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To make a Frame, use Flame Pomerium rules. Just treat them like giant player-characters, with sufficient modifications to make it make sense. Frames don't have a CHA score, for instance, because they can't talk, nor would they be likely to converse if they could.
Frames have Four Ability Scores:
- STR: How hard a Frame hits and how much equipment it can carry.
- DEX: How agile and fast a Frame is.
- CON: How tough a Frame is.
- PSI: How much psychic potential a Frame has and how strong it's will.
Roll 3d6 in order for each one of the above.
Other Stats:
Base HP = CON score
Fighting Spirit = 1/3 CON + DEX or STR Modifier (which ever is higher)
Inventory Slots = STR score
Psychic Potential depends on the Frame's PSI score. See table below.
Then roll on the table below or talk to the Referee about what is available.
How big is the Frame?
1- Small. Reroll DEX, choose higher result.
2- Medium. Reroll PSI, choose higher result.
3- Heavy. Reroll STR, choose higher result.
4- Super Heavy. Reroll CON, choose higher result.
What percentage of it is organic/cybernetic?
1- 0% Cybernetic. Increase the Frame's PSI by +2.
2- 20% Cybernetic. Increase the Frame's PSI by +1. Increase the Frame's Base FS by +1.
3- 40% Cybernetic. Increase the Frame's Base FS by +1. It gains one more Inventory slot.
4- 50% Cybernetic. Decrease the Frame's PSI by 1. Increase the Frame's FS by +2. It gains +1 Inventory slot.
5- 60% Cybernetic. Decrease the Frame's PSI by 2. Increase it's FS by +2 and gains +2 Inventory slots.
6- 80% Cybernetic. Decrease the Frame's PSI by 2. Increase it's FS by +3 and it gains +3 Inventory slots.
What is it's psychic potential?
16-18: It has 1d3+1 Psychic Powers. +2 Psi Dice.
13-15: It has 1d2+1 Psychic Powers. +1 Psi Dice.
9-12: It has 1 Psychic Power.
8 or lower: It has no Psychic Powers of it's own.
See the list of psychic powers here.
What is it's personality/defining trait?
1- Violent/Aggressive. While piloting this Frame, if presented with the chance to attack or inflict damage, the Pilot must save to resist the urge. Prolonged use of this Frame may affect the Pilot, making him more hot-tempered or violent.
2- Greedy. If a piece of equipment is given to the Frame, it will be reluctant to ever let anyone take it back or swap it out for anything else. If the Frame kills a Colossai or acquires any loot as a result of battle, the Pilot must save or try to claim everything for himself. Prolonged use of this Frame may affect the Pilot, making him more greedy, materialistic or prone to hoarding behavior.
3- Loyal. The Frame is devoted to it's Pilot, willing to act to defend him. If a battle looks particularly bad, the Frame may eject the Pilot in the hopes of saving his life. If the Pilot is in danger, the Frame may also run to the defense of the Pilot. Prolonged use of this Frame may affect the Pilot, making him more loyal and prone to self-sacrifice.
4- Treacherous. The Frame is interested only in it's own survival and has been known to ignore the orders of Pilots it does not trust or like. If the Frame feels like it's destruction is imminent, it may attempt to flee. The Pilot will have to overpower or persuade it to stay and fight. Prolonged use of this Frame may affect the Pilot, making him less loyal and more self-interested.
5- Harmonious. This Frame is soothing and peaceful, easily accepting almost any Pilot. Prolonged use of this Frame may affect the Pilot, making him more zen and easy-going. That is all positive, except for the fact that those are about the worst traits for a Pilot to have.
6- Spirited. The Frame is known for it's high spirits and wild impulses. A steady, sober-minded Pilot would be ideal to contain it's almost childlike mirth. Prolonged use of this Frame may affect the Pilot, making him more impulsive and free-spirited.
7- Calculating. This Frame has a cold mind and a low cunning. It may suggest things to the Pilot, pointing out weaknesses and new attack vectors. Despite, or perhaps because of this, it isn't fully trusted, as it seems just a bit too intelligent. Prolonged use of this Frame may affect the Pilot, making him more cold-blooded and cerebral.
8- Distractible. The Frame has the attention span of a toddler hopped up on pre-Colossai candy, bouncing around and getting distracted. A firm hand is needed to keep it in line. Prolonged use of this Frame may affect the Pilot, making him more zany and less focused on tasks, even important ones.
9- Needy/Clingy. This Frame bonds very closely with one particular Pilot. If you're it's favorite, it will work miracles for you. But if you aren't, it will be stiff, stubborn and slow to respond. Prolonged use of this Frame may affect the Pilot, making him more needy and flaky, similar to someone with BPD.
10- Independent. The Frame bucks like a wild bronco and kicks like a mule. It is strong-willed and hard to tame. Only an iron-willed Pilot can rein it in, and even then, he might just find out that he's the one riding the tiger. Prolonged use of this Frame may affect the Pilot, making him more of a lone wolf and making it harder for him to cooperate with others.
11- Partisan. The Frame is choosy about who it wishes to fight and will not give it's full efforts unless it is fighting a hated foe. For example, the Frame may prefer to fight Flying Colossai above all others, and resent having to do anything else. Prolonged use of this Frame may affect the Pilot, making him more tribal and less willing to compromise.
12- Hateful/Spiteful. This Frame never forgives and never forgets. Any insult, injury or disrespect done to it will not be forgotten. This applies to enemies, but also to ground crew who help to care for it and Pilots who command it. This Frame may be known, or rumored to be, a Pilot-killer. Prolonged use of this Frame may affect the Pilot, making him less willing to forgive and more willing to hold grudges.
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Equipment comes in two categories, Standard and Exotic. Standard equipment can be manufactured by any location with a sufficient technological and manufacturing base comparable to your average Shield City. It will require time to make and funds to finance, but it can be done.
Exotic equipment, on the other hand, cannot be directly manufactured. If it is technological, it is because the information of how to create another one has been lost or the location you are currently in lacks the capabilities for such a massive project. If it is biological, then it was harvested from a Colossus and is truly unique. You might be able to take it off a dead or damaged Frame, but odds are you will never find another like it.
Equipment Rules:
All equipment takes up 1 Inventory Slot, unless a number is in parathesis next to it. If that is the case, then the piece of equipment occupies that many slots instead. Armor also takes up a different number of slots, but that varies depending on the type.
- Light: Grants +3 Fighting Spirit. Takes up four Inventory slots.
- Medium: Grants +4 Fighting Spirit. Takes up five Inventory slots.
- Heavy. Grants +5 Fighting Spirit. Takes up six Inventory slot.
- Shield, Physical. Grants +1 Fighting Spirit. Takes up one Inventory slot. 1/Round can reduce damage taken from an attack by 1d12 or shatter it to reduce the damage by 12.
Standard Equipment:
- Radio: Enables communication between City, Base Camp and the Frames.
- Shield Generator. A device that is common in almost all Frames. It enables the Frame to better protect itself without the need for Heavy Armor. Each Shield Generator gives a Frame a Damage Reduction of 2 per Shield Generator. This means that any damage directed at the Frame is reduced by 2 per Shield Generator. But this only applies to fast-moving objects such as projectiles and psionic/psychic attacks. Melee attacks can penetrate a shield, but only if made from sufficiently close range.
- Radar. A powerful radar that allows the sensing of objects and movement from a far distance. You cannot be surprised by Colossai-sized creatures not using anti-radar countermeasures or otherwise immune to radar detection.
- Scanner. All Frames have built-in sensors, but this is a sensory device that would ordinarily require a room full of computers to run. You can learn 1d6 facts about anything you can see if you take an action to scan it. You also have a 50% of detecting ambushes and surprise attacks before they happen.
- Grappling Hook. A huge metal hook on a chain, this is primarily used to attach a Frame to something sufficiently sturdy, but can also be used to grab targets and haul them towards the Frame.
- Magnetic Plates. These are metallic plates set into a frame that when charged with electricity, become electromagnets. These allow metal objects to stick to them, enabling a Frame to easily pick up small metal objects or grapple with Colossai with high concentrations of metal in their bodies.
Types of Weapons:
- Projectile: Fire solid projectiles. Firearms, railguns, missile launchers. These require ammunition to work and must be reloaded if they run out.
- Laser: Fire concentrated beams of light, do fire/heat damage. They do not require attack rolls, as they are impossible to dodge, but a save is permitted to reduce damage.
- Plasma: Fire hyper-dense streams of blazing hot energy. Utterly obliterate anything in their path, but have very short range. Plasma weapons ignore all armor, except shields and armor from creatures resistant to heat.
- Radiation: Weapons that fire or project other types of radiation, usually have exotic effects.
- Psi: Weapons that channel a Frame/Pilot's psychic might, amplifying it and allowing it to bypass armor and produce other unconventional effects. These bypass all armor but shields, but are less effective against Psychically potent Colossai.
- Organic: These are weapons derived or stolen directly from Colossai. They are all unique and generally totally bizarre, though often high effective.
Autocannon: [Physical/Medium-Long Range] A rotating cannon with three barrels that fires high-explosive armor piercing shells, sufficient for slaying lower Colossai and the parasites of the larger ones, while still packing enough power to harm a greater one. Does 1d8+1 damage, Reloads on a 9+. Save vs Firearm. Can be loaded with other types of shells, such as armor-piercing, incendiary, etc.
Turbo-Laser: [Laser/Medium] A massive laser weapon that fires a concentrated beam of light in flickering bursts. Does 1d10+1 fire damage, save for half. It overheats on a 10+ and must cool down for 1d3 rounds until it can be used again. No hit roll is required, unless the Pilot or Frame cannot ascertain the true position of the enemy or otherwise misses due to error.
Plasma Lance: [Plasma/Close] This weapon vomits forth the fury of the sun, a wave of searing heat that obliterates almost anything in it's path. It does 1d12+1 damage on a hit, save for half. It overheats on a 11+ and must cool for 1d4 rounds before it can be used again. Plasma ignores all armor, except from Colossai which are shielded or resistant to heat.
Microwave Cannon: [Radiation/Medium] This weapon fires a sizzling ray of radiation that slowly raises an enemy's internal temperature, cooking them from the inside. It does 1d6 damage per round and as long as line-of-sight is not broken, or the Pilot does not move out of range, the Pilot can keep doing damage for free on his turn, unless he takes an action to attack with another weapon. Shielded Colossai are immune to this weapon.
Psionic Crossbow: [Psi/Long]: This weapon fires bolts of psionic energy, invisible but devastating to the mind. Creatures hit by it take 2d6 damage, save for half, with advantage if they are more psychically powerful than the wielder of the Psionic Crossbow. Certain creatures may also have resistance to psychic energy, depending on their nature, armor or etc.
Needle-Quill Launcher: [Organic/Close-Medium] This is the tail of a slain Colossai, long and muscular and tipped with 1d20+4 quills. Each quill can be launched at a target to do 1d8 damage on a hit. The Launcher can fire up to three quills at a time. When all the quills are expended, the tail will regenerate the quills at a rate of 1 for every 1d3 days.
- Frameforged: Normal, no-frill weapons, but scaled up and designed for Frames. Giant swords, knives, hammers, etc.
- Mechanized: Weapons affixed with rotating saws, buzzing blades and spinning drills. Extremely effective against soft flesh, thick blubber and hardened fur or mucus, but largely ineffective against tougher armor.
- Pulse: Weapons enhanced with energy shields. Extremely rare, very powerful, but place a high burden in terms of weight and power on a Frame. Excellent for bypassing thick armor, but less effective against blubber and flesh, which is Colossai often acts as a shock absorber.
- Psi: Weapons that channel a Frame/Pilot's psychic might, amplifying it and allowing it to bypass armor and produce other unconventional effects. These bypass all armor but shields, but are less effective against Psychically potent Colossai.
- Organic: These are weapons derived or stolen directly from Colossai. They are all unique and generally totally bizarre, though often high effective.
Paul Bunyan: [Frameforged/Weight 1] A massive axe, wielded by the founder of the Shield City's Frame to destroy dozens of Colossai. It is a symbol of hope, of the destruction of evil and the taming of the wilderness. It does 1d8+Atk+STR damage on a hit.
Vanquisher Buzz Saw: [Mechanized/Weight 2] A roaring saw, it fells forests as easily as it shreds the flesh of a Colossus. It does 1d6+Atk damage on a hit, but if attacking a creature with soft flesh, can be driven into it and do free damage each round, as long the Frame stays attached to the creature it is attempting to damage.
Mjolnir Thunder Hammer: [Pulse/Weight 2] A huge hammer that crackles with energy. When a creature is struck by this, it takes 1d8+Atk damage, plus an additional +1d6 damage if the attack is successful. However, on a roll of maximum or minimum damage, the energy field overloads or shorts out and will need to be reset (takes an action) to turn it back on again. Until the field is fixed, it only does 1d8+Atk damage.
Neural Glaive: [Psi/Weight 1]: A long, wide-bladed polearm that crackles with psionic energy. Does 1d6+Atk damage, plus an additional 1d8 psychic damage on a successful hit. However, creatures can save to reduce psychic damage, with advantage if they are more powerful psychics than the wielder of the Neural Glaive.
Fangblade: [Organic/Weight 1] A wide sword made of living flesh, tipped with razor teeth and sharp hooks. Does 1d6+Atk damage on a hit. 3/Day, if the Frame it is attached to is attacked, it can parry an attack, reducing it's damage by 1d6+Atk. This is independent of any attempt to parry the Pilot or Frame may have made.
Why Melee?
Many have asked the obvious question, why fight a Colossai in a close-up fight? This is a valid question, as most Colossai are hugely powerful and dangerous in close-quarters combat and can often overpower or destroy a Frame totally. The reason is simple: ammunition and high technology are both often scarce. Shield Cities have limited resources and must not waste anything useful. The overseers of the City must regularly make decisions such as "Do we make more ammunition for our Pilot's guns, or do we try to build another water desalination plant?" Melee weapons are thus often an excellent solution, as it allows a Frame to fight a Colossai with less resource expenditure.
Additionally, as the Pilots (usually) compose a military caste, they greatly prize martial skill and melee combat, both in and out of their Frames. As such, even if they were mostly vestigial, they would likely still insist on carrying such weapons, as badges of office or symbols of rank if nothing else.
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