This is a class for playing a magical Pokemon Trainer.
There's a part 2 here.
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by Fahmi Fauzi |
As creatures of thought and intention, Spirits are rarely able to create an identity for themselves. They require the aid and attention of other beings to stabilize themselves into a single form with a singular personality. This is why Spirits from the wilds of the Astral Sea are so often vicious and dangerous- they exist in a perpetual state of flux, never sure of who or what they are, or even what they are supposed to do. This state leads to constant anxiety and disillusionment, which then leads to anger that is vented on lesser Spirits, mortals or anything else that happens to be nearby.
Yet this is not the only interaction mortals have with lesser Spirits. Some go out of their way to befriend such creatures, to commune with them and to even become partners with them. Most of the time, such people are referred to as Exorcists.
Starting HP: 1/3 Con
Fighting Spirit: +2 per Exorcist Level, up to COG score
Atk Modifier: +1 per Exorcist Level, caps at +5
Starting Equipment: Traveling robes, token from your Companion, walking stick, bag of ritual ingredients, pair of daggers or shortsword
1: Spirit Pact, Spirit Animal Companion
2: Spirit Guide, Sacrificant
3: Ability transfer
4: Enter the Unseen World
5: Great Companion
6: Flood of Spirit
7: Spell parry
8: Free Transfer
9: Royal Companion
1: Spirit Pact, Spirit Animal Companion
Spirit Pact: You are bonded to a Spirit through a mutual Pact. Both parties have obligations they must fulfill. The Pact is only nullified upon the death or one or more signatory or with the mutual consent of both parties. At level 1, work with the Referee to decide upon your specific obligations and relationships to your Companion.
Spirit Animal Companion: You have a Magical Spirit Animal Companion. Your companion cannot manifest physically on the Material Plane without you. To summon it, you must spend 2 FS/HP. You may also roll 1 Mana Die if you have any. You control your companion as a secondary character and they generally obey your orders, but is not compelled to obey you and can refuse your call. Your Companion's starting abilities and ability scores can be found below.
2: Spirit Guide, Sacrificant
Spirit Guide: You can see your Companion even when they are not manifested physically.
Sacrificant: You learn how to offer sacrifices to your Companion. By offering your Companion mana, he can repair his vessel, which is constructed of solidified mana. If you have Mana Dice, you can transfer these to your Companion by touching them and concentrating for at least 1 minute.
If you don't have any MD, you can generate mana by holding something that can store mana, such as an arcane focus or a gemstone and doing something you absolutely hate, or that takes a lot of effort. For example, if you hate crochet, doing that will help you build mana. Depending the unpleasant or hard activity will give you 1 MD after 10 minutes of that activity.
You can also cheat by sacrificing a living creature. If you slaughter a creature ritualistically, you can steal their life force and cause your Companion to regain X HP, where X is the total remaining amount of HP the creature had. To find this number, roll a number of d8s equal to the creature's HD and add the results together, then subtract any damage the creature took. Rituals that do this take at least 10 minutes and requires the sacrifice to not be able to move out of the ritual site, as that will disrupt the ritual and prevent the absorption of power.
3: Ability transfer
Ability transfer: Your Companion can, X times per day, where X is your COG modifier, lend you to one of his abilities without fully summoning him. Your Companion must be willing to cooperate with you to allow this to happen and it must not violate the terms of your pact.
4: Enter the Unseen World
With the help of your Companion, you can enter the Spirit World by meditating. You must spend at least 10 minutes meditating in a place that is calm and quiet. If you are in a noisy environment, you must succeed on a COG save to successfully ignore any distractions and enter the Spirit World. On a success, you enter the Spirit World in the spirit. You can also do this while sleeping.
5: Great Companion
Great Companion: Your Companion grows stronger. You gain 3 points. You can spend one point to increase your Companion's ability scores, rerolling or adding an additional dice as your Referee chooses, or you can roll on the random Power table. For 1 point, you can roll on the lesser Power table, but for 2, you can roll on the Greater Power table. You may also spend 1 point to strengthen one of your Companion's Powers.
6: Flood of Spirit
Blood Priest: You learn how to absorb mana from items that can store it as well. When you have a vessel filled with Mana, you can draw power from it into yourself. When you do this, you regain X Fighting Spirit (FS), where X is the amount of mana you've withdrawn from a the vessel. This power is always removed from the vessel as d6s.
You can also do this from blood sacrifices too. When you make a blood sacrifice, you can designate yourself as the recipient of the power instead of your Companion. When you do this, you regain X Fighting Spirit (FS), where X is the result of a creature's rolled HD.
If you draw more mana than is needed to restore your Fighting Spirit, any leftover mana remains as temporary HP. Leftover points are converted back into MD. 4 points of FS equals 1 MD. If you have the ability to cast spells and have MD, then these MD go towards replacing those you have lost. If you don't, they only last 10 minutes, after which the power leeches out of you and disappears.
7: Spell parry
Spell parry: Your Companion, if they are willing, make a save as a free action when a spell is cast against you. On a success, they deflect a spell directed against you personally. If the spell was instead an area-of-effect ability that you were in the vicinity of, it gives you advantage on your save. On a failure, your Companion still deflects the spell, but it instead affects your Companion instead.
8: Free Transfer
Free transfer: As an action, as long as you are in the same plane of existence and can see each other, you can transfer Fighting Spirit from yourself to your Companion or vice versa. Your Companion gains any transferred FS as HP, as their body is literally made of solidified material strung together with will. You gain any HP from them as FS. You can also spend MD and transform them into Fighting Spirit for yourself or HP for your Companion.
9: Royal Companion
Royal Companion: Your Companion grows stronger. You gain 3 points. You can spend one point to increase your Companion's ability scores, rerolling or adding an additional dice as your Referee chooses, or you can roll on the random Power table. For 1 point, you can roll on the lesser Power table, but for 2, you can roll on the Greater Power table. You may also spend 1 point to strengthen one of your Companion's Powers.
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Base Companion stats and abilities:
Your Companion has 5 Ability Scores:
Hit Points (HP)- How much damage a Spirit can take. To see how much your Companion has, roll on the table below and when you get the number of HD, roll that many d8s and add the number together.
Armor Rating (AR)- How much a Spirit reduces incoming damage by.
Attack (Atk)- How dangerous your Spirit is and how much damage it does.
Morale (Mor)- When your spirit will decide to hesitate or run away. Starting Morale is 8+Partner's CHA modifier+Number of Spirit Animal Tamer levels the Companion has.
Saves- What your Spirit uses to make Saves. Saves are (7+HD) or less.
Native of the Shallows: As an action, a Spirit can leave our world and enter the Shallows of the Astral Sea. It can come back as an action. While in the Shallows it can observe inhabitants of the living world through reflective surfaces (mirrors, pools of still liquid, etc) but cannot affect them.
Spirit Being: Spirits when in a physical universe have bodies made of mana. Magical weapons and attacks automatically ignore their armor, while non-magical ones struggle to hurt them.
Example Companions:
Suufa, the White Lily.
Appearance- A white tiger with blue eyes and a lotus flower on the end of his tail. His stripes move and change patterns whenever he's not being observed.
HP 21 (4 HD)
AR 3
Atk Bite (1d6+1 magical sharp)
Mor (see above)
Saves 11 or less
Suufa is a young Spirit who is consumed by his belief that he is an amazing creature who should be revered and worship and spend all his time laying around being adored and eating cakes. He also has the equal desire to do some good for others, as he spent many years doing exactly that and his worshipers ended up being slaughtered. He won't reveal that latter part, but the guilt weighs on his every day. His greatest vice is his laziness and his greatest weaknesses are his guilt and insecurity, despite all his bluster and pomposity, as well as his fear of failure.
Suufa has all the abilities of a Tiger, plus the ability to eat fire. It's his favorite meal, especially if it's burning something interesting, like sweet-smelling woods or something expensive.
The Lady in Stripes.
Appearance- A buxom human woman with a tiger head. Wears robes of shimmering fabric and lots of gold and ivory jewelry. She carries a sword of gold and jade that appears out of her sleeve whenever she needs it.
HP 36 (9 HD)
AR 4
Atk Sword (1d8+2/1d8+2 magical sharp)
Mor (see above)
Saves 16 or less
The Lady in Stripes in a powerful spirit which serves only at her own pleasure. All who cross her or invoke her displeasure find themselves mauled to death unexpectedly or disemboweled in a room that everyone was sure was empty besides them. She despises civilization and industrial society, but not enough to go to war with it. Or at least, not yet. She is also known to be very crafty and is constantly working toward some sort of highly complex plan to do... something. Most people believe she is playing a game against another powerful Spirit, or perhaps a God, for control over... something. Regardless of what she's doing, it's very impressive no doubt, and you definitely don't want to stand in her way. Currently she is seeking knowledge, to advance her own scheme and possibly to deny her rival this information (if this rival even exists).
The lady in stripes has all the abilities of a highly trained human warrior, as well as the ability to sense Undead near her, magically heal people, hypnotize them by looking into their eyes and bend and squish her body to fit through spaces far too small for her physical form to pass through. She can also raise corpses as Undead servants and create food or water.
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from here |
Generate a Companion:
How Old is your Companion?
1- Fledgling. Your Companion is a total novice. He is very naive and could easily be tricked or manipulated. He has 1d3+1 HD and an AR of 1d3. He makes 1 attack of 1d6+1.
2- Young. Your Companion has a bit of experience, but he is still definitely a greenhorn. He has 1d4+1 HD and an AR of 2. He makes 1 attack that does 1d8+1 damage.
3- Mature. Your Companion has done this before and is probably older than you. Add +1 when rolling on the Intelligence and Power tables. He has 1d4+3 HD and an AR of 1d4+1. He makes two attacks that do 1d6+2.
4- Ancient. Your Companion is old, older than you, your family, maybe even your tribe or your civilization. Add +2 when rolling on the Intelligence and Power tables. He has 1d6+3 HD and an AR of 4. He makes 2 attacks that do 1d8+2.
How intelligent is your Companion?
1- Beastial. Your Companion is only about as smart as a dog or a clever beast.
2- Dumb as a sack of rocks. Your Companion is capable of reason, but still quite stupid.
3- Clever but burdened with a persistent flaw that prevents them from developing wisdom. You may pick or roll 1d4 [1= Laziness; 2= Arrogance; 3= Consumed by base desires for things like food, sex, etc; 4= Apathy.]
4- Smart, but woefully ignorant about mortals and your world. Probably very young or has never partnered with anyone.
5- Highly intelligent, almost certainly smarter than you.
6- Whatever it is, it's lying. Reroll your Companion's intelligence, then roll a third time. The second roll is what they actually are, the third is what they're pretending to be. Do not add bonuses to the second roll. Treat any rolls of this after the first as a "5".
How Powerful is your Companion?
1- Not at all. Your Companion has 1 lesser Power and nothing else.
2- More lucky than strong. Your Companion has 1d3 lesser Powers.
3- Average. Your Companion has 1 lesser Power and 1 Greater Power.
4- Stronger than some. Your Companion has 1d3 lesser Powers and 1 Greater Power.
5- Stronger than most. Your Companion has 1d4 lesser Powers and 2 Greater Powers.
6- Blessed by Heaven. Your Companion has 1d4 lesser Powers and 1d4 Greater Powers.
What does your Companion want?
1- Wine, food and feasts. To taste the fruits of man's labor. A gourmand always on the lookout for edible delights.
2- Debauchery, sex, the pleasures of the flesh.
3- Power. Your Companion craves power and seeks it. Perhaps not at any cost, but there is little they wouldn't do to achieve it.
4- Knowledge. Your Companion has a mystery it wishes to solve, a conundrum that it must find a solution to.
5- Revenge. Your Companion was wronged. Those who are responsible must pay.
6- Justice. A great wrong was committed and your Companion knows who is responsible. This crime must not go unpunished. Victims must comforted, restitution made, villains punished.
7- To achieve it's destiny. Your Companion believes it has a destiny that it must fulfill.
8- To fulfill prophecy. Your Companion has read the signs and it believes that the time of fulfillment is upon us. He wants to make sure this prophecy is fulfilled.
9- To pay a debt. Your Companion owes someone something. He must pay it back.
10- Redemption. Your Companion seeks absolution for past sins, to do something good to make up for all the black marks they've left behind.
11- Worship. Praise, veneration, shrines built around it, songs sung in it's name, statues erected in it's honor, the whole she-bang.
12- Enlightenment. Your Companion seeks inner peace.
What does your Companion fear?
1- Death. Your Companion doesn't want to die. He will not die for anyone or anything.
2- Failure. Your Companion fears failing to fulfill his mission or is insecure enough that he feels he can't ever fail, or everything will fall apart.
3- Dishonor. Your Companion has the soul of a warrior, proud and resolute. The only thing he fears is disgrace. He will do his duty to the end.
4- Truth. Your Companion has a secret. It fears this secret getting out more than anything else.
5- Enemy. Your Companion has an enemy. He fears nothing but the return of this enemy.
6- Corruption. Your Companion fears nothing more than that he will become something loathsome.
Random Companion Powers:
1- Your Companion does not leave footprints, except on 1d4 [1= Stone; 2= Wood; 3= The floors of buildings; 4= Nowhere, but your Companion leaves a powerful scent trail that lasts for 1d3 hours wherever they go.]
2- Your Companion can tell when someone is lying within 50'. It can tell who is lying, but not what truth that creature is concealing.
3- Your Companion can hide inside of 1d4 [1= Mirrors; 2= Paintings; 3= 3D art; 4= Songs and poems.]
4- Your Companion can smell emotions and tell how people are feeling by their scent.
5- Your Companion can track a creature's mana as a Sage.
6- Your Companion can sense the presence of 1d6 [1= Other Spirits and Outsiders; 2= Undead; 3= Beasts; 4= Abberations; 5= Creatures aligned with Chaos; 6= Other humanoids.]
7- Your Companion can find treasure nearby. Within 30', your Companion can sense the presence and rough direction of treasure, here defined as valuable items, coins, jewelry, etc.
8- Your Companion can create illusions. It can create 1 illusion that must fit within a 10' cube. The illusion may produce sound and images, but has no substance nor can it deal damage. Creatures, if they take an action and pass a DC (Companion HD + Your Spirit Animal Tamer levels) COG check to see the illusion is actually not real. Your Companion can keep the illusion up for as long as he wishes.
9- Your Companion, if within 10' of a sleeping creature, can enter that creature's dreams.
10- Your Companion can temporarily make himself immune to 1d8 [1= Fire; 2= Acid; 3= Cold; 4= Necrotic; 5= Radiant; 6= Psychic; 7= Force; 8= Lightning] damage.
11- Your Companion can lull people to sleep. If within 30' a creature, your Companion can sing a lullaby that causes creatures to save. On a failed save, creatures fall asleep and only awaken if attacked or a loud noise occurs nearby. This lullaby cannot be heard accept by those already alerted, paranoid or agitated. Creatures who are already tired or sleepy make the save with disadvantage. Creatures who sleep like this recover 1d4 extra HP if using this song before they rest.
12- Your Companion can stave off exhaustion, letting people keep going without resting for 1d6 hours after they would ordinarily need to stop and rest.
13- Your Companion can hypnotize people by looking into their eyes for at least 1 minute. At the end, the creature is hypnotized, unless they manage to look away or ignore your Companion somehow. Hypnotized creatures are highly suggestive, but will not do things that conflict with their moral code.
14- Your Companion can stick to walls and ceilings like a spider.
15- Your Companion can breathe water as well as air.
16- 3/Day, your Companion can magically heal a creature for X HP, where X is that creature's HD.
17- Your Companion can create a small extra-dimensional storage space that can fit up to 10 Inventory slots worth of items.
18- Your Companion can produce light that is equivalent to a torch.
19- Your Companion can turn it's bones and flesh elastic, allowing it to bend and stretch through spaces it could never ordinarily fit through.
20- Your Companion can eat 1d6 [1= Stone; 2= Metal; 3= Wood; 4= Bone; 5= Dirt and loose Earth; 6= Fire.] These nourish it as if they were food.
1- 1/Day, your Companion can breathe fire. This fire does 3d6 damage, save for half and strikes in a 30' line or a 15' cone, Companion's choice.
2- Your Companion can fly and hover in the air.
3- Your Companion can turn invisible as a free action for as long as it wants, but turns visible as soon as it attacks or exerts itself.
4- 3/Day, your Companion can teleport up to 50' as a free action.
5- Your Companion, by touching another creature, can drain life energy, causing that creature to take 1d6 damage and gaining 1d6 HP.
6- Your Companion can steal luck/fortune. By touching a creature, your Companion can mark that creature. If your Companion chooses to do so, when that creature rolls a d20, your Companion can steal the result of that d20 and replace the result with whatever it rolled on it's d20.
7- Your Companion can, as an action, raise a corpse as an Undead servant. The Undead has 1 HD and is permanently bound to your Companion and you. Your Companion can control up to X HD worth of Undead, where X is your Companion's HD.
8- 1/Day, your Companion can create food or water. This meal is only equivalent to travel rations, being largely tasteless, but filling and nourishing.
9- Your Companion can move objects with it's mind. As an action, your Companion can lift an object that weighs no more than a child. Creatures who are affected by this ability get a save to resist.
10- Your Companion can shapeshift into other creatures. As an action, your Companion can take on the appearance of another creature that is within 1 size category of it. No matter what form it takes, it's ability scores stay the same, though it might loose abilities tied to a specific body part.
11- Your Companion can summon magical armor. 1/Day, your Companion can cover itself in a shell of light, granting itself +Xd6 FS, where X is your Companion's HD. This armor lasts for 10 minutes or until it is all consumed.
12- Your Companion can 1/Day, summon up to X HD worth of animals and control these animals as if they retainers. The animals will obey reasonable orders, but will not obey orders they consider against their interests or too dangerous.
13- Your Companion can peer into the future. 3/Day, as an action, you can ask your Companion about the likely outcome of something that will happen in the future. Your Companion will give you an answer that is percentage based. For example if you ask, "What are our odds of success if we rob the Dragon and then make a run for it," your Companion might give you the answer of "A 15% of success and an 85% that at least one of you ends up barbequed." The more specific the question, the better, unless it is in combat, as those are too chaotic to predict more than a few second ahead.
14- As a reaction, your Companion can slow projectiles, reducing their incoming damage by their attack and damage dice. For example, if your Companion's Atk was 1d8+2, he rolls that die and reduces the attack roll of the projectile by that much. Your Companion can only do this 1/round.
15- Your Companion can, for 1 minute per day, make himself immune to 1d3 [1= Sharp (piercing, slashing); 2= Bludgeoning; 3= Falling] damage.
16- Your Companion can, for 1 minute per day, create an anti-magic field around himself, absorbing all nearby mana and preventing anyone he doesn't want to for casting spells for at least 1 minute. This effect lasts for 1 minute, but can be ended early if your Companion loses his concentration as a result of taking damage or becoming distracted by something else.
17- Your Companion can temporarily grow or shrink in size, reducing or increasing his size category by 1. While larger, he get +1d6 to STR and CON checks and saves, while doing +2 damage and getting +2 to attacks. Enemies get a +2 bonus to hit them as well, because of their larger size. When smaller, he gets +1d6 to DEX and CHA checks and saves, as he's smaller and cuter. Reverse all bonuses from when he's larger.
18- Your Companion can 1/Day, after biting or scratching a creature, cause it to take 1d6 DEX damage a round. If this damage reduces a creature to 0 DEX, the creature turns to stone. Before they are petrified, this effect can removed by a casting of 'Dispel Magic' or similar ability. Once petrified, however, the effect can only be reversed by powerful magicks or by a similar method of breaking a curse.
19- Your Companion can possess creatures. By touching a creature, it turns immaterial and enters that creature's body. Each round, the creature and your Companion must make COG checks against each other. The winner each round controls the body. The first one to three wins, which need not be consequetive, takes control of the body for 1 day or until they lose concentration, such as suffering a lot of pain, becoming sleepy, being exposed to substances that alter the mind-body connection (such as hallucinogens or alcohol), etc, then the loser may attempt to reassert control.
20- Your Companion can curse creatures. By speaking aloud in a language the creature knows and where that creature can hear, your Companion can describe the fate of the creature. This becomes the curse and is guaranteed to come true unless actions are taken to break the curse. Your Companion cannot curse another creature until the first curse is fulfilled or broken. Referee's Discretion applies to whether a curse is possible or how it is fulfilled.
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by Alexandra Malygina (Fler) |
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