Sunday, January 20, 2019

OSR: Monk

Monks have been a fascination of mine ever since I started playing Dungeons and Dragons.  I thought the idea of playing a foreign martial artist who fought with only kicks and punches was crazy, even compared to some of the other classes you could play as.  As such, I've been working on trying to make Monks fit more into the standard OSR mode.  For the longest time, I failed.

Then I had my revelation.  After I came to the conclusion that all casting classes were just GLOG Wizards in increasingly stupid hats, I decided I wasn't going to write anymore casting classes.  The only thing left to do then was to convert the Monk to a GLOG Caster.  So that's exactly what I did.

Also, if you need more Monks in your life, try the Sword Mage from Library of Attnam, or the Renunciates over at Against the Wicked City, or the Void Monks from Goblin Punch.

The Foreign Priests of No God

Monks are not from Around Here.  They are Outsiders from Foreign Parts, strange purveyors of philosophy and spirituality.  Most Around Here wouldn't even know they were casters at all, considering them more like wandering prophets, teachers or soothsayers.  Foreigners could tell you differently though.  In Foreign Parts, on the other side of the Empty Lands, you will find Monks acting as advisors and bodyguards to Priest-Kings, acting as elite troops in war, or governing their own principalities as divinely appointed governors.       

To determine what Order of Monks you belonged to, make one up, or roll on the tables below.

I came from...


1- The Brotherhood
2- The Fraternity
3- The Order
4- The Society
5- The Union
6- The House
7- The Temple
8- The Army
9- The Family
10- The Followers

of the...


1- God-man
2- Five Seasons
3- Indomitable Soul
4- Steady Hand
5- Empty Palm
6- Whispered Word
7- Winter's Heart
8- Spring's Fire
9- Sons of Summer
10- Way of Solar Righteousness 

In my Order, we...


1- Didn't eat certain things.  Roll 1d6 to see what that was: [1= certain types of meat; 2= all meat; 3= mixed-grain bread; 4= fish; 5= eggs; 6= the flesh of anything we didn't personally kill.]
2- Didn't drink or smoke.
3- Swore oaths of poverty.
4- were taught how to garden and write poetry.
5- Went to funerals to appreciate the brevity of life.
6- Allowed prostitutes to live with us, but were never allowed to touch them.
7- Were allowed to get married and have children, as long as the Grandmaster approved.
8- Acted as the local constabulary.
9- Organized hunting expeditions for monsters terrorizing the area.
10- Assassinated people for money.
11- Practiced Humans Sacrifice.
12- Had a Deity who lived and dwelt in the monastery with us.

"My Teachers taught me poetry, etiquette, moral philosophy, and how to reach Heaven through violence."

Monk is just a sub-class of the Base GLOG Magic-User/Wizard class, which can be found here.  For anything else about the class, see below.

Power: You are trained in martial arts, and can use your unarmed strikes as a weapon.  Unarmed strikes do 1d6 damage.  For unarmed strikes, you may add twice your DEX modifier to your attack roll.  You may also calculate your AC as 10 + 2 times your DEX modifier.

Alternatively, you may use a weapon approved of by your order.  Speak to the Referee at character creation if this is what you desire.

Drawback: You may not wear any armor or use any weapon not approved of by your order.  If you do, you cannot cast spells until you speak to your Teacher/Mentor or the Master of your School and seek his forgiveness.  You will also probably have to perform some act or quest in penance for your violation of your holy vow.

Monk starting Spells

1- All Journeys Begin and End with One Step
2- Empty Palm Vanquishes the Wicked
3- Fear of Rain Clouds is Advised
4- Fortune shakes the Proud, but the Humble endure
5- Green Woman is easily rebuffed by the Chaste
6- Light is Foreign, Darknesss is Native
7- Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi Ora!
8- Pain is the Curse of Living
9- Rain Parts for the Wise
10- The Gale shatters the Oak, but the Willow survives
11- The Wise Student fills the Tea Cups
12- Virtue is a shield against Tragedy

13- If you meet God on the Road, Kill Him
14- Sin brings Death, but the Path of Righteousness is Life

Legendary Spell: Suffering is the path to Divinity

All Journeys Begin with a Single Step
R: self        T: self        D: one moment

Move up to [dice] x your movement speed as a free action. Your movement is so fast it appears instantaneous.

At 1 [die], you ignore pressure plates (or similar mechanisms) and dangerous or difficult terrain. At 2 [dice], you may move up a wall or over the ceiling, as long as you end your movement in a place where you can normally stand. At 3 [dice], you may move over surfaces that couldn't normally support your weight (surface of water, twigs and leaves, weapons held by your enemies). At 4 [dice], you may move through impossibly tight squeezes without being slowed (between prison bars, through a keyhole).

You may also cast this spell as a reaction to any melee attack against you, even outside your turn.

This spell is borrowed from here. Mr. Kangaroo came up with it first.  He deserves the credit, not I.

Empty Palm Vanquishes the Wicked
R: 30'        T: object    D: [dice] minutes

As an action, you fire a gigantic hand (about the size of a refrigerator or a pony) made of blue life-force from your own hand.  The hand can be used to strike anyone within range for 1d6+[dice] damage, or it can do anything else a giant hand could do.  It cannot fly or really move, but it can hold things or lift things up.  It has a STR of 13+[dice] and HP of [sum].  It disappears after time runs out or it runs out of health.

Fear of Rain Clouds is Advised
R: self        T: self            D: one action

You may make 1 ranged attack with a shuriken, throwing knife, or small thrown projectile (1d6 base) of the sort.  This projectile is then multiplied many thousands of times over, doing normal damage +[sum].  If the creature you targeted had any creatures standing adjacent to them, the amount of damage taken is divided evenly among those creatures.

Fortune shakes the Proud, but the Humble Endure
R: touch    T: creature    D: one action

Make a melee attack against a creature within melee range.  On a hit, that creature must save, with a penalty to their save equal to [dice].  On a failure, that creature is stunned, and cannot take any actions for [dice] rounds.

If you cast this spell with 2 or more [dice], then the creature also cannot move on a failed save.  If you cast this spell with 4 or more [dice], the creature must make an additional save, regardless of what they rolled on the first one.  If they  fail their second save, they die.  

Green Woman is easily rebuffed by the Chaste
R: 30'        T: creature        D: [dice] minutes

This spell makes the person it is cast on light as air.  They take no fall damage, can jump a number of feet equal to their STR score, and can run along walls for far longer than is humanly possible, though they will still fall down.

Light is Foreign, Darkness is Native
R: self        T: self            D: [dice] rounds

For the next [dice] rounds, the caster exudes a thin aura of light.  This light illuminates [dice]*10' around the caster.  If they strike anyone with a melee attack, they do an extra +[dice] holy damage to that person.  If this spell is cast with 4 or more spellcasting dice, the light exuded by the caster has the properties of natural sunlight.

Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi Ora!
R: self        T: self        D: one round

You may make X additional attacks this round, based on the [dice] used to cast this spell.

1 [dice]: 1d4 Attacks
2 [dice]: 1d6 Attacks
3 [dice] 1d8 Attacks
4 [dice]: 1d10 Attacks

This isn't mine either, Dan from Throne of Salt made it first, here.

Pain is the Curse of Living
R: touch    T: creature        D: one action

You take [dice] damage.  One creature you touch regains [sum] HP.  You can also use this spell to regenerate the bodies of Undead, bringing them "back to life".  If this is done to an Undead, they must save.  On a success, they are still Undead, but now with restored bodies that will swiftly begin rotting.  On a failure, their bodies are filled with the power of their soul and restored to life, similar to the way a defibrillator can restart a stopped heart.

Rain parts for the Wise
R: self        T: [dice] projectiles    D: one action

This spell can be cast as a reaction.  When you do, you can reduce the damage [dice] projectiles do by [sum].  If you reduce the damage to 0, you catch the projectile.  This spell only works on projectiles that could be conceivably caught, unless you invest four or more projectiles, then the spell works on any material projectiles.

The Gale shatters the Oak, but the Willow endures
R: touch    T: object    D: [sum] minutes

Use any object as if it could cut, from grass to your own fingers. The enchanted item counts as a sword and deals damage based on [dice] invested (plus Str mod).

    1 [die]  1d6
    2 [dice] 1d8
    3 [dice] 1d10
    4 [dice] 1d12

Mr. Kangaroo came up with this spell here, I am just borrowing it from him.

The Wise Student fills the Tea Cups
R: self        T: self            D: concentration

This spell is a free action to cast.  Once cast, the caster can spend a round meditating, and doing nothing else.  If they do this, one person within 100' regains [dice] HP.  The caster may continue doing this for as many rounds as they like, but if they stop meditating, the spell automatically ends.  Additionally, if they take damage or suffer a significant shock or scare, they must save.  On a failed save, they let go of the spell and it ends.

Virtue is a shield against Tragedy
R: self        T: self            D: one action

When you cast this spell, it consumes your next action as you prepare yourself.  Then, when next attacked or affected by an opponent's ability, you may take an action to counter it.  If their ability or attack required an attack roll, then you must contest their roll with one of your own and roll higher than them.  You get a +[dice] bonus to this.  However, if the ability would have automatically affected you, or done so if you failed a saving throw, then no additional roll on your part is required. 

If you have successfully matched the roll or otherwise met the conditions, then this spell takes effect.  The attack or ability you used it against does not affect you, and instead is redirected back at the person who used it, affecting them instead.  Additionally, the effect of their attack or ability is multiplied by [dice].

For example, if it was an attack that did 4 damage, it would do 4*[dice] damage to the person who made the attack.

If you meet God on the Road, Kill Him
R: self        T: everything        D: one action

When you cast this spell, select an event that just occurred.  This event could be the result of a roll, saving throw or something else that occurred where you could witness it.  This event no longer occurs and never occurred.  Instead, reality is rewritten so that event didn't happen.  Reality shifts to show the new events that occurred but so in the smallest way possible.  For example, if you chose the event of one of your party members getting shot with an arrow, instead the arrow stuck into his shield.

If this spell is cast with 1 [dice], you may undo an event that occurred up to 1 turn ago.  If this spell is cast with 2 [dice], 1 round ago (all the way through the initiative order and then back to the top).  If this spell is cast with 3 [dice], one day ago.  If cast with 4 [dice], one week ago. 

Sin Brings Death, but the path of Righteousness is Life
R: 50'        T: creature        D: [dice] rounds

One creature within range suddenly has every indignity, humiliation and injury they've inflicted on any other creature poured out upon them.  The Referee should make a ruling on the creature's moral standing.  Righteous or heroic creatures take only [dice] damage, as no one is perfect.  Middling creatures take 2[dice] damage.  Immoral or corrupt creatures take [sum] damage and the truly wicked take [sum] damage once a round for [dice] rounds. 

This damage takes the form of lacerations from invisible blades that begin to peel the skin off its body, nonexistent arrows punching holes in the creature's chest and immaterial bludgeons cracking bones and bruising organs.

After you cast this spell, you will not be able to regain any spellcasting dice until you say a prayer for the fallen, and make sure their body is respectfully interned in a crypt or tomb.  You need not bury them yourself, but it certainly would be polite.

                                                                  by Wonderis

Chaos and Corruption of the Monk:
When you roll doubles, roll on the Chaos table.  The spell still goes through.  You receive 1d3 Doom Points.
When you roll triples, roll on the Corruption table.  The spell automatically fails.  You also receive 1d4 Doom Points.
At 10 Doom Points, you invoke the Doom of Fools.
At 20 Doom Points, you invoke the Doom of Kings.
At 30 Doom Points, you invoke the Ultimate Doom. 

Chaos of the Monk:

1- Spellcasting Dice only return to your pool if you rolled a 1-2 for 24 hours.
2- You take 1d6 damage.
3- Random mutation for 1d6 Rounds, then Save with a -4 penalty. Permanent if you fail.
4- The next person you touch takes damage as if you hit them with an unarmed strike, even if you touched them gently.
5- You are blinded for 1d6 Rounds. 
6- Your fingers become sharp as swords for 1d8 hours.  Anything you touch that is soft, easily cut-able or fragile is cut exactly as if you poked it with a sword.

Corruption of the Monk:

1- A  giant hand of blue energy emerges from your hand.  The hand has 1d6 HD AC 10 STR 13(+1), can fly and wants to break valuable objects.  It will fly around for 1d6 rounds, stealing valuable objects and attempting to break them.
2- Your skin starts glowing like a bonfire.  During the day, this is merely bright, but indoors in the dark, it is obvious for 1d6*100' around.
3- One non-virtuous person near you must save.  On a failed save, they suddenly die in a freak accident.  On a successful save, they are merely injured, possibly seriously.  Example freak accidents include, but are not limited to, being kicked by an unruly horse, being hit in the head with a carelessly thrown or dropped object, the roof collapsing on their head, being struck by lightning, or etc, etc.   
4- The next person you touch must save or suffer a heart attack.  They must then make a second save.  If they fail their second save, they die.
5- For the next 1d10 rounds, if you move faster than a walking pace, you light on fire.  This fire is non-magical and does 1d6 damage a round.
6- A Living Weapon and its Chariot appears before you and demands that you become its new chariot.  If you refuse, it will try to fight you.  The Living Weapon and its chariot disappear after 1d10 minutes.

Doom of Fools- A former classmate of your suddenly shows up.  He demands that you return with him to the monastery, claiming that one of the former senior students has returned, having learned black, forbidden techniques from unknown sources.  All students of your monastery must return immediately, to protect the Grandmaster and the secret knowledge in the Monastery.

There is a 50% chance your classmate is telling the truth.  If he is, you two will be attacked shortly thereafter by Assassin-Monks working for the former senior student.  If he is not telling the truth, he is actually a traitor who wants to test your loyalty to the monastery.  If you prove loyal, he will try to kill you.  If you are not, however, he will tell you to stay lost and not come back.    

Doom of Kings- A former Teacher at your monastery suddenly shows up.  He has a 50% of being a survivor who escaped the monastery when it was seized by the former senior student, or he is working for the student to spare his own life.

If the former, he is being pursued by a posse off Assassin-Monks who serve the former senior student.  When the Assassin-Monks arrive, they will try to kill him and anyone else associated with the monastery.  If you promise to come with them and swear fealty to the former senior student, they will let you live.  If you resist, they will kill you and anyone else who stands in the way of killing the former Teacher.

If the latter, then he will demand you return to the monastery to swear your allegiance to the new Grandmaster.  If you resist, he will try to beat you into submission and drag you back in chains.  He will kill you, though he'd like to avoid that, if possible.       

Ultimate Doom- The Former Senior Student himself suddenly arrives, accompanied by a group of his body-guards and supporters. He will demand you swear your allegiance to him and do something dangerous, unpleasant or degrading for him.  If you refuse, he will kill you. 

This Doom can be avoided by hunting down the former Senior Student and killing him, or by crafting a disguise convincing enough that no one from your former monastery can recognize you.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

API: The Seven Deadly Enemies of Mankind

The Seven Deadly Enemies of Mankind are some the strongest enemies the players in any of my games are ever likely to face.  They are powerful, yes, but that is not why they are the most dangerous.  A high number of HP does not make someone dangerous.  The Seven Deadly Enemies are most lethal because of their ruthlessness.  As such, this will require a small change in my style. 

To explain, usually, when I am acting as Referee and playing out the enemies' actions, I am magnanimous, taking care to distribute the damage evenly.  I also don't coup de grae fallen players, and generally try to be fair.  However, I will not be doing this when playing as the Seven Deadly Enemies.  

This is for two reasons.  Firstly, I want to convey their true lethality, the danger that they represent.  Secondly, I believe that unless you are playing a highly lethal game, player characters should not be killed by "small-time" enemies.  It's okay if the Gnoll Champion to splatter the Wizard, but generally I wouldn't let a bunch of 1 HD Gnolls rip apart a band of adventurers.  That is not to say I never would, exceptions do exist, but generally that is how I conduct myself as a Referee as a rule. 
However, the Seven Deadly Enemies are anything but "small-time".  If you are fighting them, you are officially in the big leagues.

Know your enemy

All of the Seven Deadly Enemies are Outsiders, using the base statblock found in this post.  Consult that for further information.  The specific powers of the Enemies is listed below.

                                                                  by BrunaGonda

T'Char, the Ten Crowned, the Herald of Envy 

"I see you laying on the floor of a dark basement, dying in agony, struggling to keep your innards inside your body.  In that moment of sublime pathos, you look up to Heaven and beg God, asking with bloody lips, 'Why?'  I stand above you in that moment, and call you a fag."

About an hour before he is summoned or arrives through some other means, strange things begin to happen.  
First, strange storms full of multi-colored lightning blanket the area he is set to appear in, filling the sky with brilliant purples, greens and yellows.
Secondly, a person in the area suddenly snaps and attempts to kill his or her family.  If not stopped or noticed, the person will kill his or her family then him or herself.
Then, he will arrive.  A door will fling open, revealing an alien world for a split second, and then he will stalk through.


T'Char will transform any Host he is granted into a handsome man with brilliantly colored eyes and hair of a similar lurid hue.  He will usually ask for a suit and tie to be prepared for his Host to wear before he arrives, but if these arrangements have not been arranged and he has the time, his first move will be to acquire one.

True Form:

T'Char will only assume his true form if he is sufficiently aggravated, is attacked, or he feels it would be funny in this current situation.  If one of the aforementioned occurs, he will transform.

T'Char is a white-skinned humanoid in his True Form, pure as new-fallen snow with stripes of bright green running across his flesh, like those of a tiger.  He has four eyes, each one as brightly colored as a Christmas ornament.  He also has thirteen arms, but they shift in and out of his body, changing with his mood and activity level.  When he is calm, they glide in and out of his flesh, taking the place of his existing limbs, which slowly slide back into his torso.  When he is agitated though, the change occurs much faster and more erratically.  He also has ten crowns on his body, these former marks of kingship converted into rings, bracelets or bangles.  These crowns drift in and out with his limbs, but they never appear on his head, no matter what.   

                                                                 by chuu-art

T'Char is a laughing, freakish monster.  He finds the struggles and trials of mankind endlessly amusing.  He thinks that the suffering of others is hilarious, mocking you as you bleed and die.  He thinks himself incredibly smart and witty, and if he has the time, he will compose some ironic poetry about terrible subjects, such as children dying young, how your wife is cheating on you and your children don't respect you, or what he's going to do to you.


T'Char desires things he does not have.  If he sees something valuable, such as a rare magic item, a sentimental object, or even a physical feature, he will become seized by a desire to possess it.  He will then try to acquire if, through whatever means are most expedient, whether that means bargaining, threatening or killing the owner and taking it by force.  

                                                                     from Tumblr
Statblock Changes:

T'Char has a Damage Threshold of 4.
His AC is 14.
His attack bonus is +3.  He makes two attacks that each do 1d8 damage on a hit.
He fights with two alien blades made of a maiden's lost innocence and a boy's forgotten childhood.

Along with the usual powers of an Outsider, he is super fast, always going first in the initiative order unless surprised, and having a DEX score of 19(+4).

He is also able to inspire fear in those people who fight him.  The first time they see him move, the first time he does more than 10 damage to one person or every time he kill someone, they must save.  On a failed save, they take 1d6 CHA damage each round they continue to fight him.  If this CHA damage ever equals or exceeds the person's CHA score, then they must flee, and gain the Conviction, "I don't know what that was, but I am never fighting it again, if I have another choice."

                                                                 by LoLo-0

Tyche, the White Pillar, Minister of Sloth

"You speak of the greatness of mankind, but what have you really achieved?  Destruction of countless lesser beings?  Mounds of hideous, impractical creations?  New and more innovative ways to kill each other?  Frankly, even if you don't trust me, I can't see the harm in giving us our planet back.  After all, we could hardly do worse than what you've accomplished in a few short millennia."

About a week before he is summoned or arrives by some other means, strange things begin to happen.
First, strange lights are seen at night, bright white balls that dance and pirroute through the air, before vanishing.
Secondly, some people nearby where he is due to arrive begin suffering from similar, horrible nightmares.  They dream of a terrible creature made of white plastic and polished chrome that hunts them through an endless labyrinth that reeks of antiseptic.
Then, when he arrives, clouds cover the sky and acid rain begins to fall.  This isn't enough to do damage, but it irritates the skin and damages historic monuments.


Any Host Tyche is given, he will transform into a inhuman looking thing, tall and thin, made of translucent, glass-like flesh, with stingers present on its middle fingers.

True Form:

Tyche will only assume his True Form to fight, or if assuming his True Form could benefit him in some other way.

When he transforms, a brilliant light floods the area, a spot light to truly display his form.  His true form is tall and legless, with a lower-body like a great worm.  His skin is white as snow, with no blemishes or marks.  He has two eyes and 19 arms.  A pair of dark eyes are the only relief from his monotonous color-scheme, which is dazzling in the light.

                                                                    by draledede


Tyche is slow to move and slow to act.  He relies on the judgements of others, preferring to allow others the honor of the first move.  He is cautious and pragmatic, and known to think deeply on many topics.  He is a philosopher of a sort, very interested in mortal perspectives on most issues.  He is not kind of gentle, but he is rational, and sometimes that is all you really need.


Tyche is slow to move.  He is loathe to take risks, preferring to wait until he has all the information possible.  As such, if you flee, you are almost certain to escape.  If you set a trap for him, he will never be caught in it, but you could use a trap as a double-bluff, so that while he was investigating a possible trap you could attack him from the rear, if you were feeling clever.

                                                                     from Monster Vault
Statblock Changes:
Tyche has a Damage Threshold of 5.
His AC is 13.
He makes one attack with a +4 bonus to the roll.  He does this by stretching out one of his many arms.  Anyone hit by his attack takes 1d10 poison damage and is grappled.  Tyche will then reel the person back and keep them near him.  Each round they are grappled by Tyche, they take an additional 1d10 poison damage as he keeps injecting it into them.
Tyche also has the power of regeneration, able to recover 1 SHP a round.

Sin, The Maid of Lust, The Glass Harlot, The Bottomless Crone, The Infinite Mother

"They say I know nothing of valor, of honor.  They say that because I am so strong, I need fear nothing, and thus, I cannot understand courage.  For the sake of argument, let's say that is correct.  Tell me, who will teach me about courage?  Who will teach me the true nobility of the human spirit?  Who will prove to me that it is the humans that kill the monsters?  Come now, step forward!  Come and show me who is truly stronger!"

A few days before she is summoned or arrives by some other means, strange things begin to happen.
First, the clouds in the sky begin surging and glowing, seeming to fold in on themselves, shining with bright, white flashes that look like lightning, but with no thunder.
Secondly, time begins to slow to a crawl.  You will feel you've been working on a project for hours, only to check the clock on the wall and find its only been ten minutes.
Then, when she arrives, "Shadilay" begins playing from an unseen source, filling the air for a while.


Sin is subtle, and keeps her Host looking exactly as they did before she took over their body.

True Form:

Sin will only assume her true form if she is attacked, if it would benefit her, or she feels it would be funny in this current situation.  If one of the aforementioned occurs, she will transform.

Sin's true form, from a distance, resembles a naked, buxom, black-skinned woman with six arms and no eyes.  However, as you get closer, you realize that her skin is very odd.  It is actually closer to translucent grey, resembling a sheet of cloudy glass with a female form visible behind the "glass".  However, as you look closer, you see more and more layers of glass in the way, endlessly refracting this vague female form from many many layers back.  The deeper you look, the more layers you see, as Sin's body is apparently infinitely deep.


Sin seems to love and enjoy everything about the world.  She sees beauty in everything, from the horrible to the small.  To her, a field of broken corpses is as beautiful and interesting as a teacup full of jasmine is.  She is endlessly interested in the small eccentricities of our world, from pain to starbucks to money to the small zaps of static electricity.  She is also passionately interested in sex, and will likely try to seduce you.  However, she is not likely to be successful, as Sin conducts herself with all the grace of a stampeding herd of wildebeests.  Her idea of flirting is to fling herself at the object of her affections in the most obvious way possible and hope they notice.


Sin has absolutely no impulse control.  If she sees something sexy (Sin has a wide variety of features she finds sexy) she will try to seduce that person.  If she sees something interesting, she will want to touch and examine it.  If she sees something tasty looking, she will want to eat it.  If not stopped, Sin will go after it without hesitating for a second.

Statblock Changes:
Sin has a Damage Threshold of 8.
She has an AC of 10.
She fights by stealing your weapons and attacking you with them.
She makes four attacks with these weapons with a +6 bonus.  Each successful attack does 1d8 damage.
Sin can also, instead of making four weapon attacks, make 1 stinger attack with a +6 bonus.  Anyone stung by her stinger must save or die.
Sin is immune to non-magical weapon damage.
She can also, as a full action, turn intangible.  While intangible she cannot affect physical objects, but they cannot affect her either.

Plague, the Firstborn of Death, the Knight of Gluttony

"I will devour your limbs.  I will make of you a banquet of suffering.  The blood will flow unending.  Your fear is the garnish for your flesh.  I will eat you all alive!  Kill!  Kill!  KILL!"

Yesterday, before he is summoned or arrives through some other means, strange things begin to happen.
First, a bunch of people began having similar dreams.  They were all slightly different, but they all were centered on the theme of being chased by a giant horror that wanted to eat them, rotting from the inside, being a walking corpse, or being stuck next someone with a persistent cough for an 18 hour flight.
Secondly, someone carries out a biological terror attack on a nearby public place.
Then, prey animals will scatter and hide, falling silent.  Domesticated animals will hide or flee, attacking people and going berserk if they are prevented from escaping.  Then he will arrive, and it will be too late.


Plague makes any Host he is given into its ideal form, handsome, free of blemishes, unsightly marks, making them beautiful, whole and healthy.

True Form:

Plague is a great, doglike beast with a slavering muzzle, overflowing with razor sharp teeth.  He is quadrupedal, with four forelimbs and two rear ones.  He also has a fifth forelimb that comes out underneath his chin.  That one ends in another mouth, one with fangs that bites anyone who gets too close to it.  The rest of his forelimbs end in four-fingered hands.  He could choke you, if he wanted to.  His body is made of a scintillating, black material, a substance that resembles black mercury.  Its properties are unknown, but it is known that wherever Plague goes, water is contaminated, plants die, and anyone who ingests any of the fluids coming off Plague sickens and dies.  The only relief from the flowing, liquid nature of his body is his three eyes, all which are bright orange, and glow when he wishes them too.

                                                    by nachtwulf


Plague is a feral creature, highly intelligent, yet one who seems to place no value on higher concepts.  If he wished, he would behave as a beast does, rutting, sleeping and eating whenever he pleased.  He kills and hunts, not out of hatred, but because that is what predators do.  He is completely amoral, never stopping to consider the moral implications of what he is doing.  To Plague, things like morals, manners and laws are not worth considering.  They are mere fancies, to be ignored unless absolutely necessary.


Plague loves to eat humans.  He finds them delicious.  If he has the opportunity, he will try to eat any humans he can find, living or dead.  It takes 1d3 humans to fill him all the way up.  After that, if he feels it safe, he will find a quiet place to nap and sleep off his lunch.

                                                           by inshoo1

Statblock Changes:
Plague has a Damage Threshold of 6.
He has an AC of 12.
He makes two bite attacks with a +5 bonus, each one doing 1d10 damage on a hit.
Plague can turn invisible as a full action.

Plague can inspire strong emotions in people.  As a full action, all people within his field of view must save.  On a failed save, those people take 1d6 CHA damage each round they are still within his field of view.  If this CHA damage ever equals or exceeds the CHA score of any one of those people, then that person becomes overcome with the emotion of Plague's choice.  For example, if he choose fear, they must flee.  If he choose psychotic rage, they must make an attack each round.  If he choose crushing sadness, they get -1 to attack and damage.  If he choose rapturous joy, they must save or be unable to continue fighting.  All these emotional effects last for 1d10 minutes, or until something that doesn't fit the mood happens.

Plague can also spew clouds of toxic smoke.  He can only use this ability every 1d4 turns.  The Cloud covers a 50' square area and can be dispersed by rain, spraying water, or wind.  Anyone in the cloud takes 3d6 damage when they first enter it, then an additional 1d6 damage each round they are still in it.  If you are wearing a gas mask or other protective gear, save to take half damage.  If you are wearing a full biological chemical warfare hazard suit, you take no damage from this attack automatically.

Uniris [You-near-iss], Woman Scorned, Harpist of Hell, Singer of Doom

"You think I don't understand how you feel?  You think I'm some unsympathetic bitch?  Well guess what, you're goddamn right!  I don't care about you at all.  Actually, scratch that, I do care about you.  I hate you so much, I hope there's a God, just so I can know he's going to shove you in a metal coffin and light you on fire for all eternity, you stupid, sinning ape!"

About a week ago, before she is summoned or arrives through some other means, strange things begin to happen. 
Firstly, some people near where she is due to arrive start suffering from bouts of amnesia, forgetting large chunks of their day.
Then, those same people begin suffering blackouts, night terrors and terrible dreams they barely remember.  All these dreams involve being on a date with an attractive woman, hanging out with a female friend, or meeting the woman their (son/male friend/etc) has been dating.  These dinners always go terribly, and someone usually ends up being shot or dying violently. 
Finally, when she arrives, time begins flowing at an accelerated rate for a brief period.  Eventually, the flow of time returns to normal, once she stops using her powers.


Uniris will change any Host she is given into a beautiful female humanoid thing, with full lips, a fine body, long, shimmering hair, and anything else she thinks is attractive.  She will also change their clothes for something sexier.  However, despite her obvious physical attractiveness (when have you seen an ugly shape-shifter?) she can never truly be hot.  She's too nervous usually, constantly looking over her shoulder and fidgeting.  There's also the problem of her personality, but we'll hold off on that for a second. 

True Form:

Uniris will only assume her true form if she needs to fight, or she's angry.  Otherwise, she will remain in her current form.  But if she needs to fight or you tick her off, she will transform.
Uniris a three-eyed, four-armed, legless monster.  She is covered in white and grey scales, so colored that she could camouflage herself against a modern cityscape.  She is constantly moving and twitching in this form, bubbling with nervous energy.

                                                                 by monpuasajr


Uniris is a paranoid wreck.  She always shoots first, and never shows any mercy.  She never lets people live.  Uniris lives by the mantra of the Origin of Species, "Survival of the Fittest".  She knows that the strong do as they will and the weak suffer what they must, and she knows she is weak.  Thus, Uniris does not practice any form of mercy or fair-play.  


You might think that Uniris' weakness would lead her to be more accepting, more generous, and more accommodating of others.  You would be totally wrong.  Uniris is vicious, hot-blooded and has an explosive temper.  Any jokes about her being weak, small, pathetic or of lower status than any of the other six Deadly Enemies, or god forbid, any other life form will make her explode and attack that person.  Uniris never attacks people in melee combat, unless she is angry.

                                                                   by titi-artwork

Statblock Changes:
Uniris has a Damage Threshold of 3.
She has an AC of 15.
She makes three attacks at +2, each attack doing 1d6 damage.
She can fire three shots from her Harp Guns, or she can draw her Selenium-Swords and hack at her opponents in melee range.
Uniris is super fast.  She always goes first in the initiative order, unless surprised, and has a DEX of 19(+4).

Darrel Kevin Smith, The Speaker for Darkness, the Mouth of Avarice

"Yep, that's me.  You're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation.  Well, it's really a funny story.  You see, it all started when I downloaded this magic spell off the internet..."

About a week ago, before he is summoned or arrives through some other means, strange things begin to happen.
First, people begin having strange dreams of sitting opposite a monster, who asks them to make a saving throw, whatever that means.
Secondly, small animals begin dying.  Cats, older dogs, fish, hamsters, rabbits, etc.
Finally, when he arrives, pictures and statues of people begin to weep blood.   


Darrel Kevin Smith is a great, legless, surging mass of gelatinous flesh colored white, black and orange.  He has three eyeballs floating amidst his blobby body, and 22 arms moving and shifting freely across his body.  In size, he is large enough to fill large hot tub, and cover the floor of at least one room of a dungeon (a small room, though).   

True Form:

Darrel Kevin Smith is a pudgy male human.  He is light-skinned with bottle-green eyes and black hair.  He also has a wispy mustache.


Darrel Kevin Smith is quite insecure about his position among the Seven Deadly Enemies.  He realizes how new he is to the team, and seeks to prove himself.  He is hungry for honor, to prove himself.  As such, he takes to his work with great zeal.  He takes time to joke with his enemies, to mock and tease them for their ineptitude.  Though unless you're directly standing in his way, he really has no problem letting you go.

He also has a great passion for many nerdy things, such as Star Wars, Cowboy and Western movies, horror of all forms (especially Stephen King books) and military history.


Darrel Kevin Smith needs to accomplish his objectives.  He cannot fail, he is terrified of the possibility.  As such, if there is any chance he might win, he will take it.  He could be easily trapped, if you knew this.

Statblock Changes:
Darrel Kevin Smith has a Damage Threshold of 7.
He has an AC of 11.
He makes three attacks a round with a +6 bonus to his attack rolls, each attack doing 1d8 damage on a hit.
He attacks by freezing parts of his liquid substance and spitting them at people.  They do 1d8 poison damage on contact, as they re-liquefy and seep through the skin.

He can also spray a blast of acid from one of his mouths.  He can only do this every 1d4 rounds.  The acid hits a 30' cone that is 30' long and does 3d6 acid damage on a hit, save for half if you have no shield, save to resist all damage if you do.

He can also fire up to four lasers from his eyes.  He can only do this every 1d4 rounds.  The lasers each do 1d6 damage on a hit, and can hit separate targets.

He can also turn intangible.  While intangible, he cannot be affected by physical objects, but they can't be affected by him either.

He is immune to cold and cold damage.

He can also give his Demonic Gifts to others, if he so chooses.

The First Enemy

Now, the other six Deadly Enemies can show up without the need for further foreshadowing beyond their omens.  The others are minions.  The Prince though, he is different.  The Prince is the boss of bosses, the final culmination of an adventure or a series of adventures.  He is strong, yes, but he is also intelligent, charismatic, and pure, absolute evil.  The other Deadly Enemies are mere children compared to him.  He is their leader, their Father, their God.  They worship him.

The Prince allows them to serve him, working on completing his own grand, master plan.  His plan should vary to fit whatever campaign you are running, but it should always be simple enough not to be foiled and evil enough that it should be stopped.  Also, I've gone ahead and given the Prince a sub-objective, something to complete while other adventures are happening.  The Prince is trying to acquire the Sovereign's Sacred Treasures, and once he acquires them all, he will be all but invincible. Not that he really needs the help right now.

The Prince

"Don't listen to your Dad, he's a liar."

"Beware the Glowin Guy."

"All Hail President Light!"

- Occult Graffitti cleaned off various subway stations, bathroom walls, or squatter's nests

"Question what the TV tells you, question what a pop star sells you.  Question Mom and Question Dad, question Good and question Bad."

- Marina from Marina and the Diamonds, in her single "Sex Yeah"

Alternate Titles: Dawn-child, The Glowin Guy, Brightstar, Son of the Morning, King of the Golden Lands, Overlord of Solar Radiance, Man in the Highest Office, President Light, Hardcase-in-Chief, Master of Mistresses, Dominator, Prosecutor, Challenger, The Rival, Man of the New World, Father

The Prince is heralded by:

Dreams of a man framed in light, a beautiful man whose face you can never see.  He will speak to you of innocuous things, or of gifts he wishes to give you.  You always wake up unsettled, despite how peaceful the dreams seem.
Feathers left around where he has been, or floating on the breeze.  They are soft and downy, white but speckled with brown.
Murmurs and rumors in bars and pubs.  "Dad's comin', they say.  Whoever that might be."  Or "I hear the Rival's in town.  Whose he a rival to again?"  To which someone responds, "Everybody, I think."

Make sure to draw out the Prince's arrival.  Torment the players with dreams for a long time.  He should be a long shadow on the wall, like the Walkin Dude in The Stand, or Shai'tan in the Eye of the World, a creature that chases and hounds the players for ages, teasing and mocking them, but never getting close enough that they might strike at him.  Then, when they're least ready, have him walk in through the front door, prepared for the fight of his life.

Looks like:

A man in faded jeans and a denim jacket, wearing a Greenpeace button and a Steven Universe pin.  He's handsome, with long, unbound hair, a bit of stubble, and warm eyes, with only the slightest of bags under them.  He smells of sweat and masculine grit, but in a good way.  He doesn't seem to own anything but the clothes off his back and a small backpack that he carries everywhere with him

True Form:

Do not look upon the Prince with your Sight Beyond Sight.  If you do, save.  On a failure, you go stark, raving mad.  On a success, there is a 90% chance you repress the memory.  If you are the 1-in-10 people who see him and stay sane, you will be extremely reluctant to talk about him.  But if you must, you will.

Here's what you will tell them:

"I saw the kings of the world, bowing at his feet.  I saw he was as tall as the sky, big as godzilla, walking across the globe, footsteps across the world, crushing cities beneath his tread.  I saw him chatting with white nationalists in an isolated cabin in Nebraska.  I saw how he knew the Feds were going to shoot them, and how he was going to enjoy that.  I saw how he sat in meetings with Assada Shakur, chanting and cursing out the cops with the rest of them.  I saw how he rides first class and chats with CEOs as he flies across the world, discussing stocks and carbon tax.  I saw how he kills, easily and casually, like swatting a fly.  I saw how he hates me, personally, viscerally, but not as he hates what I am.  I also saw, how he saw me." 

Statblock Changes:

He has a Damage Threshold of 6.
His AC is 12.
He is immune to blunt damage (including bullets) along with heat and fire damage.
He is also wearing the Plate of Protection, which is currently disguised as a denim jacket.

He makes two attacks with a +5 bonus, each one doing 1d10 damage on a hit.
He attacks with his pistol, a massive, silver automatic that fires enormous silver slugs.  It's clearly a pistol of alien manufacture, even if the design is familiar.  He can summon this gun to his hand at any time, and make it disappear at will.

If he doesn't want to shoot you though, he can just punch you.  He is super strong, his punches doing 1d6+4 damage.  He has a practical STR of 19(+4).

If none of that will satisfy him, he can also touch you with his Hand of Glory.  He makes his left hand glow a brilliant gold, translucent flames wrapping around it.  Anyone he touches with this must save or die.

Finally, he also has Telekinesis, and is able to manipulate objects with his mind alone.

Monday, January 14, 2019

The Sovereign's Sacred Treasures

These are the Sovereign's Sacred Treasures, six treasures created for a long-dead King called Hashezzar,  the Overlord of Solar Radiance.  This man was a real, if obscure historical figure, though whatever setting you're in, he's been dead for a long time.  Further research will reveal that Hashezzar supposedly had six sacred treasures, each one incredibly valuable, and supposedly, possessing strange, mystical properties.  These sources are right.  Each the Sacred Treasures a powerful magical item.

These magical items are among the most dangerous tools that someone could acquire, right up there with a suitcase nuke and a vial of highly contagious, weaponized influenza.  The Sovereign's Sacred Treasures are the magical equivalent of raw plutonium, dangerous by themselves, but if combined properly (or improperly) they could unleash a catastrophic amount of death and destruction. 

Base Powers:

Stat Increase: All Sovereign Magic Item boost their associated Stat to 16, unless you had one that was already higher, in which case the Stat will instead be boosted to 18.

Sensing: As long as they are within the same universe, the owner of a Sovereign Magic item can sense the presence of the other items, unless they are outside this universe or besides a ludicrous amount of radiation shielding.

The Amulet of Allspeech

A King's Authority.

Appearance- A steel Aquila necklace, heavy and ornate, the eagle's feathers each tipped with a small gemstone, everything from a tiny ruby to a clear diamond to a moonstone and a pearl and everything in between.  It feels warm to the touch, and radiates magical power.

Power- Allows you to speak any language.  You may also give an order X times per day, where X is the number of the Sovereign's Sacred Treasures you possess, and all who hear it must save or obey, if they have less than or an equal number of HD when compared to the wearer's level.  Those with higher HD may simply pass.

Stat Increased- EGO (or INT, if you still use it).

Curse- Those who wear the Amulet of All-Speech who are not of royal blood, whether through birth, marriage or adoption will quickly suffer the Amulet's curse, and that is promotion.  The Amulet's wearer will quickly find that authority figures trust them and turn over power to them much easier.  They will suffer a meteoric rise, then usually fall just as quickly.  Those of royal blood do not suffer this curse.    

The Crown of Courage

A King's Leadership.

Appearance- A circlet of silver and white gold wire, heavy with geodes and gemstones.  These gems seem to subtly glow when the crown is being worn. 

Power- As an action, X/Day, the wearer may select any number of people that they can see.  Those people must then save, if they wish to.  Those who fail their save will then become either immune to fear for as long as they are within 100' of the wearer or able to see him, or they must immediately check morale or flee.  Even if they pass their morale check, they take 1d6 Fear (CHA for player characters) damage a round.  If the Amount of Fear damage they've taken equals or exceeds their morale (or total CHA score), they flee, no matter what.

The wielder may activate this ability X times per day, where X is the number of the Sovereign's Sacred Treasures that they hold. 

Stat Increased- DEX.        

Curse- The wearer becomes unable to know how much HP they have left.  They do not track their HP, the Referee should do it for them.  This curse does not apply if the wearer finds a courageous person and kills them, then eats their heart.

The Helm of Health

A King's Blessing.

Appearance- A Corinthian helmet made of gilded steel and studded with pearls and moonstones around the eyes.  Has a sideways crest of royal purple and tassels of white that dangle down from it.  It smells of good soil and ripe wheat, and makes you remember a home that never was.  It radiates magical power.       

Power- Allows you to instantly heal anyone up to full health if you touch them.  Can also banish diseases and flush poisons with a word. 

Stat Increased- CON.

Curse- The wearer may not heal use the Helm's power to heal themselves.  This curse does not apply if the wearer has cast aside their old name and identity, as well as renouncing all previous obligations to their name.  Referee's discretion on what "Casting aside" means.

                                                               from Goblin Slayer

 The Plate of Protection

A King's Mandate.

Appearance- A suit of white plate armor straight from the High Middle Ages.  Warm to the touch and fantastically detailed with all sorts of symbols, both familiar and alien.  Radiates magical power. 

Power: As an action, the wearer can make him or herself invincible for X rounds.  During this time they cannot be hurt by anything.  Bullets bounce off them, fire tickles and poison gas tastes as sweet as fresh spring air.  This invulnerability only lasts for X rounds, after which the Plate of Protection is only a strong suit of armor, and the ability cannot be used until the next day/after the next long rest. 

The number of rounds this ability can activate for, X, is equal to the number of the Sovereign's Sacred Treasures the wearer possesses.

Stat Increased- STR.

Curse- The Plate of Protection fuses to anyone who wears it.  It is effortlessly comfortable, weighing less than air and filling the wearer with power.  But each day they wear it without taking it off for an equal amount of time that they have worn it, they take 1d4 WIS damage.  As this damage accumulates, the wearer becomes more and more paranoid of the dangers they might face.  If this WIS damage ever equals or exceeds the wearer's WIS score, then the wearer will refuse to take the plate off.  At this point, the plate fuses to their body, and it cannot be taken off without killing them.  They treat the plate as their own body, and the plate responds, bleeding when cut and moving as they breathe.  It loses some of its metallic sheen and begins to resemble bone.  This curse does not apply if the wearer captures one of his or her enemies and convinces them to join the wearer of their own free will.  For this choice, the arm-twisting and rough treatment is permitted, but if the Choice is made while the enemy is under the effects of sorcery, such as Charm Person, for instance, it does not count. 

                                                     from Kill Six Billion Demons

The Sword of the Satan

A King's Responsibility.

Appearance- A broken hilt with a gilded, hand-carved handle of dense wood, wrapped in sharkskin.

Power- As a full action, a phantom blade of pure spirit will emerge from the hilt.  This sword can cut through anything, and hurt anything.  It does not do damage by rolling dice, but instead it deals damage equal to the wielder's CHA score + his or her STR modifier.

Stat Increased- WIS.

Curse- Every time the Sword is used to make a successful attack, it reduces the wielder's CHA by 1.  These CHA points will naturally restore themselves at a point of 1 a week, or 1d6 if the wielder murders someone and claims their soul.  This curse does not apply if the wielder has betrayed and murdered a member of their family or a blood-brother.  

                                                from Homestuck

The Ring of Resurrection

A King's Duty.

Appearance- A ring of gold, with an inscription on the inside.  "Be raised Imperishable, oh Son of the Morning."

Power- As long as the wearer is wearing this ring, they cannot die.  They will still be damaged, but their soul will leave their body.

Stat Increased- CHA.

Curse- Every time the wearer would die, someone nearby suffers their fate.  For example, if they were shot and would have been killed by the bullet, a stray bullet randomly blows a hole in someone's head.  No save.  This curse does not apply if the wearer sacrifices a child in a dark ritual, under the full moon.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Dragon Generator 2: Electric Boogaloo

I made a Dragon generator a long time ago.  It was alright.  But now I'm back, this time with my definitive take on Dragons.  Hopefully.  Credit to these people for inspiring me, and for further reading, check out Dragons as "radioactive moon aliens", Dragons as pinatas, and Dragons as people (part 1, part 2).

                                                               by gerezon
"Dragons are dragons because humans can't beat 'em."

- Godo, Berserk

Dragons are superior beings.  On the Great Chain of Being that rises from Stones to Gods, Dragons sit much higher than mortals.  They are divine sparks, pieces of eternal flame, wrapped in meat and magic, given power beyond your ken.  They are unbreaking and plastic, mad and inspired, crippled and divine.

As Dragons are all "servants" of Chaos, they are all unique.  Roll on the tables below to see what this particular specimen is like.

How large is it?

Size is determined by strength.  Roll on the "how strong are they?" below.

What color is it?


1- Red
2- Blue
3- Green
4- White
5- Black
6- Purple
7- Pink
8- Grey
9- Yellow
10- Gold
11- Silver
12- Bronze
13- Brass
14- Copper
15- Tin
16- Lead
17- Opal
18- Diamond
19- Fractal-patterned
20- The Dragon's scales mimic the Heavens above.  During the day it shines golden, and at night it is black and covered in swirling constellations and shining stars.

What is this Dragon's name?

All Dragons name themselves after the greatest item they own.  For example, Brightsoul the Dragon named himself after the ring of the same name after he stole it from the Emperor of Merciful Light.  Similarly, a Dragon's titles are self-adopted, and they don't always make sense.  Mostly, Dragons choose what they think sounds cool at the time.  Brightsoul's title is the Dragon of Stars and Rings, so his full name is Brightsoul, the Dragon of Stars and Rings.

What is this Dragon's Title?

Is there anything odd about this Dragon?


1- It is Mutated.  Roll here, or on your favorite table.
2- It has 1d4 extra limbs.
3- It has a second sets of Wings
4- It is more Humanoid, and can stand on two legs like a person.
5- It has eyes of two different colors.
6- It is covered in scars.
7- It has 1d6 extra eyes.
8- It's tail is tipped in a wicked spike, barbs, stinger, etc.
9- It has a crown of fire, stars or light constantly floating over its head.
10- This Dragon has a magic sword embedded in its flesh.
11- This Dragon is visibly sickened/poisoned by some hideous disease or poison.  It might die, it might not, either way, it is sick and miserable.
12- This Dragon's roar is something unusual.  Instead of a terrifying, screeching reptile roar, it is 1d6 [1= A choir of voices; 2= The sound of an air-raid siren; 3= The screaming of the damned in Hell; 4= The shattering of a million windows;  5= The cry of a thousand eagles; 6= The howl of a massive wolf-pack]
13- This Dragon's eyes have permanent Dragon vision.
14- This Dragon is constantly as hot as an oven, touching it burns you.
15- This Dragon is armed to the teeth, constantly carrying weapons of a sort.
16- This Dragon is blind, 80% chance it has a method to compensate for this that could be disabled, 20% that it just as dangerous now as it was when it could see.
17- This Dragon cannot fly
18- This Dragon can tunnel through the earth.
19- This Dragon can breathe underwater.
20- This Dragon is addicted to Dagra Wood.

What Madness afflicts this Dragon?

This Dragon, like all Dragons, is mad.  Roll on the table below to see what demented chain of logic it has bound itself up with.

1- One piece of its hoard is actually a forgery, and the Dragon is desperately searching for it
2- That it knows you, and you were hired to a job for it.  The Dragon will mis-remember the job every few minutes.  It expects results.
3- That their are rats in the walls, who are spying on it.  It wants you to find the one controlling the rats, and kill them.
4- That it is actually a human, hiding in a cave from a Dragon.  It will ignore the fact that it is actually a massive lizard.
5- That it is being hunted by the Shadow of a Tiger it once killed.  The Shadow is stalking the Dragon, waiting for it to weaken.  The Dragon is hallucinating, and sees the Tiger's Shadow everywhere.
6- That the Sun is actually a great, glowing jewel.  The Dragon desires to possess the Sun, and is currently using its Drakencult to build some sort of fantastically elaborate and doomed device to reach the Sun, so it might claim the treasure for itself. 
7- That the Stars are spying on the Dragon.  It refuses to fly at night, except for in the most desperate circumstances, and tries to only go out during the day.
8- That its minions are incompetent.  It will demand your help, then when you fail to meet its high and ever-changing standards, it will turn on you
9- It is having strange, prophetic dreams.  Interpret them for the Dragon, and you will receive a boon.  But if you interpret them in some way that the Dragon does not like, the Dragon will eat you.
10- The Dragon believes it is actually a destined child of prophecy, and one day it will receive the summons that demand it to come forth and fulfill its' destiny.
11- The Dragon believes and acts like it fills some important position of power, such as a King, Chancellor, etc.  It issues useless decrees and has decorated its lair like a Palace worthy of the position it believes it fills.  If the Dragon was ever sufficiently motivated to go actually check, it would find an usurper in its place, and that its totally sensible and useful declarations were not being followed.  This would make it quite mad.
12- The Dragon believes that you are here to kill it.  It will plead with you and make a few requests of you, and try and talk you out of fighting it.  It doesn't expect you to accept though.  Any attempts to deny that you are here to kill them will be met with arguments and suspicion.    
13- The Dragon believes everyone is out to steal their hoard.  If you deny this fact, then you are really out to get them, as why would a person without malicious intentions lie?
14- The Dragon has recently heard of morality, and now feels incredibly guilty for the things it has done.  It considers itself evil.  Refusing to acknowledge how evil the Dragon is will force the Dragon to "prove" how evil it is by roasting you alive.
15- The Dragon has more names and identities than you can imagine.  It shifts personalities from scene to scene, and seems to possess at least 1d8+2 different personalities.
16- The Dragon believes its' lair is haunted, and is currently engaged in a fruitless ghost hunt, tearing the place apart in search of any sign of a haunting
17- The Dragon is cursed.  They're sure of what.  Any evidence at all is evidence of a curse.  The Dragon will claim it is cursed with different things, but it knows it is cursed.
18- The Dragon believes it is surrounded by madmen who need soothing and comfort.  It will attempt to pacify you, and treat you like a feral beast.  Attempting to resist or insist you are not a madmen will only be met by patronizing affection from the Dragon, and an insistence that you comply.
19- The Dragon believes it is blind.  It can clearly see, but it is "pretending" not to be able to.  It registers what it sees on a subconscious level, but there is no conscious recognition of what it sees
20- The Dragon is a fanatical convert to a pre-existing religion, and will attempt to convince everyone who comes upon the Dragon of the truth of the Dragon's scriptures.

Who serves this Dragon?

All Dragons are Kings and Princes, and thus, have servants.  These servants are known as a Drakencult, a bunch of religious zealots who revere the Dragon as a deific figure.  They vary in form and function, some merely servants and valets, while others fight, spy or do anything else the Dragon requires.

1- Horrible old men.  Lead either by a Warlock or a Manticore.
2- Beautiful women in sparkly dresses.  Lead by the most beautiful one of them all.
3- Identical Twins.  They all dress like their twin, and have a lot of fun messing with people.  Lead by a trio of identical triplets that no one, not even the Dragon, can tell apart, except by what they talk about.
4- Dozens of clones of the same person.  They go by numbers and scar each other, to differentiate themselves.  They are lead by #0, the first clone, a deformed freak who guard's the original's body, who is in stasis in a concealed pod.
5- Wives.  50% of being the Dragon's wives, and a 50% that they are someone else's wives, that the Dragon stole.  Led by the First Wife, who is never seen but often spoken about, usually with great trepidation.
6- Folk.  They are bound to the Dragon through long chains of debt, obligation, and oaths of servitude.  The Dragon is an excellent negotiator.  Led by a Faerie.
7- Amazons.  Led by a Matriarch who idolizes the Dragon.
8- Royalty.  The descents of a kidnapped prince or princess.  They act like nobles, with the Dragon as their immortal King.  They may have plans to retake "their" kingdom one day, for their beloved Sovereign.  Led by the eldest male descendant of the original royal figure.
9- Tough street urchins who regard the Dragon as a sort of parental figure.  Led by One-Eye Nick, a tiny, twelve year old kid whose tougher than most men twice his age.
10- Warriors, berserkers, former knights, ronin or dudes with tattoos and axes.  Lead by an insane warrior-priest whose tattooed from head to toe with scenes of slaughter, and enjoys quoting scripture as he kills people.
11- Actors.  They wear masks and wander around, putting on plays and performing improv with anyone nearby.  Lead by a man called the Director, who seems to have mysterious powers.  
12- Musicians.  They play music.  Some of them may be able to weave magic into their songs.  Lead by Frankonin, a sexually deviant bard hopelessly in love with the Dragon, though he conceals this fact.
13- Thieves and Spies.  They will pretend to be normal servants, but expect to be missing your pocketbook and most of your jewelry by the time you leave.  They fight like Scoundrels, but they prefer not to.  Led by Black Hat McCoy, a master of assassination and stealth, a man who serves the Dragon with superstitious respect and awe. 
14- Ancient people displaced from their time of origin.  They could be cavemen or squatting primitives, or people from long-fallen empires, kept in the dark about how much time has passed.  They are led by Galwan, the Uncrowned, their former King who refuses to wear a Crown or sit upon a Throne until his people's lands are restored to them.
15- Undead.  They are bound to the Dragon with magic.  They know no pain, fear, or hesitation.  They burn in the sunlight, and flee from holy symbols.  The Undead have no real need for a leader, but the smartest among them is an Undead who has descended into feral madness yet named Butcher.  
16- Lepers or those with the plague.  Or perhaps, the Plague.  They are led by a Toxic named Gilheart, a semi-dead knight with the Velox Vector.
17- Troglodytes, or Starving Men.  They speak no language and have no real culture.  They are deformed and dangerous.  They are vicious and cut-throat to the extreme, possessing only bone thomahawks and stone knives, but these are more than sufficient to kill you with.  They are led by Chief Rockrib, an unlettered savage that stands a head taller than all the others.
18- Vampire Cultists.  They need blood, but have few Vampiric powers.  They are lead by Scaleson, the boldest of their number, who drank the Dragon's blood and was changed. 
19- Philosophers.  Ever loyal, every mad.  Non-violent.  They will challenge you to rhetorical debates and entrap you in chains of logic.  You can just kill them, but if you do, aren't you proving them right?  They are lead by a madman named Prince Sulvaine, who rules nothing but the shrubs outside the Drakencult's compounds. 
20- Magic-Users.  A bunch of level 1 Magic-Users, lead by a level 1d3+1 Wizard named Ulric Northwind, a Calcomancer of some skill, who is fond of freezing people to death.

                                                                   by gerezon

What does this Dragon hoard?

All Dragons hoard things.  It is how they determine their self-worth, and how they build their massive egos.  All Dragons hoard different things, as they all assume that all objects of that type belong to them.  This doesn't necessarily mean they want them, but if you walk into a Dragon's lair with a fancy sword and that Dragon collects swords, the Dragon might want that sword.  But it wouldn't necessarily want your swords if they were notched or well-used, though the Dragon might prefer such seasoned pieces over display quality toys.

This Dragon's Hoard consists of?


1- Gold
2- Jewels and/or Jewelry
3- Art of some variety.  Roll on sub-table A to see what this Dragon prefers.
4- Clocks and time-keeping devices.
5- Books
6- Religious Relics
7- Figurines or statues
8- Clothing
9- Armor
10- Weapons
11- Skulls and/or Bones
12- Animals of some variety.  Roll on sub-table B to see what this Dragon prefers.
13- People of some variety.  Roll on the Drakencult table to see what this Dragon prefers.
14- Secrets
15- Prophecies
16- Toys
17- Historical artifacts from a time period the Dragon is obsessed with
18- Dreams
19- Taxidermied Animals
20- Broken things.  Snapped swords, unsteady chairs, cracked pottery, three-legged cats, cripples and mutants.

sub-table A:


1- Portraits, busts, and other works focusing on realistic faces
2- Paintings, any
3- Statues
4- Frescoes
5- Murals
6- Reliefs
7- Jewelry and worked, jeweled things
8- Modern art.  Whatever the cutting edge is, the Dragon favors that.  The latest pieces are clearly displayed, while the rest are stowed in back rooms.

sub-table B:


1- Cats
2- Crows
3- Ravens
4- Big Cats
5- Wolves
6- Guinea Pigs
7- Boars
8- Crocodiles
9- Bears
10- Bees

This Dragon's treasure is cursed.  Anyone who steals it will suffer...

1- "A terrible, debilitating fear of the dark."  The Cursed will be terrified of the Dark, and will avoid all Dark places, such as outside at night, caves, etc.  This curse is broken by descending into the Veins of the Earth and returning alive.
2- "A ravenous desire to consume human flesh."  The Cursed will develop a compulsion to eat human flesh.  Eventually, they will dine exclusively on it.  They will then eventually become a Wendigo or some other sort of once-human supernatural cannibal.  This curse is broken by cutting off a limb and feeding it to someone else.
3- "An early, hideous death."  The Cursed will die soon, and automatically fails all saves against death.  Additionally, if they are reduced to zero HP for any reason, they die, no save.  This curse is broken by someone sacrificing themselves for the cursed. 
4- "By having the ghosts of those they kill haunt them."  Anyone the Cursed kills now will pursue them as a Hungry Ghost, seeking to slay them and drag them down to Hell.
5- "By being pursued by a shadowy, implacable predator."  The Cursed is now being relentlessly pursued by a cold, invisible intelligence that only they can see.  The Predator cannot use tools or vehicles, but it never, ever stops.  This curse is broken by passing the Predator off on someone else, by getting someone to steal one of your possessions. 
6- "By being fated to perish in flames."  You take double damage from fire.  This curse is broken by killing a Dragon, or serving one for a year.
7- "By being rejected by their friends."  All friends of the Cursed now begin to subtly resent them, and after some time, will cast them out and reject them.  People who do not know the Cursed are not affected by this, but as soon as they start to know the Cursed, they will become affected by this.  This curse is broken by performing a selfless act toward someone you don't know. 
8- "For they will never be seen again."  The Cursed's body becomes invisible.  None of their equipment does.  They also become blind, because sunlight passes right through their retinas.  This curse is broken by giving away all your possessions, and not retrieving any of them.
9- "For they will lanquish in darkness, forever."  The Cursed becomes unable to see natural light.  To them, the sun and stars vanish, leaving the world lit only be fires and other, artificial lights.  This curse is broken by speaking to a powerful Fire Elemental, and making a pact with them.
10- "For they will burn in the sunshine, as it reveals their sin."  The Cursed takes damage from sunlight, as if they were a Vampire.  This curse is broken by being set on fire.
11- "By being forever aware that I am in pursuit, and will never allow them to escape."  The Cursed comes under the Delusion that the Dragon is right behind them.  They will see signs of the Dragon's pursuit, hear its servants spying on them, see its shadow in the night, etc.  They will develop an incurable and crippling paranoia.  And the Dragon is pursuing them, but now they develop a nervous compulsion and paranoid delusions.  This curse is broken by the Cursed changing their name and identity.
12- "By being unable to control to control their rage."  The Cursed now cannot control their wrath, and flies into a rage whenever appropriate.  I would recommend using something like this.  This curse is broken by forgiving someone who doesn't deserve it that has wronged the Cursed, and giving them a chance at redemption.
13- "For their sword will fail them when they need it most."  The Cursed, when they most need to strike a fatal blow (Referee's discretion) will miss.  This curse is broken by sparing the next person the Cursed would have killed.
14- "By being transformed into a deformed freak."  The Cursed is transformed into a piteous caricature of themselves, with a CHA/EGO of 3.  They are pitiful, ugly, and strange, like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.  This curse is broken by cutting off your face and having a new one attached.  
15- "For under the light of [A celestial body significant to the Dragon], they will transform into a monster and rampage through the town, hunting their own kinsmen for food."  As it says on the tin.  The monster will have a malevolent intellect and personality separate from the Cursed, but will be as strong as them, and have their abilities.  This curse is broken by being annointed by a Priest, Angel or Spirit.
16- "For they will forget everything, except for their crime."  The Cursed immediately suffers total amnesia, with the exception of the fact that they stole Dragon treasure. 
17- "By being branded with my seal."  Any who bring their bones to me will be rewarded handsomely.  The Cursed is branded with the Dragon's seal.  Evil beings near them will know they can kill the Cursed and deliver their bones to the Dragon for a reward.  This curse is broken by selling yourself into slavery. 
18- By becoming immortal.  This based on Death becomes Her logic.  The Cursed is immortal as long any part of their body remains intact, and their soul cannot depart from it until not a scrap of them remains.  Their body cannot heal except based on its usual properties, and the curse does nothing to dull pain or fear.
19- "By transforming into a child once more."  The Cursed is de-aged until they are a child again.  Their mind will follow the body, and within a few months, they will have forgotten everything about their life from before they returned to their youth.  This curse is broken by getting married.
20- "By being pursued by storms."  The Cursed is pursued by storms wherever they go.  These storms bring constant rain, hail, lightning, and other terrible weather phenomena.  This curse is broken by making a pact with a Lord of the Earth.

                                                                by creativetemplate

base Dragon statblock
AC (see below) 
Atk (see below)
Mor 11 
Saves 7+X or less is a success
All Dragons are immune to [X], which is the damage that their Breath Weapon does

Damage Threshold X: All Dragons have a Damage Threshold.  They only take damage from sources if the amount of damage equals or exceeds their Damage Threshold.  If a source of damage cannot equal or exceed the Threshold, instead ignore it, as if it did no damage.  To determine the Dragon's Damage Threshold, consult the table labeled "How strong are they?" below.

Fear: Whenever you enter combat with a Dragon, a Dragon kills one of your friends, or the Dragon does something else intimidating or breath-taking, save vs fear (CHA save in my system).  If you fail your save, you take 1d6 CHA damage.  If the amount of CHA damage ever equals or exceeds your Charisma (CHA) score, then you become overcome with fear and must flee at the first opportunity.  You also gain the Conviction, "I will never fight that Dragon again, as long as I live."

Breath Weapon: All Dragon's Breath Weapons do 6d6 damage (if they do damage), permit saving throws (sometimes) and are only usable every 1d4 turns.  They strike a 60' cone, and have a 60' range.

Flight: All Dragons can fly, unless otherwise listed that they cannot.

- Be clever
- Never fight a battle on the opponent's terms
- Circle Strafe
- Exploit your advantages

Note: If you are reading this post now, it has been a long time since it was originally published.  My combat system has evolved significantly since then.  So there are a couple of minor changes I need to make.  First, Dragon's don't have any armor.  Secondly, they don't have attack bonuses.  Only give them armor or attack bonuses if your players are absurdly strong, as even without those, Dragons can crush whole parties.  My recommendation is you wait until your players are at least level 4 before you put them up against a Dragon, otherwise you're likely going to end up looking at a massacre.   

How strong are they?


1: Child.  Damage Threshold 6, AC 16, Atk(+3) Claw 1d6/1d6 + Bite 1d8+3.  This Dragon is a child.  It is possible for a Dragon wyrmling to be abandoned, but very rarely, in the same way its odd to find a human child alone in the woods.  There is a 10% that the Wyrmling is abandoned, its parent was killed, or it is lost and cannot find its way back home for some reason. However, there is an 80% chance that an Adult Dragon is right around the metaphorical corner, and will be here either soon, or the child knows how to get to them.  There is also a 10% chance that this wyrmling's parent is not only alive, but a Great Wyrm, and very, very close.   
2: Adult.  Damage Threshold 7 AC 15, Atk(+4) Claw 1d8/1d8 + Bite 1d10.  The rank and file.  What people think of when they hear the word, "Dragon".
3: As "2", but with a Damage Threshold of 8. 
4: As "2", but with a Damage Threshold of 9.  This Dragon also has 1 Draconic Blessing.
5: As "2", but with a Damage Threshold of 10.  This Dragon also has 2 Draconic Blessings.
6: Great Wyrm.  Damage Threshold 11, AC 12, Atk(+6) Claw 1d8/1d8 + Bite 1d20.  This Dragon has 1d3 Draconic Blessing.  A Dragon that seems as large as a castle.  A Dragon that breathes fire fit to melt stone and reduce fortresses to ruin.  A Dragon that brightens the night with its glory and blocks out the sun with its wings.  A Dragon that snatches stars from the Heavens to serve as handmaids.  A Dragon that remembers the first moments of Creation, a Dragon that feels the divine spark in the center of its flesh, of fire untamed bubbling within.  A Dragon that makes Divinity tremble.  Do not fight this Dragon, for if you challenge it, you have already lost.    


From this moment, all Dragons breathe fire.  Disregard the table with all the results, I am keeping it here for aesthetic purposes and nostalgia, but from this point on, all proper Dragons breathe fire.  Anything that doesn't isn't a normal Dragon.  

1- Fire.  Save for half damage, or if you have a shield, save to avoid all damage.  Will definitely set your shield on fire.
2- Burning, sticky tar.  Does fire damage and sticks to everything.  Does persistent fire damage and covers the floor where the Dragon hit in sticky goo that is continues burning for 1d6 rounds.
3- Fireball.  Strikes one target and explodes outward in a 50' radius, save for half.  If you have DEX 16(+2) or greater, save to take no damage on a successful save.  On a failed save, you take full.
4- Line of Fire.  Burns like a blowtorch, and the Dragon can sweep it across the battlefield in a 10' line, 50' long.  Anything metal that is hit by this blast is super-heated for 1d4 rounds as per Heat Metal.  

What is their breath weapon?

1- Fire.  Save for half damage, or if you have a shield, save to avoid all damage.
2- Burning, sticky Tar.  As fire, but the fire sticks around.  Your shield is now covered in sticky, burning goo, and will be gone soon. 
3- Clouds of Grit.  Does slashing damage.  Reduce the damage done by your AC-10.  Ex: if you have an AC of 17, subtract 7 from the Damage the Dragon does.  Also, this permanently reduces the state of one's armor by 1 each time it is used, so after the Breath Weapon is used, the "you" I mentioned above, with an AC of 17, has their AC reduced to 16.
4- Arctic Wind.  Does Ice damage.  Reduce the damage taken if the people fighting are wearing thick winter clothing or some other gear that could protect them from cold weather.  Otherwise, they take full damage.  
5- Acid.  Does Acid Damage.  Reduce damage done by AC-10, but unless your armor is made of plastic, glass or enchanted to be nigh-indestructible, your AC is reduced by 1 each round until you take an action to wash off your armor by diving into a river or something like that.  Additionally, when your AC drops to 10 or below, your armor breaks, and you begin taking 1d6 acid damage a round, until you take an action to clean it off yourself.
6- Toxic Sludge.  Does poison damage.  Absorbed through the lungs, eyes, and skin.  If you are wearing a gas mask, respirator or some kind of hazard suit, you can avoid all damage.  Otherwise, save to take half damage.    
7- Poison Gas.  Roll on sub-table A to see what kind of poison gas it is.
8- Mushroom Dust.  This stuff is highly radioactive.  It does radiation/energy damage.  Armor made of lead, water, stone or enchanted to keep out other "energies" can reduce damage as per "3".  Otherwise, save to take half damage.  Also, save vs cancer, though it won't manifest for 1d4 years.
9- Ultra-Violet Radiation.  Invisible.  The only sign that the Dragon is even using it is the corona of light that appears around the Dragon's mouth when it uses it.
10- Swords.  Does slashing damage.  Save as per shield, but it destroys any shield that is used against it.  Also, each time this is used, the Dragon leaves 3d6+20 swords just lying around.
11- Giant spheres of stone or iron.  Instead of hitting a cone, this sphere hits one person and anyone immediately adjacent to them. 
12- Snakes.  Does no damage, but spawns 1d100*1d10 snakes.  Walking through these snakes does 1d6 (exploding) poison damage as dozens of the snakes bite you as you step on them or pass them by (unless you're wearing plate or something impossible to bite through).  Most of these snakes flee within 1 round, but 1d6+1 of them will stick around.  These will be brightly colored vipers that bite for 3d6 and are permanently under the control of the Dragon, and will follow its orders. 
13- Drakes.  Does no damage, but spawns 1d10 (exploding) Drakes.  See below for the statblock.  These Drakes are permanently under the control of the Dragon, and follow its orders faithfully, to the death.
14- Desert Wind.  Sucks the water from you.  Instead does 1d8 CON damage, save for half, minimum of 1.  If the amount of CON damage taken ever equals or exceeds your CON score, you die.  You can only reduce the damage if you've made a sacrifice to a God of the Desert and your sacrifice was accepted. 
15- Negative Energy.  Negative Energy is pure entropy.  It plucks at your genome, seeking to unwind it, breathing on your soul, seeking to snuff it out.  Hollows you out while you're still alive, then it kills you.  Anyone killed by this, or any corpses exposed to Negative Energy rise as Undead permanently under the Dragon's control.
16- Green Rays.  A cone of green light that burns and makes your muscles slither and bulge.  Instead does 1d8 EGO damage, save for half, minimum of 1.  If the amount of EGO damage you've taken ever equals or exceeds your EGO score, you transform into a giant, green monster made of rage and tumors and start rampaging around, attacking anyone in sight.
17- Wounds.  Does slashing damage as wounds from invisible weapons open all over your body.  This damage can only be reduced by wearing warded or enchanted armor.
18- Insanity.  When exposed to this Breath Weapon, you take 1d6 WIS damage, no save.  If the amount of WIS damage you've taken ever equals or exceeds your WIS score, you gain an insanity of the Referee's choice.
19- Sin.  When exposed to this Breath Weapon, you take 1d6 CHA damage, no save.  If the amount of CHA damage you've taken ever equals or exceeds your CHA score, you become infected by one of the Dragon's mortal sins.  Roll on sub-table B to see what sin it is.  You feel the need to immediately engage in a sinful act, and until you do, you get -4 to do anything.  However, if you do not indulge and fight the rest of the battle similarly impeded, you will find the temptation has passed you by.
20- Doom.  Does no damage.  Instead, when exposed, you take 1d6 STR damage, no save.  If the amount of STR damage you've taken ever equals or exceeds your STR score, you die.

sub-table A:

What gas is it?

1- Laughing Gas.  All within the gas must save or start laughing uncontrollably.
2- Tear Gas.  All within the gas must save or start weeping uncontrollably.
3- Vile Gas.  All within the gas must save or start vomiting at the incomprehensibly bad odor produced by this gas.
4- Mustard Gas.  All within this gas take 1d6 damage a round.
5- Suffocating Gas.  All within this gas start suffocating, as it is heavier than air, and pushes it all away.
6- Hallucinogenic Gas.  All within this gas have vivid hallucinations that last 1d6 hours, no save.

sub-table B:

What sin is it?

1- Lust.  If you indulge in this sin, you gain the Conviction, "I am a sex fiend, I will attempt it with anyone I find even the slightest bit attractive.  I have very low standards."
2- Wrath.  If you indulge in this sin, you gain the Conviction, "I cannot control my temper.  If insulted, [I must save] or fly into a rage."
3- Sloth.  If you indulge in this sin, you gain the Conviction, "I find it hard to do anything.  If something is not immediately important, I will ignore it, unless [I pass a save]."
4- Gluttony.  If you indulge in this sin, you gain the Conviction, "I cannot control my desires.  If allowed to indulge, I [must save] or I cannot stop myself from digging in."
5- Greed.  If you indulge in this sin, you gain the Conviction, "I love money more than anything.  If there is a chance for me to acquire some more, [I must save] or I'll take it."
6- Envy.  If you indulge in this sin, you gain the Conviction, "I am never satisfied.  What other people have, I always is better than mine.  I want it."
7- Pride.  If you indulge in this sin, you gain the Conviction, "I am glorious and magnificent.  There is no way I could lose to such lowly creatures."
8- Roll Twice, and take both outcomes.  Treat another roll of "8" as Pride.

HD 2 
AC 14 
Atk Bite (+2, 1d6 + Grapple)
Mor 7     
Saves 8 or less is a success

- Rush in
- Sneak attack
- Grab someone and fly up, then drop them

Do they have any Draconic Blessings?


1- Dragon is psychic- it can read minds.  For the Referee, assume the Dragon can hear the player's table-talk, though anything the players say that references out-of-game events will be translated into something the Dragon can understand, or is omitted.
2- This Dragon is a spellcaster.  The Dragon is a level 1d6+2 Magic-User.
3- This Dragon can shapeshift.  Changing shape doesn't change its stats.
4- This Dragon can see the future.  As a Prophet.
5- This Dragon can grant wishes.  It can only grant one wish a year, and will try to twist the wish, as per a malicious/mischievous Genie.
6- This Dragon can summon Elementals.  It has 1d4 of them from the Various Courts somewhere in its lair.
7- This Dragon can summon Outsiders.  It has 1d3 somewhere in its lair.
8- This Dragon is actually Undead.  Add the Undead Vulnerabilities and the Undead Powers to the Dragon's statblock.
9- This Dragon's spirit tries to possess the closest mortal possible after death, transforming them into a Dragon Saint.  Roll for the Possession as per an Outsider.  See "8" for the rules for that.
10- This Dragon can make unbreakable pacts with anyone who agrees to it.  These are exactly like Demonic Contracts, except the Dragon doesn't care about your soul.
11- This Dragon's blood, if drunk, grants the gift of madness and prophecy.  If bathed in, it makes you stronger and mutates you.
12- This Dragon has a lesser Demonic Gift.
13- This Dragon has a greater Demonic Gift (see above).
14- This Dragon is actually infected with some kind of plague (ex: the Amirani virus).  This disease isn't strong enough to kill the Dragon, but if you caught it, it certainly would kill you.
14- This Dragon can fire bolts of light from its eyes that pursue one or two target unerringly.  When they strike something, they each do 3d6 heat damage.  They can split up to follow two targets, if the Dragon wishes.  They are fast as arrows, but can be dodged, but they will loop around to try again.  You can block or stop them, but it will require cleverness.    
15- This Dragon can speak to animals.
16- This Dragon can fly through unworked stone like it is air.
17- This Dragon regenerates 1 SHP a turn.
18- This Dragon can devour magic spells by snatching them "out of the air", thus nullifying them.  It may do this once per round, immediately after a spell has been cast, as a free action.
19- This Dragon's blood, when exposed to air, does 1d4 [1= does 1d6 acid damage to anyone it splashes; 2= Anyone struck by it must save or mutate; 3= Induces incredible pleasure in anyone who absorbs it through their skin, save or become addicted; 4= It is highly explosive, save or take 1d6 damage.]
20- This Dragon's fear effect is so strong, it actually induces the opposite reaction.  Instead of fear, the effect is so strong it subconsciously encourages the affected to give it to the Dragon, and feel joy at its presence, in the same way a child feels joy after being reunited with their parents after an absence.  If the amount of CHA damage done by the Dragon's Fear Effect equals or exceeds a person's CHA score, if the Dragon has this Draconic Blessing, the person will give in and ask the Dragon if they will accept him or her as a servant.

                                                              by sandara