You wake up in a bar, spittle dribbling out of your mouth. You have a monster headache and vague memories of drinking heavily with a stranger, or perhaps a group of strangers.
Then you go to leave the tavern and find instead of the outside...
1d41- The interior of another tavern.
2- The kitchen.
3- The privy
4- A hallway that leads to...roll 1d3.
Soon you'll find out that you're in a seemingly unlimited network of connected taverns. Welcome to Tavernworld, the dimension where the taps never run dry and the party never stops. Tavernworld is also known as the Endless (Pub) Crawl or Perpetuafest.
How to get to Tavernworld:
1d61- Walk through a portal disguised as a door, usually by accident. If a bar is cool enough or there's enough of an exciting atmosphere there, some of the doors in the structure will be converted into portals that lead to Tavernworld.
2- The entire bar was so cool that Tavernworld just took it. Where the bar used to stand there's just a bare foundation.
3- You were sent here by someone who knows how to get into and out of Tavernworld. This is a secret known only by a few, highly knowledgable magical creatures such as Liches, Dragons, etc. All Gods relating to Alcohol in some way know it automatically.
4- You drank a magical cocktail that took you here.
5- You got drunk in an unfamiliar place and woke up here.
6- A Wizard cast a teleportation or portal spell while drunk and it affected you. There is a small chance of this happening every time you teleport or Gate with a drunken Wizard, the chance increasing the more intoxicated your caster is.
Some Bars you might encounter on your travels...
1- A Human Bar that doesn't serve non-Humans. There's a 50% that their definition of human is utterly bizarre though, to the point that even Human PCs might not be served. Aggressive bouncers remove those who are belligerent or bother the customers.
2- A regular Human bar where everyone hasn't realized there are portals to Tavernworld appearing in the structure. They will react with shock and possibly horror when you suddenly walk out of the freezer of the men's bathroom. The outside doors still work, but they'll take you to Earth circa Current Year.
3- A regular Human bar of humans from Earth whose entire bar was just added to Tavernworld. They're not sure how to react to this and might react poorly if you do anything too weird or strange.
4- An Elven Bar where you have to be beautiful to stay inside. Ugly people should move on. There's an enterprising mask salesman nearby making a killing with his cute masks. He'll sell you a cute mask so you can drink here.
5- An Elven Bar where you can only pay in favors, memories or whimsy, iron items are banned and everything is very bizarre.
6- An Elven Bar where the patrons have been together for so long that they have developed their own bizarre internal subculture and are currently engaged in a multi-decades long struggle for control over the kitchen and bar itself. You will be asked to do favors or perform seemingly mundane tasks that can have dramatic and disastrous consequences, as you've unwittingly become part of the bar's power-struggle.
7- A Succubus Bar where the non-Succubusses are the "drinks". Those who refuse to play along will be politely, but firmly, asked to leave. Technically a brothel, but they serve drinks, so it still counts, apparently. If you're not easily seduced, particularly attractive or interesting, the Succubusses might be willing to pay you.
8- A Demon Bar where all the drinks are congealed emotions and sensations. Ever wonder what liquid suffering tastes like? What about fear, hatred or sorrow? Besides that, the place is filthy, dangerous and generally an unpleasant place to be.
9- An Angel Bar where all the drinks are congealed emotions and sensations. Ever wonder what joy mixed with a faint melancholy tastes like? What about satisfaction with just a splash of determination? Additionally, this bar is extremely exclusive. People too evil, rude or badly dressed will be asked to leave.
10- A God Bar where you have to be a Deity to enter, unless you're part of the staff or the entertainment. Here Gods of all stripes come to drink and party. This bar is also neutral ground for the most fearsome entities in the multiverse, and all have sworn to abide by the truce while in this establishment. So in here you can find Cthulhu, Jesus and Ganesha sipping drinks and idly debating the merits of ringed planets in the corner.
11- An Ork Bar where everything can only be paid for in teeth. Teeth from more dangerous creatures or larger teeth are more valuable than smaller or more common types of teeth. This bar also regularly hosts wrestling and boxing matches, as well as the occasional impromptu bar-fight.
12- A 1920's speakeasy full of mobsters, flapper girls and jazz musicians. The patrons of the bar will not react strangely to anything unusual happening in their presence, though trouble-makers will still be removed, either by escorted out or in a hail of bullets.
13- A Vampire Bar where non-Vampires are "encouraged" to sell their blood for coin. The Vampires also allow their bar to function as neutral ground for other factions to meet, as well as setting aside bar of their establishment to function as a market. Sellers must pay a small fee to enjoy the safety of the market, always in the form of blood. People will tasty blood will be offered residence in one of the upper rooms or other boons to encourage them to stick around.
14- An outdoor cabana bar on a white sand beach. The beach stretches along a beautiful turquoise ocean, but if you walk too far along the beach or swim too far out, you will be teleported back to the other side of the beach/to another part of the ocean. There is a sun here but it constantly seems to be stuck at a time sometime just before sunset. The bar and beach are full of pretty people in swimsuits engaging in watersports such as jet-skiing, snorkeling or wake-boarding, as well as other things like having bonfires on the beach, playing volleyball, etc. It's one giant Spring Break bonanza!
15- A Giant Bar where smallfolk are treated like pests. Smallfolk stuck here live under the bar or in hidden corners, using Giant refuse to construct crude shelters. Tables out of thread spools, hammocks out of hankerchiefs, etc. There are open windows that might lead to beyond Tavernworld, but no one wants to go see what's outside, for fear it's a world of only Giants.
16- A bar seemingly full of normal Human villagers. However, fifteen minutes after entering, a band of monsters burst in and slaughter the villagers. The slaughter is total, violent and unspeakably brutal. The villagers resist, but mostly in vain and most die. The monsters then trash the place, loot what they can and leave. The villagers remain dead for 1 hour, then return to life. The bar repairs itself and the villagers continue as if nothing happened. These monster attacks are random after the first, but occur no more than 3/Day. No matter what the players do, the villagers will always die and always return to life.
17- Cyberpunk-esque bar full of neon and cyborg implanted patrons. You'll probably be seen as cosplayers or dudes into gene-modding. You won't attract any real attention unless you start talking crazy or cast a spell.
18- Retrofuture-esque bar that is from a future world, but this world has a fetish for fundamentalist religion and a low tolerance for things like magic, non-humans or deviancy. The police have definitely been called and are on their way.
19- A bar full of Adventurers. These Adventurers use this bar as a hub between adventures, selling things to the barkeep and relaxing in between jobs inside. The barkeep is a paternal, gentle man who loves all his customers and treats them like valued friends. He is also a max-level Fighter who violently breaks up bar-fights with brutal efficiency.
20- A Spider Bar. This bar is full of intelligent spiders of various sizes. The bar is largely constructed of a large series of webs and runs up the walls and toward the ceiling. Non-Spiders are welcome, as long as they aren't jerks or arachnophobic.
21+- A Bar from your favorite TV show/movie/book, or full of characters from your favorite fictional property. Just don't bring up the fact that the patrons don't exist in your world, that could make the conversation quite awkward.
Creatures, Enemies and Allies Native to Tavernworld:
Alcohol Elementals: Spirits created from the mirth and enjoyment of the people who drink and celebrate throughout the world, Alcohol Elementals are not true Elementals, but incarnate spirits of mirth, laughter and inebriation. See types below.
Beer Maids: Resembling glass sculptures of women of various races, these creatures have translucent skin that is clear, brown or green with interiors full of sloshing liquid. They are always shapely and curvy, and all their bodily fluids are forms of alcohol. They are flirty and charming, reckless and crazy when partying, but when bound through force or obligation, they become perfect party hosts. They have the ability to secrete alcohol, encyclopedic knowledge of all known forms of cocktails and mixed drinks and the ability to create walls and other objects out of glass, as well as to repair glass, including their own crystalline bodies.
Purple-Bloods: These creatures resemble men, usually human in appearance, with purple eyes and dark hair. They are always ruddy in complexion and stink of grapes and alcohol. They bleed wine, either white or red. They clothe themselves in robes of varying colors, red and purple for those who bleed red wine, white, gold and green for those who bleed white white. These two factions are involved in an endless and mostly stupid conflict for supremacy, with both sides loudly arguing their own merits and clear superiority over the other. Sometimes that's all these conflicts come too, other times they descend into drunken brawls and brutal fist-fights. Purple-Bloods have the ability to change any liquid into wine, make people drunk by touching them, and can charm drunk or inebriated people into serving them. They are often accompanied by posses of semi-drunk and drunk individuals, who they supply with an endless supply of cheap wine.
Spirit Kings: Levitating, multi-faced creatures, these spirits resemble short, floating men clad in royal robes with multiple faces located on each side of their head. They also tend to have a varying number of arms, anywhere from four to eight. They were crowns of glass and when not floating, are accompanied by drunks and lesser Spirits of Alcohol. These creatures have the power to conjure alcohol, create mists of alcohol, charm and control drunks, to create and telekinetically manipulate glass and to transform themselves into spirits (alcohol, not ghosts). They fear fire and sobriety. In some cultures, these creatures are known as Angels of Alcohol or Angels of Celebration, while others label them as Demons of Drink.
Wine Cultists: Humanoids who believe that wine is a gift from the Gods and the best way to commune with them is to lose your reason- the Wine Cultists are groups that rove throughout Tavernworld. They form mobs that invade bars, steal all the good liquors, put their feet up on everything and generally make a nuisance of themselves. They will then find an occupied area, get massively drunk and make a huge mess. They are generally not that dangerous, except when in the throes of one of their rituals, which are barely distinguishable from riots or brawls.
Maenads: Maenads are women who participated in a Wine Cult ritual and got just a little too into it. Or rather, they got so into it that they don't know how to stop. Maenads are women who, when drunk, descend into an animalistic state. They will go out and dance, even if there is no music. If there is music, they will dance to it. If there is alcohol, they will drink it. If there are men who are not disgusting in appearance, they will cat-called, kissed, maybe even drunkenly dragged into a bathroom or upper room. And everything will be fine, until a Maenad is denied something she wants.
When this happens, the Maenad will fly into a berserker rage and rip the creature responsible apart with her bare hands. This will also trigger the other Maenads nearby, who will also fly into a destructive rampage. While raging, Maenads fight like men twice their size with the strength of bulls and skin that resists injury. They can be killed but not without effort, and for most, it's usually easier to run and leave whatever poor fools that angered the Maenads to suffer their revenge.
Horned Flies: A lesser type of Spirit, Horned Flies resemble small, black-skinned men covered in hard chitin that resembles skin from a distance, but up close reveals itself to be a suit of polished natural armor. Horned Flies also possess compound eyes and wings, though they tend to conceal these under colorful hats and cloaks respectively. Horned Flies have the ability to lower inhibitions through touch, to fly, turn invisible and to virtually incapacitate someone by injecting them with venom.
They are also called Lust Imps by some Sages. Sleazy and lascivious, they are the attendants of the Succubusses, helping them by weakening the resolve of the stoic, celibate and snooty. Besides their lewd interests, they also have a great love of gold and material wealth and will do almost anything to gain more of it. They are utterly shameless, willing to sell their services for coin, a fact that disgusts most other Spirits.
The Daughters of Temperance: A Paladin Order mostly composed of zealous young women, the Daughters of Temperance despise drunkeness, alcohol, saloons and other drinking establishments and go out of their way to make their displeasure known. They are the ultimate killjoys, prowling the hallways of Tavernworld, looking for anyone being too rowdy, too loud or too happy. Those they find that fail to meet their draconian standards are ruthlessly punished with public humiliation, beatings or time in one of the Daughter's jails.
Demons of Addiction: Demons who disguise themselves as comely barmaids, fellow travelers or bottles of spirits, these Demons possess the ability to secrete bodily fluids that are intensely addictive, far more so than even the finest alcohol or the most potent narcotics. They seek out the lonely, vulnerable and confused and provide them with soothing lies, then feed them what they need. They can provide many substances or even activities, all of which are vectors through which they will trick, cajole or convince creatures to consume their essence.
When the creature has done this, the Demon will gain power over them. Soon the creature will find that conventional vices no longer sate it's inflamed desire. And you'll build a tolerance fast, needing more and more to get a fix. And the more you consume, the more sway the Demon has over you. Consume enough and the Demon will be able to possess your body, leaving you trapped inside, unable to stop it. Their goal is to take your body, permanently, and then seek out more victims.
The Drunkard King: A huge man wearing a furred cape, a party hat and carrying a bejeweled cane, the Drunkard King is said by many to be the ruler of Tavernworld. No one knows if he is Angel, Demon, God or something stranger. Regardless, he is a very powerful creature who even the most powerful beings dare not cross, at least within his realm. He is said to possess any number of abilities, most of which are based on shak, unverified claims by drunks and those who no one believes. These include, but are not limited to, the ability to create food, alcohol or other spirits from the ether, levitation, intangibility, teleportation, immunity to damage from non-magical weapons, immunity to damage done by drunks, shapeshifting and the ability to remove hangovers with a touch.
The Drunkard King is a jolly soul who loves nothing more than a party and a good time. Any party he attends will definitely be fun, though the fallout will probably be less so. He is a chaotic whirlwind of excitement and laughter and inebriation, cruising into people's establishments, throwing killer ragers and then skipping town before anyone cares to ask who is going to pay for all this. But no one ever seems to question him, after all, he is the King.

Treasures of Tavernworld:
Host's Wand:
1d6+Atk magical bludgeoning
A plastic fairy-princess wand tipped with a silver star. The handle is white, with a blue stripe wrapping around the handle like a barber's pole. Despite the seemingly flimsy nature of the wand, it bends but never breaks. It can also function as a magical mace in a pinch.
- 3/Day, can turn up to a bathtub's worth of liquid into high-quality beer, wine or another type of alcohol.
- 3/Day, can turn a pile of ingredients into a meal, as long as that pile of ingredients could become that meal. For example, flour, eggs, sugar, milk and baking soda could become a cake, but not lobster bisque. The meal is always serviceable, but never exceptional.
Destroying the Host's Wand:
Abandon it in a condemned or otherwise abandoned building and let no one use it for 1 year. Then have a funeral for the wand and bury it in a tiny casket.
Attempting to destroy it in any other way will result in all liquids the destroyer touches turning to alcohol for 1 year. This includes any part of their body, including their lips, throat and insides. This is a curse. It can be broken by becoming a teetotaller or by beating an Alcohol Elemental in a drinking contest.
Meanwhile, the wand will disappear and reappear in the house of someone who is about to throw a party and is desperately disorganized.
Barmaid's Helper:
A ring of gold adorned with four Comedy Masks, each with pale, unremarkable stones set where the eyes on the skull would go. The ring is pretty, but does not seem very valuable upon first assessment. No low-class person would be suspected of stealing it.
- 1/Day, the bearer of the ring may create up to four copies of himself. These copies have a varying amount of HD, intellect and competence, depending on how many copies are created. All copies are solid and independent of the bearer. They have all the memories of the bearer but have their own will and do not need to obey the bearer. Copies remain for 8 hours or until they are destroyed.
The Copies:

Destroying the Barmaid's Helper:
Give the ring to a woman in the service industry and then have her summon all four copies, then do something absolutely heinous, like disembowel a customer. Then kill her, chop off her finger, submerge the ring in acid and burn the location she's in to the ground.
Any other attempt to destroy the Barmaid's Helper will result in the ring disappearing, followed by four copies of you popping into existence. Each one has 1d4 HD and is dedicated to ruining your life. They will attempt to do this through 1d4 [1= Ruining your reputation by commiting illegal or obscene acts; 2= Stealing all of your money/treasure and wasting it; 3= Tracking down friends and loved ones and poisoning your relationships with them; 4= Trying to kill you.]
from Fantasia
Apprentice's Mop:
A magical mop with cottony bristles, with a handle wrapped in a silk ribbon that used to be blue, but is now quite faded to a pale azure. The wood is springy and flexible, bending but refusing to break.
- The mop, if it's bristles are damp, will animate and act on it's own. It will obey a master who treats it well, but will disobey orders it does not approve of. If mistreated, it will leave and seek out a new master.
- The mop has all the abilities of a well-trained cleaner, it can mop, clean dishes, dust and sweep up.
- The mop can levitate an item up to the weight of a small child and manipulate it with telekinesis.
- 1/Day, the mop can animate up to 3 other cleaning implements for 1 hour. These items obey the mop and have no souls of their own, deanimating after the duration or when destroyed.
The Mop has the personality of a domestic helper with a sassy personality. It does not speak, but will support a master who treats it well with companionship and assistance with chores. It loves to clean and to remain in one place and make it a home. It does not like traveling, messes or rude people.
Destroying the Apprentice's Mop:
Burning the mop to cinders would do it, as long as the fire was started with alchemical ingredients or fueled by magic to destroy the soul.
Attempting to destroy the mop in any other way will result in you getting splinters everywhere, and the mop flying away.
The Everflowing Flask:
A brass flask embossed with the symbol of the Ouroboros and a conifer tree. It is clearly old, but untarnished.
- By drinking from or pouring the flask out, the user can consume whatever fluid is inside the flask that day. Each day at dawn, the flask fills with a random liquid. If poured out, the flask can produce up to 4 gallons (15 liters).
- If that much fluid is poured out, the flask remains empty until the next dawn.
What Random liquid fills my Flask today?
1- Water.
2- Water, Salt.
3- Oil, Lamp. Flammable.
4- Oil, Olive. Expensive and good for cooking.
5- Oil, Body. Good for skin health. Moisturizing is important.
6- Alcohol, Beer. Gets you drunk as per these rules, can heal you as well.
7- Alcohol, Wine. See above.
8- Alcohol, Whiskey. See above.
9- Kitchen Grease. Flammable and disgusting.
10- Tomato Sauce. An excellent ingredient. Add it to bread with cheese for a guaranteed great meal.
11- Nacho Cheese. Delicious!
12- Milk, Cow. Drink this for strong bones.
13- Sulfuric Acid. Does 1d6 acid damage per round spent in contact. If poured on you, does damage until diluted, washed off or neutralized. Does not dissolve glass, plastic or magic items.
14- LSD, liquid form. Causes hallucinations for d8 hours.
15- Human Blood. Useful for Vampires or magic rituals!
16- Succubus Fluids. A potent aphrodisiac, anyone who drinks or has this poured onto their skin takes 1d6 COG damage per sip/splash. They must successfully save or engage in sexual activity at the earliest possible convenience with the first person who they feel feel attracted too. And right now, their standards are very low. If this reduces them to 0 COG, they will rip the clothes off of the nearest person they're attracted too. Expect to learn something new about yourself and for the morning after to be extremely awkward.
17- Poisoned Tea, mixed with Deadly Nightshade. Does 1d6 COG and CON damage per round or until a CON save is passed. If reduced to 0 CON, you die.
18- Hydra Blood. Does 1d8 CON damage per day and hideous pain, causing a creature to take +1 damage per day. If reduced to 0 CON, you die in agony. Also hard to cure, only responds to extremely potent antidotes or powerful magic.
19- Dragon's Blood. Drinking or bathing in it will produce Draconic mutations as per this chart.
20- Breast milk from the Mother Goddess most likely to show pity on you. This milk tastes great and removes all diseases and poisons. It also restores the first person who drinks it to full HP. Only one person may gain these effects. For anyone else, it only heals 1d8 HP per sip. You can also only roll this result once, unless the fate of the world is at stake or something similarly huge.
Destroying The Everflowing Flask:
Empty it, fill it with molten metal and let it cool. Then hurl it into the depths of the sea.
Any other attempt to destroy the Flask will result in all containers you possess that could hold liquid filling with 1d4 [1= Molten iron; 2= Acid; 3= Poisoned wine; 4= Human Blood.] The Flask will then disappear and reappear in a pawn or curiosities shop.
Dumb Waiter's Outfit:
A magical tailcoat and set of black trousers. Tasteful and made of fine linen. Well made and expensive, yet clearly the garb of a servant. The clothing never gets dirty and seamlessly alters its size to fit whoever wears it.
- The Dumb Waiter's Outfit can magically change to look like the uniforms of the staff or servants of any establishment the wearer has been in. For example, he could change the Outfit to look like the servant's uniforms in a palace he was in, or he could change it to look like the uniforms of the serving men at his favorite bar.
- 3/Day, the Outfit can allow the wearer to teleport an object up to 50 pounds or 50 pounds worth of stuff up to 100'. If teleporting multiple objects, they must be touching each other.
- 3/Day, the Outfit can instantly clean up a mess that covers no more than a 10' cube or is contained to a single small room. Referee's Discretion applies to what is considered 'small'.
While wearing the Dumb Waiter's Outfit, if the wearer is at a party, inside an establishment that serves food or drink or in a place that employs servants, if given an order by a supervisor or customer, they must succeed on a COG save in order to resist fulfilling the request. For every request they ignore and successfully save against, they take 1d4 COG damage. If reduced to 0 COG, the wearer will begin filling orders and serving immediately and will not stop until a break is called or the shift is over/work is done. Attempting to stop them from doing this using force will be met with force, or at least an attempt at flight.
This curse can only be broken by renting out an expensive establishment and having the wearer fulfill requests until he is asked for something that he cannot do.
Destroying the Dumb Waiter's Outfit:
Give it to a person the previous wearer deeply, truly loves, take them to an establishment and have them succumb to the curse of the Outfit. Then give them a ruby and order him (or her) to kill himself. Then burn their body with the outfit.
Attempting to destroy the Outfit in any other way will result in it cursing you to obey any order a creature gives you. This curse can be broken by deafening yourself or serving a person you despise for a year and a day.
The Outfit will then disappear and reappear in the closet of a server who is very bad at their job or about to be fired.
source unknown
Other Loot:
Sober Cigarettes
Rarity: Uncommon
A pack of cigarettes made not only of high quality tobacco, but interwoven with fear and restorative magic. Anyone who smokes one of these cigarettes instantly sobers up if intoxicated. The cigarettes can also remove other mind-altering effects, granting a new save against Charm and ending hallucinatory effects, as long as they are caused by some sort of toxin or substance. The Referee may also permit them to grant a new save against other effects.
Switcharoo Pills
Rarity: Uncommon
Pills that come in little plastic packets, color-coded to each provide a different transformation. No pain, takes less than ten minutes, you'll look and feel like a new man/woman/thing or your money back, guaranteed!*
What type of Pill do you take?
1- Pink. You turn yourself into a female version of yourself. You'll be roughly as attractive in your female form as you were in your normal form, though your female form will be weaker, as it was just created. If you're already a woman, no effect.
2- Blue. You turn into a male version of yourself. You'll be roughly as attractive in your male form as you were in your normal form, though your male form will be stronger, unless you were absolutely beefy in your normal form. If you're already a man, no effect.
3- Green. You turn into a Goblin-like creature. Whatever impulse control you had is gone, along with most of your alcohol tolerance. You're down to eat, drink, cause mischief and do anything else that seems fun, consequences be damned.
4- Purple. You turn into a monster that seems to be primarily composed of genitals of various types and tentacles. No need to explain what this pill is used for.
5- Black. You turn into an ultra-attractive version of yourself, like you were redrawn by the world's most horny fan artist. You also become feral and bestial. Nothing matter but your desires. You feel everything super strongly and your Id takes over. The Ego and Superego take the night off.
6- White. You become someone else, your body changing to match this new person. A new personality takes over and you watch it as if it's a hazy dream. Depending on the personality, you could look like almost anyone. You're not totally in control, but you're not a prisoner either. Are you in control? Who can say?
Party Animal
Rarity: Rare
Cooking DC: 15
A mixed drink famous for turning any party up to 100 and causing immense drama and many, many poor decisions, the Party Animal is a cocktail made with wine, incense, and the fur, scales or fluids of an animal. The drinker is then transformed into a magical Beastman who best exhibits the traits of that animal, naturally and archetypally. Depending on the fur, the effects produced are different. Regardless of the effect, the effect lasts for 1d4+1 hours, depending on your bartender.
What animal's fur was in that drink?
1- Goat. The drinker becomes aggressively horny and is probably down for whatever crazy fetish you want to try.
2- Cow. Females who drink this have their breasts grow and begin lactating- depending on blood alcohol content, this milk might be able to get you drunk. Males begin secreting a musk that makes everyone more submissive toward them. For some women, this is arousing. For men, this either leads to submissive behavior or an attempt to challenge the drinker to a fight.
3- Wolf. The drinker develops an innate charisma that attracts people to them, and not just because people want to scratch them behind the ears. Will likely end up leading a group of other party-goers on a raid for snacks or more beer.
4- Horse. The drinker becomes indolent and lazy, wanting to do nothing but drink and laze around. Good for getting people to calm down and actually enjoy themselves.
5- Frog. The drinker begins secreting a mucus that makes them supple and slippery, or sticky. Good for playing around, playing pranks, impressing your friends and breaking and entering. You'll look weird, but if they're drunk enough, people can let that slide.
6- Parrot. The beak will look weird and intimidating, but check out this plumage! Also, you'll be the best at impressions, able to mimic any sound you hear. You'll kill it on karaoke night.
Note that herd animals are preferred, as animals who are solitary or vicious tend to make the drinker either a brooding loner for the evening or tempermental and violent, neither of which are good for a party atmosphere.
Marshmellow Mambo
Rarity: Rare
Cooking DC: 13
A mixed drink made with marshmellows, soft breezes, pixie dust and the laughter of children, Marshmellow Mambo is yellow-white in color, syrupy-sweet and tastes like happiness. It makes whoever drinks it impossibly light, while not weakening them. They could dance on lily pads or walk, or more likely, awkwardly crawl across the surface of water without breaking the surface. The drinker, while under the Mambo's effects, can perform incredible feats of acrobatics with ease. They also float on the breeze and take no damage from falling, falling slow enough that they land gently.
Stompa Juice
Rarity: Uncommon
Cooking DC: 10
A mixed drink made of triple-distilled liquor, crushed stone and scraps of skin from a Gargoyle, Rhino or Elephant, Stompa Juice is an extremely heavy drink. When consumed, it renders the drinker heavier, tougher and far stronger. The drinker's skin becomes all-but invulnerable. They take only 1 damage from non-magical sharp or bludgeoning, unless the attacker has superhuman strength. They make all STR checks and saves with advantage, but all DEX checks and saves with disadvantage. They also make Pursuit rolls at disadvantage. The drinker also is very difficult to move and weighs ten times what they would normally.
Wallflower's Delight
Rarity: Uncommon
Cooking DC: 12
A cocktail of diluted fruit juice, weak tea, warm milk and a wilting flower, the Wallflower's Delight is a drink that deflects social attention. It's not invisibility, but creatures will find the drinker unremarkable and will have to struggle to pay attention to them. They will seem uninteresting and barely memorable. This effect can be short-circuited by attention-seeking behavior, rudeness, violence, nudity or doing something particularly interesting or memorable. You could wade through a crowd with this on and only a handful of people would even notice you, the rest unconsciously getting out of the way for you, even as they barely notice what you look like. Pairs best with a bland outfit and a submissive demeanor.
Warpdust Cocktail
Rarity: Rare
Cooking DC: 17
A cocktail made with the blood of a pure maiden, a Dragon wing-skin and Angel tears, plus an absurd amount of high quality liquor and grape juice (for taste), Warpdust is for some, the best cocktail to drink. The result is a glowing, rainbow-hued cocktail that shimmers and changes color slowly. It radiates power and tastes like fruit juice mixed with vodka, coming home after a hard day at work and nostalgia. Drinking Warpdust will teleport the drinker to another plane of existence. If the creature succeeds on a CHA save, and he get a bonus of 1 to his save per time he's drank Warpdust (max +4) then the creature can appear in a location he's been to before on that plane. This teleportation is still restricted by anti-Gate wards. If the creature has no specific destination but a plane in mind, he will appear in a random location on that plane. Note that a creature can only travel to a different plane if he's been there before. If the creature has no destination in mind at all, he will be sent to a random plane of existence.
source unknown