Tuesday, July 28, 2020
GLOG-ifying Fifth Edition Spells: E-H
As per last time, I have combined redundant spells and cut ones that take away player choices or otherwise make the game less interesting, though this time I was far more generous with my scalpel. Perhaps it is a sign of my growing weakness.
Part 1 is here.
by skiorh
Earthquake: As Earthquake under Druid.
Elemental Weapon
R: touch T: object D: [dice] minutes
One weapon you touch does +[dice]d6 damage of any elemental damage on a hit. Do not add this additional weapon damage to the attack roll.
Enhance Ability: As Animal Attribute under Druid
Enlarge/Reduce: As Enlarge and Reduce under Cosmomancer
Ensnaring Strike
R: touch T: weapon D: [dice] hours until used, then [dice] rounds
One weapon you touch becomes enchanted. The next time that weapon hits a creature, it causes a vine or root to grow down and ensnare the target. The target must make a DEX save or be restrained by the vine or root. Each round a creature restrained by this spell takes [dice] sharp damage from thorns or roots burrowing into their flesh and can make a STR check equal to [sum] to break free.
R: 50' T: [dice] x [dice]' D: permanent
You cause vegetation to spring up in a space equal to [dice] x [dice] square feet. Anyone who is in the area your spell affected must save or be grappled by the vegetation. The vegetation can be hacked apart, it has [sum] HP and is vulnerable to fire and acid.
Enthralling Look
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] hours
One creature you touch becomes attention-grabbing and draws all eyes. Unless you are doing something more interesting (casting a spell, making an attack, falling down a flight of stairs, etc) all creatures not busy doing something they think is important will focus on the person under the effects of this spell.
The effects of the attention will vary- in combat this may mean that everyone wants the honor of taking this creature's head. If the creature is instead in a bar, everyone might want the honor of partying or sleeping with that creature.
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] minutes
A creature you touch and all his non-magical equipment is transformed into pure spirit. For the duration, the creature can fly and turn invisible at will, as well as fly through all non-spiritual/magical objects (also includes living creatures, undead, but not Constructs). Magic items are unaffected and remain as they are.
Evard's Black Tentacles
R: 10*[dice]' T: A door within range D: [dice] rounds
One door you target within range springs open. Peering into this door you will now find it extends into an endless, starless void. [sum] appendages covered in suckers, slime and human hands emerge from this Void and seize [dice] creatures within range (caster's choice), along with [dice] others (Referee's choice or random).
These appendages will attempt to drag those they have grabbed into this starless void. Anyone taken through the door into the void disappears and is never seen or heard from again.
The appendages have STR equal to 10+[dice] and HP equal to [sum]. If injured, the appendages will retreat. After the duration, the appendages will release anyone they still have grappled and retract through the door, which shuts behind them.
Expeditious Retreat
R: touch T: [dice] creatures D: [dice] rounds
Any creature you touch may take a free bonus action on their turn, as long as action is only to run, climb, swim or otherwise move.
At 1 [dice], a creature only moves as fast as it normally would. At 2 [dice], a creature moves as fast as a galloping horse.
At 3 [dice], the creature moves as fast as a bird in flight. At 4 [dice], creatures with HD less than [dice] must save to even perceive motion.
R: self T: creature D: [dice] rounds
Your eyes become bottomless wells of darkness and dark powers flows out. Each round, you may choose to stare at one creature and direct power towards them. Any creature exposed to this power takes [dice] necrotic damage.
For each [dice] after the first, select one of the options below:
- Creatures damaged by your gaze get -[dice] to any attempt to run away or escape.
- Creatures damaged by your gaze must save, with a penalty equal to [dice], or cast a wasting disease.
- Creatures damaged by your gaze must succeed a morale check or flee.
- Creatures damaged by your gaze take [dice] additional damage from every attack for the next [dice] minutes.
R: 30' T: materials D: one action
If you have all the materials for something, casting this spell on it will combine those materials to create a desired item or structure. You cannot create items that could not be manufactured by mortal hands, nor magic items, nor items of high quality or artistic skill.
At 1 [dice], you can build something the size of a coffin or smaller. At 2 [dice], the size of a wagon. At 3 [dice], the size of a house. At 4 [dice], the size of a mansion.
Faerie Fire: As Spotlight under Handsome Wizard
False Life
R: touch T: creature D: one hour
One creature you touch gains 1d6+[dice] FS for the duration. This FS lasts until consumed or the duration ends.
R: 30' T: creatures D: [dice] rounds
All creatures within 30' of you, or in a 30' cone or line must make morale checks or become frightened of you. Creatures frightened of you must immediately move in a direction away from you. If flight is impossible, they will fight or beg for mercy.
Feather Fall: As Feather under Cthonomancer
R: 30' T: creature D: one action
One creature within range takes [sum] psychic damage, save for half. The creature must also make a COG save. On a failure, the creature's intellect is reduced.
At 1 [dice], the creature is reduced to that of a stupid man/Ogre. At 2 [dice], that of a child or subnormal adult. At 3 [dice], that of a smarter beast, such as a pig or dog. At 4 [dice], a stupid animal like a sheep or a lizard.
Feign Death
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] days
A willing creature you touch falls into a coma like state that resembles death. Any spell casts with fewer [dice] than this spell indicate the creature is dead. While in this state, the creature does not need to eat, drink or breathe. Any poisons or diseases do not affect the creature until the duration's end.
If at any point during the duration this creature is damaged, they may make a save. On a success, the spell ends early and they wake up.
Find Familiar and Find Steed have been rewritten as a Ritual. Coming soon to a city near you.
Find the Path
R: self T: self D: [dice] hours
Name a destination. This spell then provides you with directions leading to that destination in the most direct path. The spell can recognize things in the physical way, such as walls, but it does not recognize dangers, such as falling damage, enemies, traps, etc.
For example, if the players were on an elevated bridge over a chasm and their destination was at the bottom, the spell would tell them to go straight down.
Find Traps is cut for being boring
Finger of Death
R: 50' T: creature D: one action
Make an attack roll against one particular creature. On a hit, that creature takes [dice]d8+[sum] necrotic damage. If a creature dies because of this attack, it rises as an Undead with [dice] HD that remains under your control for [dice] days.
Fireball: As Fireball under Calcomancer
Fire Shield: As Burning Armor under Calcomancer
Fire Storm:
R: 50' T: [dice] 10 x 10 x 10' areas D: [dice] minutes
You can create [dice] 10 x 10 x 10 cubes of fire that can be placed anywhere within range. Anyone inside one of these cubes when it forms takes [sum] damage, save for half. Anyone within 10' of one takes 1/2[sum], save to take no damage. Anyone within 30' takes [dice] damage. Anyone further away takes no damage at all.
This fire is non-magical and will ignite all flammable things within it.
Flame Blade: As Fire Sword under Calcomancer
Flame Strike
R: 100' T: A circle 10*[dice]' in diameter D: one action
A column of holy fire pours down from heaven and strikes the targeted area. Creatures within take [sum]+[dice] damage, save for half. The [sum] is fire damage, the [dice] is radiant damage.
Flaming Sphere
R: 30' T: creatures or objects D: [dice] rounds
You conjure a ball of fire 5' in diameter. Anyone who is struck by this ball of fire takes [sum] damage, save for half. Each round this ball of fire is in existence you may make an attack against any creature or object you choose, within range. The sphere is not limited to moving within 30' of you, only 30' of itself.
Flesh to Stone
R: 30' T: creature D: one action
Target creature within range must save or turn to stone. Creatures with HD 3x greater than [dice] are immune. Creatures with more HD than [dice] add the difference to their save.
R: touch T: [dice] creatures D: [dice] minutes
[dice] creatures you touch gain the ability to fly for the duration.
Fog Cloud: As Fogbank under Calcomancer
Forbiddance: Cut because Hallow already adequately covers this spell.
Force Cage
R: 30' T: creature D: [sum] hours
One creature within range is contained within a cage of magical force. The cage has [sum] HP, takes half damage from elemental damage and cannot be damaged by non-magical weapons. The cage lasts for the duration or until it's HP is reduced to 0.
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] rounds
A creature you touch gains a brief insight into the immediate future. For the duration, the affected creature gains a +[dice] bonus to attack and defense rolls and saving throws and cannot be surprised.
Freedom of Movement
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] rounds
A creature you touch gains a +[dice] bonus to navigate difficult terrain and escape non-magical restraints. The creature can also move and attack freely underwater with no penalty.
R: 30' T: creature D: one action
You edit one creature's memory so that it believes you to be his friend. You can make your new relationship with this person anything from casual acquaintances to blood brother. This creature must then save. On a failed save, the creature accepts the new memories. On a successful save, the creature realizes that his memories have been altered by magic and will react accordingly.
Gaseous Form
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] hours
A willing creature you touch and everything they are wearing is transformed into a cloud of gas. In this form they can only move 10' a round but are immune to anything a cloud of gas would. They can move into any area that is not air-tight but cannot affect any object or creature that is not also gaseous. While in gaseous form, the only real danger is strong winds. If confronted with a strong wind, the creature must save or die. The creature affected or the caster may end this spell at any point as a free action.
R: 10' T: door D: one action
A door you target within range becomes a portal to another specific location the caster has been in this universe or another. Alternatively, the door could open to a random location in another universe.
R: 10' T: creature D: one action
You may give one creature an order that it must follow. To be affected, this creature must be able to see your eyes, hear your voice and understand your language. If any of those are not conditions are not present, the creature is not affected by this spell. Note that a creature must only carry out the order to the letter of your command and not necessarily the spirit. Finally, the order must not be more than [sum] words long.
Gentle Repose
R: touch T: corpse D: [dice] days
A corpse you touch does not decay for the duration and cannot be inhabited by a spirit other then the one that originally inhabited it or raised as an Undead.
If the spell is cast with 4+ [dice], it becomes permanent until dispelled or the original spirit returns to inhabit the body.
Giant Insect
R: 30' T: [dice] insects D: [dice] hours
[dice] insects within range grow into a giant version of themselves and obey your commands for the duration. The insects obey you for the duration. After the duration ends, the insects retain their new size but are free to do as they wish. If cast with 4+ [dice], the duration is permanent.
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] hours
For the duration, creatures react to the target in their reaction rolls as if the target had a CHA modifier of +[dice].
Globe of Invulnerability
R: self T: self D: [dice] rounds
For [dice] rounds, the caster cannot be harmed by any source. No effect can damage them. However, they still retain all other attributes and nothing else about them changes.
Glyph of Warding
R: touch T: object or surface D: special
One surface you touch becomes covered by a magical glyph that is shrouded from all but the caster. Other creatures must succeed a DC 10+[dice] COG check or COG saving throw to perceive the Glyph. When this spell is cast, the caster should designate a condition, such as opening the container or standing on the glyph. Then the caster should designate another spell that should be cast and spend the number of spellcasting dice the caster wishes to infuse into the glyph. When that condition occurs, the glyph activates and the pre-designated spell is cast on the creature that caused the condition to occur.
The glyphs last until triggered or removed by the caster, who can then reabsorb the spellcasting dice he used to cast the spell attached to the glyph.
Goodberry: Removed because it makes survival games impossible and makes things less interesting.
Grasping Vine
R: 30' T: creature D: [dice] rounds
A vine with 10+[dice] STR and [sum] HP sprouts from a nearby surface and attempts to grapple a creature within range. As a free action, you can order the vine to attempt to grapple a creature each round and if it has a creature grappled, move it in any direction within range.
Grease: As Grease under Cthonomancer
Greater Invisibility
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] rounds
Target creature becomes invisible until the duration ends. Attacking or doing strenuous things will not cause the creature to become visible.
Greater Restoration
R: touch T: creature D: one action
One creature you touch has a debilitating effect removed. For each [dice], select one of the options below:
- A poison affecting the creature is neutralized.
- A disease affecting the creature is cured.
- Any reduced ability score is increased back to its natural maximum.
- Any effect reducing a creature's max HP is removed.
- A Horrible Wound is removed. This option may be selected more than once.
- A petrified creature is no longer petrified.
- A Charm or Fear affect on the creature is removed.
Guardian of Faith rewritten as
Guardian Angel
R: 30' T: creature or object D: [dice] hours
You create a magical construct that can resemble anything you desire. The creature has HP equal to [sum], armor equal to 1d4+[dice] and does 1d6+[dice] damage on a hit. The creature can be assigned to guard a creature, object, location or it can be asked to guard a specific route and follow a simple order such as "Do not let anyone besides us past this point." The creature will carry out that order until it is slain or the duration ends, after which it dissolves into light.
Guards and Wards
R: touch T: a structure D: special
You can enchant a structure you touch so that if anyone you do not exempt from the spell enters it or fulfills some condition that you pre-specify, such as entering the East Wing, opening the locked door in your office, another spell you have pre-arranged will be cast upon the fulfillment of that condition. If the spell requires a target, it will target the first creature to break that condition. You may create [dice] conditions and attach a spell to each one. For each spell, you must burn spellcasting dice and attach them to the conditions and attached spells.
These conditions and attached spells last until triggered.
Guiding Bolt
R: 30' T: creature D: one action
One creature within range takes [sum] damage, save for half, and must save or be blinded for [dice] rounds.
Gust of Wind
R: 60' T: 10' line D: [dice] rounds
You produce a powerful gust of wind that blasts away from you in a 10' line. This wind disperses gas, smoke and vapors in the air and extinguishes small fires. If cast with 3+ [dice], creatures in the line must save or be knocked down from the force of the wind.
The real name is Hail of Thorns, but I like this one better, so I'm using it.
Rain of Thorns
R: 50' T: 30' cone D: one action
You conjure an enormous number of long thorns that then fly through the air and rain down on the affected area. All creatures within that area take [sum] damage. If they are wearing armor that could protect them from a rain of thorns, they may save for half. If they have a shield, they may save to take no damage, taking half on a failed save.
R: 60' T: 60' circle, centered on caster D: special
You imbue the area around you with your mana, making it an extension of yourself. Outsiders, Spirits, Ghosts and other purely Spiritual creatures cannot enter the area unless you grant them explicit permission. This makes the creation of Undead impossible within the hallowed area, unless the caster should permit it.
For each [dice] used beyond 1, select one of the options below:
- Designate a type of creature, belonging to a race, class or other specific group. Those creatures must make a morale check to enter or remain within the hallowed area.
- Designate a type of creature, belonging to a race, class or other specific group. Those creatures cannot be frightened or charmed while within the hallowed area and automatically pass all morale checks.
- Designate a type of creature, belonging to a race, class or other specific group. Those creatures take +[dice] extra damage from an elemental source of your choosing (fire, ice, etc).
- Designate a type of creature, belonging to a race, class or other specific group. Those creatures take -[dice] less daamge from an elemental source of your choosing (fire, ice, etc).
- Portals or teleportation is impossible inside the hallowed area.
- No sound that you do not wish to be heard can be heard within the hallowed area.
- You have perfect knowledge of the location of all objects and creatures within the hallowed area, as long as you are within it yourself. This gives you +4 to all attack rolls and saving throws.
- As long as you are within the hallowed area, it is illuminated by natural sunlight, unless you wish otherwise.
- All creatures within the hallowed area gain the ability to speak a language of your choosing as long as they are within the hallowed area.
Hallucinatory Terrain
R: 1000' T: an area 150' cubed D: special
An 150' cube of terrain is wrapped in illusion and can appear however the caster wishes it to. This does not change the actual nature of the terrain, only how it looks. Creatures can attempt to pierce the illusion by making a COG check with a DC equal to [sum]. Creatures that do so can see the illusion as a vague, filmy image superimposed over the real terrain.
This spell lasts for a variable time. At 1 [dice], it lasts for a day. At 2 [dice], one week. At 3 [dice], one month. At 4 [dice], the spell is permanent until the caster ends the effect.
R: 30' T: creature D: one action
Target creature must save with a penalty to his save equal to [dice]. On a successful save, the creature loses half his HP. On a failed save, the creature loses all his HP but for 1d4 points.
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] rounds
Target creature has his speed enhanced and can make a second action on his turn for the duration.
For every [dice] beyond the first, select one of the options below:
- You may affect one additional creature with this spell. This option can be taken multiple times.
- The creature gains a +[dice] bonus to armor.
- The creature's normal movement speed is doubled.
- The creature makes DEX saving throws with advantage.
R: 30' T: [dice] creatures D: one action
One creature is healed [sum]+[dice] HP. For each [dice] used to cast this spell, you may divide the total restored HP among up to that many creatures.
For example, if Heal is cast with 3 [dice] and restores 14 HP, those 14 points can be divided among up to 3 creatures.
Healing Word: As Rhapsody in Blue under Jazz Wizard
Heat Metal: As Heat Metal under Calcomancer
Hellish Rebuke
R: 30' T: creature D: one action
You summon the flames of Hell to scorch a creature. That creature takes [sum] damage, save for half. If the creature is truly righteous, heroic or saintly (Referee's Discretion) he instead takes no damage. On the other hand, if the creature is wicked, depraved or evil he makes his save with disadvantage. Creatures killed by this spell vanish, to be replaced with a bleached skull and a stack of paperwork approving the acquisition, stapled together and signed in triplicate.
Heroes' Feast
R: touch T: a table, blanket or place where a meal can be eaten D: one action
You conjure delicious, magical food from the ether, enough to feed 1d6+[dice] creatures. This food grants +[sum] FS to anyone who consumes it.
For each [dice] beyond the first, select one option below:
- Those who consume this feast have all poisons affecting them neutralized.
- Those who consume this feast have all diseases affecting them cured.
- Those who consume this feast become immune to fear for [dice] hours after eating it.
- Those who consume this feast make all saving throws based on X attribute (caster's choice), with advantage.
Heroism rewritten as...
Call to Heroic Death
R: self T: all that can hear the caster D: [dice] hours
You make a speech to rouse your allies to greater valor. The contents of the speech can vary, depending on caster and context. Regardless of what is said, it works.
Creatures who hear the speech and are fighting on your side become immune to Fear and automatically pass morale checks for the duration. They also gain +[dice] FS.
R: 30' T: creature D: [dice] minutes
A target creature receives a -[dice] penalty to any checks or saving throw based on a specific attribute (STR, DEX, etc).
Hold Monster and Hold Person: As Take Captive under Psychomancer
Holy Aura
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] rounds
One creature you touch is covered by an aura of radiant energy that illuminates everything within 10*[dice]'. All creatures within 10*[dice] that the creature covered by the aura regards as enemies must succeed a morale check or flee.
For every [dice] beyond the first, select one option from below:
- Creatures regarded as enemies by the aura-clad creature take [dice] radiant damage every round they are within the aura's range.
- Creatures regarded as allies regenerate [dice] FS a round.
- The aura's light has the properties of natural sunlight.
Hunger of Hadar
R: 30' T: [dice] creature D: [dice] rounds
[dice] creatures you target must save. On a failed save, those creatures are overtaken by the misanthropic hatred and endless hunger of a eldritch Horror from the Darkness between the Stars. Creatures overtaken by such emotions will attempt to destroy themselves and everything around them in a suicidal frenzy.
If surrounded by those who do not feel the way they do, affected creatures will destroy them, then each other. If only with those who share their sentiment, they will destroy each other. If alone, an affected creature will simply kill himself in the most destructive way possible.
Hunter's Mark
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] hours
One creature you touch becomes marked by your magic. For the duration, you can sense the creature, knowing what direction it is heading and approximately how far away it is.
For each [dice] beyond the first, select one of the options below:
- For the duration, you do +[dice] weapon damage to the marked creature.
- For the duration, you receive +[dice] to any roll made to sneak up on the marked creature.
- For the duration, the marked creature receives a -[dice] penalty to any attack rolls.
Hypnotic Pattern
R: 30' T: all who can see the effect D: [dice] minutes
One surface or section of surface equal to [dice] x 10' begins to flash and display twisting patterns of color. Any creatures who can see the patterns must save. On a failed save, the creatures will be entranced and will want to do nothing but watch the patterns move for the duration. Creatures who are entranced can attempt to turn their attention away with another save, if they believe it is more important to look at something else.
Ex: Guards who are bored and see no danger will watch the patterns in stupefied awe, while those who are on the prowl for an intruder will attempt to focus on the task at hand.
source unknown
Monday, July 13, 2020
OSR: Yugoloths: Shiver Squad
They are the creation of a long collapsed Dark Sorority, Sons of a Black God, bad seed planted in fertile soul, allowed to bear an entire orchard of raw wickedness. Once they were legion, but now they number only in the hundreds, perhaps. Some say they dream of rebuilding their power and prestige, of becoming the lords and kings they once were. Some say they desire to take revenge on those who wronged them in the past. But mostly, people say they want what all corruptible men want: power, glory and of course, gold.
What even is a Yuguloth?
Yugoloths are queer creatures, halfway between Demon and Mutant. They possess powerful innate abilities, but live and die like any mortal. They are loved by neither type of creature so they struck out on their own to carve out a place for themselves. Once it was said that Yuguloths served a single master, or at least a single cause. Those days are no more now- every Yuguloth is out for himself. They do work together and have some love for each other, but generally these bonds of good faith are only intra-unit. A large number of Yuguloths is likely to result in a great deal of betrayal.
Yuguloths can be summoned like Demons, though they are not bound by the same limitations, possessing their own physical bodies. They will work for anyone who can pay, and they accept anything valuable for their services. They prefer to be paid in magic power or items, but anything will do. Depending on the specific group, Yuguloths may also accept gold, jewels, slaves, land, favors, secret knowledge or something stranger.
A common rumor about Yuguloths is that you can control one if you know it's true name. The Yuguloths insist this isn't true, but it absolutely is. Yuguloths know this and refer to themselves by nicknames or aliases for that reason. Anyone who knows a Yuguloths' true name can summon it and command it, though any Yuguloth forced to do something it doesn't want to do will grow to despise the one who commands it.
It is said that the Sewing Circle, the original co-creators of the Yugoloths, originally placed the enchantment that bound the Yugoloths on them when they were only children and then wrote down the names of all the Yugoloths in a series of 12 books. However, there was a problem. The Sewing Circle was composed of Hags, each one greedy and power-hungry; and most of all, completely untrusting. There were 12 of them, sub-divided into four covens. The covens could not get along properly however, and only the intervention of The Father get them from ripping each other apart. So when The Father had to leave for some reason, the stories disagree on what reason, he left his eldest son in charge. The eldest son was a Yugoloth though- and the thought of being enslaved to the inhabitants of this cathouse or his Father did not appeal to him. So he erased his own name from the book that contained it and stood aside the next time an argument started among the Hags. Some say he manipulated them, others say he just gave them a little push.
It didn't take long for the Hags to be at each other's throats, first figuratively, then literally. The Sewing Circle dissolved as the covens began squabbling then fighting, and in the process the Yugoloth books were lost or destroyed and they were subsequently emancipated, left to make their own way.
To this day this is the state of affairs. Many Yugoloths are content with their lives, free-booting around the universe, serving whatever master they wish for whatever they can extort or negotiate them for. However, some seek to unite their brethren into a single force that could overthrow almost any force. Many of the latter also seek the eldest son, otherwise called The General, The Marshal, The Prince, The Leader, The First, The Eldest, or simply: One. They wish to thank him, or follow him, or maybe kill him and take his place. So far, none have been successful, though many claim to have found him.
Other then that, most facts about the General remain in dispute. All that is known about him is that he disappeared once the fighting started. Some claim he died during the fighting, while others think he is in hiding, repairing or collecting the Yugoloths books to either keep them safe or use them himself. Others say that he is actually doing the opposite, traveling in secret to find the Yugoloth books and destroy them, so that all of his brothers might be free. Depending on the Yugoloth you talk to, you will find that their position on who the General is to be widely varied, anything from glorious future king to folk hero to the most black-hearted of villains.
from D&D Fifth Edition's Monster Manual
Shiver Squad:
Despite being named after the first month of the year, they are not the commanders. Shiver Squad is a fast-attack squad composed of shock troops. Shiver Squad specializes in lighting attacks that utterly break an enemy's resistance, leaving them scattered and disoriented.
Shiver Squad is 15 in number, making it one of the smaller groups of Yugoloths. It is composed of a type of Yugoloths named by their mothers as Cryoloths, named for their perculiar bodies. Appearance wise, Cryoloths resemble huge insectoids, with terrible faces and slavering mandibles. They have strong hands with fingers tipped in claws and feet ending in large talons.
Instead of soft skin they are covered in a blue-white exoskeleton. When not in combat, they adorn their exoskeletons with scarves and other scraps of clothing, but otherwise are largely unclothed.
When in battle they wear silvery armor made from mercury that includes helms, breastplates, greaves and bracers. Some carry shields, though most don't, instead wielding long spears or two-handed swords. In terms of height and size, they are tall and broad, but they still count as Medium creatures.
Shiver Squad prefers to be paid in jewels or salt.
Their Mother is still alive. She is a Sea Hag who dwells along the shore of the Polar Ocean. Her name is Lonely Leah.
The location of the Book that contains their names is known, though not to all.
Base Cryoloth Statblock:
HD 3
AR Mercury Armor [17 Armor]
Atk Mercury Longsword (1d8 sharp + 1d6 cold + 1d6 poison) or Mercury Javelin (1d6 sharp + 1d6 cold + 1d6 poison)
Mor 14
Saves 10 or less is a success
Immune to Cold and Cold Damage
Immune to Poison and Poison Damage
Resistance to Fire Damage
Freezing Aura: Cryoloths' bodies are utterly cold, blistering to the touch. Anyone who touches a Cryoloth takes 1d4 ice damage. This damage also applies if a Cryoloth is grappling someone or being grappled. They also cool the air around them- in summer or sunlight this effect is usually negligible, but in winter, at night or when it's cold it can be eneverating.
Mercury Arms: Cryoloths wield armor and weapons made of mercury. The poison damage their weapons do is based off little bits of the metal that get trapped in the wounds or on the skin of their opponents. Their weapons are only kept solid by their freezing bodies and the enchantments on them. They can only be wielded by someone who possesses a similarly cold body or ice magic. Otherwise, if removed from a Cryoloths' presence the armor and weapons quickly melt into puddles of poisonous mercury. If a Cryoloth touches one of these pools, the mercury will refreeze into whatever it was before it melted.
Reinforcements: All Yugoloths know at least one of the True Names of their kinsmen, usually a member of the same squad. However, because they will not compel their kinsmen to respond, and because most Yugoloths are selfish by nature, their kinsmen will not always respond. As an action, the Yugoloth can attempt summon that other Yugoloth to aid them in whatever the first Yugoloth was doing.
Any member of Shiver Squad has a 30% of being able to summon back-up from their own squad, or a 50% of summoning a Yugoloth from another unit. The Commanders of Shiver Squad have a 50% of summoning a Yugoloth from Shiver Squad and a 70% of summoning a Yugoloth from another unit.
- Forward attack, hit the strongest target first
- Focus on the high-damage dealers
- Retreat if things get dangerous
by Reh0
Notable Members:
True name: Cravix
Scour is the leader of Shiver Squad. He has a cold manner, but he is easily the strongest and boldest of the group. Mercenary life does not suit him, as he is reluctant to retreat and poor at dealing with customers. He only truly feels alive in battle, smashing inferiors beneath his clawed feet and clashing blades with a worthy rival.
Weakness: Scour refuses to acknowledge the possibility of defeat. He will only retreat if things are extremely dire and all hope of victory has been snuffed out. It's a miracle he's still alive.
Statblock Changes:
+1 HD
- He may make two sword attacks, but lacks javelins.
True Name: Lezav
Blister is the Vice-commander of Shiver squad and their primary negotiator. Among Shiver Squad he is the most eloquent and diplomatic, though by the standards of most he is still a belligerent, arrogant jerk. Blister's primary duties involve talking to prospective clients, arranging the transfer of money and working out battle tactics with Scour. He's also the one most likely to order a retreat, as Scour refuses to do so.
Weakness: Blister is greedy. He is out to get as much for himself as he can. He usually conceals this behind a veil of oily charm, but his appetites are great.
Statblock Changes:
AR Mercury Plate + Shield (Sharp 1d10; Blunt 1d10; Fire 1d12)
- His sword attacks only do 1d6 sharp damage
True Name: Areyo
Count is Shiver Squad's quartermaster. He keeps the unit functioning on a day-to-day basis, handling the distribution of pay, rations, and war booty, as well as managing and maintaining equipment. He is a cheerless and punctilious individual, with the memory of an Elephant and the patience of the same. He has no tolerance for fools, however.
Weakness: Count is inflexible. He will not deviate from a plan or the most logical (and usually direct) course of action. He is easy to trick, though no trick will work on him more than once.
Statblock Changes:
AR Mercury Breastplate (Blunt 1d6; Sharp 1d8; Fire 1d10)
Atk Mercury Daggers (1d6 sharp + 1d6 cold + 1d6 poison)
Spellcaster: Count is a sorcerer, able to manipulate his body's natural energies better than any of his fellows. He has 3 spellcasting dice, which burn out on a 5 or 6. They do not trigger Chaos on a roll of doubles. Count has the spells Chill Breath, Fogbank and Freeze Ray prepared.
Variable Aura: Count's freezing aura waxes and wanes because of his spellcasting. Whenever he casts a spell, there is a 2-in-6 chance his armor and weapons melt and change back into their liquid forms. Reforming them back into their proper shapes takes a full action. If his weapons melt, Count can make a Fist attack that does (1d4 blunt + 1d4 cold)
Besides Count, there are also two other Cryoloths who can cast spells like him. If all three are gathered and working together, they can cast Summon Winter.
Shiver Squad Plot Hooks:
1- There's a war on! And Shiver Squad has been sighted on the battlefield. Sneak behind enemy lines and defeat them, or convince them to switch sides.
2- A city has been trapped by an unexpected blizard and a plague of ice-covered Undead. The court Sage thinks the storm is not as natural as it seems. Find the source of the storm and put a stop with it. Secretly, Shiver Squad has been creating the storm to cover up some other activity they are engaged in in the city.
3- A Tribe of weaker monsters has surrounded a location and are preventing anyone from exiting or leaving. You are dispatched to investigate why. The weaker monsters have surrounded Shiver Squad and trapped them inside the location. If you disturb the siege, Shiver Squad might escape. But the weaker monsters might still make mischief in the future. This could be your only chance to crush them. What will you do?
4- An evil Sage is performing magical experiments on behalf of an enemy group. You are hired to put a stop to these experiments, either because they are causing adverse effects or because spies have reported on the experiment's true aims and your employers don't wish them to be completed. Unluckily for you though, the Sage has hired Shiver Squad to be his bodyguards for the duration of the experiment. You will have to fight your way through them, or find another way.
by michifromkmk
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
OSR: Meenlocks
"What you are, we once were. What we are, you shall become."
They don't exist. You don't know anything about them. You likely will not even see them until it is far too late. But if you could see them, you would recoil in terror. They are a sickening hue of palest yellow, covered in bristling hairs, mangy and splattered with blood, mud and other filth, reeking of the wet darkness beneath the earth. This is the Meenlock, those elusive terrors that haunt the underground.
Meenlocks seek to obtain and capture those who enter the underground, poisoning them and dragging them down into the darkness, never to be seen again. No one truly knows what they do with those they take, but it can't be good.
Meenlocks are individually frail, so they do not fight their foes directly. Instead they stalk their prey for great distances, using their natural abilities to plague a target of their choice with hallucinations. These hallucinations can vary, but they usually portray some as of yet undiscovered threat, betrayed through the sound of nearby footsteps, heavy breathing, the scraping of steel on stone, etc. The target is tormented with phantom sounds and signs of an enemy, but denied any chance of seeing his pursuer. The Meenlocks continue this until their target is a weakened, nervous wreck. If there are other creatures in the area that the Meenlock does not care for, but thinks might be useful, it might also use its powers to drive them toward the target and try to bait them into a confrontation. It is only when they are certain their target is weak that they strike.
Meenlocks possess razor claws and long mandibles that can easily cut through bare flesh, but their true danger comes from their venom. Anyone wounded by a Meenlock's grasping claws or piercing maw finds that their strength flees them and their limbs tremble. With enough of the venom, even the strongest warriors can do little more but cry and beg pathetically as pale, barely-yellow hands drag them down into the dark.
from alphacoders
HD 2
AC none
Atk Claws (1d4 + venom/1d4 + venom)
Saves 9 or less is a success
Mor 12
Phantasmal Visions: Meenlocks can cause any creature within 50' that they can perceive to suffer auditory hallucinations of any type the Meenlock wishes. The usual form these hallucinations take is that of approaching enemies or that of an ally in need of help.
Compulsion: If a Meenlock is within range of a target (as per 'Phantasmal Visions') that has Meenlock venom still in their body, it can instead cause the target to feel the desire to come to the Meenlocks. The target will begin moving towards the nearest cluster of Meenlocks and will take any appropriate actions to remove obstacles, though they will receive a Saving Throw to avoid hurting their friends.
Shadow Form: Meenlocks can, as a full action, transform themselves into shadows and flit through darkness like birds through the air. While in shadow form they cannot be hurt by anything other than sunlight, but similarly cannot effect any physical creature or object. Additionally, while a Meenlock in shadow form can move freely in pitch or near darkness, light can push it back. Any creature with a light source stronger than a candle can prevent a Meenlock from approaching it in shadow form. Meenlocks can shift out of shadow form as a free action.
Venom: Anyone injured by a Meenlock must save. On a failure, the creature takes 1d6 STR damage. On a success, 1 STR damage. If this damage ever reduces someone's STR to 0 they are only capable of small, slow movements (crawling, curling up into a ball, etc). Anything fast or complex, including attacks, receives a -1 penalty equal to the number of times the Meenlocks have injured this person (max -4). STR damage done like this is healed at a rate of 1 point per hour.
- Select and stalk a target
- Do everything in your power to weaken that target
- Only strike when certain your target is vulnerable (alone, weakened, tired, etc)
Meenlock Plot Hooks
1- A powerful monster has taken a group of miners hostage and is demanding tribute from a nearby village in exchange for their release. However, the monster is too powerful to face head on. Sneaking into the mine and finding a way to get the miners out would be better. However, once inside, you will find that the miners are being tormented and kidnapped by something else.
2- A tribe of monsters is menacing a community. Please go and root them out. However once you arrive you will find the monster tribe busy engaged in a manhunt for the creatures picking them off one-by-one. Stay too long and you might find yourself the victim of the same.
3- You are hired to investigate why an important official in a town is acting strangely. If you investigate properly, you will find out that is because a Doppelganger is impersonating a person in town. However, if they are discovered, the Doppelganger will tell you that they were only able to replace the person because another monster is holding the original in a cave. The Doppelganger will then lead you to a Meenlock cave and hope you end up getting eaten by them.
4- A monster with servants (Mind Flayer, Dragon, Lich, etc) has noticed that their slaves keep getting picked off by something it can't sense, which frightens it. To deal with this, it will contrive a situation to lure some free agents into its lair to have them track down the source of the disappearances.
5- A party of Adventurers recently disappeared, except for one lone survivor. The night after the survivor is found he rises from his bed and begins returning to the cave where his companions were slain. If someone attempts to stop him he says, "I need to go home," or "They are waiting for me". He does not wish to harm anyone, but he will, if they stand in his way.
6- After a small group of Undead ransack a sleeping neighborhood, a cult of Necromancers that has set up near a big city is discovered. The area around the hills is infested with free-roaming Undead, who attack any intelligent humanoids near them. If you enter the Cult's lair you will find the Necromancers all slowly going insane from paranoia and fear, suspecting each other of killing the vanished members all the while building more and more elaborate Undead to ensure their own safety and/or scare off the unidentified enemies.
by Blayzes
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