn't hurt them, but the Staff can be used to throw someone against a wall. This does 1d6 damage per 10 feet thrown, with a max of 3d6. Also, the wielder can telekinetically crush a person or object held in the Staff's control. Crushing a creature or object like this does 1d6 damage a round, with no save permitted.
6- This Staff is made of shining copper, teased into a curling shape at the top. The staff feels soft and somewhat brittle when empty. This Staff does not have the ability to make its own magical attacks. Instead, by spending 1 FS and letting yourself be hit by some kind of magical effect, you can cause the Staff to absorb the magical attack, essentially ignoring it. Then, for no additional cost, you may fire the magical effect from the Staff as an action. When the Staff is charged with power, it does not feel brittle at all, but is instead harder than steel and automatically counts as magic for purposes of melee attacks.
by medders
Guns are a weapon of previous eras. Once they used some sort of magical or alchemical process to fire projectiles, but the knowledge of these mixtures was lost. When this happened, most guns were destroyed or recycled into something more useful- but some remained. Some of the Handsome Men and Sages of all races have sought to create substitutes that could enable guns to function once more and some of them have succeeded.
Still, these successes are few in number and the secrets of such as guarded savagely. As such, guns are rare and ammunition is very scarce, being found only in small caches of 1d6 to 2d6 in high-level dungeons or taken from dangerous enemies, such as Handsome Men Princes, Dragons, Orcs or high-level Sages.
To determine what kind of Gun you have, roll on the tables below:
This gun is called...
1- Is named Sahara. It has an ivory handle and all of its furnishings are made of gold. The barrel is steel, but all other metal components are made of gold. It is a beautiful weapon.
2- Is named Dean. It is a small weapon, but surprisingly powerful. It has endured immense abuse, but with a little care, it will return to being an instrument of calculated death.
3- Is named Izara. It is made of black metal, polished to a mirror-finish. The lacquer on it is clear but indestructible. The handle is teakwood, the darkest wood that could be found. The instrument radiates a beauty, and a lethality, that makes your heart catch in your throat.
4- Is named Hugo. The weapon is small and highly concealable. It is made of metal painted black, with a dark blue handle. In the dark, it is almost invisible.
5- Is named Salvation. Spartan in appearance, engraved with a crucifix and wrapped tightly in blessed ribbons. The barrel has the words, "Blessed be God" engraved on the right side, and on the left, dozens of tiny crosses have been scratched into the barrel.
6- Is named Lucy or Fat Satan. A massive, burly weapon that has the power to punch a hole the size of a trashcan lid in someone. The weapon is made of stamped steel and smells perpetually of blood and sulfur. An ill-omened weapon, seeing it is a sure sign of impending catastrophe.
The ammunition you have is...
Casing: Dragonbone, black bone full of iron.
Firing: A blast of fire from the barrel
Effect: Flames spew from the wound, as well as the mouth and nostrils of the struck, turn the target into a pyre
Mechanics: 2d6 damage, +1d6 fire until the struck drinks a bunch of water or puts his wound underwater
Casing: Alchemically strengthened glass, stained a sickly green, translucent, full of a sloshing mixture
Firing: The shattering of glass, the hiss of gas escaping
Effect: Target begins screaming as the green mixture splatters him and begins dissolving his flesh
Mechanics: 1d6 acid damage a round, anything damaged by the acid is converted into more acid. Acid is neutralized by water or salt.
Casing: Brass, engraved with geometric designs, a faint ticking can be heard coming from inside
Firing: The sound of a bell tower ringing
Effect: Target has chunks of his body disappear into the ether
Mechanics: Target, if he is below half HP, must save. On a failure, target vanishes, taking all possessions with him. On a success or if he is above half health, 3d6 damage
Casing: Made of white clay, painted with flowers and doves, warm to the touch
Firing: The sound of birdsong
Effect: Target is engulfed by incorporeal flames as dazzling light floods the area
Mechanics: 2d6 radiant damage to target plus fills the area for 1d6*100' with natural sunlight
Casing: Made of rawhide, wrapped in butcher's twine
Firing: The smell of meat, the scream of a hog
Effect: target's fles begins frothing like cola, their features twist and new appendages burst from their body
Mechanics: 2d6 damage + 1d4 mutations
Casing: Carefully folded paper, covered in poems written by monks
Firing: The chanting of a hundred throats, casting prayers toward heaven
Effect: A puff of smoke, the slam of a heavenly gavel
Mechanics: Target takes 1d6 damage and must save. If he is righteous, he regains 1d6 HP. If he is wicked, he immediately suffers some sort of seemingly natural accident, such as being buried in a cave in, struck by lightning, attacked by a tiger, etc. If the target is of a muddled sort and the Referee cannot decide, he takes an additional +1d6 damage.
from here on
Wizard Weapons are an addition meant for my spell-less Wizard, the Sage. It is to grant the Sage some kind of base magical attack, to make them feel a bit more special, since they don't start with any spells. This post will also ensure to combine the best ideas I have with that of others, as well as to clear away any previous rules and to start fresh.
They are called Wizard Weapons, but with proper training, any living creature with a soul can use one. Constructs cannot, but anything else can, even Undead. Though it would take a truly deranged soul to give an Undead one of these tools. Wizard Weapons are mostly products of earlier, more developed ages. They are the only true "magic item" that can be crafted by Sages. In truth though, they possess no inherent power on their own. Instead, they are enhancers, amplifiers, directing the natural power flowing through a mortal's body and focusing it into a blistering attack.
Wizard Weapons come in three types: Wands, Staves and Guns.
source unknown
Wands do not require ammunition, they draw their power directly from the life-force of the wielder. Firing a Wand takes an action and at the lower levels, costs no FS to use. Attacks from a wand, unless it says otherwise, require an attack roll and do 1d6 damage. However, Wands can also be overcharged. By spending a point of FS or more, the user can direct more life energy through the wand, causing the attack to deal more damage. See the Wand Damage Table below for reference.
A proper spellcaster can also use a Wand by spending their spellcasting die, which burn out as usual on a 5 or 6.
1- It is made from the wood of a hanging tree and stained with the blood of a murderer. The Wand does necrotic damage and requires an attack roll. Those who are struck by it and survive hear whispers in the darkness and the presence of others around them, even when they are alone. To the wielder, the Wand is always cold and seems to radiate a subtle "wrongness".
2- It is made of brass, wrapped in bronze and copper wire and tipped with gold. It smells of ash and charred meat. The Wand does fire damage and requires an attack roll. These fires set flammable things on fire and spread like a normal blaze. They are non-magical. To the wielder, the Wand always feels warm to the touch.
3- It is made of iron, the handle wrapped in Serpicant skin. This wand does sharp damage, opening wounds on the target, as if they were injured by phantom swords. It does not require an attack roll, but instead a saving throw. Those who pass their save take no damage from these attacks, while those who fail take damage as normal. This Wand was actually the property of an Imperial Interrogator who served at the Ministry of Justice. If returned to the Ministry, a reward might be offered.
4- It is made of silver with a wooden handle. The Wand does electric damage and requires an attack roll. When used, bolts of lightning leap from the Wand, causing small thunderclaps that are audible for hundreds of feet. Using this Wand will give away your position immediately. Additionally, during a Thunderstorm, this Wand does not require the wielder to spend their own FS and can make 1d6 attacks without payment, as it is drawing energy directly from the storm.
5- It is made of an icicle, the handle wrapped in leaves and flowery stems. The bottom of the wand is tipped with an ever-blooming flower that closes when the Wand isn't being used and opens when it is. A Handsome Man design. This Wand does ice damage and requires an attack roll.
6- It is made of glass and engraved with swirling, fractal patterns. Light refracts through it, casting looping rainbows across the walls and floor. This Wand requires an attack roll and does damage as if it was a level 1 casting of Prismatic Ray during the day, if it is exposed to sunlight. At night, it does psychic damage. If it is in a dark place where the only light is from torches or a campfire, it does fire damage.
by Daniel Zrom
Staves do not require ammunition, they draw power directly from life-force, as Wands do. Staves are often ranged weapons, able to project power over a long range, but they are more flexible and varied in their powers. They can also be imbued with the wielder's mana, making them a magical weapon that is much stronger and more dangerous than a mere quarterstaff should. To activate a Stave or to imbue it with magical energy does 1 FS damage and grants one ranged attack or one round of treating the Stave like a magical weapon.
What does this Stave do?
1- This Staff is made of solid iron and is topped with a bronze orb adorned with red gold. It is warm to the touch and shines brightly in the sun. With this Staff you can either fire a blast of fire, requiring a ranged attack, light the orb of the staff on fire, causing the staff to do +1d6 fire damage on a hit, or you can create a wall of fire. Each cost 1 FS, except the wall of fire, which grants a wall 10' long, 10' high and 1' thick for each point of FS spent.
2- This Staff is made of ornately carved wood detailing plants, vines and fruit. When used, the Staff's wielder can force someone to save. On a failure, they take 1d6 damage as plants take root inside them. If they have open wounds, the plants will widen them, spilling out of the wounds.
3- This Staff is curved and oddly shaped, carved of a single bone from a massive and powerful creature. The Staff can be used to heal or to cause tumorous growths within someone. Both effects require the target to be touched by the staff. For purposes of damage, the Staff functions as an ordinary quarterstaff.
4- This staff is made of dark wood, carved from a section of mast from an infamous slaver's ship. The Staff requires an attack roll and does necrotic damage either from range or as bonus damage to a melee attack.
5- This Staff acts as an amplifier of the wielder's will, allowing him to move one object or creature at a time, as long as that object or creature is the same size category as the wielder. The Staff's wielder must spend 1 FS a round to manipulate an object or creature like this. Creatures get a save to resist. Moving creatures doesn't hurt them, but the Staff can be used to throw someone against a wall. This does 1d6 damage per 10 feet thrown, with a max of 3d6. Also, the wielder can telekinetically crush a person or object held in the Staff's control. Crushing a creature or object like this does 1d6 damage a round, with no save permitted.
6- This Staff is made of shining copper, teased into a curling shape at the top. The staff feels soft and somewhat brittle when empty. This Staff does not have the ability to make its own magical attacks. Instead, by spending 1 FS and letting yourself be hit by some kind of magical effect, you can cause the Staff to absorb the magical attack, essentially ignoring it. Then, for no additional cost, you may fire the magical effect from the Staff as an action. When the Staff is charged with power, it does not feel brittle at all, but is instead harder than steel and automatically counts as magic for purposes of melee attacks.
by medders
Guns are a weapon of previous eras. Once they used some sort of magical or alchemical process to fire projectiles, but the knowledge of these mixtures was lost. When this happened, most guns were destroyed or recycled into something more useful- but some remained. Some of the Handsome Men and Sages of all races have sought to create substitutes that could enable guns to function once more and some of them have succeeded.
Still, these successes are few in number and the secrets of such as guarded savagely. As such, guns are rare and ammunition is very scarce, being found only in small caches of 1d6 to 2d6 in high-level dungeons or taken from dangerous enemies, such as Handsome Men Princes, Dragons, Orcs or high-level Sages.
To determine what kind of Gun you have, roll on the tables below:
This gun is called...
1- Is named Sahara. It has an ivory handle and all of its furnishings are made of gold. The barrel is steel, but all other metal components are made of gold. It is a beautiful weapon.
2- Is named Dean. It is a small weapon, but surprisingly powerful. It has endured immense abuse, but with a little care, it will return to being an instrument of calculated death.
3- Is named Izara. It is made of black metal, polished to a mirror-finish. The lacquer on it is clear but indestructible. The handle is teakwood, the darkest wood that could be found. The instrument radiates a beauty, and a lethality, that makes your heart catch in your throat.
4- Is named Hugo. The weapon is small and highly concealable. It is made of metal painted black, with a dark blue handle. In the dark, it is almost invisible.
5- Is named Salvation. Spartan in appearance, engraved with a crucifix and wrapped tightly in blessed ribbons. The barrel has the words, "Blessed be God" engraved on the right side, and on the left, dozens of tiny crosses have been scratched into the barrel.
6- Is named Lucy or Fat Satan. A massive, burly weapon that has the power to punch a hole the size of a trashcan lid in someone. The weapon is made of stamped steel and smells perpetually of blood and sulfur. An ill-omened weapon, seeing it is a sure sign of impending catastrophe.
The ammunition you have is...
Casing: Dragonbone, black bone full of iron.
Firing: A blast of fire from the barrel
Effect: Flames spew from the wound, as well as the mouth and nostrils of the struck, turn the target into a pyre
Mechanics: 2d6 damage, +1d6 fire until the struck drinks a bunch of water or puts his wound underwater
Casing: Alchemically strengthened glass, stained a sickly green, translucent, full of a sloshing mixture
Firing: The shattering of glass, the hiss of gas escaping
Effect: Target begins screaming as the green mixture splatters him and begins dissolving his flesh
Mechanics: 1d6 acid damage a round, anything damaged by the acid is converted into more acid. Acid is neutralized by water or salt.
Casing: Brass, engraved with geometric designs, a faint ticking can be heard coming from inside
Firing: The sound of a bell tower ringing
Effect: Target has chunks of his body disappear into the ether
Mechanics: Target, if he is below half HP, must save. On a failure, target vanishes, taking all possessions with him. On a success or if he is above half health, 3d6 damage
Casing: Made of white clay, painted with flowers and doves, warm to the touch
Firing: The sound of birdsong
Effect: Target is engulfed by incorporeal flames as dazzling light floods the area
Mechanics: 2d6 radiant damage to target plus fills the area for 1d6*100' with natural sunlight
Casing: Made of rawhide, wrapped in butcher's twine
Firing: The smell of meat, the scream of a hog
Effect: target's fles begins frothing like cola, their features twist and new appendages burst from their body
Mechanics: 2d6 damage + 1d4 mutations
Casing: Carefully folded paper, covered in poems written by monks
Firing: The chanting of a hundred throats, casting prayers toward heaven
Effect: A puff of smoke, the slam of a heavenly gavel
Mechanics: Target takes 1d6 damage and must save. If he is righteous, he regains 1d6 HP. If he is wicked, he immediately suffers some sort of seemingly natural accident, such as being buried in a cave in, struck by lightning, attacked by a tiger, etc. If the target is of a muddled sort and the Referee cannot decide, he takes an additional +1d6 damage.
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