Giggling, capering, foolish creatures; deprived of fear and drunk on black mirth and base cruelty, the Goblin is foremost among the terrors afflicting the small people of this world. For unlike the lumbering Trolls, tyrannical Giants, ravenous Ogres or any number of other savage beasts, Goblins are as common as poison ivy.
They are a dark plague that afflicts the body politic of many civilized lands, growing numerous and potent when the institutions crumble and the nobility become more interested in wealth and internal politicking than defending the borders, and similarly, grow few and scarce when confronted by a vigorous population and a courageous elite.
HD 0 - 3 HP
AR none
Atk Varies, see below
Mor 15
Saves 7 or less
Cold Iron Weakness: Goblins take +1 damage per die from all Iron Weapons.
Truth-Teller: Goblins cannot lie. They can muddy the issue, dodge the question and not answer, but they cannot lie directly.
Chuckle-Voodoos: Goblins have innate magical abilities. Individually, Goblins can create illusions made of stardust and cobwebs, held together by magic. These illusions aren't very convincing, being a bit too loud, colorful or simply out of place. A creature can see through a Goblin's illusion by succeeding on a Cognition check with a DC appropriate to the situation (Referee's Discretion). The more Goblins gathered in one place, the more convincing the illusion. Other Goblins can also lend their strength to each other's illusions, producing sound, smell or simply adding more detail. However, regardless of how many Goblins there are, these illusions will never stand up to physical scrutiny.
- Confuse the enemy with illusions
- Throw stones from slings
- Use hit and run tactics
- Perform a false retreat, then ambush
To customize a Group of Goblins, roll on the tables below:
These Goblins are...
1d41- Savage. These are Goblins dedicated to redeeming themselves to the rest of the Folk. As such, they abhor technology and the fruits of civilization. They use weapons made of natural materials and diabolical traps to wage war on civilization. They infiltrate areas where Law is weak and pick off the weaklings, attempting to increase their numbers and strength until they can overwhelm the local outposts of civilization. These Goblins do not speak the lingua franca of this civilization, restricting themselves to bestial snarls when outside the comfort of their stronghold. They use weapons made of ice, wood, bone or sharp stone and specialize in guerilla warfare, using traps, ambushes and horribly booby traps. They kidnap women to be their concubines, steal food and burn everything that reminds them of civilization, including all the books, paintings and clothing. They themselves wear minimal clothing and armor, especially among the common Goblins. This type of Goblin also occasionally partners with Druids and other Folk.
2- Mirthful. These are Goblins who have accepted their position at the bottom of the heap, and regard it with wry wit. They are convinced that, as they view their situation as hopeless, the only thing that can be done is to laugh about it. They clothe themselves in colorful motley and make nonsensical jokes, laughing hysterically. These Goblins kidnap humans to watch their amateur performances or to engage in absurd rituals. These Goblins do speak your language, but still don't make much sense. These Goblins also have the most practical experience with magic, able to conjure fantastic illusions and other elaborate displays. These Goblins sometimes partner with Chaos cults and sometimes, the Minions of the Dark Powers.
3- Vassal. Vassal Goblins are Goblins who have taken to serving a more powerful master and altering themselves to be more like their master. If they are serving a human leader, they may skin humans and make them into magical disguises, which they will then use to pretend to be humans. Or if they are serving a Dragon, they will build false Dragons out of wood and plaster and move them around at night. They essentially act as an unintentional parody of whatever their Master is. This may agrevate their master, as Goblins are not subtle, nor does the concept of restraint mean anything to them.
4- Royalist. These are Goblins who are in service of a Goblin King. They reject the Chaotic nature of their own species and attempt to live normal lives. They build towns, pay taxes and organize themselves into institutions. Rarely trusted by Lawful creatures, and with good reason. For while Goblins can do many things, they are still Folk and still servants of Chaos. Their instincts can be suppressed for some time, but ultimately they always come out.
Goblin Weaponry:- Savage Goblins carry daggers made of flint or obsidian, and use slings that they can use well enough to fling a stone from and knock a bird out of the air from 100 feet away. These weapons do d6 damage.
- Mirthful Goblins wield clubs and small warhammers made of wood, stone or bone. They also use Fool Swords, wooden shortswords dyed bright colors that they enchant to be sharp as steel, but useless in the hands of the cynical, jaded or mature. Children, madmen and those innocent enough to still believe in fairy tales wield these as magical, supersharp swords, while those are not regard them as cheap wooden toys. They also have custard pies that have filling that burns like acid, colorful lassos made of an endless string of knotted hankerchiefs, and inflated sonic bombs full of flammable sawdust that sticks to everything.
- Vassal Goblins use whatever weapons their Master would have them use, or make facsimilies of their master's weapons out of wood, stone or ice.
- Royalist Goblins usually use weapons made of bronze or copper, which is lighter than steel but not as strong. They design themselves to resemble the local Agents of Law, but rarely end up as anything more than an odd parody.
This group of Goblins also carries...
1d31- Blowpipes. Blowpipes do 1 damage on a hit, plus the dart is coated in 1d4 [1= Hallucinogens. Any creature hit by one of these darts has hallucinations for 1d6 hours; 2= A Paralyzing Agent. Causes 1d6 DEX damage and a -1d4 penalty to attack. This damage heals itself after 1d8+2 hours; 3= Dangerous poison. When hit, save or die. On a failed save, the creature immediately drops of 0 HP and starts dying. On a successful save, the creature loses half of its HP; 4= Diseased tip. The Goblins smear their darts in their feces. Any creature hit with one must save vs disease once the battle is over.]
2- A bow and arrow. Goblin Bows do 1d6+1 damage on a hit. Useful for lighting people on fire once they've blundered into an oil trap, covered in sawdust or simply are standing too close to an explosive booby trap. Also good for taking potshots at people from very far away. Goblin archers are a privileged caste, as most Goblins aren't strong enough to draw even a shortbow.
3- Special ammunition for slings. All Goblin bands over 4 will have at least one Goblin who knows how to use a sling. For while the Savage Goblins are best with them, most Goblins practice with the sling. These Goblins, besides throwing stones, also have 1d6 [1= Ceramic balls full of flammable oil; 2= Glass balls full of acid; 3= Fabric balls coated in the pheremones of the most dangerous type of monster around; 4= Smoke bombs; 5= Stink Bombs, save or puke your guts out; 6= Breakable clay balls full of millions of spiders, ants or other creepy crawlies.]
Goblin Strategies:
1d41- Be more numerous. Sometimes you don't need a plan. When other Goblins are nearby, Goblins will carry horns that when blown, can reach the ears of their nearby allies.
2- False retreat. Attack, then once you take some damage, retreat. When the enemy comes to follow you, the rest of your force attacks them from the back.
3- Illusory Reinforcements. Half of the Goblins attack, the other half stay back and create illusory Goblins. The enemy has a 50% of not hitting you, or anyone at all.
4- Illusory Enemies. Create illusions of Goblins heading one way, then wait for the enemies to follow them. When they do, ambush them or attack from a direction they aren't expecting.
artist unknown
Goblin Army
HP 20 + (10*1d10)
Damage Threshold 3
Atk Spear (1d6/1d6/1d6 + see below)
Mor 18
Saves 8 or less
Army: A Goblin Army is a group of 20 or more Goblins working and fighting together as a unit. Armies move in groups- 3 can walk abreast in a 10' wide hallway. Three soldiers in the Army are able to surround one enemy and more will be needed should there be more enemies, or should they be standing shoulder-to-shoulder or back-to-back. Armies make all saves against area-of-effect spells with disadvantage and should a spell or ability of that kind do damage, they take full damage if evading it is based on DEX or agility.
Variable Attacks: An Army can make a variable amount of attacks, especially if it is able to surround an enemy. At base, Armies can make three attacks, but depending on positioning, may be able to make more. If the Referee rules it, an Army may make a number of additional attacks up to 10 potential attacks, but this is only in a situation where a group of enemies has been completely surrounded.
Damage Threshold: Attacks against the Army automatically hit, instead have the attacker just roll damage and compare it to the Damage Threshold. Any attack that equals or exceeds the threshold does normal damge to the Army's HP, but any attack that fails to reach or exceed the Damage Threshold is ignored, as if it did no damage.
Chuckle-Voodoos: Goblins, when massed, can perform more powerful magicks. To determine what this Goblin Army can do, roll on the table below.
- Terrify your enemies with elaborate deceptions and enormous illusions
- Mob your enemies
- Have no fear, unless presented with overwhelming force
This Goblin Army possesses the power to...
1- Make itself invisible, as long as it is not attacking. The sounds the Army make will largely be masked by the illusion as well, but there will still be signs that the Army is there, such as the grass being pressed down where they are standing, the feeling of many eyes on you and the smell.
2- Make itself appear to be somewhere else. The Goblins can "throw" their voices, taking all the noises they make and moving it to another area within visual range. For example, if the Goblins are sneaking up on your camp along the riverbed, they can make it appear like they are on top of the hill on the other side of camp.
3- Make itself seem larger. By weaving an illusion, the Goblin Army can make itself appear double or triples its current size, a veritable sea of Goblin.
4- Create mass illusions. Goblin Armies can make incredible illusions that affect entire cities, making it appear like the sun has turned black and the moon the color of blood, or conjured an entire army of illusory monsters to rampage through a town.
Goblins are the lowest of the Folk, scheming, pathetic creatures who have earned the scorn of their brethren. For unlike most other Folk, not all Goblins actively scorn civilization. Some of them ape it, living in houses, buying and selling, even practicing math and marriage. For this, they are despised and rejected by most Folk, who regard them as traitors. As such, Goblins live apart from them, building communities in isolated areas and on the edges of true wilderness. These communities are hollow reflections of mortal cities, resembling garbage dumps or strange, mad mirrors depicting our civilizations through a warped lense. Some Sages have even argued that Goblins are essentially a Folkish critique of civilization, a dark mirror that depicts how they truly feel about us.
And considering that Goblins are crude, cruel, stupid, savage, ruthless, blood-thirsty and consumed by their base desires, it's not wonder that the Folk hate us.
by artist unknown
Goblin Axegrinder
HD 2
AR none
Atk Dagger (1d6) or (Oversized Axe (1d10) when on Combat Drugs)
Mor 16 (20 on Combat Drugs)
Saves 9 or less
Truth-teller, Cold Iron Weakness, Chuckle-Voodoos: See above.
Combat Drugs: Axegrinders have spines taken from a certain type of slug that when stabbed into a living creature, drive that creature into a blood-thirsty frenzy. While in this frenzy, the creature can only, and must, make an attack each round. Additionally, while under the effects of these drugs, the Axegrinder cannot be dissuaded from attacking in any way and is immune to charm or fear effects. Additionally, whenever a Goblin Axegrinder takes damage while under the influence of these drugs, the Axegrinder gets +1 to attack and damage and any damage to them does not take effect until next round, unless that damage would kill the Axegrinder outright.
Still Standing: Should a Goblin Axegrinder be reduced to 0 HP, that Axegrinder should make a save. On a successful save, the Axegrinder doesn't die. Note that a save should only be permitted if there is a chance the Axegrinder is still alive. If the Axegrinder is blown to bits or disintegrated, then it automatically dies.
- Inject your Combat Drugs
- Charge into battle with no sense of fear or self-preservation
- Attack the first creature you encounter unerringly, until that creature is dead
Goblin Axegrinders are Goblin warriors who use special drugs to enter a hyper-lethal rage. While raging Axegrinders are giggling, capering terrors, sprinting at their enemies with no sense of self-preservation, evading attacks and slamming into foes twice their size with enormous axes that split torsos like fruit and smash limbs like logs. Axegrinders are very dangerous, but without their drugs, they are just normal Goblins, burdened with weapons much heavier than normal. Should they be deprived of these drugs or prevented from stabbing themselves with the spines, they can be dispatched much more easily. Additionally, any spell that removes poison will automatically flush the drugs from their system and weaken them.
Axegrinders are usually Goblin criminals, those who have been given one last chance to redeem themselves on the battlefield. When not in combat or on drugs, they tend to be pitiful, self-loathing types, or opportunists looking for the first chance to desert.
Goblin Sage
HD 3
AR 2 [Light Armor] + (See below)
Atk Varies
Mor 13
Saves 9 or less
Truth-teller, Cold Iron Weakness, Chuckle-Voodoos: See above.
- Use ranged weapons whenever possible
- Hide your true strength
- Deceive the enemy with illusions, lure them into a trap
- When you do attack, strike with overwhelming force
To customize a Goblin Sage, roll on the tables below:
This Goblin Sage is protected by...
1- Medium Armor. The Sage has AR 3 instead.
2- A shield and helm. The Sage has +2 AR.
3- His bodyguard. The Sage is protected by a 1d6 [1= 1d3+1 Goblins; 2= 1 Goblin Axegrinder; 3= A trained beast, such as a massive Dog, a Jaguar, Wolf or Baboon; 4= A Boggart Male; 5= A Druid; 6= A Redcap.]
4- A Spirit Pact. The Sage has made a pact with a Spirit so that 1d4 [1= He regenerates as long as he is in, on or touching an open flame, recovering 1 HD per round; 2= He is immune to damage from non-magical weapons; 3= He can teleport up to 50' away once per round; 4= He is loved by Nature and as long as he is in an natural setting, the plants and nature around him will subtly intervene on his behalf. Roots spring up to trip those attacking him, tree branches fall on those running away from him, wolves just so happen to attack when he is in danger, etc. Treat him as if all attacks against him had disadvantage, unless you are in an area where Law is in firm control, such as a City or Castle.
This Sage fights with...
1- The Sage fights with a sword and is skilled with it. He makes one 1d6 attack and can reduce the damage of one attack per round by 1d6.
2- The Sage fights with a bow and arrow. He makes one 1d6+1 attack on his turn. He also carries 1d4 [1= Arrows coated in pitch that do +1d6 fire damage if set alight; 2= Arrows dipped in poison, on a hit you take 1d6 damage per round until you succeed a CON check, with a max damage of 3d6; 3= Barbed arrows that cause intense pain and give a -1d4 penalty to attacks or delicate movements; 4= Arrows with shafts stained with filth, if hit, save vs disease. On a failed save, you catch Bottler's Froth*.]
3- The Sage knows how to make bombs. He has 1d6 of them and can use a sling to hurl them at you. These bombs are 1d3 [1= Incendiary, full of alchemist's fire. Does 2d6 damage within a 30' radius and anything ignited takes 1d6 damage a round. The bomb also leaves a pool of flaming goo that keeps burning. This fire cannot be extinguished by water; 2= Gas. This bomb creates a cloud that occupies 30' cubic feet. Any creature within takes 1d6 damage and must save or be blinded. The gas clears naturally after 10 minutes or in 1 minute if there is a strong breeze; 3= Explosion! 3d6 damage in a 30' radius, save for half.]
4- This Sage has a Wand. It does 1d4 [1= Fire; 2= Ice; 3= Poison; 4= Lightning] damage.
5- This Sage has a Staff. The Staff does 1d6 damage on a hit and can 1d4 [1= Do +1d6 thunder damage on a hit or create shockwaves that blast creatures near the Sage away, STR save to resist; 2= Do +1d6 acid damage on a hit or create a pool of acid on the floor up to 10' long and 5' wide; 3= Do +1d6 radiant damage on a hit or be used to create a blinding flash of light, succeed a CON save or be blinded; 4= Do +1d6 fire damage on a hit or create a wall of fire that is 10' long, 10' high and 1' thick that lasts for 1 minute.]
6- This Sage has a magical weapon** from a Spirit. The weapon is called 1d4 [1= Indomitable, a sword of bronze gears with a brass blade. As an action, the user can command the sword to 'Freeze' and it will, remaining locked in place wherever it was, even if that is mid-air; 2= Azure, a sky blue sword made of crystal. 1/Day, the sword can transform into a cloud and replicate any type of water en-miniature- ex: it could create a tiny lightning storm that follows one opponent around and shocks them with d6 lightning bolts; 3= Hieronymus, a scimitar of titanium, a weapon of Heaven. 1/Day, the scimitar can alter the boiling or melting point of a material to be room temperature; 4= Winterbite, a sword made of ice and inlaid with silver wire. 1/Day, the user may create an animated snowman to serve him. The snowman has 1 HD, 0 AR, a d6 attack and a vulnerability to fire damage. It naturally melts, lasting 10 minutes in a tropical environment, 1 hour in a temperate climate and 12 hours in winter or wherever it is sufficiently cold. After 12 hours, assuming it hasn't melted, it becomes a normal snowman.]
Does this Sage have any other abilities or talents?
1- No.
2- He is an Alchemist. He carries 1d4 useful potions with him. Select these from your favorite list or from here (Udan-Adan).
3- He is an Artificer. Expect at least one Goblin in the group he's in to have a 1d4 [1= Pair of wings made of canvas and bones - grant the ability to fly and vulnerability to fire; 2= Sticky Slippers - grant the ability to walk up walls and on ceilings, save or get stuck if you stand still for more than a minute; 3= A clockwork limb that's stronger than a normal limb; 4= Robes made of wool and layered with copper, silver and copper wire - gives the wearer immunity to lightning damage and advantage on all saves against magic.]
4- He is a Magi, having unlocked sorcerous power through years of study and striving (plus the help of his familiar). He has 3 Mana Dice and knows 1d6 of the following spells: Ash Cloud, Burning Armor, Create or Destroy Water, Earthquake, Partition Metal and Verdigris.
5- He is a Shaman, and has made a Spirit Pact. To see what power his Spirit Pact grants him, roll on the sub-Table below.
6- He is a Medium, and allows a particular Spirit to possess him to gain greater power. To see what powers this Spirit grants him, see "Medium and Demon-Soldier".
What Spirit Pact did the Sage make?
1- He can cause a non-magical metal object to fall apart or break 1/Day. In exchange for this, he traded two fingers on each hand.
2- He can, as an action, do 1d6 damage to a creature and cause it to start bleeding from every orifice. This damage ignores armor and cannot be prevented or reduced. In exchange for this, he gave up one eye and his sense of touch.
3- He can drain life from creatures or plants, doing 1d6 necrotic damage to them on a touch and healing himself the same. In exchange for this, he gave up his ability to sire children.
4- He can breathe fire 3/Day. The flames fire out in a 15' cone or a 30' line, doing 2d6 damage and igniting everything flammable in the way. In exchange for this, he hideously scarred his face with a hot iron.
5- He can summon a flock of crows that attack in a swarm. These crows also spy for him and can retrieve objects for him. In exchange for this, he provides the master of these crows with 4 eyeballs a month.
6- He can control unvarnished wood, snapping handles, bringing up roots to trip and ensnare opponents, dropping trees on his enemies, bringing down houses or wood-framed buildings on his enemies. In exchange for his, he buries a Lawful creature alive in the wilderness 4 times per year.
7- He can transform into any animal he has killed and eaten the heart of (as per Wild Shape). Currently that includes a rabbit, deer, wolf, hawk, quail and a Deerling by the name of Karla Simi of Harvest's Gate.
8- He can instantly rot any organic material, 1/Day. In exchange, he performs a dance under the full moon every month.
9- He can fire bolts of lightning 3/Day. These bolts do 2d6 lightning damage, with a +1 damage bonus for every piece of metal a creature is carrying. In exchange for this, he is entertaining a Storm Spirit. However, the Spirit is in love with the Sage and wants to touch him, which would likely be fatal for him.
10- He can transform any liquid, up to a swimming pool's worth, into acid 1/Day. This acid dissolves everything but stone, glass, plastic and items designed to resist acid, superhardened or magical. He can transform the acid back as a free action.
Goblin Mediums and Demon-Soldiers:
Goblin Mediums are Sages who allow themselves to be possessed by a Spirit and gain magical power that way. Mediums gain enhanced physical characteristics and special powers that they can only use when sharing a body with their Spirit. As such, these combinations are sometimes called Spirit or Demon-Soldiers. Goblins are not the only race to use such methods, but it is more common among Goblins, as they are a weak race that doesn't have a lot of potential for growth. For while all Goblins possess innate magical abilities, they usually have a low ceiling for growth, but even a weak human Sage still easily exceeds most Goblin casters.
To see what Spirit possesses the Medium, roll on the table below. Use the Goblin Sage statblock as the base and modify it from there.
What Spirit is this?
1- A Bar Ra Ghazel. Also known as Bugbears, the Ban Ra Ghazel are a clan of Nature Spirits who have always stood by the Goblin race, even in ancient times. They are prized allies, to win and keep their loyalty is the first priority of the Goblin Sages and the Troupe's Boss. When a Ban Ra Ghazel possesses a Goblin, that Goblin becomes covered in color-changing fur that is usually orange or orange-brown, with yellow eyes and elongated arms. They move like apes, walking on their knuckles and can easily move through the canopy and climb trees.
Statblock Changes:
HD 3+1d4
AR 4
Atk Martial Arts (1d6/1d6)
Immune to Bludgeoning, Falling damage
Stretchy Limbs: Ban Ra Ghazel can stretch their limbs up to double their normal length. The can attack creatures as if their fists and legs were reach weapons.
Rubbery Bodies: Ban Ra Ghazel can change the density of their flesh and bones, making them as hard as normal bones or as soft as pudding. They can fit through any space a house cat could fit through.
Escape Artists: Ban Ra Ghazel have a +4 bonus to escape restraints, grapples or circumvent physical defenses.
Grappler: Ban Ra Ghazel have +2 to grapple a creature and to keep them restrained. They are highly skilled wrestlers.
2- A Jub-Jub. Jub-Jubs are winged spirits of mischief and feral hunger, swooping in to gobble up the enemies of Goblin kind. They are mercenary spirits, content to serve anyone that will allow them to indulge their appetites. They are not usually trusted by their Mediums, always kept at arm's length. When a Jub-Jub possesses a Goblin, that Goblin gains a pair of wings, a crest of dark feathers and an engorged mouth, overflowing with many hundreds of needle teeth.
Statblock Changes:
HD 4
Atk Claw Scratch (1d6) or Acid Spit or Swallow
Flyer: Jub-Jubs can fly. While in the air, they gain +4 to AR and initiative. They cannot hover, and must keep moving to remain airborne.
Acid Spit: Jub-Jubs can spit a glob of acid that does 1d8 damage on a hit and 1d6 damage per additional round, until a creature takes an action to wash the acid off or neutralizes it. Salt or a strong base can do this. This Acid also damages Armor and weapons, doing 1 damage to them. Weapons do -1 damage per round until the acid is washed off them and Armor has its AR reduced by 1 per round. Should a piece of Armor's AR be reduced to 0 or a weapon do 0 damage on a hit (ex: 1d6-6) then it breaks. Some weapons and armor may be immune to this damage, Referee's Discretion.
Swallow: Jub-Jubs can force a creature to make a DEX contest against them. All Jub-Jubs have DEX 13(+1) or DEX 16(+2) if airborne. If the creature loses the contest, the Jub-Jub swallows the top half of the creature and stuffs them into its oversized mouth. Such a creature is blinded, restrained and takes 1d6 acid damage a round as its top half starts to be dissolved. Note that Jub-Jubs are too small to swallow an Medium or Small creature, so the creature's lower body and legs will be hanging out of its mouth. If you succeed a STR contest with the Jub-Jub, you can pull someone in its mouth out. Also note that Jub-Jubs cannot fly when they have swallowed someone.
3- A Narflee. Narflees are Demonic Warriors who usually serve Lady Luthic, Goddess of Decay, Harvest, Disease, Gravediggers and Cattle. They are proud and stoic, alien in their mentality. Generally, they have a warrior's honor and always accept surrender, but destroy those they regard as despicable. They tend to be amoral, as they believe that death is natural, and those who die return to the soil to feed the next generation of living things. They tell you not to be sad, as the worms will eat your corpse and trees will drink your blood. This isn't a threat, though it may sound like some. When a Narflee possesses a Goblin, that Goblin gains robes of thin material resembling that of the wings of insects, compound eyes and sharp mandibles, as well as a spirit sword that the Narflee wings with it.
Statblock Changes:
HD 1d3+3
Atk Sword (1d8/1d8)
290 Degree Vision: Narflees can see everything in front of and to the sides of them. They also have a +4 bonus to detect movement and even have a chance to see invisible creatures, by noticing the subtle changes when an invisible creatures passes by an area they are looking at.
Parry: Narflees can reduce the damage of one attack per round by 1d8.
Magic Sword: Narflees carry spirit weapons. This Narflee's sword 1d4 [1= Can ignore Armor 1/Day; 2= Can heal the user for 1 HD, usable every 1d4 rounds but requires an action; 3= Can teleport the user up to 30' as a free action, usable 3/Day; 4= Always the user to parry projectiles, even ones that would ordinarily be too fast to see, such as arrows or bullets.]
4- An Omanishi. Enormous, bulky, brutish Spirits of Chaos and Destruction, Omanishi live only to indulge their base desires, most notably breaking things. They are easily manipulated, but once unleashed are difficult to control. Generally, Goblin Bosses just unleash these Demon-Soldiers and tell their brethren to stay out of the way. While an Omanishi is possessing a Goblin, that Goblin grows to Large size, grows a crown of many horns and gains leathery skin, usually grey, but occasionally dark purple or red.
Statblock Changes:
HD 1d6+3
Atk Fists (1d6/1d6) or Tentacle Horn
Mor 18
Tentacle Horn: Omanishi can extend their horns up to 50', and move them as precisely as an octopus' tentacle. They can use these horns to grapple creatures or impale them. These horns do 1d6 damage on a hit. Omanishi have 10 horns and can attack up to that many targets. If a creature is attacked by more than one horn, add +1 to the roll per additional horn. Ex: 3 horns equals 1d6+2.
Hobgoblin Knight
HD 1d4+1
AR 6 [Heavy Armor + Shield + Helm]
Atk Lance (1d10) or Weapon (1d8/1d8)
Mor 12
Saves (7+HD) or less
Truth-Teller, Cold Iron Weakness, Chuckle-Voodoos: See Above.
Faithful Mount: Hobgoblin Knights have a magical mount which they have bonded to. This mount obeys them without question and fights alongside them. They can ride their mount without need for saddle or bridle and will never fall off. Any creature who attempts to ride this mount will likely fail unless the Knight wishes them to succeed.
Charge: A Hobgoblin Knight can charge and attempt to impale you on his lance while on his mount. You may attempt a DEX save to avoid this instead of countering with an Attack roll. Should you fail your save or attack roll, you take 2d10 damage. Each time the Hobgoblin Knights hits with his lance during a charge attack, he must save. On a failed save, his lance breaks. Additionally, if he charges with no lance, his melee attacks still get +2 to attack and damage.
- Charge in on horseback
- Dismount and fight only if the enemy was weakened
- Flee if outnumbered or the situation is dire
Top customize a Hobgoblin Knight, roll on the tables below:
This Knight wears armor made of...
1- Autumn leaves, held together with thorns.
2- Willow bark, cut in long, overlapping strips.
3- Flower petals spun together with silk threads.
4- Fired clay earthware, engraved with swirling designs and painted with scenes of Folkish victory.
5- Layered Spiderwebs, pinned together by the severed limbs of spiders.
6- Snake skin, with the heads of the snakes still attached.
And carries a shield made of...
1- Glass, possibly stained or colored.
2- Ice, smoking in the heat.
3- Wood, carved and whittled with fantastic designs.
4- Bone, made from a single scapula of a giant beast, scrimshawed and carved.
And is armed with a...
1- Sword
2- Mace
3- Warhammer
4- Battle axe
Made of...
1- Porcelain, thin to the point of translucence.
2- Glass, stained or clear, shining mirror-bright.
3- Paper, folded and covered in a beautiful sketch.
4- Stone, usually obsidian, a large flake carefully chipped off and attached to a wooden handle.
This Knight is mounted on a...
1- A Free Horse. Horses are condemned to be slaves to other races by the Gods, but this Horse defies them, choosing freedom. It hasn't known a bit or bridle since it trampled its master and joined the Folk. Other horses despise it and seek to attack it on sight. HD 3, AR 0, Atk 1d8, Mor 10 (17 when facing other horses).
2- An Elk. A great ruler of the Wood and Field, stoic and beautiful. It has earned the respect of the Knight, who honors it. Druids drape its antlers with daisy chains and the entrails of slain city-folk. HD 4, AR 0, Atk 1d8, Mor 14. The Elk can also parry one attack a round when charging.
3- A White Tiger. A Tiger who has rejected the life of privilege to wage war against those who have stolen his lands. A Maneater who loves the taste of those higher than him. Unwilling to accept his new, lower position. HD 6, AR 2, Atk 1d6 + 1d8, Mor 15. The Tiger, if slain, curses its killer to be hunted by the Tiger's Shadow, which will pursue it until the target is vulnerable, then kill the Tiger's murderer. This is common knowledge and true for all Tigers. This curse is broken by taking care of the Tiger's cubs until they are old enough to live on their own or cutting off your hand and feeding it to a high-ranking Cat such as a Lion, Bakeneko or Rakshasha.
4- A Worg. A wolf who has eaten enough men that is has gained the ability to speak and grown huge and monstrous. Cruel and capricious, will mock you as you die. HD 5, AR 2, Atk 1d8, Mor 13. Worgs have excellent senses of smell and can track creatures over long distances.
5- A Giant Boar. Boars are feral, barely controllable and twitchy. They attack suddenly and without warning. The fact that this one permits itself to be ridden is proof of the Knight's skills. HD 4, AR 3, Atk 1d6 (exploding), Mor 17.
6- A Serpicant, King of Beasts.
Goblins are usually regarded as low-class, untrustworthy and actively treacherous by other Folk, but especially by the Faeries, the Folkish Nobility, and the Sovereigns of the Folk. That said, some Goblins prove to be loyal, true and valiant in the face of all the suffering they have to endure. So in exchange for this suffering, these Goblins are transformed into Hobgoblins, creatures mightier and more majestic than normal Goblins.
Unlike their lesser brethren, Hobgoblins are Medium instead of Small creatures, and tend to have skin that is red to reddish brown, instead of various shades of green or green-brown. They are also much more majestic and graceful than normal Goblins, and generally much more sensible. That being said, despite their bizarre beauty, intelligence and power, few ordinary Goblins respect them. They are regarded as upjumped sycophants who are separated from ordinary Goblins. As such, most of the time, they rarely lead other Goblins.
Most of the time they end up serving greater Folk as vassals, or occasionally leading small groups of Folk, as long as those Folk beneath them are weaker than they. They are known to keep the company of Redcaps and Boggarts, while serving Faeries, Trolls and Spriggans. The greatest of the Hobgoblins are the Knights who serve the Sovereigns directly. There are four of them who do so and each one is widely known and acknowledged, even by non-Folk. This list includes such creatures as Torzan the Winter Knight, who slew one of the Avatars of the Dark Powers, and Gibri the Autumnal Knight, who put twenty cities to the torch as an offering to her Master.
Bosses and Kings:
Goblin Troupes are usually led by a Goblin Boss. This is the most senior, most intelligent or most ruthless of all the Goblins.
Goblin Bosses use the statblock of a normal Goblin, plus the results on the following tables.
To see what makes this Goblin Boss special, roll on the tables below:
1- His intelligence. The Boss is very clever, but physically is no different than a normal Goblin.
2- He has class levels. The Boss has 1d4 levels in 1d4 [1= Fighting Man; 2= Boxer; 3= Alice; 4= Vampire.] He has also has that many HD.
3- He has made a Spirit Pact, as per a Goblin Sage.
4- He is a true Servant of Chaos, a Red Knight. He has 1d4 levels in Paladin and his Archetype is that of the Red Sword.
5- He is a Druid, possessing 1d4 HD, 1d6 Mana Dice and knows 1d6 Druid spells, plus Wild Shape.
6- He was chosen by a Green God and is a Level 1d6 Prophet and possesses one of the Secret Names of God.
His subordinates...
1- Despise him. The Boss maintains his position through fear and threats. Anyone who disobeys him is crushed ruthlessly. His subordinates fear him and obey his every command, but they also hate him. If he was in a situation likely to kill him, they'd pray for his death, but they wouldn't kill him themselves.
2- Don't like him, but follow regardless. The Boss is the best suited to lead, so he's in charge. They don't like him though, and won't die for him.
3- They tolerate him. The Boss is a decent leader, but they're a bit discontent with him. Some trouble could easily be stirred up, should you know what buttons to push.
4- They like him. The Boss is well-liked, and his subordinate obey him without need for harsh punishments. He is a Goblin worthy of respect.
5- They love him. The Boss is regarded almost as a second Father to most of the Goblins. They eagerly obey him and fight hard for him.
6- They revere him. The Boss is regarded as a deific figure, and they are his fanatics. They will fight and die in his name.
This Bosses' weakness is...
1- Pride. The Boss believes he is the smartest, strongest or simply the best Goblin. He will be irrationally driven to destroy anyone who damages or shatters the image of himself he has constructed.
2- Greed. The Boss is very interested in money and treasure, and will pursue it, even when it isn't the best course of action.
3- Women. The Boss has a weakness for women, especially non-Goblin ones. He will try to capture them alive and is easily distracted by them.
4- Ideological inflexibility. The Boss is a fanatic, whether to Chaos, Druidic or Dark Powers ideology and will not deviate from its tenets. If you know what he believes, you will likely be able to predict his next move.
5- Temper. The Boss is easily angered and flies into a rage if mocked or denied.
6- His lust for revenge. The Boss is motivated by the desire to avenge himself upon an individual, organization or group. If given a chance to make his target pay, unless it is obviously a trap, he will take it.
Goblin King
HD 1d6+2
AR 2 [Light Armor]
Atk Varies
Mor 15
Saves (7+HD) or less
Truth-Teller, Cold Iron Weakness, Chuckle-Voodoos: See Above.
Aura of Glory: A Goblin King possesses an aura of terrible power around it. Upon first encountering the Goblin King, creatures must save. On a failed save, these creatures may not take any action to harm the Goblin King directly, unless the Goblin King attacks first or there is no other way for the creature to preserve itself. If the creature is then in combat the with Goblin King, that creature must save again or be frightened by the Goblin King. Those who fail this save take 1d6 COG damage a round they are in combat with the Goblin King. If this damage reduces a creature's COG to 0 that creature flees in a blind panic and gains the Conviction, "I am terrified of this Goblin King and will avoid them as much as possible."
Spellcasting: Goblin Kings are Magi. They have Mana Dice equal to their HD. Their MD burn out on a roll of 5 or 6 and trigger Chaos on a roll of doubles or triples. If a Goblin King causes Chaos, roll on the table below. Goblin Kings know 1d8+2 of the following spells: Call to Heroic Death (under Heroism)*, Chromatic Orb, Healing Touch, Heat Metal, Mage Armor*, Magic Missile, Mirror Image, Partition Metal, Polymorph and Shield*.
- Begin with Mage Armor and Mirror Image
- Use Call to Heroic Death, Shield and Healing Touch to support your allies
- Use Polymorph to try to end battles peacefully
The Folk do not have a proper society, nor a hierarchy. The only real structure most of them will tolerate is that of family, and some will not even stand that. As such, when a Faerie identifies itself as a "Noble" or refers to itself by a noble title such as Duke, Baron, General, note that these titles are entirely self-applied. There is no Folkish structure to apply such titles, nor one that could compel lesser Folk to obey greater ones. Any Folk can give itself any title it desires. Thus, when a Folk is leading others of its kind, those others are serving it consentually, or are being kept in place through threats of violence. The leaders of the Folk are either incredibly charming or capable of ripping their subordinates to shreds, should they have the need to.
The greatest of these leaders are the Sovereigns, the Kings and Queens of the Four Seasons. The Queen of Summer, The King of Autumn, the The Prince of Spring and the Queen of Air and Darkness are the most powerful Folk in the world, to the point where its debatable if they even are Folk, and aren't something else merely masquerading as Folk. Regardless, the Sovereigns are undisputed in their supremacy, and virtually none of the Folk would ever dare to challenge them, or even to entertain the idea. For this reason, no Folk will ever refer to itself as a King or Queen, for those titles are reserved for the Sovereigns. Whether "Prince" and "Princess" are acceptable is debated among Folkish circles, with the general consensus being that one shouldn't risk it. As such, if a Folk were to name itself a King, then that would be seen by all other Folk as an implicit declaration of rebellion against the Sovereigns. And this, brings us to the Goblin Kings.
Goblin Kings are Goblins who reject the low place they have among the Folk. These are Goblins who openly embrace the Goblin vice of civilization. Instead of burning towns and waging war on Law as an act of contrition for the ancient crimes of their Goblin Ancestors, the Kings instead seek to switch sides. They seek to civilize the Goblins, to make them Lawful creatures. King work by recruiting Goblins through sermons on the merits of civilization, propaganda or simply conquering Goblin Troupes and forcing them to convert at the point of a sword. Goblin Kings then introduce their people to the concepts of agriculture, taxes and civil administration. They build cities and establish towns, trying to uplift their people.
Generally, these projects are doomed to failure. Goblins will generally follow whatever their leader commands, but the second you take your foot off their neck, they go back to their old ways. Generally, Goblin Kingdoms only last a few years, or a generation at most, living and dying with the Goblin King. These would-be rulers are doomed dreamers, grasping for the stars, but almost always falling short. How these Kingdoms fail varies- sometimes it ends at the blades of assassins sent by Lawful mortals, Chaos cultists or the Folk themselves, while other times it ends in bloody wars as the Lawful nations swallow up the Goblin Kingdom or the Folk besiege and overrun it. Some are peaceful for long periods of time before descending into wars that rip them to shreds, often right after the death of the King, while in other cases the Kingdom is short-lived and constantly wracked by war, invasion and internal turmoil.
*Since I rewrote my armor rules, here are modified versions of these spells.
Mage Armor
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] hours
One creature you touch is covered in a glowing aura that gives a creature an Armor Rating equal to [dice]. The armor lasts for the duration, until the creature puts on another piece of armor or until destroyed.
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] rounds
One creature you touch, or yourself, is covered in a magical aura that grants them +[sum] FS for the duration or until it is expended. This spell can be cast as a reaction to being attacked or another effect.
Goblin Plot Hooks:
1- You come across a caravan that has been attacked by Goblins. A little investigation reveals that this caravan was actually escorting a Princess and her handmaids to another city for her marriage. Please, retrieve her before something horrible happens to her.
2- A Cult is secretly allied with a Troupe of Goblins, using them as a threat to cause chaos and provide cover for a series of assassinations and "unfortunate accidents". The Cult and the Goblins don't trust each other and are both planning to back-stab the other.
3- The city has been wracked by a series of particularly brutal murders. Are these the work of a serial killer or the Troupe of Goblins living in the long-abandoned catacombs beneath the city? Or perhaps both?
4- A local official hires the party to investigate why this year there have been no Goblin attacks. When the party arrives in Goblin territory, they find that a Goblin King has taken over and is trying hard to civilize the Goblins. The local official will not like this, should he hear about it, and will immediately begin marshalling for war. The nearby Folk don't like it either, and have already begun trying to destroy the Goblin King.
5- As above, except the party is hired to kill the Goblin King. The official already knows what is going on and doesn't like it.
6- A city has been taken over by a doomsday cult, whose leader is convinced the end of the world is nigh. Secretly, there is no doomsday cult, and all of the strange things that have been happening are because the large number of nearby Goblins are using their powers to create elaborate illusions and trick the populace into believing the cult's leader has magical powers. The leader may be a fanatic and not realize this, or he may be an opportunist just pretending to have these abilities. The Goblins are planning on using this cult to weaken the town enough to the point where they can take it over, or at least sack it.
7- The party are hired to find the Mad Prince, a former Royal exiled by his nation's current puppet rulers. He vanished into the wilderness, but rumors of him persist. The puppet-King wants him dead and will pay handsomely for this. Secretly, the Prince has been recruiting among the Servants of Chaos, seeking an army to regain his former throne. He is violent, calculating and absolutely ruthless, but the throne is his by right, for whoever that much is worth, and the current puppet-King is no paragon of virtue.
8- A Dragon has appeared over a city and flown over it for several days now, and a messenger has come, bearing the Dragon's demands, namely a large amount of virgin women, a heaping helping of treasure and lots of tasty food and wine. The offering is to be sent to the Dragon's cave. The party is hired to either guard the offering or kill the Dragon, depending on their level and fame. Secretly, there is no Dragon, just a bunch of Goblins using illusions to trick the city. The Goblins will keep the deception going for as long as they can, but ultimately the party is going to figure it out.
by Raymond Swanland