by Ivan Laliashvili |
What they Share:
Base Colossus Statblock:
Category Level
Damage Threshold (see below)
Number of Health Pools (see below)
HP within Health Pool (see below)
Atk (see below)
Mor 10+Category
Saves (Equals Damage Threshold)
All Colossai share...
Flexible Actions: Colossai can make another number of attacks as determined by the Category table (see below). They can also, instead of making an attack, replace it with a use of one of their Capabilities (see below). Each one of these counts as an "action".
Damage Threshold: All Colossai possess a Damage Threshold. Unless a source of damage equals or exceeds it's Damage Threshold, treat that source as if it did no damage.
Multiple Health Pools: All Colossai have a number of Health Pools depending on their size. Each Pool of Health is treated independently. If a source of damage reduces a Pool to 0, then damage does not carry over to the next Pool. The Colossai is not slain until all of it's Health Pools are reduced to 0.
Survival Instinct: When a Colossai has a Health Pool reduced to 0 but is not killed, it can trigger one of the following effects. Roll randomly before a battle to determine what it can do. It can do this a number of times equal to it's [Category-1 (min 1)].
Morale: All Colossai have Morale equal to 10+[Category]. Colossai almost never run away unless faced with a truly hopeless situation. The dumber ones might also choose to fight to the death rather than flee, attempting to cut their way out.
Saves: All Colossai have Saving throws equal to their Damage Threshold. Category 1 Colossai also have advantage on any save made to dodge or evade, as they are much faster and more agile than almost all other Colossai, as they are so much smaller.
Survival Instinct Table:
- Furious Rage. The Colossai gains another Attack.
- Hideous Strength. The Colossai's Atk modifier increases by 1/2*Category (min +1)
- Indomitable Will. The Colossai's Damage Threshold increases by 1/2*Category, rounding up (min +1).
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What category is it?
1: Wolf. This Colossus is the size of a house. It can hold a car in one hand and use a lamp post as a javelin. It threatens a population in the thousands, such as a small town or village. This Colossus has a Damage Threshold of 8 and 2 Health Pools each holding 1d20+6 HP. It has an Atk modifier of +2 and makes two 1d6+2 attacks. This Colossus has 1d3 Capabilities.
2: Tiger. This Colossus is the size of a building. It stomps houses flat and renders conventional armaments useless against it's armor. It threatens a population in the tens of thousands, such as large town, port or key manufacturing base. This Colossus has a Damage Threshold of 10 and 3 Health Pools of 1d20+10. It has an Atk modifier of +3 and makes three 1d6+3 attacks. This Colossus has 1d4+1 Capabilities.
3: Dragon. This Colossus is the size of a city block, with earthshaking steps. It walks through houses like they aren't there and when fired upon, barely notices. When angered, it's screams shatter windows and trigger alarms. People go deaf and dogs howl. It threatens a population in the hundreds of thousands, a small city or large settlement. This Colossus has a Damage Threshold of 13 and 4 Health Pools of 1d20+12. It has an Atk modifier of +4 and makes four 1d6+4 attacks. This Colossus has 1d4+2 Capabilities.
4: Kaiju. This Colossus is the size of the tallest building in the largest city in the world. It wades through skyscrapers like waves at the beach, while it's tail tears a canyon into the earth. It threatens a population in the millions, a large city or a capital. This Colossus has Damage Threshold of 15 and 5 Health Pools of 1d20+15. It has an Atk modifier of +5 and makes five 1d6+5 attacks. This Colossus has 1d6+1 Capabilities.
5: Oblivion. This Colossus reaches the Heavens, altering weather by it's presence. It flattens towns without noticing. If there are still any working satellites, they'd see it from space. It threatens a population in the tens of millions, an entire region or coastline. This Colossus has a Damage Threshold of 16 and 6 Health Pools of 1d20+20. It has an Atk modifier of +6 and makes six 1d6+6 attacks. This Colossus has 1d6+3 Capabilities.
What are it's Capabilities?
1-2: Standard. See 'Standard Capabilities' table below.
3-4: Monstrous. See 'Monstrous Capabilities' table below.
5-6: Weird. See 'Weird Capabilities' table below.
Standard Capabilities:
1- Exceptional Strength. When making a STR check, the Colossus has advantage on any roll it has to make. 1/Round, it may reroll any damage roll and select the higher result.
2- Exceptional Toughness. When taking damage, 1/Round, the Colossus may force the enemy to roll their damage again and select the lower result.
3- Exceptional Speed. The Colossus always acts first if it wishes too. It also has advantage on any roll it has to make to evade or dodge something.
4- Exceptional Intelligence. Instead of being about as smart as a sack of hammers, as most Colossai are, this Colossus is 1d4 [1= Smart as the average dog; 2= Smart as a clever hunter, like a leopard; 3= Smart as an octopus; 4= Smart as a Human.]
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Monstrous Capabilities:
1- Flight. The Colossus can fly. It has a flying speed equal to it's walking speed and has a 50% of being able to hover, otherwise it must keep moving to remain in the air.
2- Burrowing. The Colossus can burrow. It has a burrowing speed equal to 1/2 it's walking speed.
3- Amphibious. The Colossus has the ability to breathe underwater and has a swimming speed equal to it's walking speed.
4- Camouflague. The Colossus has the ability to distort it's position. From a distance, it makes all checks and saves to avoid being hit or reducing damage from ranged attacks at advantage.
5- Parasite Eve. The Colossus is parasitic. By making contact with a creature, it causes 1d6 CON damage to that creature. This causes it to regain an equivalent amount of HP. If a creature is reduced to 0 CON by this ability, that creature dies.
6- Broodmother. The Colossus can spawn a number of Category 0 Colossai Spawn equal to [Category]. Colossai Category 3 or higher have Spawn that can threaten Frames, while those lower can only threaten a Frame if they attack as a Swarm.
7- Regeneration. The Colossus can heal itself, regenerating an amount of HP equal to it's Damage Threshold once per round.
8- Enhanced Senses. The Colossus has incredible senses and is able to sense almost everything that happens around it. It has a 50% of being able to avoid being surprised and has advantage on any roll to detect a trap or ambush before it triggers them.
9- Higher Cognition. The Colossus is smarter than most. It is as smart as a human and is capable of utilizing tactics, evaluating danger and countering any obvious plan deployed against it.
10- Tool Use. The Colossus utilizes weapons and the environment, it doesn't rely purely on tooth, claw and other appendages.
11- Berzerk. The Colossus can, if it wishes, fly into a blinding rage. When Berzerk, a Colossus can reroll all Atk rolls and select the higher result. It also will focus on one target, the one that specifically angered it usually, and pursue that target until it is destroyed. The only way to divert it would be to do significant damage to it, at which point it must make a Morale check. On a failed check, it will turn and target the creature that damaged it.
12- Many Limbed. The Colossus has many limbs, which means it can easily navigate through rough terrain or over obstacles without slowing down. It also has advantage on any checks made to grapple an enemy and can grapple up to 2*[Category] creatures at a time.
13- Many Headed. The Colossus has a number of heads equal to 2*[Category]. It has advantage on any checks based on perception and has a 1d10% chance, depending on the number of heads, to perceive traps, ambushes and to ignore surprise. Also, if it grapples a creature, it can do damage to them as a free action as it's extra heads rip and tear at them.
14- Armor Plated. The Colossus has thick armor covering most of it's body. When it takes damage, if that damage gets passed it's Damage Threshold reduce the damage taken by [Category].
15- Modular. The Colossus is actually several smaller Colossai working together like a colony, similar to a Portuguese Man o' War. When killed, the "Colossus" will split apart into a number of smaller Colossai whose total [Category] equal the colony's total [Category]. For example, a Category 4 Colossus Colony can split apart to become two Category 2 Colossai, or 4 Category 1 Colossai, or any other combination that does not exceed the initial Category 4 the Colony was.
16- Elemental Ranged Attack. The Colossus can make an elemental ranged attack that does damage equal to one of it's normal melee attacks. However, this attack does elemental damage instead of cutting or crushing damage. To see which element it uses, roll on the Element Table below.
17- Elemental Melee Attack. The Colossus can make a melee attack that does damage equal to it's normal melee attacks. However, this attack does elemental damage instead of cutting or crushing damage. To see which element it uses, roll on the Element Table below.
18- Elemental Immunity. The Colossus is immune to damage from one element or the effects of said element. To see which element it is immune to, roll on the Element Table below.
19- Elemental Aura. The Colossus is surrounded by an aura of one element. This aura causes environmental effects around it depending on what kind of element it is. For example, a fire aura burns and does damage equal to [Category] per round exposed to it, while a Water aura might cause disadvantage on all melee attacks directed against the Colossus. The size of the aura is dependent on the Colossus' [Category], which the more powerful Colossai having more powerful auras that reach further out.
20- Elemental Essence. The Colossus is made of one particular element instead of flesh, bone or other materials. It is healed by the element it is made of and takes double damage from the element's opposite (Referee's Discretion applies). It can also transform into a purely elemental form as an action and take a more ordinary physical form on it's next turn. When in it's pure elemental form, it cannot be harmed by anything that could not harm that element. For example, a Colossus with Fire Elemental Essence could move through the air like fire, jumping over obstacles and burning everything it touches. It could transform into pure flame and when pure flame, it could not be harmed by anything that could not harm a wildfire.
Element Table:
1- Fire
2- Water
3- Earth
4- Air/Wind
5- Ice
6- Lightning
7- Wood
8- Metal
9- Acid
10- Darkness
11- Light
12- Sound/Sonic
13- Necrosis/Death
14- Gravity
15- Magnetism
16- Wrath/Rage
17- Pride
18- Peace
19- Joy
20- Love
Weird Capabilities:
1- Absorbs Properties. The Colossus can, when struck by an elemental attack or ability, or when it eats a particular substance, gains a temporary special ability for [Category] rounds. For example, if it eats stone, it might gain harder flesh or if it eats light it might gain the ability to shine with dazzling light that makes it harder to target.
2- Adaptive. The Colossus adapts to whatever situation it is in. Each round it is threatened or harmed by a type of damage or faced with a particular challenge, it can make a save. On a successful save, it adapts to that challenge. For example, if taking lots of damage from laser weapons, it may grow reflective skin that scatters lasers, giving it resistance to that form of damage. Or if caught in a flood, it may develop fins and gills to help it swim.
3- Weather System. The Colossus is followed by some sort of weather system that constantly hinders and potentially harms creatures around it. This weather system depends heavily on the Colossai's other abilities. For example, a Colossai with the power to control acid may be surrounded by acid rain, while a Colossai that is stealthy may be surrounded by a deluge that pours sheets of vision-obliterating rain down all around it.
4- Avatar. The Colossus has the ability to on it's turn, generate a smaller creature that acts independently of it, yet obeys all orders without question. This Avatar can be a human, a Frame or a Colossus, but it must be at least 2 [Category]'s weaker than the Colossus which created it. This means that a Colossai of Category 2 or less can only create Avatar-Frames or Avatar-humans.
5- Psionic Barrier. The Colossus has natural shields comparable to a Frame's Shield Generators. This causes it to take 2*[Category] less damage from ranged and psychic attacks. Melee attacks still penetrate the shields without incident however.
6- Mind Control. The Colossus can replace one of it's attacks with an attempt to mind control a group of humans or Pilot and Frame. Those creatures must save. On a failed save, they fall under the control of the Colossus for one round. Next round, on their turn, they may make another save to break free of the control. They may save each round to break the control, but even if they fail each time, the mind control ends after [Category] rounds.
7- Telekinesis. The Colossus can replace one of it's attacks with a use of Telekinesis. This allows the Colossus to manipulate an object as if it was physically grabbing it, even if it is nowhere close to it. It can lift anything it could ordinarily lift with it's mind. Creatures get a save to resist being manipulated with telekinesis.
8- Telepathy. The Colossus is telepathic. It can communicate with other Colossai as a free action without needing to speak and can project it's telepathy as an attack against a target. Any creature targeted by a Colossai's telepathy must make a save or take 1d6+[Category] damage. A save halves the damage, unless the Frame is warded against psychic attack.
9- Projects Illusion. The Colossus can replace one of it's attacks and create up to 2*[Category] illusions. These illusions produce image and sound, but cannot be touched nor affect the physical world. If targeting a Colossus and it has created illusory clones, the Referee will assign each illusion and the real Colossus a number. For example, if the Colossus made 4 illusions of itself, you only have a 1-in-5 chance of hitting it instead of one of the illusions. These illusions can be dispelled by a powerful psychic or seen through by someone psychically powerful or warded against such powers.
10- Elemental Manipulation. The Colossus can manipulate one of the elements and do that as an action, replacing one attack. Roll on the element table above to see which element it can control.
11- Twinned Mind. The Colossus is actually two beings that share one mind. The two bodies have identical stats but share HP and abilities. Double the amount of actions it can take, though the Colossus can only focus on one thing at a time, if an action requires maintaining concentration (such as projecting illusions, controlling an Avatar, etc).
12- Piloted. The Colossus has a small nerve-center located somewhere in it's body. The rest of the body is just an organic shell that supports and protects the nerve-center, while obeying it's commands. If the body is destroyed but the nerve-center is not, it can escape from the slaughtered body and either retreat to return one day with a new body, or menace you as a separate creature. The nerve-center counts as a Colossai 3 Categories lower than the body (min 0).
13- Infectious. The Colossus carries an infectious disease that when a creature makes contact with it, that creature must save or become infected. The specifics of the infection depend on the disease the Colossus carries. These diseases can be physical or psychic. Note that Colossai diseases can spread to Frames, but don't usually spread to humans, except occasionally through Pilots. A Pilot can use an infected Frame without a guarantee of catching a Colossai disease, but there is always a chance, even if it is very small. Note that Colossai diseases, when spread to humans are the most horrific fate you can possibly imagine. Imagine super-ebola crossed with rabies and influenza and you'll have a small idea of what it's like.
14- Commander. The Colossus can command other Colossai to obey it's orders if they fail a save and are at least one Category lower than it. Colossai of the same category have advantage on their saves and Colossai of higher Categories are immune. The Colossai can also attempt to command Frames by giving them one word commands 1/round. Any Frame targeted by such an order must save or obey that command. This Colossus has a Xd10%, where X equals [Category] of being accompanied by a lesser Colossai that is at least 1 Category smaller than it (determine randomly).
15- Absorb Flesh. The Colossus can absorb the flesh of dead and fallen, healing itself and repairing it's body. By replacing half of it's attacks, it can refill X Health Pools, where X is the [Category] of the corpse it absorbs. Frames always count as Category 1 for the purposes of healing.
16- Raise Dead. The Colossus can, as an action, reanimate dead Colossai and Frames as undead servants. These undead servants obey it's commands and will continue to exist until destroyed or the one who raises them is destroyed. Reanimated Frames and Colossai have all their abilities, besides psychic abilities, and abilities that would require a living body for.
17- Transmuter. The Colossus can, as an action, transmute material up to [Category] amount into another material. It must make a roll to do this. The closer the transmutation, the easier it is to do. For example, turning blood to water is much easier than turning it to iron.
18- Teleportation. The Colossus can, as an action on it's turn, teleport. It can teleport anywhere it can see, but it must make a successful roll to do this. It also must subtract [Category] from it's roll, so smaller Colossai can teleport much easier. Each time a Colossus successfully teleports, it must wait [Category] rounds before it can use this Capability again.
19- Precognition. The Colossus can see what's going to happen in the future. [Category] times per battle, the Referee can ask the Pilots what they are planning to do on their next turn and have them roll to see how they do. The Referee should then have the Colossus determine what it does on it's current turn in based on the information it just gathered.
20- Time Loops. If a Colossus doesn't like what happened in a round, [Category] times per battle, it can reset to the beginning of the round, as if all the actions taken last round did not happen. All creatures should make a PSI check to see if they can remember the time loop. On a success, the creatures remember what occurred. On a failure, the creatures do not remember and must make the same action they did last time, but with a different roll, rerolling any dice.
To determine a Colossai's name, roll on the table found here. To generate a suitably freaky appearance, roll here.
Example Colossai:
Category: 4
Damage Threshold 15
Number of Health Pools 5
HP within Health Pool 27 (1d20+15)
Atk 1d6+5 (5x)
Mor 14
Saves 15
Survival Instinct: Furious Rage, Hideous Strength (x2)
- Exceptional Speed
- Exceptional Strength
- Burrowing
- Telepathy
- Raise Dead
It was a towering monolith of flesh, a skyscraper on legs. It was humanoid, but it has twenty four arms, which flowed and shifted around it like a cloak of limbs. It was drab purple, with three massive eyes. It was covered in dripping slime and caused immense condensation as it was perpetually cold. Where it went, rain fell and water froze.
Frost quickly covered the ground and windows and people froze to death beneath it's hideous, unfeeling gaze. It has an immense psychic aura that blankets the land around it and causes discomfort in nearby animals. Humans develop migraines, suffer nightmares if asleep and are unable to relax, as they feel an unseen presence constantly observing them. Direct mental contact with the Colossai can kill a normal person and has proven dangerous for unshielded psychics as well.
Category: 1
Damage Threshold 8
Number of Health Pools 2
HP within Health Pool 18 (1d20+6)
Atk 1d6+2 (x2)
Mor 11
Saves 8
Survival Instinct: Hideous Strength
- Exceptional Strength
- Commander
This one was a huge humanoid, black and white and covered in pockmarked scars. It stank of corruption and sickness and was caked in filth, mud and dirt and other unknowable substances stained it's body. It had only two arms, like a man, which made it's eyeless face all the more disturbing. When they saw it, all but the boldest Frames shied at it's approach and refused to get close, unless strongly encouraged by their Pilots.
Category: 5
Damage Threshold 16
Number of Health Pools 6
HP within Health Pool 33 (1d20+20)
Atk 1d6+6 (6x)
Mor 15
Saves 16
Survival Instinct: Furious Rage (x3), Hideous Strength
- Exceptional Strength
- Camouflage
- Regeneration
- Elemental Aura: Wrath/Rage
- Absorbs Properties
- Telekinesis
A quadruped with size sufficient to stretch from horizon to horizon, this enormous creature was black and white and gunmetal grey, with streaks of crimson and sickening yellow strung across it's body. It had three towering arms and seven eyes, which allowed it to see everything around it. It had been previously wounded and it's wounds festered with enormous parasites, some of which rained down and terrorized the communities it left in ruins as it walked.
The Colossai also projects an aura of anger and rage that extends outward in a truly massive sphere. The first sign of this Colossai is not it darkening the horizon or blocking out the sun, but the nightmares it triggers in Precogs and other psychics. As it approaches, people will become more and more angry, with violence breaking out over increasingly small slights and insults. Entire cities have torn themselves apart at it's coming, before it even attacked.
As an example, when the Colossai was first identified, it was named "Axe Warhead" based on the confused testimony of one of the Pilots who was on-sight. When the analysts back in the City's control room recorded this, one of them remarked that "Axe Warhead" was a stupid name. In response, his co-worker flew into a rage and attempted to strangle him.
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