The Toxic represent the biggest and most potential threat to Humanity's destruction. Each one has the potential to infect many, many people, and even a weak Toxic can be quite strong. The way their flesh knits itself back together means bullets are much less effective against them then knives and blades, and without magic or absurd amounts of fire, they come back for more. But the most dangerous thing about the Toxic is that they are as smart as any Human, with the ability to organize and coordinate. Those Toxic that despise humanity know this as well, and use this ability to great effect, starting massive outbreaks in isolated corners of the world, as not all outbreaks are because a worthless Toe-Tag made a stupid mistake, and an infected child crept into their playground, far from the prying eyes of the teachers.
And while most outbreaks are minor affairs, any one of them could be the spark that grows to become a fire than rises to the level of an inferno, devouring everything we have worked so hard to build. The Final Outbreak, it could be starting right now, and the Company is terrified of such an outcome. They fear that one day, the last vestiges of Humanity will be hunted by the irradiated, undying sons of Amirani through the remains of their civilization, and that it will be all their fault. As such, they viciously persecute the Toxic, killing as many as they can and suppressing the rest.
All Xenos are denied basic rights and privileges, but Toxic seem to suffer worse then anyone else, with perhaps the exception of the Lochs, who were nearly wiped out. The Company will use any excuse to get rid of a Toxic. First, they try and exterminate those elected by the Plague Spirit to become Toxic, using Seers and Prophets to find them before they turn and luring them to kill-zones in isolated areas, exterminate them. Any Toxic that causes an outbreak will be purged if caught, and any Toxic that brings too much attention to themselves will be destroyed as well. But there are too many, always too many. The population of Toxic has been exploding since 1955, and no one knows why. The Masquerade is straining under their weight, and one day, it's going to burst like a lanced boil. What then? Will the Final Outbreak occur when the Toxic finally decide to rise up and take on their oppressors? Will the Venerate Utukku, the Dread Gods of the Toxic rise from their cavernous tombs beneath the Earth to bring about the end? Or will it be a simple mistake that spirals out of control?
Regardless, the Company have decided to take any measure possible to make sure the Toxic never cause the Final Outbreak. The Ninth Plague will never come. The Bomb was meant to the be the final solution the Toxic problem, but it failed to kill their Dread Gods. As such, new methods are required. But if one is not found, it may be too late to fight.
This is the monster profile for if you wish to play a Problem, a cursed human slowly losing their humanity in their quest for eldritch power. You can read the full class here, it will explain how these bonuses work.
Monster Profile: Toxic
Starting Quirk: Infectious. Your blood, saliva and bodily fluids all carry the Amirani virus. Anyone who comes into contact with them contracts the Amirani virus, and will die within 120 minutes. They will then rise from the grave as a Skag (a normal, unitelligent Romero-style zombie), or as a Toxic (1-in-1,000 chance of this).
Natural Weapons: If you are ever badly injured, in a desperate situation, or some other form of dire straits, you can fly into a rage known as 'Going Berzerk'. If you ever cannot see a way out, you can tell the Referee, "I go Berzerk." While going Berzerk, you get +2 to hit and do +4 damage. However, you are very likely, almost certainly, going to cause an outbreak this way.
Malign Form: You regenerate. You recover 1 HP an hour when not distressed, or 1d6 a round if in in danger. You are only in danger if you perceive yourself to be in danger. If you are going Berzerk, you automatically regenerate.
Inhuman Soul: You sleep, but no longer Dream. You also do not have Dreams for the future. Magic that would manipulate your soul, such as Charm, Fear, or other such effects within the Referee's discretion automatically fail.
I reject my Humanity: Unless reduced to zero HP by a magical attack, non-magical damage cannot kill you, merely damage you. Only magic or being burnt to ashes can put you down for good.
Vector Table. Whenever you have to roll to determine what kind of Vector you gain, roll below. Additionally, when you develop a New Vector, you may go ahead and roll on the first table you rolled on, or may choose to reroll the type of Vector, then proceed to the relevant sub-table.
What power do you receive?
1- Scry. Can't stop remembering what I must forget. Roll on Sub-Table A. Your Emblem Power is Commune with the Venerate.
2- Biofix. Nothing is fixed. My form is my will. Roll on Sub-Table B. Your Emblem Power is Life Finds a Way.
3- Velox. If you go fast enough, the Thrill overcomes the Fear. Roll on Sub-Table C. Your Emblem Power is THSI.
4- Leprox. Everything is infection, even Consciousness. Roll on Sub-Table D. Your Emblem Power is Contamination.
5- Necro. Flesh made bionic, the Body a Machine. Roll on Sub-Table E. Your Emblem Power is Detonation Me.
6- Toxo. Mind control is Repetition, Repetition, Repetition. Roll on Sub-Table F. Your Emblem Power is Magnificent Emperor.
7- Dox. From Suffering, Strength. Roll on Sub-Table G. Your Emblem Power is Regeneration.
8- Gizmo. Life is an inefficient machine that reproduces efficiently. Roll on Sub-Table H. Your Emblem Power is SPDZ Infestation.
Emblem Power: You receive the Emblem Power belonging to your Vector. If you already have it, you may gain two conventional Vectors of your Choice.
Chaos: When you roll doubles on your Power Dice, roll on the table below. You automatically lose 1d3 Humanity Points. The Power still works as you intended.
1- Your projectile vomit everything in your stomach. Anyone near you must save or be hit by the splatter. Anyone hit might contract the Amirani virus, if they are particularly unlucky or do not take immediate counter-measures.
2- You suffer a minor brain aneurysm, and suffer -4 to do anything based on coordination or precise movements for the next 1d4 minutes.
3- You take 1d4 damage. Then, 1d4 tiny flesh Imps are born from your body and begin capering around and 1d4 [1= stealing valuable objects; 2= Running away (they want to be chased); 3= breaking things around them; 4= Going and starting a fight with one random creature within 100'. They each have 1 HP. If the person they originally spawned from touches them, they are reabsorbed into the original body, and the person they spawned from regains an equivalent amount of health.
4- You suffer a vivid waking hallucination. A person from your past (a parent, former lover, mentor, etc) appears and tells you something. The message was 1d4 [1= A warning about the future; 2= A warning about the present; 3= An important piece of information that you missed; 4= A quest]
5- One person within 100' must save. On a failure, they catch a conventional disease, other than the Amirani virus.
6- You become coated in a strange, black powder. This powder is 1d4 [1= Gunpowder; 2= Condensed Sin; 3= Magnesium; 4= Make-up; 5= Dehydrated blood; 6= Cacao extract].
Corruption: When you roll triples on your Power Dice, roll on the table below. You automatically lose 1d4 Humanity Points. The Power you tried to use automatically fails.
1- Everyone within 50' suffers a vivid waking hallucination. A person from your past (a parent, former lover, mentor, etc) appears and tells you something. The message was 1d4 [1= A warning about the future; 2= Appears as 1, but is actually a lie; 3= A quest; 4= A riddle that it challenges you to answer] Answering one of its riddles wrong or refusing the quest the hallucination commands you to undertake will provoke the Hallucination to curse the person who answered wrong/refused.
2- 1d6 (exploding on a six, roll as many times as you can) people within 100' suddenly catch a conventional disease, no save.
3- One person within 100', chosen randomly, takes 1d6 damage. 1d6 tiny flesh Imps are then born from their body and begin capering around and 1d4 [1= stealing valuable objects; 2= Running away (they want to be chased); 3= breaking things around them; 4= Going and starting a fight with one random creature within 100'. They each have 1 HP. If the person they originally spawned from touches them, they are reabsorbed into the original body.
4- You suffer a terrible stroke, and half your body is paralyzed for the next 1d10 minutes.
5- The heavens open up above you, and the servants of the Gods of Law attempt to exterminate you by 1d4 [1= Dropping something very heavy on you (requires an attack roll, 3d6 on a hit), throwing a lightning bolt at you (2d8, you get a saving throw to avoid); 3= Throwing down a massive fireball in your general area (4d6 fire, save for half); 4= Sending a giant hand down to grab you and pull you up into Heaven (HD 6 AC 10 Grab 1d6+Restrain Mor 12 Saves 10 or less is a success)]
6- A group of Toxic show up suddenly and demand you assist them with some project they are undertaking. If you refuse, they will take you by force. They won't kill you unless you give them no choice, but that protection does not extend to anyone else. They are rational but not reasonable. You must help them. The project they need your help with will take 1d6 [1= 1d6 hours; 2= 1 day; 3= 1d4 days; 4= 1d6 days; 5= 1d3 weeks; 6= A long time, they're not sure how long it will take].
First Doom: You become a Skag for 1d10 minutes
Second Doom: You become a Skag for 1d10 days
Final Doom: You become a Skag permanently.
Cure- Enter the Presence of the Venerate Utukku and answer its question or take its bargain.
Vector of Vision
Side-effect: Madness. Each time you learn a new Scry Vector, you must save. On a failure, you develop an insanity. Each time you fail an additional save after the first one, this can give you new insanities or delusions, or can merely cause the ones you already have to compound.
Sub-Table A
1- Broadcast
2- Confabulation
3- Eidetic Memory
4- Omnilingualism
5- Othertime
6- Rapturous Vision
7- Scourge Aura
8- Sighted Hands
9- Skagspeak
10- White Walls
11- Commune with the Venerate
R: 10*[dice]' T: all within range D: one action
All creatures within range receive a message that is up to [sum] words long.
R: touch T: two Toxic D: one action
By placing your hands on two creatures, you can shift a memory from one to the other.
Eidetic Memory
R: self T: self D: [dice] minutes
For the duration, your memory becomes perfect, and records everything. Once this moment has passed, you can go back to this time mentally, and recall every single thing you saw.
R: self T: self D: [sum] minutes
You can speak or read any language for the duration.
R: 30' T: [dice] creatures D: [dice] hours
[dice] willing creatures, including you if you wish, fall asleep and enter Othertime, the Toxic name for the Dreamlands.
Rapturous Vision
Scourge Auras
R: 30' T: self D: [dice] minutes
All Toxic within range have glowing auras around them, distinguishing them from normal people.
Sighted Hands
R: self T: self D: [dice] minutes
For the duration, if you are touching someone, you can tell when they are lying and when they are telling the truth.
R: touch T: self D: [dice] minutes
By touching a Skag, you can access their memories as if you were them, reviewing everything they have seen or experienced. However, one should note that the memories of Skags are not perfect, they are prone to error, just as anyone else is.
White Walls
R: self T: A white surface D: one action
At your request, the Plague spirit sends you a vision, projecting it across a white surface. The Plague Spirit will almost always send you a warning about the future, unless you specifically request something else.
Commune with the Venerate
R: self T: self D: [sum] minutes
If you are within the presence of a Venerate Utukku and wish to speak to it, this spell will allow you to do it, for up to [sum] minutes. Be respectful and talk quickly.
The Venerate Utukku do not suffer intrusion, and most who approach them without their explicit permission are destroyed utterly. The only exception to this is when the Utukku wish it, and the only time that happens is when the Utukku want a Toxic to make The Choice. This choice is one between two extremes and varies from situation to saying, and reflects the Venerate's inscrutable will. For example, one Toxic was offered The Choice of, either, A dying there at the hands of the Utukku, or B, going on a quest to complete a series of 12 challenges, each one progressively harder. Then, if the Toxic successfully completed all the challenges presented to him, he should return, and face the Utukku in mortal combat. To no one's surprise, the Toxic picked the first option, and was obliterated on the spot.
Vector of Modification
Side-effect: Agony. Using Biofix is incredibly painful. It also takes time. Every time you use a Biofix Vector, you take 1d6 CHA damage, save for half. This damage does not reduce your overall CHA score for the purposes of saving throws or ability checks. However, if the CHA damage you have taken ever equals or exceeds your CHA score, you gain the Conviction, "I do not like using my Biofix Vectors, and will only do so when I have to." If you develop this Conviction, you must pass a CHA check to use a Biofix Vector in anything other than an emergency situation. The CHA damage taken by this recovers at a rate of 1 per day, until it is back to normal
Sub-Table B
1- Bone Grafter
2- Chameleon Skin
3- Enhance Senses
4- Face Dancer
5- Generate Acid
6- Life finds a Way
7- Liquefy Self
8- Mucus Master
9- Quadruped
10- Skin Dancer
Bone Grafter
R: self T: self D: one action
You can create new bony protrusions such as claws, spurs, fins, etc, but also things like keys, lock picks, screwdrivers, hammers, etc. Any weapons created as such do 1d6+STR damage, and act as normal bones for you.
Chameleon Skin
R: self T: self D: [dice] minutes
You can change the color of your skin at will for the duration, painting yourself in glowing hues or blending in. This can give you +[dice] to hide or be noticed, your preference.
Enhance Senses
R: self T: self D: [dice] minutes
For the duration, you enhance any one sense of your choosing. This gives you +[dice] to detect things with that sense. You can make your vision good enough that you see like a cat, or enhance your nose so you can smell like a dog, or change your ears so you can hear like a bat.
Face Dancer
R: self T: self D: [dice] hours
You can change your face to look like a more beautiful version of your own, like the face of someone familiar to you, or something else entirely. This change lasts until the duration ends, and then you change back. You need to cast the spell again if you wish to change your face again past the initial casting.
Generate Acid
R: self T: self D: [dice] rounds
For the next [dice] rounds, you secrete acid from your tears, urine or blood. This acid does 1d6+[dice] damage to anyone besides you who touches it, and dissolves wood, metal and stone over the course of four-[dice] rounds. It cannot dissolve glass, plastic, or magical materials.
Life Finds a Way
R: touch T: self D: [dice] minutes
If you are in a hostile environment, your body will undergo rapid metamorphasis to survive in that environment. This can protect you from extreme cold or heat, being underwater, or being in a vacuum. Note that this cannot protect you from attacks from enemies, only environmental conditions. No amount of metamorphosis will protect you from being stabbed in the face.
Liquefy Self
R: self T: self D: [dice] minutes
You can liquefy your body with an action, and until the duration has ended, you remain a liquid. You can reconstitute yourself at any time, as long as all the liquid that makes up your body is in the same place. If any is separated from you, you will return to solidity missing some possibly vital parts.
Mucus Master
R: self T: self D: [dice] minutes
For the duration, you can secrete mucus that is slippery, sticky, gelatinous, pliable or hard. Can be used to make objects such as ropes, webs, glue, or nick-knacks. After the duration has ended, the mucus becomes hard and stiff, and cannot be further manipulated by your magic.
R: touch T: one creature D: [dice] hours
One creature you touch, (or yourself) becomes modified so that they can move on all fours. This doubles their speed and gives them the ability to carry twice the amount of weight they normally do. While transformed like this, they cannot hold anything in their hands.
Skin Dancer
R: self T: self D: [dice] minutes
You can grow roots, appendages and control the shape of the body at will, but this does not change the overall mass of your body. Additionally, this spell cannot make you tougher or stronger than you naturally are.
Vector of Reflex
Side-effect: The Rush. Whenever you use your Vector, you are constantly moving super fast, and life is awesome. When you are not, you crash hard. Whenever you gain a Velox Vector, you must save. On a failure, you gain the Conviction, "I like using my Velox Vectors, and use them every chance I get." You will always want to use them, and when you aren't, you are mildly depressed.
Sub-Table C
1- Fan Breath
2- Road Work
3- Shake Person
4- Sleight of Mind
5- Ultra Throw
6- Weaken Object
Fan Breath
R: self T: self D: [dice] rounds
For the duration, you blast air from your mouth so hard it causes a miniature windstorm. This is sufficient to blow away clouds of gas or smoke, extinguish small fires, and scatter loose, lightweight objects everywhere.
Road Work
Shake Person
R: touch T: creature D: one action
One person you touch must immediately make a saving throw. This saving throw receives a penalty equal to [dice]. On a failed saving throw, they take [sum] damage as their bodies natural processes are rapidly accelerated, causing blood vessels to burst, organs to rupture, and bones to crack. A successful saving throw halves the damage.
Sleight of Mind
R: self T: self D: [dice] minutes
You can accelerate your mind, performing feats of superhuman calculation. For the duration, if you wish to perform a mental feat requiring intense, thought, concentration or lightning fast mental reflexes, you must succeed a check based on whatever mental attribute is most appropriate (Referee's discretion). However, you may add +[dice] to any check based on this, and subtract [dice] from any saving throw. Sleight of Mind can allow you to do such things such as figuring out how to throw dice so that they land a certain face up, or calculate the probability of where a ball will land on a fair roulette wheel, read an essay in seconds, or quickly calculate the probability of a certain event happening. This spell doesn't make you smarter, it makes you think faster.
Ultra Throw
R: self T: self D: one action
As a free action, you may immediately throw one object you have in hand. Then make a normal attack roll. On a hit, the thrown object does 1d6*[dice] damage to the object it hits.
Weaken Object
R: self T: self D: one action
The next object you touch, provided it is not magical or otherwise protected, is put under severe strain. So much so that the next person that touches it/uses it causes it to break. If you use only one dice, this can only affect something that could held in one hand. If you use two dice, the spell can affect something that could be held in two hands. If you use three dice, the spell can affect something as large as a car. If you use four dice, the sky is the limit for size.
THSI - 'Toxic High Speed Interface'.
R: self T: [dice] creatures D: one action
Allows you to communicate with [dice] others 100 times faster than normal. You could use this to quickly plan in the middle of a firefight, or spoil a multi-season long television drama arc in seconds. Use this power wisely.
by huszLeprox:
Vector of Infection
Side-effect: The Fever. Every time you gain a Leprox Vector, you must save. On a failure,m you develop the symptoms of a conventional illness. This makes you feel like you've developed a major cold or minor flu. You have headaches, hot flashes, a runny nose, and you cough a lot. You get -1 to notice things and perception checks, so miserable are you. This illness compounds each time you get a Leprox Vector, to a maximum of -4.
Sub-Table D
1- Body Politics
2- Contamination
3- Expel Worms
4- Eye in the Sky
5- Gas Cloud
6- Induce Necrosis
7- Mommy's Little Monsters
8- Summon Plague
9- Venomous Fluid
10- Viral Control
Body Politics
R: self T: self D: [dice] rounds
For the duration, the caster can ignore all pain and force their body to move under manual control only. They can also control any of their body parts and make them move, even if they are separated from the caster's main body. If the caster is Toxic, if they bring their body parts back over, re-attaching them shouldn't be all that hard. For a mortal, this spell also prevents you from bleeding out, as you can physically command your blood vessels to clamp shut, preventing fatal blood loss for the duration. You will still need another spell to help re-attach your limbs, though.
R: 30' T: 10*[dice] sq ft of material D: one action
You render 10*[dice]' square feet of a material, whether it be air, water, or solid material immensely hazardous. This fills air with toxins, makes water undrinkable, and induces immediate decomposition in dead organic matter. Coming into contact with these contaminated substances does [dice] damage immediately, and is generally miserable. If any of these substances are consumed or in the case of airborne ones, inhaled for more than [dice] rounds, they do [sum] poison damage, the damage divided over an additional [dice] rounds. This damage is preceded by vomiting, eyes watering, and every instinct in your body telling you not to get near this area, just in case the enemies (or the players) refuse to take a hint.
Expel Worms
R: 30' T: creature D: one action
One creature within range vomits a swarm of worms. These worms are carnivorous and will seek to enter another creature through eyes, open wounds, or any other entrance. They cannot burrow through flesh. These worms also carry any affliction or disease the original creature had. If you cast this spell with three or more spellcasting dice, you can control the worms.
Eye in the Sky
R: self T: your eye D: [dice] minutes
The caster can pull out their eye. This eye can still see, and still allows them to see through it, as if it was still in their head. After the duration ends, the caster may re-insert their eye back into their head and re-attach it, as if it never left. If they eye is destroyed, the caster takes 1 damage and loses an eye.
Gas Cloud
R: 30' T: 30' square feet D: [dice] rounds
The caster belches a cloud of gas. All within this cloud of gas must save. Those who fail their save begin to suffer the effect of the gas. If the type of gas is not specified, roll on the table below. After the duration ends, the gas disappates automatically, if it has not already been dispersed by another spell, wind, rain or something else. There are a million varieties of this spell, each one containing a different type of gas. The full name of the spell would then be 'Gas Cloud: Laughing'.
What gas is it?
1- Laughing Gas. All within the gas must save or start laughing uncontrollably.
2- Tear Gas. All within the gas must save or start weeping uncontrollably.
3- Vile Gas. All within the gas must save or start vomiting at the incomprehensibly bad odor produced by this gas.
4- Mustard Gas. All within this gas take 1d6 damage a round.
5- Suffocating Gas. All within this gas start suffocating, as it is heavier than air, and pushes it all away.
6- Halluciogenic Gas. All within this gas have vivid hallucinations that last 1d6 hours, no save.
Induce Necrosis
R: touch T: creature D: one action
Touch one creature,. Upon contact, this body part takes 1d6+[dice] nonlethal damage and starts rotting. This damage is nonlethal if it an extremity such as a limb, though if the rotting tissue is not excised it can cause problems. It also can be lethal damage if something such as an exposed organ is caused to start rotting. For a Toxic, this would only be agonizing and painful, but would not actually kill them. Mortals would fare much worse.
Mommy's Little Monsters
R: 30' T: creature D: [dice] minutes
One target creature takes [dice] damage, and from their wounds emerge [dice] creatures. These creatures have [sum] HP, divided evenly among themselves. These creatures obey the person they emerged from with the adoration young children have for a loving parent, and will do anything their parent asks. They fear nothing, and will even sacrifice themselves. When the duration of the spell ends, the creatures will try and return to their parents and refuse with them, giving that person +1 HP for each creature still left alive, up to +[dice] HP.
Summon Plague
Venomous Fluid
Viral Control
R: touch T: creature infected with the Amirani virus D: one action
If you touch one creature with the Amirani virus present in its body, you can suck it out. If this creature is someone infected with the virus but not yet turned, this will cure them. If they are already turned, however, the target get a save. Creatures with more HD than [dice] add the difference to their save. Creatures with HD 3x greater than [dice] are immune to this spell. On a failed save, all the Amirani virus is pulled out of them. This kills them, and frees their soul to finally leave this world.
Vector of Resurrection
Side-effect: The clutch. Every time you use a Necro Vector, you must save. On a failure, you get -[dice] to any actions you might take, as your body is under incredible strain. You can expect internal bleeding, knotted muscles, and cramps. You will want to sit down and lay there, so screwed up will your body be. Using a power at higher levels is even worse. You can expect fractured bones and torn ligaments. This either lasts for [dice] hours if you are not in combat or a tense, dangerous situation, or [dice] rounds (see 'Malign Form' above). It never gets any easier.
Sub-Table E
1- Flame On
2- Flesh Grenade
4- Moving Parts
3- Primal Howl
5- Stoneheart
6- Temple of Iron
7- Titan Strength
8- Temple of Iron
9- Detonation Me
Flame On
R: self T: self D: [dice] rounds
The caster bursts into flames. Anything they touch that is flammable or a living creature that could be affected by fire take +1d6 damage. For [dice] rounds, the caster takes no damage. But after that, they will begin to take damage, as if they were actually one fire. The caster may extinguish the flames at will.
Flesh Grenade
R: self T: self D: one action
Produces up to [dice] packets of explosives, which grow from the caster's flesh. These packets can be detonated at will by the caster as a free action. If more than 1 is created, each one does 1d6+[dice] damage, save for half. If only one is created, it does [sum] damage, save for half. The caster is not immune to the explosions caused by these explosives. If three or more dice are invested in the spell, the caster can specify any specific type of explosive they want, or alter its nature, such as making an cuncussion , fragmentation , incendiary, acid, flash or infection bomb.
Moving Parts
R: self T: self D: one action
The caster can grow complicated machinery from his or her flesh. The caster must clearly understand how such machinery works, otherwise what they produce will not be able to actually function, merely being some kind of expensive paperweight.
Primal Howl
R: self T: all nearby D: one action
You create a keening, wailing sound that fills the air. Anyone within 100*[dice]' must save, -[dice] or flee the area for [sum] minutes. Those who pass their save are merely unnerved, but manage to hold their ground. If those who are being affected by this spell are already on-edge or actively frightened, they may receive a further penalty to their saving throw, Referee's dicretion.
R: self T: self D: [dice] hours or until ended
You turn your flesh to a rock-like substance. You cannot move, but cannot be hurt by damage from non-magical sources. You are still affected by spiritual damage (such as shadow, radiant and psychic) normally.
Temple of Iron
Titan Strength
R: self T: self D: [dice] rounds
For the duration, if you wish to make a STR check or saving throw, add +[dice] to the spell. Additionally, if you land a successful melee attack while this spell is active, add +[dice] to the damage.
Detonation Me
R: touch T: anyone the caster touches D: one action
For the duration, if the caster touches you, you must save. If your HD is greater than the [dice] used to cast this spell, you may add the difference to your saving throw. If you have HD equal to three times more or greater than [dice], you are immune. On a failure, your body becomes a bomb. At will, the Caster may choose to cause anyone they have who also failed their saving throw to to explode, doing 1d6*HD damage to everything around them, along with killing the person who was detonated. The Wizard can also use this spell and target themselves.
Note: If you are a Toxic and you blow yourself up like this, you will return as a Skag. However, for any mortal, it is fatal. Obviously.
Vector of Command
Side-effect: Terror. Every time you use a Toxo Vector, you and the target must save. On a failure, you feel a surge of fear and paranoia, while your target feels absolute terror on a failure. This also causes the user to take 1d6 WIS damage, save for half. This damage does not reduce your overall WIS score for the purposes of saving throws or ability checks. However, if the WIS damage you have taken ever equals or exceeds your WIS score, you gain the Conviction, "My subordinates hate and fear me, and would get rid of me the moment I show weakness." The WIS damage taken by this recovers at a rate of 1 per day, until it is back to normal.
Sub-Table F
1- Black Whisper
2- Breath of the Reptile
3- Carnal Armor
4- Charm Person
5- Emotional Manipulation
6- Force of Personality
7- Possession
8- Scary Mary
9- Magnificent Emperor
Black Whisper
R: self T: self D: [sum] minutes
You become able to sense the emotions of all around you, and determine what they are currently trying to achieve in this conversation or situation. The explanation of their motives are only [dice] words long.
Breath of the Reptile
R: 30' T: [dice] creatures D: [dice] minutes
[dice] creatures within range must save. Creatures with more HD than [dice] add the difference to their save. Creatures with HD 3x greater than [dice] are immune. On a failed save, these creatures lose all higher intelligence, and become about as smart as lizards for the duration. This means no speech, planning, or magic.
Carnal Armor
R: 50' T: [dice] creatures D: [dice] minutes
[dice] creatures within range suddenly interpret all neural signals sent to their brain as pleasurable. This causes the affected to reduce all damage taken by [dice], though this can only reduce damage down to 1, and no lower. This isn't actually causing someone to take less damage, but just for them not to feel any pain.
Charm Person
Emotional Manipulation
R: 10*[dice]' T: all within range D: [dice] minutes
All within range must save. Creatures with more HD than [dice] add the difference to their save. All within range begin feeling one specific emotion that you specify, such as joy, fear, resolve, etc. Those who fail their save become consumed by this emotion, and become unable to contain their emotions for the next few minutes. This cannot cause anyone to do something they would never do (such as kill themselves or jump off a cliff), but it can cause someone to become more receptive to an idea, or more opposed to it.
Force of Personality
Scary Mary
R: touch T: creature D: one action
One Creature you touch falls into a hypnotic trance. Unwilling targets get a save. Creatures with more HD than [dice] add the difference to their save. Creatures with HD 3x greater than [dice] are immune. On a failed save or with a willing participant, this creature can be given an order up to [sum] words long, tied to a trigger word. When that trigger word is said to them by the original caster, or anyone the caster specifies at the time of implantation, then the target will immediately move to carry out the order, no matter how crazy or impractical.
Eg: After the Wizard and I broke into the Orc Warlord's chambers, the Wizard commanded the Orc Warlord to "Turn on your masters and side with us" when he heard the words "Cold noodles".
R: touch T: creature D: concentration
One Creature you touch falls asleep. An unwilling target get a save. Creatures with more HD than [dice] add the difference to their save. Creatures with HD 3x greater than [dice] are immune. On a failed save, the target falls asleep anyway. Then your spirit leaves your body and can enter theirs, controlling them. You do not have access to their memories or skills, but can still utilize any abilities of yours that were tied to your mind, though not your body. For example, your magic sword will still obey you, but the pistol that scans your biometric readings will think you are a different person.
Magnificent Emperor
R: 100' T: creature D: one action
One creature you select becomes bathed in heavenly light from on high, suddenly has a crown of fire appear on their head, or has any other sign you choose appear over them to announce their divinity. All who see this sign must save. Creatures with more HD than [dice] add the difference to their save. Creatures with HD 3x greater than [dice] are immune. Those who fail their save will become convinced of the marked one's divinity, and will consider that person very important and holy. Those who like them will probably try and carry them off and make them King, or something else ridiculous if not directed otherwise. Those who dislike them, on the other hand, will probably try and kill them, or capture them and offer them up as a sacrifice to their God. The sign fades after a few minutes, but it will never truly leave the mind of those who saw it.
Vector of Health
Side-effect: Cursed, Paradoxical Peace. You feel totally calm whenever you use this power. Despite any evidence to the contrary, you will not be worried. You won't, nay cannot, rush yourself. Every time you use a Dox Vector, you must save. On a failure, you will not be able to hurry or rush for [dice] rounds, and will take a -[dice] penalty to anything requiring haste, such as fighting or running away.
Sub-Table G
1- Adrenaline Rush
2- Almost Human
3- Conduit
4- Healing Touch
5- Helping Hand
6- Neuro-Tap
7- Regeneration
Adrenaline Rush
Almost Human
R: touch T: [dice] creautures D: [dice] hours
For the duration, [dice] creatures with the Amirani virus will not be able to spread it to anyone. They could pour their blood all over a mortal's wounds and their would be no risk of Amirani infection or the transmission of any blood-borne pathogens.
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] hours
One creature you touch suddenly gains the ability to cast spells for the duration. They gain [dice] spell slots and spellcasting dice, and you can transfer up to [dice] spells to them. You cannot use these spells while they are in the person who received them. The spell ends after the duration does or when they run out of spellcasting dice. When it does end, the spells you transferred to them return to you.
Healing Touch
Helping Hand
R: touch T: creature D: [dice] hours
One creature who can already cast spells is given [dice] extra spellcasting dice. They can roll these extra dice whenever they cast a spell, and these dice cannot cause them to trigger Chaos or Corruption. When you cast this spell, you automatically expend a number of spellcasting dice equal to [dice].
Incapacitating Grip
R: touch T: creature D: one action
One creature you touch must save. Creatures with more HD than [dice] add the difference to their save. Creatures with HD 3x greater than [dice] are immune. On a failed save, you can rewire the target's brain to do anything you wish, you can inflict upon them serious delusions, chronic end, memory loss, insanity, or anything else you can imagine (Referee's Discretion). This spell can also undo damage done by this spell, when cast at a greater strength then the original casting that disturbed the mind of the one who is afflicted.
Vector of Machines
Side-effect: Twitching. The user is known to twich, spasm and gyrate when using this power. For [dice] rounds afterward, the user takes a -[dice] penalty to anything requiring precise movements, such as driving, shuffling a deck of cards, or open heart surgery.
Sub-Table H
1- Edison's Insult
2- Electro Knack
3- Electronic Override
4- EMP Blast
5- Flesh Net
6- Shocking Blow
7- SPDZ Infestation
8- Technopathy
9- Tesla's Retort
10- Mechanics
Edison's Insult
Electro Knack
R: 30' T: [dice] machines D: one action
The caster can make up to [dice] machines within range temporarily malfunction for [dice] rounds. These malfunctions will always be fixable and rarely result in data loss, but they will temporarily stop the target machines from doing their jobs.
Electronic Override
R: touch T: machine D: one action
The caster, if he makes contact with a machine, may bypass any physical or software security systems utilized by this machine, overriding and bypassing them in an instant.
EMP Blast
R: 100*[dice]' T: all machines within range D: one action
You create an Electromagnetic pulse that can and will destroy every computer or machine with transistors within its range. This destroys all data on such machines and renders them unusable. Certain systems may have anti-EMP measures in place, but most will be utterly crippled by the use of this.
Flesh Net
R: touch T: machine D: [dice] hours
You can, by making physical connection with a machine, directly upload information from the Internet or a computer into your brain. You can then transfer the information back to any other machine by again making physical contact. This doesn't affect your ability to think, but if you are ever in a situation that requires intense thought and concentration, the Referee may call for a save. You make your save as per normal, but with a -[dice] penalty, and instead of focusing on what you should be doing, you start thinking about something you absorbed from the Internet.
Shocking Blow
SPYDZ Infestation
R: touch T: [dice] machines D: [dice] days
You can create [dice] tiny worms that when inserted inside a machine, can monitor it, record the information and send it back to you. You can freely listen in at any time you choose, or have your SPDZs alert you when a specific word or phrase is said in its proximity. The SPDZ worms last for the duration, then they stop working and crumble into dust.
R: touch T: machine D: [sum] minutes
You may manipulate up to [dice] machines or devices as if you were touching them at the moment. For example, you could dial a phone from across a room without moving, enter a command into a computer terminal, or etc. This does not give you access to machines, and normal security procedures still apply.
Tesla's Retort
R: touch T: machine D: permanent
You can bestow a machine with a fascimile of life, transforming it into almost anything you desire (Referee's Discretion). This spell requires a fully stocked garage full of tools, several hours at absolute minimum, and several days worth of troubleshooting.
Telling a story about Toxic
- The world hates you
- You are a leper
- Comic, but the joke is on you
You are one of the Lepers, one that in the past would have been denied entry way to the sacred places. Unclean, you are cast out. Forbidden from every touching something holy, in case you taint it. Your sins will never be forgiven. Your Soul, it belongs to him, Amirani. Fight it all you like, you won't win. They never do.
But that doesn't mean you have to give it up. The Company hates you, they want to get rid of you. They're not looking for a cure for the Amirani virus, they're looking for a cure for you. So are you going to let 'em? You could bend over and die, or you could sit back and say "Fuck 'em." You are a carrion fueled super-organism, who cares what a bunch of breather mortals think? They want you to die, to bend over and accept the fact that you're dead.
Screw that.
Being a Toxic is really hard. You aren't Human, and you won't be treated as one by anyone in the Know. But it's not like Amirani was tight-fisted when it came to you. If you want, you can still walk among men when you're Warm, and no one will suspect a thing. Unlike other Xenos, you can still LARP as a human, if you choose too. This means that if you play your cards right, you might be able to fool people into thinking you're still one of them. On top of that, you can do a lot of things a Human couldn't.
You can hold your breath for minutes, stay up for days, and regenerate from anything. You also can't die, even getting shot in the head won't put you down. You can hear radio waves in your head, and you haven't aged a day since you turned. On top of all that, if you run into any Skags, they won't want to fight you, but they will want to serve you. You are annointed, blessed by a fell pseudo-God of the Pit.
So it will be tough, but you have to keep at it. Fight like your life depends upon it, which it does. Things might get messy, but don't give up. You can make it.
Also, read this book. You'll thank me later.
by IceandSnow
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