Tuesday, September 1, 2020

GLOGifying Fifth Edition Spells: O-S

 Part 1, A-D

Part 2, E-H

Part 3, I-N

                                        source unknown

Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
R: 50'        T: all within range    D: one action
You conjure a sphere of white light and fire it at a point in space within range.  Upon impact, the sphere explodes, doing [dice]d6 cold damage to anyone within 10*[dice]' and covering everything within range in a layer of ice and snow.  Any creature in the affected area or any who enter the affected must save or slip and fall on the ice. 

Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
R: touch    T: creature        D: [dice] minutes

One creature you touch is surrounded by a sphere of force.  This sphere can only contain one person and has [sum] HP.  The sphere takes half damage from elemental sources and no damage from non-magical weapons.  No spell cast outside the sphere can affect the creature inside and no spell cast by the creature inside can affect any creature outside.  The creature inside can move inside the sphere, pushing it in any direction they want.  The sphere lasts for the duration, until it is destroyed or until it is dispelled by the caster.  

Otto's Irresistible Dance
R: 30'        T: [dice] creatures    D: special

[dice] creatures must save.  On a failed save, those creatures start dancing.  They will dance until they collapse from exhaustion, only stopping to eat, drink or relieve themselves.  Any creature who watches the dancers for more than one minute must save.  On a failed save, that creature will abandon whatever they are doing and join the dancers.  Every time a creature collapses from exhaustion, he may repeat his save.  On a successful save, he is no longer compelled to dance and is immune to the dancer's charming effect.

If cast with 1 [dice], the spell lasts for 1 day or until the dancers collapse for the first time.  If 2 [dice], the spell lasts for [sum] days.  If 3 [dice], [dice] weeks.  If 4 [dice], [dice] months. 

Pass Without Trace
R: touch    T: [dice] creatures    D: [dice] hours

[dice] creatures you touch receive a bonus to their stealth.  If cast with 1 [dice], the affected creatures do not leave footprints or any sign they were in an area.  At 2 [dice], they receive a bonus of +[dice] to their stealth rolls and to checks made to avoid being spotted or detected.  At 3 [dice], they are invisible to any creatures more than 30' from them.  At 4 [dice], they cannot be detected by divination magic for the duration.

Passwall: As Secret Door under Chaos Sorcerer.

Phantasmal Force
R: 50'        T: creature        D: [dice] minutes

You cause one creature within range to save with a penalty equal to [dice].  On a failed save, you can create an illusion that only the creature can see.  This illusion includes touch, smell, taste and sound.  It can be anything from a creature to an object and can move as you wish it to. 

If you use the illusion to harm the creature, that creature must save.  On a successful save, it realizes that the illusion is just that and takes no damage.  But on a failed save, the creature takes 1d6+[dice] psychic damage.

The illusion remains until the duration ends or you dismiss it. 

Phantasmal Killer: As Phantasmal Assassin, at the bottom of this post.

Phantom Steed
R: 10'        T: A 10' space        D: [dice] hours

You conjure an illusory mount that can carry one person.  This mount can take any form you desire, and moves as fast as a horse.  It has [dice] HP.  The mount remains for the duration, until it is destroyed or until it is dispelled.

For each [dice] beyond the first, select one of the options below:
- The mount has +[dice] additional HP.  You may select this option multiple times.
- The mount moves at [dice] times the speed of a horse.
- You create one additional mount.  The additional mount has none of the bonuses of the first.  You may select this option multiple times.
- The mount can run across water or up vertical walls.  

Planar Ally: Cut because I have a perfectly functional ritual to do this. 

Planar Binding: As Bind Thrall under Metamancer.

Plane Shift
R: touch    T: [dice] creatures, counting yourself        D: one action

[dice] creatures, counting yourself as one, teleport to a random location in another world or a parallel universe that the caster has been to before.  If cast with 3 or more [dice], the caster may select a specific location as long as they have been to that location before.

Plant Growth
R: 30'        T: any number of plants within range    D: one action

You may target any number of plants within range.  If this spell is cast over a number of plants, those plants are blessed and will produce [dice]-fold more flowers, fruit or etc come the next harvest.

If this spell is cast on one specific plant, the plant grows larger and any diseases affecting it are stripped away.  If cast at 1 [dice], the plant grows as tall as a large dog.  At 2 [dice], as tall as a man.  At 3 [dice], as tall as a house.  At 4 [dice], as tall as a [dice] story building. 

R: 30'        T: creature        D: [dice] hours

One creature within range must save.  If the creature has more HD than [dice], it adds the difference to its save.  If it has 3x more HD than [dice], it automatically passes.  A creature may also choose to fail its save, if it wishes to.

On a failed save, the creature is transformed into an animal.  If appropriate, Referee's discretion, the person transformed gains +[sum] FS when transformed.  This should only be if the animal is something large and more difficult to kill then the creature's original form.

After the duration ends, or whenever the caster wishes to, the transformed creature returns to their original form.  Alternatively, if this spell is cast with 4 [dice] or more, the duration can be permanent.  

Power Word Heal, Kill and Stun cut because they're too similar to the Prophet's Secret Names of God.

Prayer of Healing
R: 30'        T: [dice] creatures    D: one action

[dice] creatures are healed for [dice] HP and 1d6+[dice] FS.

Prismatic Ray: As Prismatic Ray under Sorcerer.

Prismatic Wall: As Prismatic Wall under Sorcerer.

Programmed Illusion
R: 100'        T: 10*[dice] cubic feet        D: [dice] hours

You select an cubic area with sides equal to 10*[dice]' long.  You then create an illusion that could appear within that cube and what it will do.  The illusion can involve images and sound but does not produce scents and inspection reveals it to intangible.  Then select a condition that can be as specific or general as you like.  When this condition is triggered, the illusion appears and goes through the 'performance' or pre-selected actions you assigned it.  

Project Image
R: [sum] miles    T: any empty space        D: [dice] hours

An illusory copy of you appears in any place you have ever been.  The illusion moves and acts as you would in that situation. The illusion looks exactly like you, but you can alter its appearance to change its clothes or make it look tired, healthy, wounded, etc.  The illusion can produce sounds as well.  The illusion is intangible and cannot affect any physical object.  If damaged, the illusion vanishes. 

You can leave the image to run by itself or close your eyes and control it as an action.  If you choose the former, the illusion will act in the way you usually do when confronted by a stimuli, but if presented with a novel or unexpected situation it will merely choose the most logical action.  This can lead to strange behavior and people might suspect something is wrong.  If you choose the latter, you can see and hear through the illusion. 

Protection from Energy
R: touch    T: [dice] creatures        D: [dice] minutes

[dice] creatures you touch gains a resistance (takes half damage) from one type of elemental damage, such as fire, ice/cold, electrical/lightning, acid, etc for the duration.

Alternatively, you may grant a creature immunity to one type of elemental damage for the duration if you count that one creature as 2 for purposes of targeting [dice] creatures.

For example, if you wanted to give Alice the Fighter immunity to Fire Damage, you would need to cast the spell with at least 2 [dice].

Protection from Evil and Good rewritten as...

Protection from Outsiders
R: touch    T: creature            D: [dice] minutes

One creature you touch cannot be possessed by Outsiders, Ghosts or Spirits for the duration.

For each [dice] beyond the first, select one of the options below:
- You may target one additional creature.  You may select this option multiple times.
- The creature you touch cannot be charmed or frightened by Outsiders.
- The creature you touch takes [dice] less damage from Outsiders, Ghosts or Spirits for the duration.
- The creature you touch does +[dice] damage to Outsiders, Spirits or Ghosts. 

Protection from Poison
R: touch    T: creature            D: [dice] minutes

One creature you touch gains a +[dice] bonus to all saving throws against poison for the duration. 

Alternatively, if the creature that you cast this on is poisoned, the poison is immediately extracted from his body.

Purify Food and Drink
R: 30'        T: [dice] pieces of food or containers of water        D: one action

[dice] pieces of water or containers of water have any poison or dangerous substances removed from them, including such things as mold, rot and other contaminants. 

Raise Dead: Cut because there is no spell named "Resurrection".

Rary's Telepathic Bond: As Telepathy under Psychomancer

Ray of Enfeeblement
R: 30'        T: creature        D: [dice] rounds

One creature within range must save.  On a failed save, that creature gains a -[sum] penalty to attacks, STR checks and STR saving throws.  On a successful save, the creature instead gains a -[dice] penalty to the same.

Ray of Sickness
R: 30'        T: creature        D: [dice] minutes

Make an attack roll against a creature within range.  On a hit, that creature takes 2[dice] poison damage.

For each [dice] beyond the first, select one of options below:
- The ray also does +[dice] additional damage.  You may select this option multiple times.
- The creature struck takes a -[dice] penalty to STR checks, Saving Throws and attack rolls.
- The creature must save or lose their next action as they spend it vomiting, sneezing or suffering some other symptom (caster's choice).
- The creature must save.  On a failed save, he becomes infected with a contagious disease that he might spread to those around him, assuming he survives.

Regenerate: As Regenerate under Biomancer

Reincarnate: As Reincarnate under Druid

Remove Curse: Cut because curses should be broken with True Love's kiss or killing a Dragon and bathing in its' blood, not by casting a third level spell. 

Resurrection: Cut because there is no spell named "Resurrection".

Reverse Gravity
R: 50'        T: [dice] creatures    D: special

[dice] creatures within range must save.  On a failed save, those creatures have the effect of gravity reversed for them and start falling towards the sky. 

If cast at 1 [dice], this spell lasts for [dice] rounds.  At 2 [dice], [dice] minutes.  At 3 [dice], [dice] hours.  At 4 dice], [dice] days.  Once the duration ends, those creatures become affected by normal gravity and will fall back to earth. 

Revivify: Cut because there is no spell named "Resurrection" and we have enough healing magic already.

Rope Trick
R: 10'        T: An open space at least 10' wide    D: [dice] hours

You cause a hole to an extra-dimensional space open up above you.  A rope comes down and if someone climbs up that rope, they can climb into the hole, which contains enough space to hold up to [sum] creatures.

The rope can be pulled up to prevent other creatures from climbing up into it.  Creatures from outside cannot see the extra-dimensional space unless they walk under it and look up into the hole.  Similarly, creatures inside cannot see out, except by looking out the hole or by climbing out of it.

R: touch    T: creature        D: [dice] minutes

One creature you touch becomes protected from attacks.  Any creature who wants to attack the one you cast the spell must succeed on a saving throw.  If it fails its saving throw, then that creature cannot attack the protected one.

The spell ends once the caster dismisses it, or once the protected creature makes an attack against another creature or casts a spell that affects another creature.     

Scorching Ray
R: 50'        T: up to [dice] creatures    D: one action

The caster conjures [dice] rays of fires and can fire them at up to [dice] creatures.  Each one requires an attack roll.  On a hit, each rays does 1d6+[dice] fire damage.

R: special    T: bowl of water/oil or mirror    D: [dice] minutes

You may attempt to locate a creature that is in the same universe as you and observe them from afar.  That creature must save.  On a failed save, you can observe them for the duration. 

Modifiers to the Save:
Effect                    Modifier
You have only heard of the target [-4]
You have met the creature at least once [+0]
You are familiar with the target [+4]
You have an accurate picture or likeness of the target [+2]
You have a possession of the target that they recently had or treasure [+4]
You have a piece of the target's body [+10]

You cannot scry on someone inside a warded location or if they are wearing warded armor.  However, if the [sum] exceeds 12 you can figure out the rough location of where the creature/target is.    

Searing Smite
R: touch    T: creature            D: one action

Make a melee attack.  On a hit, the creatures takes an additional [dice]d6 fire damage.  Do not add this damage until a hit has been confirmed.  This attack also lights a creature on fire and causes him to take 1d6 fire damage a round until he takes an action to extinguish it.

See Invisibility: As See Invisibility under Psychomancer

R: touch    T: [sum] creatures        D: [dice] hours

Touch up to [sum] creatures.  You may craft illusions that wrap around each creature you touch, disguising their appearance. The creatures can look like whatever they want, but you cannot make them look like they are larger than their current size category. 

The illusions fail to stand up to physical inspection, and if a creature is suspicious, he can attempt to see through the illusion.  The DC to see through this illusion is 10+[dice].

Sending: Cut because I don't think players should be able to send messages to each other over long distances like this.  

R: touch    T: creature or object        D: special

One willing creature or object you touch is sealed inside a gemstone, bottle or other container you possess.  Creatures that allow you to do this fall into a state of suspended animation.

At any point, if the container containing the object or creature is smashed or cracked open, whatever was sealed inside is summoned back to the nearest empty space.  You may also select a condition whereupon the container will automatically open.  For example, "When the sun turns black and the moon the color of blood" or "After 1,000 years from today". 

Shapechange: As Wildshape under Druid

R: 50'        T: point in space        D: one action

From a point in space within range, a deafening Boom! is heard and waves of incredibly loud sound and intense pressure buffet everything within 30'.  All creatures within range take [sum] thunder/sonic damage, save for half, and must save or be deafened for [dice] minutes. 

R: touch    T: creature            D: [dice] rounds

One creature you touch, or yourself, is covered in a magical aura that grants them +[sum] Armor points for the duration or until destroyed.  

Shield of Faith: Cut because Shield exists.

R: 30'        T: special            D: [dice] minutes

You may target up [dice] rooms in a building or a cube with length, width and height equal to 10*[dice]'.  No sound can be heard within the affected area.  Any creatures within that area are deafened, they cannot hear any sound or cast spells that are not Psychomancer spells.  Any spell that does thunder/sonic damage within the affected area instead does 0 damage. 

Silent Image: As Illusion under Metamancer

Simulacrum: Cut, will return as a ritual.

R: 50'        T: [sum] HD of creatures    D: [dice] hours or until awakened

Up to [sum] HD of creatures fall into a magical sleep.  They remain asleep for the duration or until awakened by shouting, being damaged, loud noises, spellcasting or something else the Referee feels could rouse a sleeper. 

Sleet Storm
R: special    T: indicated area        D: [dice] hours

You summon a cloud or clouds which begin dumping snow or sleet on the affected area.  In that area, all open fires are extinguished and all outside are buffeted by freezing winds.  Visibility is dropped to 10' and all who do not have protection from the cold, proper clothing or are huddled near a source of warmth must save or begin suffering from exposure.

If cast at 1 [dice], the spell affects 30' around one building or inside one room.  At 2 [dice], it affects one neighborhood. At 3 [dice], it can affect a whole town.  At 4 [dice], it can affect a whole city. 

R: 30'        T: creature            D: [dice] rounds

You cause a distortion in the time stream, causing time to slow down for one creature, making him appear like he is moving through syrup.

If cast at 1 [dice], the creatures moves [dice] slots down in the initiative ladder.  At 2 [dice], the creature's rate of movement is cut in half.  At 3 [dice], the creatures receives a penalty to attacks equal to [dice].  At 4 [dice], any spells the creature cast do not take affect until time it would be there turn.

Speak with Animals: As Speak with Animals under Biomancer
Dead: As Speak with Dead under Necromancer
Plants: As Speak with Plants under Biomancer

Spider Climb
R: touch        T: creature            D: [dice] minutes

One creature you touch gains the ability to stick to walls and ceilings like a spider.  It can also walk on the ceiling with its hands free.  After the duration, the creature drops back down to the ground as normal. 

Spike Growth
R: touch        T: A section of floor or wall    D: [dice] minutes

A square area of floor or wall with sides of 10*[dice]' becomes booby-trapped with hidden spikes.  Any creature that walks or climbs over that area takes [dice] damage as the spikes stab at their feet.  A creature can discover the spikes are there by passing a check to search, with a DC equal to 8+[dice].  If discovered, the spikes can be safely maneuvered around, but it takes [dice] minutes of careful work to do it successfully. 

Spirit Guardians
R: touch        T: creature or object        D: [dice] minutes

One creature you touch becomes surrounded by 1d6+[dice] lesser spirits who will protect that creature for the duration.  Alternatively, you can select an area and order the spirits to protect it in the same way, or give some other order.  For example, "Do not let anyone pass through this door except for me and my current companions."

Any creature hostile to the one the spirits are protecting or anyone they have been ordered to stop upon entering a 30' radius sphere around the creature or object that is being protected takes 2[dice] radiant or necrotic damage, save for half.

Spiritual Weapon
R: 30'            T: empty point in space        D: [dice] minutes

You create a magical weapon that floats in the air within range of you.  Each round, you can use it to make an attack against a creature within range.  The weapon does 1d6+[dice] on a hit and it counts as a source of magical damage. 

Staggering Smite
R: self            T: creature        D: one action

Make a melee attack.  On a hit, the creature takes an additional [sum] psychic damage.  Do not add this damage until the hit is confirmed, it does not count for the purposes of attacking.  This creature must also save, on a failure it loses its next action.   

Stinking Cloud: As Gas Cloud under Toxic- Leprox Vector

Stone Shape
R: touch        T: self            D: [dice] hours

You gain the ability to shape and mold stone with your bare hands as if it was wet clay for the duration. 

R: touch        T: creature        D: [dice] minutes

One creature you touch gains resistance (takes half damage) from non-magical blunt and sharp damage for the duration.

Storm of Vengeance
R: [dice] miles        T: special        D: [dice] hours

You gather together all the nearby clouds and form them into a storm.  Over 1d6+[dice] hours, these clouds pile up and transform into a horrible storm that lasts [dice] hours.  This storm brings torrential rain if in a warm climate or season, or huge amounts of snow if in a cold climate or season.  Visibility is cut to 30' while it is raining or storming and any creature that remains outside will suffer appropriate environmental effects, such as hypothermia or etc.

For each additional [dice] used to cast this spell, select one of the options below:
- Select a circular  area of up to 100' in diameter. Enormously loud thunder can be heard within that area and all creatures within it must save or be deafened for the duration of the storm.
- Select a circular area of up to 50' in diameter.  All creatures within that area take 1d6+[dice] damage as they are pelted by enormous hailstones.  They can avoid such damage if they are hiding under something that could protect them from large hail.
- Select a circular area of up to 50' in diameter.  All creatures within that area take 2[dice] acid damage as acid rain falls from the sky.  The acid only does damage once before it is diluted by the rain.  They can avoid this damage if they are hiding under something that cannot be dissolved in acid (platic, glass, or stone).
- You call down [dice] bolts of lightning that strike [dice] creatures under the cloud.  Those creatures take [dice]d6 lightning damage, save for half.
- A snarling, inhuman face made of clouds with a mouth full of blazing light appears in the storm and descends on one creature or group of creatures within 30' of each other.  All creatures targeted take [sum] lightning damage and 2[dice] thunder damage.  This option automatically ends the storm.   

R: 30'        T: [dice] creatures        D: [sum] minutes

You suggest a course of action up to [sum] words long to [dice] creatures.  The action must be something reasonable.  For example, taking a 5 minute break is reasonable while you offer to guard the door for them is reasonable, suggesting they jump off a bridge is not.  The creatures must save.  On a failed save, they decide to carry out that action.

Note that this spell does not affect a creature's outlook or feeling towards you. 

R: 100'        T: All within a 10' line    D: one action

You channel the power of the sun and fire a blast that makes a 10' wide line 10*[dice]' long.  Any creature in this line takes [sum] damage and must save or be blinded by this spell.

Undead and Oozes instead take [sum]+[dice] damage.  Dragons take half damage from this spell and have advantage on their saves against being blinded. 

R: 100'        T: All within range        D: [dice] rounds

You select a point in space.  Glowing sunlight fills that space, illuminating everything within 10*[dice]' with natural sunlight.  All creatures within that space must save or be blinded by the sudden illumination and take [dice] damage from the intense light and heat.  The light continues for the duration, after which it vanishes. 

Undead instead take [sum] damage a round and Oozes take 1/2[sum] damage as the light begins evaporating their water bodies. 

Swift Quiver: As Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi Meshi Ora! under Monk

Symbol: Cut because Glyph of Warding already exists

                                 by rumminov


  1. you're doing the Lord's work with this post.

    1. Thank you! It started as an absolute chore, but I've actually started to enjoy the process. I'm actually sad that I finished.
