Saturday, October 28, 2017

OSR: Fighting Man

Some players like to play Wizards or Thieves.  They like to get creative, and think of creative solutions.  But to cater to these people is to ignore the player who just likes to be immersed in the world, or really likes to role-play, even if they're role-playing an overly emotional thug who solves every problem by crushing it between his massive biceps.  This is my class for them.  But while Fighting Man is a class that can be played stupidly, every ability has an incorporated risk and reward.  This is a class that can be played intelligently, if you are willing to sit and think about it for a second.

Fighting Man
Starting HP: 1/3 Con
Fighting Spirit: You get +3 FS per level
Starting Equipment: Sword (balanced), chain shirt, Recurve Bow, Arrows (20)
Training Regiment: You level up by killing.  They track individual kills for their weapons, but also their overall kills.  When they hit a certain number, they level up. 



Notches: Whenever a Fighting Man gets 10, 20, 30 or 50 kills or wins as many victories against foes, he gains a Notch in that weapon. For each Notch the Fighter has, he can learn a Secret Technique for that weapon.

He can also learn Secret Techniques from training with older Fighters or reading about them in ancient martial manuals.  However, the Fighter can only have a number of Secret Techniques learned equal to the amount of kills/victories he has made/earned- so if he has 30 kills, he may only know three Secret Techniques, but the source of these techniques need not be the technique he discovered through trial and error on the battlefield.  He could copy a Journeyman technique from a warrior he fought alongside with, or practice one of the Ancient Fist Arts he read about in the old Handsome Man scrolls.  As long as he only has three, the source is irrelevant.

Secret Techniques can be used as an action.  Sometimes they are an addition to an existing attack roll, other times they are separate actions.  It depends on the technique.

River of Blood: After you kill an enemy, you may take an action to chop off their head, split their skull and gulp down some of their cerebral-spinal fluid, or cut out their heart and take a bite, etc.  This gives you a +1 damage bonus for the rest of the fight, up to a maximum of +5. 


Careful Aim: You can reduce the damage an attack would do to increase the amount of your Attack Roll.  For each point of point of damage an Attack would not do, you can increase your Attack Roll by +1.  For example, if you reduce the damage an Attack would do by -2, your Attack Roll increases by +2.


Explosion: Whenever you roll for damage for a successful attack, you may roll again.  If the new roll is less than or equal to the original roll's base damage, you may add it to the damage done.  If it is higher, you may use that as the damage your attack dealt, and ignore the first roll.  You may do this once per day per weapon.


Wager: You can reduce your Attack Roll to increase the damage dealt on a successful hit.  For each point you reduce your Attack Roll, you deal an additional +1 damage.  For example, if you reduce your Attack Roll by -2, you do +2 damage.  


Storm of Steel: X times per day, where X is your CHA modifier, while in combat, on successful attack, you can cause an enemy to take an additional 1d20 damage, save for half. 

Called Attack: Take an action and declare who you are going to attack next round.  Enemies have advantage on all attacks against you until your next turn.  You get +2 to your Attack Roll if you target the creature you indicated and if you do hit, all enemies must immediately check morale or receive a penalty equal to your level to hit you.  This penalty lasts for the rest of the fight.


Cleave: Whenever you reduce an enemy to 0 hp, you may make a new attack with that weapon.


Vengeance: Whenever an enemy damages you in melee combat, you may immediately make an attack against them as a free action.


Hand of God: If you remove 50% or more of an opponent's HP/HD in one attack, they must immediately save vs death.  On a failure, they go into shock and have a heart attack.  If left untended, they will die in 1d6 minutes.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Men's Work

Men's Work is a term most people use these days, with its most frequent use being a term in old wrought feminist dramas about the dangers of male dominance over women, or a thing for people in historical movies to say.  But even today, modern progressives have not succeeded in abolishing all gendered differences, and certain things are still mostly the domain of one gender or the other.  And one thing I am glad that is still the domain of men is fighting. 

Warfare has always been the domain of almost exclusively men, with few exceptions.  Women have always supported their men in war, but they are not the ones who have to do the fighting.  And this is for good reason.  The average woman is not as strong, nor does she have the same bone density as the average man.  And while this is not everything in our modern, post-industrial armies, in ancient times it was everything.  If one man was stronger then another, he could smash his guard and kill him. 

Any tribe that would have let their women fight would have lost, for the aforementioned reason, but for the reason that a tribe's women are its future.  Without women, there can be no children, and thus no future.  A woman is more useful on the home front, not on the battlefield. 

And perhaps it is chauvinistic of me, but I don't like it when women are mistreated.  It upsets me a bit when a man is similarly abused, but I think any man should have the guts to stand up for himself.  And not that women should not stand up for themselves, but I consider the essence of manhood is not to exercise power, but to protect those who need protecting.

Thursday, October 26, 2017



The Stark Truth about Fear

For too long, mankind has associated light with goodness, but this is a false notion.  The fear of the unknown is long believed to be our greatest fear, a fear that is symbolized by darkness, the inability to see, both literally and metaphorically.  But a fear described is not a fear that holds great sway over you.  The fear of the unknown is not as strong as you think, for once information is achieved, it melts away, like darkness at dawn.

The greatest fear of humanity is what they know they will see, and it's subordinate, the fear of the known but unavoidable.  This includes things such as taxes, death, and disease.

 In this light of dread knowledge, the Sun-Brother walks.  They are filthy, but handsome creatures, clad in stolen clothing or naked as the day they were born.  They carry no weapons, show no fear, and waste their time on idle hedonism or spiritual contemplation.  They are just as likely to ask you to read poetry to them, or debate theology, or pull your arms off for disturbing their meditations.  

They are not scary, nor are they particularly evil.  But they are completely apathetic to you.  If aggrieved they will pursue you for days or weeks, until you die.  Or they may forget about you after knocking out a few of your teeth.  Most Humanoids are beneath their notice, as are most other creatures.  This is perhaps for the best, as Sun-Brothers tend to be more dangerous when showing affection, not less.

But despite their high intellects, most Sun-Brothers are content to spend their time wandering through the wilderness, punching bears and strangling deer with their bare hands, before feasting on the raw meat.  They shun civilization, avoid manufactured goods, and shun metaphor whenever they can.  The one exception to this last rule is poetry.  They tend toward literalism and pragmatism, though some have a love for the dramatic.

 Territory and Safe Passage

Most normal people will never encounter a Sun-Brother, as they don't like to be disturbed.  They choose places desolate and forsaken, far from civilization.  If people are already settled there the Sun-Brother will consider them part of the land, and thus their property.  Within a Sun-Brother's territory, everything is either theirs or an intruder.  Intruders are expelled or asked to leave, and property is to remain with them.  To take anything from a Sun-Brother's territory is to suffer a grievous fate, even if it is something a Sun-Brother would not value, such as money or worked iron.  This is not because the Sun-Brother cares particularly about the object, but about the principle.

If you wish to cross a Sun-Brother's territory, you must speak with them.  They will usually demand some favor or toll: whether it be a stolen object recovered, some rare commodity only available in a nearby city, or a small favor to be redeemed either now, or at a later date.  To cross their territory without permission is to court disaster, for if they find you trespassing they will try their best to kill you.  They may eat your corpse, or they may make a grisly effigy out of your corpse as a warning to others.

To see what a Sun-Brother is like, roll on the following tables. 

What is this Sun-Brother wearing?
1- Nothing.  They're nude.
2- They are wearing a loincloth, the bare minimum to be modest.
3- They are wearing normal, if filthy clothing.
4- They are wearing the furs and bones of animals they have slain.
5- They are wearing clean clothes (likely stolen from a clothes line)
6- They are wearing no clothing, but are instead so muddy and filthy it suffices. 

What is this Sun-Brother craving?
1- Alcohol.  The stronger the better.
2- Tobacco.  They would literally kill for a smoke. 
3- Grilled Meat.  They are too lazy to build a fire and cook some themselves.
4- Bread.  It's been so long.
5- Chocolate.  Do I need to elaborate?
6- Poetry.  The Sun-Brother has lost their book of poems, or is tired of Wordsworth.

What is this Sun-Brother's notable opinions?

1- That Humanity is going to go extinct, and it is a tragedy. 
2- That Humanity is better then 1d6-1 other humanoid species
3- That any form of Socialism will inevitably lead to Bolshevism. 
4- That Loonies are all insane. 
5- That All Roaches are back-stabbers.
6- That all Haggers are lazy.
7- That all Jews are secretly part of a vast conspiracy to control the world through international finance. 
8- That all Blacks are unintelligent, un-evolved beasts.
9- That civilization was a waste of time, and humanity should return to a more primitive state.
10- That you should eat, drink and be merry, for life is too short.
11- That Wizards are not to be trusted.
12- That Yahweh is the one true God, and all others are just agents of Satan trying to trick people. 

What is this Sun-Brother's treasure?

[Roll 1d6 twice then 1d20 once.] 
1. 2d6 pairs of shoes, each worth 5gp.
2. 1d6 chests of silverware, each worth 20gp
3. 1d20 fancy hats, each worth 10gp.
4. 1d6 suits of medium armor, each one different and worth 50gp.
5. 1d6 barrels of trade goods.  Moonshine, salt, or spices.  Each worth 50gp.
6. 1d100 dollars, 1d100 Canadian dollars, and 1d100 pesos.
7. Suit of ceremonial platemail stolen from a museum.
8. An entire station wagon, entirely dismantled and sorted by size.
9. 1d1000 half dollar coins.
10. A spellbook with 1d4+1 spells, each page unbound and framed.
11. 2d6 books, arranged by color (ROYGBIV).
12. A full set of furniture (bed, table, sink, bath tub) adorns the cave.
13. 2d6 half-feral cats.
14. 2d6 weapons, arranged by color.  5-in-6 one is masterwork, 1-in-6 it is magic instead.
15. 2d6 paintings.
16. 2d6 women's dresses, arranged by length.
17. In dozens of alcoves, the sorted pieces of a dozen clocks.
18. 3d6 differently colored liquids, each in a vial.  1 is poison, 1d6 are potions.
19. Mauser Broom-handle Pistol (2d6 damage, 3 bullets left)
20. 2d6 cloaks, 1-in-6 that one of them is a Mantle of the Sun (get +1 AC at Dawn, which increases to +6 at noon, and gradually decreases to +1 at Sunset, no bonus at night; protective armor)


HD 6  AC 13  Fist(+3) 1d8+1
Mor 10(day)/7(night) Saves 9+ (day)/ 11+ (night)

Regeneration: Sun-Brothers regenerate a HD per round they are in sunlight. 

Enormous Strength: Sun-Brothers count as having an 18(+3) STR for purposes of grappeling and STR checks. 

Blinding Speed: Sun-Brothers get +4 to all initiative checks, unless they are surprised. 

- Follow them all day
- Hide at night
- Wear them down with frequent attacks
- You regenerate, they don't, you will win the long game

Also, it is known that as Sun-Brothers age they get more powerful.  Add the following if you want to create an elder Sun-Brother:

New Ability-
Solar Dice: Sun-brothers start every combat with 1d4 Solar Dice.  These Solar Dice are d6s and are expended once they are used, and can be recovered by meditating for at least an hour in sunlight. 

Solar dice Can do the following:
- Cast Sun Shower as a first level spell
- Cast Blinding Halo as a first level spell
- Do +[sum] damage on a hit
- Give a +[sum] bonus to any save.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Some Magic Items

Five Alarm Hot-Sauce

                                            A finished batch of Five Alarm Hot-Sauce

An incredibly spicy hot sauce made of rare monster organs and incredibly spicy peppers, chopped up into a slurry and fermented in a furnace made of meteor iron (or human bones).  The resulting sauce tastes like drinking molten lava, with about the same amount of pain. 

When consumed, Five Alarm Hot-Sauce boosts someone's HP to 18 and gives them +10 FS.  If you don't use my system, just say it gives them +20 HP.  It also increases their STR to 18, makes their muscles swell until they resemble physical paragons of perfection, and turns their skin bright red.  One dose of Five Alarm Hot-Sauce will last you one hour.  Whenever it wears off, save.  On a failure lose a point of Wisdom permanently. 

Filthy Acts at Reasonable Prices

This is a business cards with the phrase "Filthy Acts at Reasonable Prices," written on it.  Underneath it is written the owner's name, "Edward Dalton," and his phone number: 362-436-Hey(9525).  Calling the number will connect you to Mr. Dalton; he's always home.  If you turn it over you will find his home address.  This changes depending on when you first check it, but it's always nearby.  Pay him a house-call, if you prefer. 

Edward Dalton is a courteous, hospitable creature.  He looks human enough, but he possesses a black heart, a wicked, hideous soul.  He will do anything you ask of him, as long as it is a despicable act and appropriate payment is provided.  He charges currency, small demonic contracts, or favors.  His rule for favors is this, he will never ask for anything greater than what you asked of him.  If you asked him to kill someone, he can do the same.  But if you only asked him to key your ex-girl's car, then he won't ask for anything more substantial.    

Horizon Window

A window frame that shows an alien city.  It has a plug connected to the frame.  It can be taken off the wall and moved around.  When not plugged in, the window, if the glass is broken or opened, leads right through the back.  But if plugged in, it leads to this alien city. 

The City on the other side is a bustling metropolis primarily populated by non-human things.  They have a different language and culture then you, and different morals and faith.  But they all breathe oxygen, have weapons like those the party might have, and would react the same way you would if a bunch of strangers from a foreign land came through a glowing window.  If the window is unplugged from the PC's home side, it becomes inert on the City side and you cannot leave through it.  Any enemy that has a Horizon Window will exploit this property.

Ring of Immortality

This ring promises immortality.  It does this by stealing another version of you from a parallel universe.  If anyone who wears it dies, their corpse is spirited away, and you should have the Player make a Saving Throw.  On a success, their doppelganger arrives immediately.  If they fail their saving throw, the perils of inter-universe travel delay them until the end of the encounter.  Regardless, roll on the following tables.

1- Male
2- Female

1- Boxer
2- Carnivore
3- Fighting Man
4- Occultist
5- Thief
6- Wizard

1- 1d3 lower then the dead PC
2- 1 Lower
3-5- The same
6- 1 Level Higher

Finally, every time you use the Ring, there is a cumulative 10% chance that an Angel of Time shows up to slaughter you within 1d20 hours.  If this occurs, don't tell the players what it is for, just insert an Angel of Time into the next encounter. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

OSR: Electromancers- Determinists, Spark-weavers, The Lightning Children

Electromancers should have come before Necromancers in alphabetical order, but oh well.  Electromancy is the manipulation of lightning and magnetic fields.  And while that sounds limiting, it is really isn't.  Electromancers and electromancy are most commonly associated with the War of the Currents, a massive conflict in New York City between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla.  And while the war is over, the conflict is still fresh in people's minds, as it was the story in all the newspapers for months, especially during the Summer of 1927.   For more information on the War of the Currents, see here.

Electromancers pick their starting spells from the following 1d12 table.  Spells 13 and 14 are rare and as as valuable as a magic sword. 

Electromancers also have the following Power which they can use at will, and the following Drawback that always affects them.

Power: Can pass electricity through your body without hurting yourself.

Drawback: You are magnetic.  If any metal that touches your skin, it sticks to you and you will need to succeed a STR check to pull it off.

Electromancer spell-list:
1- Automate Action   
2- Defribulate
3- Disturb Thoughts
4- Divine Retribution
5- Edison's Insult   
6- Eliminate Pain
7- Incapacitating Grip
8- Magnetize
9- Overdrive
10- Sense Electricity
11- Shocking Blow
12- Tesla's Retort

13- Cause Malfunction
14- Hail to the King

Legendary Spell: Attract Iron

Automate Action
R: touch        T: self or creature            D: [dice] minutes

You touch one creature and create a glowing bulb of electricity that anchors onto the creature's body.  The bulb fires electricity through them, causing them their muscles to move without their conscious control.  For the duration, you may control the creature's actions on your turn (you may also take actions yourself) or you can pre-program certain actions (attack, run away, etc).

If you choose the latter, the creature rerolls their initiative for the duration with a +[dice] to any initiative rolls (assuming d20 initiative). 

R: touch        T: creature            D: one action

You shock someone with enough electricity to restart a stopped heart.  If a creature has died but their body is still mostly intact, this can drag them back to life, assuming they didn't die of something that a restarted heart wouldn't be able to help with, such as being burned alive, digested, decapitated, etc.  If done on a living person, they must succeed a Save or suffer a heart attack.

Creatures that suffer a heart attack must make another save.  On a successful save, the creature takes 2d6 CON damage and take a -[dice] penalty to any STR or CON checks for the next [sum] days.  On a failed save, the creature dies.  This only works on creatures with hearts.  Creatures with multiple hearts get a +1 bonus to their save per heart.    

Disturb Thoughts
R: 30'        T: creature            D: one action

A target creature in range must save.  On a failed save, you cause every synapse in their brain to fire at once, triggering a massive seizure.  On a successful save, the creature instead suffers a mental blank, immediately forgetting what they were doing, unless it was some sort of mindless task. 

Divine Retribution
R: 50'        T: creature            D: one action

You call down lightning from the clouds and direct it to strike a target.  The target takes [sum] lightning damage, save for half.  You can only use this spell outdoors or in a space where you can see the sky.  If you cannot see the sky from where you are, the lightning comes from your hands and only does 1d6+[dice] lightning damage.

Edison's Insult
R: touch        T: object                D: one action

The caster telemagnetically accelerates a metal object no bigger than 5 lbs.  With an attack roll, the caster can inflict weapon damage on a target by launching the weapon.  This does damage as if you used the weapon to make an attack

This spell can also be used to accelerate bullets, which travel as well as if they had been fired from a gun (and do equivalent damage), as long as the bullets aren't solid lead (and most bullets aren't).  This is much quieter than shooting a gun.

This spell was made by Arnold K.

Eliminate Pain
R: touch        T: [dice] creatures    D: [dice] rounds

Any creature you touch, for the next [dice] rounds, does not feel pain for the duration.  This makes them immune to any ability that would inflict pain upon them, as well as giving them a +[dice] bonus to any saves vs fear. 

For the duration, damage rolls against the creature are secret, with the Referee recording them.  Only after the spell ends does the creature find out how damage he took. 

Incapacitating Grip
R: touch    T: creature        D: concentration

Electricity runs through your hands.  Anyone you touch takes [dice] lightning damage and must make a save to do anything other than thrash about.  The Wizard must succeed a STR check to keep hold of their target each turn. 

R: touch        T: creature or object            D: [sum] minutes

One creature or object you touch becomes magnetic.

At 1 [dice], the creature has any metal on their body become adhered to him and must make a STR check with penalties equal to -[dice] to remove any of these objects.  At 2 [dice], the creature attracts nearby metal objects within 10*[dice]', giving any creatures fighting them with a metal weapon +[dice] to their attacks.  At 3 [dice], the creature is dragged towards large metal objects, such as a man in metal armor, a car, or etc.  At 4 [dice], the iron in the creature's blood is drawn towards his skin, causing him to take [dice] damage a round for the duration.

The same applies to objects. 

R: 30'        T: creature            D: one action

One creature is healed and regains [sum] FS.  This creature, if it failed a save against Fear recently, may save again.

Sense Electricity
R: 10'*[dice]        T: self            D: [sum] minutes

You can sense electricity within 10*[dice]'.  If you are fighting a species that uses electrical impulses to cause its muscles to contract you get +[dice] to your Armor as you can see their muscles clenching as they move.  This cannot help you dodge something you physically cannot get out of the way of (requiring a saving throw or Referee's Discretion).  

Shocking Blow
R: touch        T: self                D: one action

You may make a melee attack with a metal weapon or with your fist.  On a hit, the target takes [dice]d6 lightning damage and must save.  On a failure, the creature also is hurled backwards by 10*[dice]'.

Tesla's Retort
R: self        T: self                D: [dice] minutes

You surround yourself with elctromagnetic fields that repel all ferrous metals.  No one with an iron weapon can strike you, bullets fly off course, and if you fall onto a metal surface, reduce the fall damage you take by a number of d6s equal to [dice].

The spell is mine, but the name is from Arnold K.

Cause Malfunction
R: 30'        T: electrical machine        D: one action

Target machine that runs off electricity within range suffers a catastrophic malfunction.  If you invest four or more dice in this spell, it is rendered unusable until it can be thorougly repaired. 

Hail to the King
R: 30'        T: 10*[dice] foot circle centered on you D: [dice] rounds

All creatures within [dice]*10' must save or collapse onto the ground, paralyzed.  They can repeat their save every round.

 Chaos and Corruption, simplified:

When you roll doubles, roll on the Chaos table.  The spell still goes through.  You receive 1d2 Doom Points. 
When you roll triples, roll on the Corruption table.  The spell automatically fails.  You also receive 1d4 Doom Points.
At 10 Doom Points, you invoke the Doom of Fools.
At 20 Doom Points, you invoke the Doom of Kings.
At 30 Doom Points, you invoke the Ultimate Doom. 

Chaos of the Electromancer:
1- The Wizard loses a spellcasting die.
2- One random person within 50' becomes magnetic for 1d10 minutes.  All metal that touches them sticks to them, and all ferrous projectiles get +2 to hit them.
3- One random person within 50' is struck by lightning and takes 2d6 damage, save for half.
4- One random person within 50' of the Wizard has a seizure.  This seizure lasts for 1d6 minutes, and each round the person afflicted can make a save.  On a successful save, the seizure stops.
5- One random person temporarily becomes immune to electrical damage.
6- The Wizard develops Wizard Vision.

Corruption of the Electromancer:
1- The Wizard is struck by lightning and takes 2d6 damage, save for half.
2- The next magic spell cast within 50' automatically targets the Wizard, unless it was cast by the Wizard on himself.  Then it targets a random person.
3- The Wizard develops Wizard Vision.
4- One random person within 50' has their electrical synapses suddenly erupt forth, doing 1d6 damage to them.  Additionally, the people near the affected person must save.  On a failure, the electricity arcs from the original person, hitting them and doing 1d6 damage as well.  This electrical charge can arc through as many people as there are nearby, only stopping when the closest person to it passes the saving throw.
5- A cloud forms over the Wizard, 1d100+10 feet overhead.  This cloud follows the Wizard for 1d10 days,
each day, roll for the weather the cloud produces.  Today the cloud produces 1d6 (1= Rain; 2= Snow; 3= Hail; 4= Blood; 5= Fish, frogs, or an appropriate small animal; 6= Mildly acidic rain, does 1d2 damage for each minute exposed)
6- For the next 1d10 minutes, the Wizard can suddenly sense all electromagnetic radiation within 100', they must save.  On a success, they can see EVERYTHING.  On a failure, they go mad for the duration.

Doom of Fools:  You have some sort of psychic seizure and shoot a lightning bolts out of your eyes in random directions every round for 2d6 rounds.  There is a 40% chance per item that your gear is destroyed.  Any small metal objects that you are carrying become fused to your body.

Doom of Kings:  As above, except 50% and all medium sized metal objects carried become a part of your body.

Ultimate Doom:  As above, except 60% and you automatically fuse with the nearest big metal thing.  This could be a WWI tank, a septic tank, or a telephone pole.  Attempting to intentionally induce this Doom in a controlled environment so as to fuse your body with something cool has a 40% chance of going horribly wrong unless rubber gloves, tesla coils, and goggles are somehow involved (which brings the chance of things going horribly wrong down to 25%).

This Doom is avoided by stabbing yourself with an arrow made from a cursed tree or by stealing a vault full of electricity from the Pinkies.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

OSR: Necromancers- The Waker of Ghouls, the Plunderer of Tombs, the Thieves of Eternal Sleep

Necromancy is not illegal in Eldritch Americana.  But grave-robbing, theft of corpses, trespassing on church grounds, and  necrophilia are.  As such, Necromancy has a poor reputation among the common people, even more so then most other types of Magic.  Some Necromancers attempt to mitigate this by keeping a scrupulous public image and dodging the police, while others merely pretend to be a different type of Wizard and keep their bone artistry behind closed doors.  Others revel in the attention, wearing elaborate costumes replete with skulls, fetishes, chokers, piercing and tattoos.

Necromancers have a mix of spells that allow them to create Undead Servants, debuff enemies and inflict modest damage.  And while Necromancers do have a bad reputation, nothing about Necromancy is more or less corrupting then any other type of Magic.  For starting spells, roll 1d12 on the table below and reroll duplicates.  Spells 13 and 14 are rare, and as valuable as magic swords.

Necromancers also have the following Power which they can use at will, and the following Drawback that always affects them.

Power: Can cast Speak with Dead at will without rolling any Spellcasting Dice.

Drawback: You attract Undead like moths to a flame.  Each day/week/month, you have a 1d10% chance equal to your level of attracting a free Undead.  Undead enemies will always target you if they have the choice. 
                                                         Necromancer, level 1

Necromancer spell-list:
Starting Spells-
1- Blight
2- Bloody Feast
3- Break the Chains
4- Create Servant
5- Corpse Gas
6- Death Mask
7- Death Scythe
8- Enslave Undead
9- Explode Corpse
10- Speak with Dead
11- Summon Plague
12- Turn Undead

13-Empower Undead
14- Vampirism

Legendary Spells: Lichdom

R: 30'        T: creature            D: one action

Deal [dice] damage to target creature for [dice] rounds.  If more than two dice are used to cast it, then the target also gets -[sum] to all checks based on Str, Dex, and Con.   

Bloody Feast
R: 10'        T: creature that died within one round    D: [dice] rounds

You regain 1d6 HP per HD the creature had while it was alive.  Excess HP is shunted into FS. 

Break the Chains
R: 30'        T: Wizard            D: one action

Target Wizard must save or [dice] Undead Servants are set free from their control.  

Create Servant
R: 10'        T: a humanoid corpse        D: [dice] days

A target Humanoid corpse rises from the dead and becomes your Servant.  The Undead has [dice] HD and obeys you without question for [dice] days.  After the duration, the Servant regains its free will and may do whatever it wishes.

Corpse Gas
R: 100'        T: all corpses        D: [dice] rounds
All corpses within range begin rapidly decomposing for [dice] rounds.  Everything within 10' of a corpse must save or get -[dice] to attack rolls, saving throws or STR and CON checks.   

Death Mask
R: touch    T: humanoid corpse    D: [dice] hours

Peel the corpse's face off.  You may wear it as a mask, and it will alter your appearance,
face, and voice so that you look like the person who just had their face stolen. 
If you invest four dice, the spell is permanent.  Otherwise the mask crumbles into dust once removed.

Death Scythe
R: 10'        T: a corpse            D: [dice] hours

Crumble a corpse to dust and pull out a black scythe.  This scythe gets +2 to hit and +4 damage against that type of creature.

Enslave Undead
R: 30'        T: [dice] undead        D: one action

[sum] HD of Undead must save.  Undead with more HD than [dice] add the difference to their save.  Undead with HD 3x greater than [dice] are immune and automatically pass their save.  On a failed save, the targeted Undead fall under your control and become your Undead Servants for [sum] days.  Undead already under the control of another Magic-User also automatically pass their save and are not affected by this spell.  Undead already under your control automatically fail their save if you so choose.

Explode Corpse
R: 30'        T: undead            D: one action

Target undead must save.   Undead with more HD than [dice] add the difference to their save.  Creatures with HD 3x greater than [dice] are immune and automatically pass their save.  On a failure, the Undead you targeted explodes, dealing 1d6*HD explosion damage to anyone within 10*[dice] feet, save for half.  Undead under your control automatically fail this save.

Speak with Dead
R: 30'        T: self            D: [sum] minutes

You gain the ability to speak with Corpses and Undead for [sum] minutes.  Corpses are dry, stupid, and can only inform you of the physical information.  The memories of the deceased are beyond their knowledge.  Undead are shrieking barbarians that hate you, hate the world, and hate God with a blinding passion.  If you try to talk to them, they will curse and swear at you, calling you all sorts of names. 

Summon Plague
R: 30'        T: [dice] creatures        D: one action

[dice] creatures become afflicted with a disease of your choice.  There are a million varieties of this spell, each with a different disease.  If you don't know, roll 1d6.
1- Smallpox
2- Bubonic Plague
3- Spanish Flu
4- Yellow Fever
5- Ebola
6- Cholera

Turn Undead
R: 30'        T: [dice] undead        D: [dice] undead

[dice] undead must save or spend their action fleeing from you.  If they cannot flee, they will cower at your feet or silently beg forgiveness.  Undead Servants use their Master's saves. 

Empower Undead
R: 30'        T: undead        D: one action

One Undead within range gains [dice] HD and regains [sum] HP.  The HD gained from this spell are permanent. 

R: touch    T: self            D: [dice] minutes

This spell allows the caster to grow fangs from their mouth.  While this spell is in effect, if the Caster drinks blood from another person, the caster regains 1d6 HP.  The caster may also uses their new fangs to make bite attacks.  These attacks do 1d12 damage on a hit, but are made at a -4 penalty unless used against helpless or immobile targets.  The caster may also choose to do no damage upon biting someone who they wish not to permanently harm.

If cast with 2 [dice], this spell also grants the caster a +[dice] bonus to STR checks, saving throws, and damage for the duration.  If cast with 3 [dice], this spell also transforms the caster's arms into bat wings and  grants them a fly speed for the duration.  If cast with 4 or more [dice], this spell also prevents the caster from aging during the duration.  The caster may also extend this spell as long as they want, up to permanently. 

If cast with 2 [dice] or more, the spellcaster also takes damage from sunlight equal to [dice] for the duration.

Chaos and Corruption

When you roll doubles, roll on the Chaos table.  The spell still works and goes through as if cast successfully.  You receive 1d3 Doom Points. 
When you roll triples, roll on the Corruption table.  The spell automatically fails.  You also receive 1d4 Doom Points.
At 10 Doom Points, you invoke the Doom of Fools.
At 20 Doom Points, you invoke the Doom of Kings.
At 30 Doom Points, you invoke the Ultimate Doom.  

The tables can be found here.


Doom of Fools.  Become infected with a debilitating disease.  It is non-contagious.  You need to succeed two Con checks to be cured.  You automatically fail your first Con check, as a result of the Doom.  Two successful Con checks to recover.  On a failure, take 1d4 con damage a day.  If your Con hits zero, you die.  Base DC is 15.  Rest, food and sleep can give you bonuses, and adventuring, extra injury, and cold and damp can worsen the check.  Lost Con restores itself a point a day once cured. 

Doom of Kings: As above, but the base DC you need to pass is 18.  The disease is now contagious.  It has also worsened, and does 1d6 Con damage a day.  All other rules still apply. 

Ultimate Doom: As above, but the base DC everyone else needs to pass is 20.  It is now super contagious.  If infected, the disease does 1d8 Con damage for everyone who isn't you.  But you will not need to bother making your check, as you fall desperately ill as soon as you get this disease.  While others can recover, you will die in 1d20+4 hours. 

This Doom is avoided by making a scapegoat when you become infected with the disease.  For the scapegoat, it must be A, a worthy sacrifice (a human or another sentient, three-souled species) and B, that which will be sacrificed must willingly accept the title of scapegoat.  Alternatively, you could avoid this Doom by becoming a Lich.

Monsters inspired by old-timey photographs

While I was doing research for my Eldritch Americana Game, I began finding all sorts of incredibly strange and bizarre photographs from the early 20th century.  And while most of these weren't good for much, some of them got me thinking, and so I decided to use them as visual inspiration to create some kind of monster.  So I quickly sketched out some ideas based on what I found.

Great War Calvarymen
HD 3  AC 16(13 Unhorsed)  Lance 1d12 or Trample(+2) 1d8+1
Mor 8   Saves 12+

Breakable: If a character makes a successful action to hit the lance away or the Cavalryman rolls maximum damage, he must save or break his lance.

Trample: When a successful Trample attack is made, the target must save or be knocked prone.  If someone is knocked prone, the Cavalryman can immediately make a Lance Attack as a free action against them.

Horse: The Horse has 1 HD, AC 12, and the same morale and saves as its master.

- Ride down the most heavily armored
- Attack the fallen
- Retreat if your horse dies or your lance is broken

These poor soldiers are believed to be part of the Imperial Prussian Army, Light Brigade 104.  They charged a soviet artillery position and were struck by Russian Goblin Gas.  The gas disfigured them, but it did not kill them.  The Light Brigade would go on to win many decorations for valor on the Eastern Front, with its soldiers possessing a unique resistance to gas, fear, and magic.  This was counterbalanced by a series of increasingly brutal atrocities perpetrated against Russian civilians and POWs.  But at the time, this was not considered a cause of great concern, as the entire Eastern Front was little more than a horror show by 1916.  But after the armistice in 1918, many of its soldiers disappeared, leaving without a word or with a cryptic note that "The Kaiser has called me to one last battle."  The abdicated Kaiser denies this.

                             An Eyeless Man without his glamour and with his child (1917)

The Eyeless Men
HD 1  AC 10  Fist 1d4
Mor 12  Saves 18

Glamour:  Eyeless Men look like a normal member of any common race. 

Fragile: Eyeless Men are incredibly easy to kill.  A small cut can cause them to gush blood and swiftly die.  They count as always having 3 HP.

Bleeding: Eyeless Men will continue to constantly bleed from whatever wound they died from, and any attempt to seal the wound will only intensify the flow.  If the body is left motionless and angled slightly downward, then it will leak only a cup and half of blood (or 33 mm, for your Europeans).

Incubator: Anyone splashed by an Eyeless Man's blood will be infected with their parasitic genome.  A woman will find herself pregnant with the Eyeless Man's progeny.  A man will instead find himself the carrier of the genome, and any children he conceives will be the Eyeless Man's progeny.
Any children conceived like this look like their perceived parents.   

- Instigate a fight
- Get killed
- Use your murderer to propagate your line

Eyeless Men are monsters that walk around under glamours, disguised as normal people.  They shop, go to work, and are generally unnoticed.  But they have all the defense capabilities of a hamster in a speed bag.  And this is by design.  Eyeless Men will orchestrate their own murders, then use the murderer to propagate their line.  For this reason, they suffer no fear, though they will fake it to appear more normal. 

Rubber Men
HD 2  AC 11  Weapon (1d6 or 1d8, whatever is more applicable)
Mor 10  Saves 13(5)+

Rubber: Rubber Men take minimum damage from sharp weapons (cutting, slashing) and no damage from bludgeoning or falling.  If they must make a Saving Throw and you think being made of flexible, shock-absorbent material would be an asset, use the lower number. 

Flammable: Rubber Men take double damage from fire, but only a large fire or one produced with a minimum of three Spellcasting Dice can set them alight.  A torch is not sufficient.

Freezable: Rubber Men take no damage from ice, but if chilled it removes their resistances to sharp and bludgeoning weapons.

- Throw gas (they don't need to breathe)
- Tackle people and jump off buildings
- Run away if you have fire or ice

Rubber Men are human shaped and human-looking, in the broadest sense of the latter.  They look distinctly inhuman up close, like a man wearing a hideous rubber mask.  But from a distance or in the dark, they look perfectly normal.  They love to scare people, and always get their victims worked up into a lather before killing them.  Rubber Men fear nothing but fire and Calcomancers.

They tend toward sadism and manipulation, but can be quite reasonable. 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

OSR: Cthonomancer- Alchemists, Gravitrons, and Miners

Cthonomancers are Wizards that manipulate stone, steel and gravity.  They are rumored to be able to turn lead into gold, live forever, and fly.  None of these things are true, but the truth is no less strange.  In fact, it is far more bizarre.

Cthonomancers are for the Wizard who wants to really deliberate on how to use their spells, as none of their spells can actually damage enemies directly.  Though that doesn't mean enemies are safe around them, either.  The first 12 spells are the starting spells, to determine a Cthonomancer's starting spells, roll 1d12 on that table.  The lower two spells are rare, and as valuable as magic swords.

Cthonomancers have the following Power which they can use at will, and the following Drawback that always affects them.

Power: By touching a surface and concentrating for a couple of rounds, you can sense all things within [level]*10' that are also touching the surface.

Drawback: You lose 1 Spellcasting Dice if you aren't touching the ground.  You get it back as soon as you set feet on Terra Firma again.

Cthonomancer Random Spell Table: 

1- Anti-Gravity
2- Create or Destroy Water
3- Feather
4- Grease
5- Liquefy
6- Partition Metal
7- Quicksand
8- Repel Stone
9- Steel Intangibility
10- Stone to Dust
11- Stone to Lava
12- Stone to Mud

13- Airy Water
14- Center of the World

Legendary Spells: Creation, Destruction

R: 50'        T: 10 x 10 square feet        D: [dice] minutes

An area [dice]*10' x [dice]*10' x [dice]*10' cube loses all gravity for [dice] minutes.

Create or Destroy Water
R: 30'        T: Any amount of water/creature/location within range    D: one action 

If Create is used, the caster conjures [sum] gallons of water.  This water can be directed to fill any container within range.  Alternatively, it can be fired at a creature as an attack.  The attack requires an attack roll and on a hit does no damage but if the [sum] is 12 or higher, that creature must save or be bowled over by the force of the impact.

If Destroy is used, the caster can evaporate up to [sum] gallons of water.  This water can be free-floating, standing or can be soaked into objects.  This can be used to dry clothes, turn mud back to dirt.  If used on a creature that requires water to live, this does 1d6+[dice] nonlethal damage.  Creatures that are primarily composed of water, such as Oozes and Water Elementals, instead take [sum] damage from having Destroy Water used on them.  Creatures that do not need water cannot be hurt by Destroy Water.       

R: Touch    T: object        D: 3[dice] rounds

Reduces an object's mass and weight by 99%.  You can cast this as a free action.  Feathered Creatures take no fall damage.  Feather creatures also take double damage from all non-feathered creatures.

R: 50'        T: object or surface    D:2[dice] rounds

Grease affects a 10' x 10' area or an object.  To move across it or hold a greased object, one must make a Dex Check.  On a failure, they drop it or fall prone. 

R: 10'        T: [dice]*10 feet cubed D: [sum] minutes

[dice]*10 cubic feet of material is turned into a liquid.  This lasts for [sum] minutes before reverting to solid form, though wherever the liquid has flowed.  If you use this on a creature, you must succeed a touch attack.  On a hit, if their form is small enough, their whole body is liquefied.  If a creature's whole body is liquefied, they get a save. On a successful save, they survive and when the spell expires their body is restored.  On a failure, they die.  

Partition Metal
R: self        T: self        D: [dice] rounds

As long as this spell is active, you can divide and shape metal with your bare hands. 

R: 30'        T: [sum] square feet        D: [dice] hours

A [dice]*10 x [dice]*10 x [dice]*10 cube of dirt, sand, or bare land turns into quicksand.  Any who step in it will be sucked down and must make a successful saving throw to escape.

Repel Stone
R: touch        T: creature    D: [dice] minutes

Target repels stone, pushing it into a new shape.  If the target is standing on stone, they fall through the stone leaving a body-shaped tunnel.

Steel Intangibility
R: touch    T: creature        D: [dice] minutes

Creature cannot touch or affect ferrous metals for [dice] minutes.  It goes right through them.  Arrows with wooden shafts do minimum damage, swords cut their clothes but not their flesh, if they are naked they can walk through it like its made of fog. 

Stone to Dust
R: touch    T: [dice] cubic feet of stone    D: one action

Change one type of stone into dust.  Transmutes one cubic foot per [dice].  This dust fills the air if it is touched.  It also highly flammable.   This is a permanent transmutation.

Stone to Lava
R: 10'        T: A stone.        D: permanent.       

Convert [dice] cubic feet of stone into lava.  Transmutes one cubic feet per [dice].  Anyone within 10' of lava takes 1d6 fire damage, and take 2d6 fire damage from contact with it.  The lava cools after [dice] rounds.  After that the outside cools it is still hot, but does not cause people damage. This is a permanent transmutation. 

Stone to Mud
R: 10'        T: A stone.        D: permanent.       

Convert [dice] cubic feet of stone into mud.  This is a permanent transmutation.  The mud is a foot deep and behaves like normal mud. 

Airy Water
R: touch    T: water around you    D: [sum] minutes

A sphere of water centered on the caster [dice] feet in diameter transmutes into a thick fluid that can be breathed by air-breathers.  This sphere travels with the caster, and is heavier than water.  It contains enough oxygen for [sum] creatures until it expires in [sum] minutes. 

Center of the World
R: 30'        T: object or target    D: [dice] rounds

Target creature or object gains an increased gravitational pull and starts attracting everyone or anything nearby.  To resist being dragged into the object, target must succeed a saving throw with a penalty equal to [dice].  If four or more dice are used, anything dragged into contact with the target creature or object takes [sum] damage a round it is in contact with the target object.

Chaos and Corruption

When you roll doubles, roll on the Chaos table.  The spell still works and goes through as if cast successfully.  You receive 1d3 Doom Points. 
When you roll triples, roll on the Corruption table.  The spell automatically fails.  You also receive 1d4 Doom Points.
At 10 Doom Points, you invoke the Doom of Fools.
At 20 Doom Points, you invoke the Doom of Kings.
At 30 Doom Points, you invoke the Ultimate Doom.

You can find the tables here.


Doom of Fools: For 2d6 hours, you hear the heartbeat of the Earth.  You are desperate to get closer to it, and will usually begin digging straight down with anything you have in you.  If there are caves nearby, you will use those.  If stopped from doing this, you will resist violently.  You will go down as far as you can, until you come to your senses, are stopped by force or die.

Doom of Kings:  As above, but for 2d6 days.

Ultimate Doom: As above, but permanently.  The Wizard will spend the rest of their life wandering the Veins, and going even deeper, looking for the Heart of the Earth.

This Doom is avoided by leaving the Earth totally behind, or by making a pact with one of the gelatinous Lords of the Upper Air.

Friday, October 13, 2017

OSR: Cosmomancer- The Scholars of the Stars, The Weavers of Light, The Masters of the World

Cosmomancers are fortune tellers, masters of fate, luck, and space.  They possess some of the most useful spells, but also some of the strangest.  Cosmomancers powers wax and wane with the moon, and many attribute the Sovereign of the Moon, Yosganeth for their magical abilities.

Cosmomancers have the following Power which they can use at will, and the following Drawback that always affects them.

Power: Can make your hands emit light like a flashlight.  The light can be any color you like.

Drawback: Cannot sleep without a roof over your head.  You probably also have agoraphobia as well.  The Stars are spying on you, you're sure of it. 

                                                     Cosmomancer, level 1

Cosmomancer spell-list:
Starting Spell(s)
 1- All Things Adjacent
2- Baleful Moon
3- Blinding Halo
4- Contact Outer Sphere
5- Enlarge
6- Focus Light
7- Lucky
8- Meteor Guard
9- Portal
10- Reduce
11- Sun Shower
12- Transpose

13- Calculate Probability
14- Curse
15- Horoscope
16- Teleport

Legendary Spells: Meteor Swarm, Journey to the Past

All Things Adjacent
R: 0    T: self    D: 1 turn

You are adjacent to all things within your line of sight.  You can punch anything you could see.  You can pick up any object and put it in your pocket as if it were beside you.  However, you are affected as if you were in every location at once.  (To put it in grid-based combat terms, you are affected by all effects effecting every observable square.)  You do not suffer multiple effects from the same hazard (even though you are standing in all parts of a wall of fire, you only take its damage once).  Obviously, casting this spell within sight of the sun is instantly fatal.

Baleful Moon
R: 30'        T: [dice] creatures        D: [dice] hours.

[dice] creatures are cursed with terrible luck.  For the next [dice] hours, they subtract [dice] from all their rolls, and one random person who is not afflicted by the spell adds +[dice] to all their 1d20 rolls for their next [dice] hours.

Blinding Halo 
R: touch    T: creature        D: [dice] rounds

Creature is surrounded by dazzling light for [dice] rounds. 
Attacks against them get -[sum] to their roll for the duration.

Contact Outer Sphere
R: self        T: self            D: one action

Ask the stars one question.  It must be about something occurring right now, or in the past under an open sky.  The question can be up to [sum] words long.  The Stars cannot see the future, or see into buildings or underground.  

R: 30'        T: one creature/object    D: [dice] minutes

Target one creature or object.  That creature or object increases [dice] size categories.  An enlarged creature does +[dice] damage, but creatures get a +[dice] bonus to hit them.  If you use four or more dice, you can choose to make the spell permanent. 

Size Categories: Tiny (A foot tall or less) --> Small (Hobbit Sized (2-4')) --> Medium (Human-sized (4 and chance to 7')) --> Large (Ogre-sized (8-15')) --> Giant ( Giant sized (15-30') --> Gargantuan (30+')

Focus Light
R: 30'        T: creature        D: one action

Focus all the light in the air into a single point.  If it is during the day, it does 3d6 fire damage.  If it is at night, it does 2d6 psychic damage, and anyone hit by this must save or go insane for [sum] hours or until morning.  At all other times it does 1d6 fire damage, unless you are drawing power from a magical spell that produces light, in which case it does damage equal to [dice] 1d6s.   

R: 10'        T: creature            D: [dice] hours 

Target creature this has been cast on may reroll [dice] 1d20 rolls.

Meteor Guard
R: 10'        T: self                D: [dice] hours.

You levitate [dice] projectiles around you and cause them to orbit your body.  This increases your AC by [dice] if you are wearing protective armor.  Even if it doesn't, if anyone strikes you with a melee attack while you are being orbited, one of the projectiles automatically strikes them for 1d8 + [dice] damage.  You can fire one of the projectiles as an action, but that requires an attack roll.  If you don't have any suggestions for projectiles, then you take 1d6 damage and lose [dice] teeth. 

R: 20' x [dice]    T: 2 surfaces    D: [dice] rounds

You create a pair of linked portals, each attached to a flat, immobile surface (such as a wall or a floor).  Anything that passes through one portal passes out the other, with momentum being conserved.  You can create a door beneath a creature, but they get a Dex check to avoid falling into it.

R: 30'        T: one creature/object    D: [dice] minutes

Target one creature or object.  That creature or object decreases [dice] size categories.  A Reduced Creature does -[dice] damage but gets +[dice] AC.  If you use four or more dice, you can choose to make the spell permanent.

Sun Shower
R: 50'        T: all creatures within 50'    D: [dice] rounds

All creatures within 50' must save vs blindness as the sunlight grows brighter then ever before.  If they fail their save, they are blinded for [dice] rounds.  Wearing protective eyewear grants advantage on this save.  

Even if they pass their saves, then they take a -[dice] penalty on all rolls based on vision for as long as the spell lasts.  After the spell has worn off, they must save again.  If they pass, they recover.  If they fail again, their eyes are permanently damaged.  Reduce that creature's COG by [dice].

R: 50'    T: 2 objects    D: 0

Pick two very similar objects.  They switch places.  Attended/worn/held objects are allowed a Save.  DM's discretion as to what counts as 'very similar' but they are encouraged to invent a fail chance for borderline cases.

Calculate Probability
R: self        T: self            D: one action

Roll [dice].  For each dice rolled, you can calculate the probability of an event minutes, days, weeks, months, or years into the future.  Ask about an event, and you will receive the probability of that outcome.

R: 10'        T: creature        D: one action

You peer into a creature's future and choose one future you particularly like.  You may then describe that creature's future in [sum] words or less, and three of the words must be "I curse you...".  This future is unavoidable, and will happen soon.  

For example, if you say a creature will be driven from their home by their loved ones and devoured by wolves, that will happen soon.  The Referee may alter slight details, times and circumstances, but the spirit of your Curse will come true.  If you Curse someone with death, nothing can kill them until the curse does.  Finally, this does not work on a creature that cannot hear you or does not understand at least one written language. 

R: touch    T: creature        D: one action

You can tell someone's fortune by reading their palm, casting lots, or doing a Tarot reading.  Roll 1d6+[dice].  They can use Luck Points to alter this roll.  Then consult the following table.  

Horoscope Table
2- Death.  You will die.  The next time you must make a Save against something that could kill you, roll with disadvantage. 
3- The Tower.  The Gods are against you.  You cannot gain advantage on any rolls for 1d20-[dice] days. 
4- The Moon.  I see grave omens.  You will soon receive a poisoned gift.  Examples include a cursed item, booby-trapped item or animal that requires a large upkeep costs.   
5- Justice.  Be very careful, one mistake could be your last.  You will soon be thrust into a highly dangerous situation where failure could mean terrible, permanent consequences.
6- Nine of Swords.  Be careful in your profession, misuse or abuse of your skills will bring disaster.  Soon the player will be tempted with an opportunity to abuse their power.  Should they do so, the consequences will haunt them. 
7- Ace of Pentacles. Today is your lucky day.  Today, you can gain advantage on any roll of your choice.  You may only do this for 1 roll. 
8- The Hanged Man.  If you manage to keep a cool head, you will be able to get something good out of a bad situation.  Soon the player will be put in a tricky situation.  But if they succeed, the rewards will be great. 
9- The Chariot.  When challenged by a persistent foe, persevere and you will achieve victory.  The player will be subjected to an optional trial.  Skipping it will mean nothing but pushing forward will earn a boon.
10- Wheel of Fortune.  Expect a reversal of expectations in the near future.  There is a 50% chance that the player's fortunes will suddenly alter.  If things are going well, then they're about to get a lot worse.  If things are terrible, then expect a sudden surge of good luck.  If it doesn't affect the players, it will affect an NPC they know and have a close relationship with. 
11+- The Star. For now, you are under divine protection.  For the next 1d4 days, the player may make any save as if they had advantage on the roll. 

R: touch    T: objects    D: 0   
Up to [sum] touched objects and/or creatures are teleported to a random room within the dungeon.  If cast within a building, they are teleported to a random room.  If cast within a city, they are teleported to a random building.

It is possible to cast a version of this spell that allows for targeted teleportation, but it requires 10 minutes, a well-known destination, and affects half as many creatures/objects.

Chaos and Corruption

When you roll doubles, roll on the Chaos table.  The spell still works and goes through as if cast successfully.  You receive 1d3 Doom Points.  

If you roll triples, roll on the Corruption table.  The spell fails and you receive 1d4 Doom Points.  

You can find the tables here


Doom of Fools:  1d3+1 Ghost-Writers (3 HD) immediately appear via gateway and attempt to drag you back to the moon with them.

Doom of Kings:  As above, except 1d4+2 Ghost-Writers of (5 HD).

Ultimate Doom:  As above, except 1d20+20 tentacles (5 HD) of Yosganeth himself emerge from the walls and ceilings within 300' to drag you back to the moon.

This Doom is avoided by drinking the blood of a Sun-Brother, or by playing dice with a Demon and winning.

Cosmomancer: Chaos and Corruption

                                                           Calcomancer, level 3

If you have a player who is a Cosmomancer and they roll either doubles or triples on their spell dice, have them roll 1d2 or 1d4 respectively, and then 1d20 on the appropriate table.

Chaos: Triggered whenever you roll doubles on your magic dice.  The Spell still goes through, but you get an additional effect. 
Additionally, whenever you roll on the Chaos Table, you get 1d2 Doom Points.

Chaos Table
1- You hear the whispers of the stars.  You must check to sleep at night, and attack at -2 at night, unless you are underground.  Buildings can't protect you, unless they are warded. 
2- The Sunlight showers down on you.  All within 50' must save or get -[dice] on all attacks or checks that require vision.
3- Wizard Vision. 
4- The Wizard believes they are receiving visions of the future.  There is a 50% chance they receive a vision every time they go to a new place. 
5- The Wizard believes that a previously dead enemy has returned as a ghost.  They will do things, then attribute them to the Ghost. 
6- The Wizard starts having a reoccurring dream.  This means nothing, but is seems prophetic. 
7- The Wizard can keep perfect time.  They also know of a rapidly approaching deadline.  No one knows what this deadline is for. 
8- The Wizard subtly bends space wherever they go.  All distances are 20% shorter, and people near them age slower.  Has a 10% chance of attracting the attention of Yosganeth's Angels.   
9- The Wizard believes they can predict the future by sacrificing animals to Yosganeth. 
10- Wizard believes that they are the luckiest man who ever lived.  +4 on all gambling rolls, with an independent 50% that the other person believed they cheated. 
11- The Wizard believes they are cursed with misfortune for something they did.  The only cure is to do a bunch of good deeds, or go dig up the corpse of the person who cursed them and burn it. 
12- The Wizard can receive perfectly accurate visions of the past by going to the place/touching an object associated with it. 
13- The Wizard can receive completely false visions of what is going on right now.  This has a range of 20 miles, and they will only see things that relate to people they know/places they've been. 
14- The next time the Wizard is asked to make a choice, whatever it was, they think it was the wrong one. 
15- The Wizard becomes convinced that one of their hirelings has been replaced with a doppelganger. 
16- The Wizard thinks they are wanted for a crime, so start developing an alter ego.
17- The Wizard becomes convinced that ribbons covered in prayers to Yosganeth can ward a building.  They do scare away ghosts, but attract the Angels of Rival Gods. 
18- The next time the Wizard takes a serious injury, they believe that they actually died, and are now an undead.
19- The Wizard constantly switches their languages.  One sentence is English, one in Greek, one in French, one is ancient Aramaic.  Have them omit sentences from what they want to say.  
20- Whenever the Wizard speaks, they are visible.  Whenever they are not speaking, they are invisible.  This does not apply to their clothes or gear.

                                              Cosmomancer, level 5

Corruption: Occurs when you roll Triples.  When a Roll triggers Corruption, roll on the Chaos Table.  If you roll Corruption, the Spell fails. 
Additionally, when you roll on the Corruption Table, you get 1d4 Doom Points. 

Corruption Table
1- Call a meteor, save or die as it crashes into you/near you. 
2- Attract the attention of a demon. 
3- The Wizard knows the day they will die.  Roll 1d20. 
4- The Wizard sees a new planet appear in the sky, a massive orb covered by twilight forests and black seas.  All of their companions must save every day or see the planet too.  The planet is not a hallucination, you just never noticed it. 
5- The Wizard feels they must marry a woman named Penelope.  Not sure which Penelope, but they'll know her when they see her.
6- The Wizard cannot stand the sun.  Every moment their bare skin is exposed to the sun, they take 1 damage.  Cool mud, cloth, or other stuff can protect them. 
7- The Wizard does not trust the Stars, claiming they are scheming against them.  They are right.  -4 to any plans made under open sky. 
8- The Wizard feels the sudden weight of responsibility placed upon them by fate.  If they do not complete their destiny, they will die.  If they have a child, this destiny will pass to the child.  This will occur until the destiny is fulfilled.  The Wizard's soul will be held in limbo until they can complete their destiny. 
9- The Wizard becomes the polar opposite of human.  The next time a human touches them with bare flesh, that part of the human and the Wizard is converted into pure energy and is released. IE, They explode.  The Wizard knows this.
10- The Wizard is accompanied wherever they go by a band of monsters playing instruments.  The monsters never stop playing, not for any reason.  If they ever stop playing against their will, something awful will happen.  If asked to stop playing in a polite way, nothing will happen.  At least, probably not. 
11- The Wizard becomes unable to speak ill of or attack the leaders of governments, as they appointed by Heaven. 
12- The Wizard makes mana fall from Heaven.  It is tasty, but spoils after one day, unless (1-in-8 chance, reroll 8s) tomorrow is Sunday. 
13- The Wizard attracts lightning. 
14- A particular storm decides it hates the Wizard and starts following them. 
15- Anyone who lies within 100' of the Wizard has their trousers catch fire. 
16- The Wizard's name becomes demonic.  Everytime it is said, they become aware of it, and can teleport to where it was said.  They cannot teleport back unless someone says their name. 
17- The Wizard is abducted by lights in the sky.  Roll 1d3 1= Human Astronauts 2= Filthy Xenos 3= Angels of Random God.
18- The next time the Wizard successfully casts a spell, they instead rip open a portal in time and space. 
19- Whenever people stop looking at the Wizard, they must save or forget about them. 
20- The Wizard stops aging.  Their blood functions like an elixir of Youth, curing all injuries and reducing Age by 1d10 years, or back to your physical prime, if you are younger than 26.

                                                    Cosmomancer, level ?